Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 07, 1906, Image 5

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Perfect In quality.
Moderate In price.
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch.
BrowiiIee.Nebr ,
Prince Roabdel
131093 and Curly
Coat 112261 at head
of herd. The blood
of Fowler. Anxiety ,
Jxird Wilton and Sir
Gladstone predomi
nates IG my herd.
I have 40 head of Hereford bulls from 6 months
to 2 years old on Land for this spring's trade.
C. 11. tAUJ'HAltKli ,
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
"Will be in Kosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904.
Riege , T ebr.
Tubular wells and windmills.
me up by Telephone.
N. .1. Austin. .T. W. Thompson.
Austin & Thompson ,
General Blacksmithing
and Wood Work.
Wood ] Likc - &Tel > r.
All work will be given prompt
and careful attention.
First-class Shop in Every Kespect
Eau de Quinine Hair Tonfc , Golden Star Bair
Tonic , Herpicide and Coko's Dandruff Cure.
Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream
City Deliveryman ,
Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and
from the depot and all parts of the City.
- > - T
Practices in all State Court ? *
E. D. Spencer , August Epke.
Spencer & Epke ,
Crookstor , Keb.
Tubular Wells made to order at GOc
per foot , complete with pump , Wind
mills and Well Repairs at reasonable
prices. Call us up over the North
Table Telephone .Line.
1 '
The World
. . at
> r ' } - * : > -
Most all parts of the world
contribute to the excellence
of our soda , but most of its
inhabitants never drank any
thing so delicious. It's our
I choice of materials that
counts ior so much. Mexico ,
Sicily , Tahiti , Hawaii and
numerous remote islands send
. their choicest products.
But one of the most import
ant items is purely American
ice cream. Our ice cream
is so rich and delicious and
we use plenty of it in our
Ice cream Soda.
9 < eea < sees :
' short-born-ad
See Mr. Smith's
vertisement in this paper , 194 :
Talk of the Town.
A."H. Keach was a business
visitor in our city Tuesday.
Ginger Ale. Hot. Stuff. Nev
er to hot. Webb makes the best.
"W" . S. Hatten and wife were in
town from near Crookston last
Wra. Bullis and H. C. Sanner
were caller at this office while in
town Tuesday.
The De La Val Cream Separa
tors are the best. A. F. WEBB ,
agent. 18
L. C. Sparks and mother left
for Buchanan , Mich. , this morning
for a several weeks visit.
The Red Front Merc. Co. carry
a complete line of wagon woods ,
iron , plow lays , lister lays , etc.
C. L. Latta was in from his
ranfch near Oasis last Thursday
and handed us a dollar for advance
For Fishing Tackle and Base
Ball Goods always seek for the
best and you find same at Eed
Front Merc. Co.
George A. Johnson , while in
town from near Crookston last
week , called at THE DEMOCRAT
office to pa.y his subscription.
C. W. Hudson was up from
Sparks last Monday and paid his
subscription in advance for this
paper. He took out a corn sled
with him.
A. G. Ward was up from Wood
Lake last Monday on business and
making arrangements for his son ,
lioscoe to attend the normal this
Mrs. Wm. Bushee and daughter
Miss Hattie , arrived here this
morning from Fennville , Mich. ,
to spend the summer with her
daughter , Miss S. A. Lee.
The Old Soldiers Reunion is in
full blast and everybody is having
a fine old time. Tomorrow is the
last day. We will give full par
ticulars next week.
The Red Front Merc. Co. carry
a complete line of Harness , Sad
dles , etc. We are especially pre
pared to make some bargains in
saddles. Come in and see for
yourself. 212
Sam Bordeaux , a printer on the
New Era at the boarding school ,
lost a heavy gold watch chain on
streets the day after the circus was
here. Finder will please return
to this office.
U. S. Weather Bureau .Report
tor weak Ending Jane < 5 ,
The daily mean temperature was
61 ° and the normal 61 ° . The
highest temperature was 88 ° on
the 5th and the lowest 40 ° on the
31st. The precipitation was 0.45
of an inch , making a total for the
year of 10.62 inches.
The winds have been higher
than usual , the highest velocity
being 36 miles an hour from the
Strayed or Stolen.
One iron grey stallion , 6 years
old , weight about 1200 pounds ,
branded ( reversed 2) ) jflg on left
thigh and ( bar ) BE on right
thigh. W. N. BALLARD ,
21 Valentine , Neb.
Strayed or Stolen.
From my range on Gordon creek ,
north of Simeon , Nebr. , in 1905 ,
one three year old steer , branded
11 on left side , dehorned ; also
four head of young horned cattle
branded iH on right side.
One black pony mare branded
on left hip and co on right
shoulder , has both ears split ,
One sorrel pony mare 'branded
OE connected on left thigh or
shoulder and & on right shoulder.
One black filly and one bay
gelding , each coming 2 years old ,
branded co on right shoulder.
A suitable reward will be paid
for information leading to recovery
of this stock by the owner
21 Valentine , Neb.
It is our painful duty fo record
the death of Frank W. Sawyer ,
who died on Sunday evening , May
13 , 1906. Frank was taken ill five
weeks ago with spinal meningitis.
Dr. Empey was called and had at
tended him constantly. His moth
er , being a physician , was in con
stant attention at his bedside and
everything was done that medical
skill could accomplish , but he grad
ually sank away till death ended
his suffering. Frank was born in
Sparks , Neb. , Jan. 21 , 1892 , and
was in his 15th year. Five years
ago Mr. Sawyer moved to Tor-
rington , where Frank lias lived
since. Always a quiet , peaceable ,
innocent boy , he seemed older than
his years would indicate. He was
a great help to his parents , always
busy when not in school about his
home and the store and so trust
* * *
The above obituary is copied
from the Goring , ( Nob. ) Courier.
Many of our readers will remem
ber the above deceased as the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer who con
ducted a store at Sparks and who
moved from here several years ago
Penbrook Quills ,
Gardens are 1 < o'dng fine.
Sam Lynch was at Pec brook
Little chickens arc too numerous
to mention.
Corn has caught a touch of the
yellow fever during the late cold ,
wet weather.
Mrs. Jean Thompson had the
ill luck to burn her brooder with
about sixty little chicks.
E. L. Hutchison and wife are
still at Hot Springs. Mrs. Hutchi
son is slowly improving.
A bill book containing letters
addressed to G. E. Peterson was
left at the Penbrook postoffice by
Roy Kuskie.
C. "W. Hamar and wife went to
Mr. Polen's Monday. Mr. Polen
is slightly improved , but is yet
seriously ill.
When all the girls are teachers ,
Stenographers and preachers ,
Potographers and printers ,
Doctors , lawyers , even sprinters ,
O , who will cook our dinners ?
For men must eat ; the sinners !
And when sickness binds the mother ,
And our fears we have to smother ;
Have to strive with the house-keeping" .
Strive with cooking- , washing , sweep-
ing" ,
And the little children weeping ,
While black despair comes creeping ;
Comes the girl of health and muscle ,
Who can get around and hustle ;
Who can lift the housewife's burden ;
Whose kindness wins a guerdon
Of love and admiration
From the wise ones of the nation.
She can make the bread and butter ,
She can wash and sweep to utter
All her praises I'm not able ;
But to sit down to the table ,
You will say , may Heaven bless her !
And the children all caress her.
When 'ic ' softly sinirs to babv ,
The \\et-t thought comes tliat may be
You can win her for your treasure ,
And your joy have full measure
In the home you plan to build
And your heart with hope is thrilled.
She's accomplished and so pretty ,
She's so modest and so witty ;
There's few like her in this region.
I would her name were legion ;
This sweet girl of health and muscle
With no use for pads or bustle.
E'en yet you'll find her here and there ,
May God defend her everywhere.
Of school-ma'ams there's a plenty ,
From sweet sixteen to twent } * ;
And of typist and of clerk
Who , house work calmly shirk ;
We've enough and some to spare ,
You'll find THEM everywhere.
50 YEARS *
Anyone sending n , pkftch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly confldentlal. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken throunh Jluim & Co. receive
special notice , without charge , in the
A handsomely Illustrated vreefcly. Lnrpest cir
culation of any scientific Journal. Terms , $3 ?
year ; lour months , ? L Sold ! y all newcdealers.
, 625 F SU YTasblneton.
invested in a package of
teaches you many truths :
That soda crackers are the best of all food made from flour.
That Uneeda Biscuit are by far the best of all soda crackers.
That Uneeda Biscuit are always fresh , always crisp , always
Wood Lake is going to have a
grand carnival June 14,1906 , to
which everybody is invited to at
tend. A good program has been
arranged for the occasion.
Eices writes insurance.
IJotv Utites to Omaha.
Via the Northwestern Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold June
11 and 12 , limited to return until
Jimp 16 , inclusive , on account of
State Association of Post Masters.
Apply to agents Chicago & North
western Rv. 211
Very kow JKate.s to San Fraa-
and Los Angeles.
Via the Northwestern Line. An
excursion rate of one first class lim
ited fare , plus § 2. for round trir ,
will be in effect from all statioiib
June 25 to July 1 , inclusive , with
favorable return limits. Three fast
trains through to California daily.
"The Overland Lirmled , " electric
lighted throughout , less than three
days to San Francisco. "The Los
Angeles Limited , " electric lighted
throughout , via the new Salt Lake
Route to Los Angeles , with draw
ing room and tourist sleeping cars.
Another fast train is "The China &
Japan Fast Mail , " with drawing
room and tourist sleeping cars to
San Francisco and Los Angeles.
For itineraries and full information
apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern
. 7-7-06
western Ey. - -
ROOMS , with light housekeeping
ing on Cherry street , to rent to
normal students. Mrs. Felch.
19 4
JF2/tes to An mitt Meet
ing German Baptist Brethern ,
Springfield. 111. ,
Via. the North-western Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold May 31
to June 2 , inclusive , with favorable
return limits. Apply to agents
Chicago & North-western Ry. 183
Business Notices.
Comfortable rooms , clean beds
and all you want to eat at the Chicago
cage House. 38
House and Lot in Valentine for
sale at a bargain. House is small
but in good repair. Call on
10 I. M. BICE.
Attention ! Normal Students !
Furnished rooms to rent with
place to cook with Mrs. Shore on
Cherry street. 17
When you come to town , stop.
at the Chicago House. 38 * "
Halldorson's photos 1 , 2 , 3 , ±
and 5th of each month.
Bring your contest notice to THE
ished. It is your right.
Those who have farms for sale
can list them at this office and we
will offer a descriptive list of farms
soon and will advertise them for
sale. Bring the numbers of your
land and a correct description of
it for our records so that we may
properly represent what you have
for sale. Any other property you
wish to sell can be advantageously
advertised in this paper. tf
You will find a hearty welcome
at the Chicago House. 38
STOLEN , on the night of May
28th , one dark brown horse , weight
1000 pounds , branded A on left
jaw , one ear split. § 5.00 reward
for return to W. B. HAMMOND ,
203 Valentine , Neb.
l&afesto Hot Springs , S. & ,
Via the North-western Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold on June
7 , S and 9 , limite ; ! to return until
June 19 , inclusive , on account of
Black Hills Traveling Men's Asso
ciation Meeting. Apply to agents
Chicago & Northwestern Ey. 202
' Our
Is Up-To-Date in every
respect. When in need of
Letter Heads
Packet Heads
Bill Heads
Wedding Sta
- *
Envelopes -
Sale Bills
Or any other kind of
printed stationery , call in
and get our prices and look
our samples over. We
have a number of differ
ent faces of Job Type ,
every one of which is
. Our
strictly up-to-date.
stationery is of the best.
Democrat Office ,