J THE VALENTINJ T J. M. KICE Edito , : . { Proprietor. MAUK ZARR Entered at the postofiice at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. , as Second Class Matter. JU TERMS : x Subscription $1.00 per year in advance ; S1.50 when not paid in advance. Display Advertising 1 inch single column 15c per issue or $6.00 a year. Local Nonces , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue 5c per line pei issue. Brands , H ! nches$4.00 per year in advance ; additional space $3.00 per V year ; engraveu blocks extra $1.00 each. , 10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months in arrears. Parties living outside Cherry county are requested to pay in advance. Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers. THUKSDAY , MAY 10 , 1906. Omaha Democrats. The election of Mr. Dahlman as mayor of Omaha is likely to start several things in the democratic party in this state. It will put the corporation end of the party to 'the front and greatly cheer the chaps who are doing their best to stick a long knife into the back of George W. Berge and other pa triots out in llvi. rural districts. The Douglas county machine will be tolerably united now , and its whole strength can be counted on the side of the railroads in future line-ups on that issue. Lincoln Journal. With the Journal the wish is the father to the thought. The truth is that Mr. Dahlman and the demo cratic candidates were elected largely because they stood on the directest and most specific anti- corporation platform ever present ed to Omaha voters , and because not only democrats but hundreds of republicans believed they would be true to their pledges. The corporations , as the future will attest , never got a harder jolt in Omaha than the election of the candidates standing on the demo cratic platform. And there never was a platform more genuinely representative of the overwhelm ing sentiment of Omaha's democ racy. The Lincoln Journal , as well as other maligners of the democracy of this city and county , will find Omaha democrats standing , in the state convention , just as they stood in the recent campaign ; for a clean and economical business adminis tration and for final divorce be tween the railroads and other cor porations and the state govern ment. They will find Omaha democrats , like Nebraska demo crats everywhere , standing for a more equitable revenue law , for a higher assessment oi ! railroad prop erty , for lower freight and pas senger rates , for an anti-pass law , for the strict enforcement of anti trust laws , including the criminal sections , for the direct primary and for the popular election of United States senators. They will further find them standing for the nomination of candidates for state olHce whose names will be guaran tees of the strict performance of democratic pledges and an honest , efficient administration of the state's affairs. As for the railroads , they wil ] be found doing business at the old stand in the republican state con vention. They know where their friends are. World-Herald. Kiiikaid Has Two Bill PasstMl Washington , May S. Judge Kinkaid had two of his bills ] ) a > ? ed by the house yestortlsiy. one giv ing permission to diaries H. Cor nell to construct a trolley and telegraph line across the FortNio- brara military reservation and to dam the river at Fort Niobrara. The other bill authorizes the sec retary of the interior to make a survey of the townships in McPherson - Pherson county. Omaha Daily News. J A Specialized City. It has become a threadbare re mark tint this is the age of spec ialization. Every line of business , professions and labor is specialized. We have got used to it. And now comes the specializa tion of cities. A great city is to built on the Indiana shore of Lake Michigan especially for the Manu facture of steel. Plans are made for a community of 15,000 workingmen , which , with their families , will make a population of 100,000. Trades men , professional men , laborers and all other necessary elements of a modern city population will increase the number indefinitely. Already the ground is being cleared for the great plant and for homes , schools , churches , libraries and municipal buildings. It is to be a city of magic growth. Ordinarily a city is a slow de velopment , a resultant of many forces operating in pursuance of different aims. But this is to be a city built , from the ground up , with one primary aim in view. It is the furthest reach of modern civilization. It will be an ideal town for the manufacture of steel. But beyond that there is a question. The fun damental purpose of a city is not profit to a few corporation mag nates , but happiness for its in habitants. The development of the new town with its interesting compli cation of political , industrial and domestic problems will be worth watching by students of govern ment as well as by sociologists and economists. Omaha Daily News. Arabia Items. Allen Benson wa < ? at home over Sunday. The band met at Wm. Smith's Sunday. Delia Denaeyer started to school Monday. A. Bunn received a car of flour Tuesday. John Kief helped his father vaccinate Monday. Fi-ai.r.i * Kief was a visitor in the Arabia school Monday. J. P. Kreycik and A. Benson drove to Woodlake Saturday. George Kreycik , the celebrated alto player , was with the band boys Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Denaeyer and Winnie Keeley called at JoeKrey- cik's Sunday. Miss Winnie Keeley was out to Bernard Denaeyer's place for a few days visit last week. John Pops and Earl McNare gave a danci in the school house Friday. Chas. Kreycik and Irwin Query furnished the music. A good time was reported. RAZOIIBACK. U. S. VSV.sther Bureau Report tor week finding : May 0. The daily mean temperature was 46 ° , the normal 53 ° . The highest temperature was 77 ° on the'3rd and the lowest 25 ° on the 6th. Freezing temperatures oc curred on four successive nights. The precipitation was .27 of an inch. The highest velociity of the wind was 30 miles from the northwest on the 7th- and Sth. t „ NOTICES. Notice to Creditors. j K STATE OF NKKRASKA „ „ In tlie County . OIIEUUY COUNTY , p3 Conrr. j In the matter of the estate of Willie A. Archer deceased. j To the creditors of said estate : j You are hereby notified. That 1 will bit at the Countv court Boom in Valentine in s-ud Coun ty , on the 12th day of May , 1906 , at 10 o'clock j u. m to receive and examine all claims agniusr. said estate with a view to their adjusting ut and allowance. The time limited for the presenta tion of claims atiainst said estate is the 12th day of May , A. D JOOG , and the time limited for payment ol debts is one year from said 1st day ot September , I9if5 Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this lOih day of April 1900. SEAJ , W. B. TOWNJ ! . , 14 4 County Judge Notice to Creditors. THK STATK OF NKKRASKA i - „ In the County ClIEKRYCOUJfTV."B Court. In the matter of tlie estate of Hezekiah K , Jipnvn , deceased : To the Creditors of paid Estate : You are herebv notilied , That I will sit at the Coi nty Com t Itoom iu Valentine in said county on the 12th day ot May , 1906. * t 10 o'clock a. in. to receive an-1 examine all claims against said estate , with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited lor the presenta tion of claims against said estate is the 12 h day of MayA. . D. 1906. and the time limited for payment of < it bts is one year from said 21st day ot October , 190 % Witness my h.tnd acid seal of said county court this lO.h day of May. A. 1) . 1906. SEAL W.K.TOWNE. v 14 4 County Judge. Contest Notice. p U. S. Land Office , Va'entine. Nebraska. ( . Aml IS ) , 190G. l A sufficient contest affidavit HH.VH g been filed " in this office by Litirbs ( lli ms , "contestant , again > t Homestead Entry N' . 16-io.i. matfp July 26 , 1901 for Lor 4 SWfcNWJaKiSvVJ4 of Sec tion 6 , Township 31. Itange 23. Lots 1 and 2 SPM NKJ4 NKj SKk of Section 1. Township 31. uange _ ) , fc > l < : & . SJ.SWH XK 4SW& , Section 31 , Township 32. Range 23. oy Robert Tucker , eon- tesie > > , in which it is alleged that c'Hi'iiant ' has never esUDh lied residence upon said lana ; also t"al said cliiiniai t lii < wholly abandoned said land for more than six months" list past and hs tailed to cure his tach-s up to dnttt.awl thats id alleged absence irom the said lau.i was not du to his employment us an onije , Sjldit-r , sailor or inarm- Hie army , navy or mai i ' cor s of the United States during t' e war willi Spain or dnnog any otlier war in which the Unittrt Sta es may be e gai ; d. s irt parties : ; e hereby notified to app ar , respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a.m. on June 11. 190G. before the Kegister and Receiver t thw United States Laud Offlee in Valentine , Nebraska The said contestant having , in a proper affi- dav.t. filed April li ) , t'JOa , set for.h lactslnch show that alter due diligence personal ° ervice of tnis notice caunot be made , it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice oe given bv due and proper i ubln-ation. 11 5 LUKE M. BATES , Begister. Contest Notice. U. S. Land Office Valentine. Nebraska. April ll. H > 08. A sufficient contest having lieen fild in this office oy Albert L. Buclmna. * . contestant , again - gain- Homestead entry No. 10833. made August 19,1904 , for Iocs 2,0.4 and 7. and SK&NrtJ4 , SW4\K } > i , SE'4 and E.W 4. Seciion G. Township 27 , Bange 33 , uy Pniletus H. Winter- steen , coutestee. in wnieu it is allygod tliat said Phiietus H. Wiuterbteen lias wholly aoandoned said land and changed bis reside- therefrom for more than six mouths last pasr. that the land is not settled upon nor cultivated in good with jn the law iv quires , and entrymaa 1ms never established hib icsHence upon the laud as the law requires , and he has Jailed to cure his laches up to tins date ; and said alleged absence from the said lana was not due to his employ ment in the army , nuvy , or nmrme eoip-i ot the united Stales as a prrwtte soldier , olhc-r. sea man ur marine during the war wuh Spain or during any oilier war in which the United States may be engaged ; said parties are hi-reoy notified to appear , respond anJ offer exigence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on June 20.1900 before the register and receiver at the United States Land Onice m Valentine , JSebrabka. The said conte tant having , in a proper affl davit , fileo April 11.19JO , set loith lacls which show that niter due diligence personal service of this notice can not bo made , it is hereby order ed and directed that-such notice be given by due and proper publication. 13 5 E. OLSON , Beceiver In the District Court of Cherry Ccun ty. Nebraska. In the matter of the petit-1 ion of Albert F. Webb , ( .OBDEB TO SHOW administrator , tor license t UAfSE. to Sell Beal Estate. ) * Now , on this 2nd day of May , 1996 , this ciuse came on for hearing upon the petition under oath ot Albert F. Webb. adiMtnistrator ol the estate of j umuel W. Holsolaw , deceased pray ing for : i license tj sell the iollowing described real estate of the said Samuel w. Holsclaw , lo-wit. Tlie North Half of the Northeast Qu-tr ier and the North Hall ot the Northwest Quar ter , Section 2. Township 3 ! . Bange 23 , Cherry county , Nebraska , or a stihioient amount there of to bung a sum necessary for the purpose of paying the oeuts allowed against said estate and riisi of administration and the cost of tins titu oe in tor tie reidou tnat there is not a o.mi. lent am.unit of peison.il property in the po besjjion ol s.iid Albert \Vebb.adininistra- - u > r. belonging to said eat-ite , to pay said douts , allowance and cos s. it ia taeivfore ordered that all persons inter ested in said estate appear belore me at cham- heis in tlie village of Bushvill \ Sheridan county Nebraska , on tlie 23rd day of June. 190(3 ( , at the hour ot 10 o'cl'iciv a in. , t * show cause , if any therei be , whv a 1 can-e should njt be granted tos id Albert K. WeDb , adminirtrutor. to sell saul above dnbed i eul esta.te of said decedent as sball be m\e s iry to p.ty s I'd dents and ex- pen > es. Jt , is lur Inr orde-ed that a c py ot this order he .ser\ed upon all persons interested in sau estate by caiistug the Sdine to be piiuhahed once each week for four successive weeks in Toe Valentime Democrat , a newspaper printed and pub'ished in said Cherry County. w. ii VEST VRR , 17 4 Judge of .lit * D titi ice Coin I. THE bMAHA DAiLY NEWS 3Iak R am Exceptional Offer of25e for Three Months to Trial Subscriber * . The News is the only paper pub lished in Omaha that is not con trolled by party politics. All the news is published in a condensed and readable form in an independ ent and fearless manner. If you would know the facts about all state and national qustions , just as they are , you will enjoy reading the News. Daily market reports , farm news , household' hints , sporting gossip , and everything that goes to make a complete metropolitan paper are regular features. Every reading person in Ne braska now has an opportunity to see just how good The News is by sending 25c to The Omaha Daily News , Omaha , Neb. , for 3month's trial subscription. The paper will be stopped promptly at the end of the 3 months unless you decide to renew. S.cjnd today as this offer will not appear again. . . V r & * w ! " * M > another carload of the celebrated JOHN DEERE Implements. The kind that is so well and favorably known. Come and see our that have two wheels , giving a throw ofJ twice the distance of an . ordinary seeder Model B. Disk Harrows " ; v : /V M New Elk Riding Cultivators * , Walking Cultivators - , T | T" * * - * * ? Disk Cultivators ' Riding . . . f-W. * - / -M i . Listers , Both riding and walking. . . To convert any walking plow or walking lister Lister p.pc. . ' into a riding plow or ridingJister. Ajax Steel Lever Harrows Stag Snljsy Plows- Breaking Plows , Listed Corn Cultivators , Both disk and knife. - 1 j 'j , Brown Cultivators Surface Cultivators , For shallow cultivation according to Campbell system Drill s attachments to fit any make of lister. Repairs furnished for any machine or implement. McCormick line of Machinery I. H. C. Manure Spreadeife and Gasoline Engines "Wagons and Buggies 1J Business Notices , When you come to town , stop at the Chicago House. 38 I have a quantity of home grown Flower Seed which I would like to dispose of , and will sell 10 dif ferent sorts for 25c , coin or stamps. Mus. F. M. EAUEK , 158 Box 29 , Kilgore , Neb. a Halldorson's photos 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and 5th of each month. Ginger Ale. Hot Stuff. Nev er to hot. Webb-makes the best. House and Lot in Valentine for sale at a bargain. House is small hut in good repair. Call on 10 I. M. BICE. 'You will find a hearty welcome at the Chicago House. 38 Foil SALE Three sows and twenty suckling pigs. Prices reas onable. JOHN ORMESHER. 13 Valentine , Nebr. Those who have farms for sale can list them at this office and we will offer a descriptive list of farms soon and will advertise them for sale. l3ring the numbers of your land and a correct description of it for our records so that we may properly represent what you have for sale. Any other property you wish to sell can be advantageously advertised in this paper. tf Any person or persons caught digging up young trees out of the mill pasture will be prosecuted. 162 MlNXECIJADUXA MlLL. Dr. Meehan , osteopathic physi cian , formerly with Dr. Johnson of Omaha , but for the past year practicing in 'Bassett and Ains- worth , will open a practice in Val entine at the Valentine Hotel , be ginning on Wednesday , May 9th. If you are suffering with any chronic affliction or disease that medicine has failed to relieve or cure , it will pay you to'call on the osteopath. Osteopathy makes a specialty of curing the so-called incurable cases as well as all chronic diseases that are curable. Consultation free. 162 Bring in your hides. Green hides Sic , cured hides 9c- per Ib. Dry hides in proportion. S. MOON , Valentine , Neb. Nels Rowley was in from Ken nedy Sunday , New Hotel ; Near Depot 1 Electric Lights , House , J. A. Horn back , Propr. , Guests for Trains a Specialty. Good Rooms. 2C Good Service , l * Groceries We have added a new and complete stock of Groceries to our business. Call and see us. PHONE 97 , 8 & GO. J > TSWfft 5 * > W)4f ) ft > fi\99 \ ! * fel7ii { % AV l > taJ AlT/fi ] fi xvar v 4 aW FRESH FRUIT AND GAME I IN THEIR SEASON. * oe ® First class line of Steaks , Roasts , Dry Salt Meats Smokei .Breakfast .Bacon. Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs. Hogs.GR GR EPAR&TOR Easy Running , Easy "Washing , Clean Skimming. Tlie Simplest Is tlie Best. Nothing to get out of order and will last a life time. Recommended by all who have used them. A practical machine sold on easy terms by T. W. CRAMER , - CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. - Stock tanks made in all sizes Valentine , - . Nebraska We are making a specialty of Carbon Piatinos. Order the good goods and you get them. Remem ber that our Photos are guaranteed and that re-sittings are given when necessary. HALLDORSON" . 29 Comfortable room's , , clean beds and all you want" to eat at the Chicago cage House. ' 38 We are going to sell some land * and in a few weeks will get out a big list of farms , descriptive , and advertise them for sale. Ifyou wish to sell , come and see us , and bring description of your land and full particulars. " - Rices writes insurance. ,