LAND TO BE OPENED FOR SETTLEMENT. Sam'n Prosecution of Land Pr.and * Will Rescue Millions of Acre * From Cattlemen for TJ e of People Million Acrca Recovered. the next fe\v months , and not later than August 1 , there be restored to homestead entry and occupation not less than a round million of acres of land in central Ne- faraska. This restoration will come as a direct result of the government's in- Testigation and prosecution of the pub lic land frauds. For many years this land has been 'held to the exclusive use of the big cattlemen. Some of it has been with held from settlement by the people because - cause of the fact that it lay within the .great pastures enclosed by illegal 'fences , although the title remained in ttbe government. Nominally this acre age has always been subject to entry ; In point of fact it has been as effectually - -ually withdrawn as though there had been a transfer title. Another part is 'that which has been stolen by means of fraudulent filings. The lands thus pre-empted do not represent the total area of the public aomain in the State. Altogether , there .mil be from .8,000,000 to 10,000,000 - acres subject to entry when the gov ernment has concluded its work over the frauds. Three-fourths or more of this lies on the high "divides" and ridges. What its final and best use may be is still a problem. At the pres ent time it is made of service chiefly for grazing. Probably 2,500,000 or 3- 000,000 acres will prove suitable for "high plains" farming , as this is now 'understood , dnd the available acreage will be continually increased as meth ods become better known and are im proved upon by experience. The re mainder the so-called "arid" portions must now be used , if at all , in con junction with the valley lands. Knowledge of this fact has given the { | -cattlemen their control of the whole ; for by making conscription of the val leys and water courses , they have pre vented any hut themselves from using the higher , areas. Thus control of one acre carried with it the exclusive ese of four or five more. In the course of their defense and i Justification , the holders of these great tracts have declared , both in court and through the newspapers , that they liave always "welcomed , " "invited" " " within smd "encouraged" settlement their enclosures. The history of the cattle country records the untruth of this statement just as in everyday understanding - ' derstanding of motives would indicate. First and 4ast , by every means by persuasion , by intimidation , by violence lence homesteaders have been induced to keep outside the boundaries of these reserves. The owners of the herds liave wanted the lands for themselves ; settlers have been regarded merely as trespassers , "squatters" with no rights entitled to respect. Almost invariably fcona fide homesteaders who have had the temerity to enter the big enclosures liave found life an exceedingly difficult proposition. Five or six of the larger enclosures have now been thoroughly investigated ; the unlawful fences have been ordered removed , and hundreds of procured and fraudulent filings have been recom mended to the Interior Department for cancellation. Before the summer Is ' .f' over these lands will be returned to the use of the people. Even now there are many indica tions that the year will see a tide ol Immigration exceeding any similar movement of the last two decades. Government agents , railroad officials , newspaper offices and real estate deal ers are now being deluged with in quiries coming from all parts of the United States , but chiefly from the east and south. From what is now known , it seems well within the truth to say that approximately 5,000 fam ilies will ultimately find profitable homesteads within this reopened area in Nebraska. Furthermore , these cul tivable tracts are well distributed , so that those homesteaders keeping small herds of live stock a wise and economical adjunct to farming can be assured of ample pasturage and mead ow. These lauds all lie within the ter ritory covered by the so-called Kinkaid law , which permits an entryman to file upon G40 acres , or one squqare mile. "This law has been responsible for many grave frauds during the two years since it became operative ; but , honestly - estly administered , it may still be made to serve the purpose for which it was ostensibly passed the creation of the "grazing homestead. " Surgery Cares Incorrigible. Harold Hurley , a 12-year-old boy of Toledo , Ohio , who had been sentenced tea a reformatory for incorrigibility , is said to have shown a complete transformation of character following a surgical opera tion which removed pressure upon the brain , caused by a swelling of' the bone after a fall when he was 5 years old. Onr Mountains IN'ot So Hlgb. According to the latest edition of Gan- nett's "Dictionary of Altitudes in the United States , " many previous estimates of mountain heights are altered. Care ful surveys indicate that -these estimates I "have been exaggerated. Mount Whitney ] "has been reduced from 14,898 feet to 14- 502 feet , and Mount Williamson , in Cal ifornia , is credited with only 14,500 feet- Mount Ranier has been cut down 163 feet to the height of 14,363 feet. This .gives its rival. Mount Shasta , the advan tage , with 14.380 fset to its credit. - 1 V FJ2SJIVAIJ OF MUSIC. Theodore Thomas Orchestra to Ap pear in Kf Event at Sioux City , la.j Sioux City. la. , is already making Croat preparations for its annual mu sic festival , and an extensive array ot artists has been engaged for this event. ' The series as'arranged is t < ? include three grand concerts , to be given at the New 9 rand theater , May 23 and 24 , and as an aid to this plan , the well known Theodore Thomas Orchestra has been secured for concert work at each of the three programs. Th mere name of the Thomas orchestra is , in Itself , a guarantee of the very finest along orchestral lines , and will undoubtedly prove to be a great at traction to hundreds of music lovers throughout this section of the country. This orchestra has for many years played an important part in the musi cal development of this country and today stands without a peer among the great concert orchestras of the world. Its reputation Is international and its performance of the great mu sical works a final authority along orchestral lines. They have taken the leading part with most of the grea festivals of the country. The organization , in its appearanct in the Sioux City festival , will be com prised of fifty-five players , the same membership as in the Chicago con certs , and each man an artist in his particular line. Frederick A. Stock , the regular conductor of the orches tra , will lead at this time , and his reputation of the past few years has placed him among the best leaders of the country. The choral union is , in this partic ular case , especially happy in its term , as it is a union of the musia forces of college and city circles , forming a festival chorus of over 200 voices , and the largest organization of its kind In the state of Iowa. This club was organized uro years ago by Prof. J. W. Mather , director of muslo at Morningside College , and the orig inator of the festival idea in Sioux City. Last year Handel's "Messiah" was given with great success by th chorus , and arrangements were at once made by Prof. Mather looking toward a greater and. even more at tractive program for this year. Tha series includes two symphony concerts by the orchestra and soloists on tha evening of May 23 and afternoon of May 24. In the evening of the 24th , Mendelssohn's great oratorio ol "Elijah" will be given by the choral union of over 200 voices , assisted by the entire Thomas orchestra and solo ists. The chorus has been doing mag nificent work this year , and this con cert promises to be one of the greatest ever given in the northwest. Mr. Stock will lead the orchestra concert , while Mr. Mather will conduct at the "Eli jah" performance. The soloists are as follows : Madams Charlotte Maconda , soprano , New York ; Mrs. Hannah Butler , soprano , Chicago ; Miss Grace Munson , contralto to , New York ; Mr. Glenn Hall , tenor , Chicago ; Mr. Herbert Witherspoon , basso , New York ; Mr. Leopold Kra mer , violinist , Chicago ; Mr. Bruno Steindell , 'cellist , Chicago ; Mr. Brahm , Vandenburg , pianist , Cincinnati. Such an array of artists is seldom found outside of the larger music centers oi this country , and the musicians of the state are to be congratulated on thia opportunity of hearing them so near home. Madame Maconda is one of the leading sopranos in New York and a singer of brilliant attainments. Foi years she has been the principal solo ist at the Maine festivals under the direction of Mr. Wm. R. Chapman. Mrs. Butler has just returned from an extended concert tour in England and Germany , and met with much success in her work there. Miss Munson has one of the leading church positions in New York and ia especially fitted for oratorio work. Mr. Hall has appeared as soloist with many of the large choral societies of this country , Including the Handel and Haydn of Boston , Philharmono of New York , "Worcester festivals. Apollo Club of Chicago , Cincinnati Chorus , and the Ann Arbor festival. Mr. Herbert Witherspoon , basso canlante , has within the last few yeara created for himself a reputation second end to no other bass in this country. The principal solo part in the oratorio of "Elijah" is that given to the bass , and for this work Mr. Witherspoon ig especially fitted. The New York crit ics speak of his work along this line as something magnificent and satisfy ing to the last degree. Mr. Vandenburg received much ol his piano training in his home country , Belgium. Later he came to Cincin nati and has since made for himself a reputation for brilliant musiclanly playing and is an artist in the true sense of the wor.-l. The names of Mr. Kramer , violinist , concert master of the orchestra , and Mr. Steindell , 'cello soloist , arc * closely associated with the musical activities of the Thomas orchestra for the past twelve years , as prominent members of the same , and musicians of recog nized ability. The orchestra will give at this festi val , for their larger works , Beetho ven's Symphony No. 5 in C minor ; Symphonic Poem ( Les Preludes ) Liszt , and three Wagnerian numbers , The Vorspeil to Lohengrin , Ride ol , t the Valkyries , and Overture to Tann- hauser , and Dvorak's brilliant Carni val Overture and a new overture by George Schumann entitled "Liebes- : : fruhling. " Also parts of the Symphony No. 5 by the great Russian writer , Tschaikowsky. In the arrangement of a music fes tival of such magnitude Prof. Mather has been greatly aided by the Sioux City Commercial Club and L. L. Ness , secretary , which has. through its con stituency , guaranteed the financial backing , so necessary in such an en terprise. Also the efforts of Morning- side College , with its strong constit uency and the closely allied Conserv atory of Music with its able faculty and many music students. This force , with the city section , forms the main body of the choral efforts , and all of these influences have been brought to bear to make this the most , successful festival of music ever offered In Iowa , and one which is already attracting the attention of many musicians throughout this section of the coun CAn . try. . An open rate of one and one-third s fare has been secured on all.rallroadg enterinc : Sioux City , good May 23 to 25 , inclusive. t PEOPLE PLUNDERED 3Y STAITDAKD OIL MONOPOLY. During 1004 the Standard Oil Com pany saved about three-quarters of a " million dollars through "the secret rates discovered by the bureau of corpora tions , and , of course , there may be other secret rates -which the bureau has not discovered. This amount represents the difference be tween the open rates and the rates actual ly paid. Many of these discriminations "fr' ' ' ' " ' were clearly in vio- JAS. A. OARFIELD. lation o 6 jnter _ state commerce law , and others , whether technically illegal or uot , had the same effect on competitors. On some State business secret rates were applied by means of rebates. These discriminations have been so long continued , so secret , so ingeniously applied to new conditions of trade and so large in amount as to make it certain that they were due to concert ed action by the Standard and the rail roads. James R. Garfield , Commissioner of Corporations. Points from Roosevelt's Message. President Roosevelt's recommendations to Congress , based on the Garfield oil re- porr , are , in brief , as follows : A law should be passed regarding oil sim ilar to that.putting alcohol used in arts and manufactures on the free list. Fee to oil or coal lands held by the gov ernment should be kept by the govern ment. Railroads should be permitted to unite for protection to themselves and the public as against the power of great corporations. Examiners under the direction of the in terstate commerce commission should ex amine the affairs of a railroad as thoroughly as bank examiners Investigate banks. The commission should have affirmative power making Its decisions take effect at once , "subject only to such action by the court as is demanded by the constitution. " "The proper play for individual Initiative can only be secured by such government supervision as will curb these monopolies which crush out all individual Initiative. " Commissioner Garfleld's report finds that both secret and open rebates to tbe Stand ard Oil Company have existed all over the country. The discriminations by secret tar iffs alone have aggregated $750,000 a year. elaborate series of rate discriminations which permit It to profit both at the ex pense of its rivals and of the general pub lic. The Attorney ( general reports to me that the investigation now going on as to the shipments by the sugar trust over the trunk lines running out of New York City tends to show that the sugar trust rarely , if ever , pays the lawful rate for transpor tation , and Is thus improperly , aud prob ably unlawfully , favored at the expense of its competitors and of the general public. The argument Is sometimes advanced against conferring upon some governmental body the power of supervision and control over interstate commerce , that to do so tends to weaken individual initiative. In vestigations such as this conclusively dis prove any such allegation. On the con trary , the proper play for individual In itiative can only be secured by such gov ernmental supervision as will curb those monopolies which crush out all individual initiative. The railroad itself cannot without - I out such government aid protect the inter ests of its own stockholders as against one of these great corporations loosely known as trusts. j Approves Proper Agreements , j In the effort to prevent the railroads from uniting for improper purposes we have very unwisely prohibited them from uniting for proper pin poses ; that Is. for purposes of protection to themselves and to the gen eral public as against the power of the great corporations. They should certainly be given power thus to unite on condi tions laid down by Congress , such condi tions to include tbe specific approval of tbe interstate commerce commission of any agreement to which the railroads may come. In addition to this the govern ment must interfere through its agents to deprive the railroad of the ability to make to the big corporations the concession which otherwise it is powerless to refuse. ! The government should have power by Its agents to examine into the conduct of the railways that is , the examiners , under the direction of the interstate commerce commission , should be able to examine as thoroughly Into tbe affairs of the railroad as bank examiners now examine into the affairs of banks. Commission Xeeil.s Power. It is impossible to work a material im provement in conditions such as above de scribed merely through the instrumentality of a lawsuit. A lawsuit Is often a neces sary method : but by itself it Is an utterly Inadequate method. What is needed Is the conferring upon the commission of ample affirmative power , so conferred as to make its decisions take effect at once , subject only to such action by the court as Is de manded by the Constitution. The courts have the power to. and will undoubtedly , interfere if the action of the commission should become in effect confiscatory of the property of an Individual or corporation or if the commission should undertake to do anything beyond the authority conferred upon it by the law under which it is acting. I am well aware that within the limits thus set the commission may at times be guilty of injustice ; but far grosser and far more frequent injustice , and Injustice of a much more injurious kind , now results and must always result from the failure to give the commission ample power to act promptly and effectively within these broad limits. Free Alcohol Will Help. Though not bearing upon the question of railroad rates , there are two measures consideration of which is imperatively sug gested by the submission of this report. The Standard Oil Company has , largely by unfair or unlawful methods , crushed out home competition. It is highly desirable that an element of competition should be Introduced by the passage of some such law as that which has already passed tbe flouse. putting alcohol used In the arts and manufactures upon the free list. Furthermore , the time has come when no oil or coal lands held by the government , jlther upon the public domain proper or in territory owned by the Indian tribes , should i > e alienated. The fee to such lands should , > e kept in tbe United States government . ivhether or not the profits arising from It . ire to be given to any Indian tribe , and 1 , tbe lands should be leased only on such | erms and for such periods as will enable he government to keep entire control thcre- ) f. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. Brief News Items. Reports from Vienna say there is a plot to dethrone King Peter of Servia if he lees not abdicate. Vice Admiral Cervera , who commanded : he Spanish fleet destroyed off Santiago Tuly o. 1808 , by the Americans , has been ippointed naval commander at Ferrol , the 'Spanish naval station on the Bay of Betanzos. Andrew Carnegie will receive the free- lorn of the borough of Gravesend , Eng- and. a distinction never before conferred , m June 1. Herman Miller killed Edward Scanlon md wounded Patrick Donovan and Mrs , Miller in New York. He asserts the men ittacked his wife. Los Angeles capitalists will spend $15- )00,000 ) in the development of the re sources of the State of Sinaloa , Mexico , ncluding the building of railroads and lotels , establishing of banks , operation of i steamship line and the promotion of a peat colonization scheme. In the Senate Friday Mr. Spooner con cluded his two daj-s * speech on the rail road rate bill. There was more discus sion of the necessity for fixing a day for a vote on this measure and Mr. Till- man gave notice that after the next Mon day he would insist that the Senate shall proceed to vote if Senators are not pre pared to speak. All the private pension bills on the calendar were passed and Mr. Clapp gave notice that he would call up the Indian appropriation bill. The tariff debate in the House was further continued by Mr. WiH ! ras ( Miss. ) , who held the floor for two hours expounding the Democratic doctrine of tariff for reve nue only. j 1 ' The Senate Saturday passed the In dian appropriation bill. An amendment providing for the removal of the restric tions on the sale of the allotted lands of the Choctaws , Cherokees , Chickasaws , Creeks and Seminoles was offered , but Mr. Spooner raised a pont of order that was fatal to it. Bills were passed as follows : Providing for the purchase of land in Washington as sites for build ings for the Departments of State , Jus tice and Commerce at a cost of $3,000- 000 ; prohibiting the use of foreign built dredges in the United States. In the House Mr. Williams concluded his speech on the tariff. Mr. Cushman ( Wash. ) started to reply , but was taken from the floor before he really had begun , owing to the conclusion of the general debate on the agricultural appropriation bill , which was before the House. Mr. Foss (111. ( ) reported the naval appropriation bill fo rthe fiscal year of 1907. The next Friday was set by the Senate Monday as the day for beginning to vote on the amendments to the railroad rate bill. Mr. Tillman endeavored to have May 9 set as the date for voting on the bill as a whole , but failed. Senator Clark of Arkansas occupied most of Monday with a speech opposing the pending meas ure. The House emergency bill appro priating $170,000 for the Mare Island navy yard and the San Francisco post- office was passed. Discussion of the ag ricultural appropriati6n bill , and incident ally the distribution of free seeds , occu pied most of the day in the House. Res olutions that the thanks of Congress be tendered Gen. Horace Porter for his work in recovering the body of Jean Paul Jones , and that Gen. Porter's speech at Annapo lis on the occasion of the interment of the body be printed in the Congressional Rec ord were passed. Representative Hearst introduced a resolution that an additional $2,500,000 be appropriated for the relief of the San Francisco fire and earthquake sufferers. Mr. Daniel occupied a large part of Tuesday in the Senate with his speech on the rate bill. After debate the resolution thanking Gen. Horace Porter for recover ing the body of John Paul Jones was referred to the committee on foreign re lations. Mr. Allison explained the dispo sition which has been made of the money appropriated for the relief of the San Francisco sufferers. Mr. Tillman pre sented a resolution directing the commit tee on the District of Columbia to inves tigate the ejection of Mrs. Minor Morris from the White House , and "especially to inquire whether the superintendent of po lice and one of the chief witnesses against Mrs. Morris have' since received recogni tion by the appointment of near relatives to office. " No action was taken. By a vote of 153 to HS it was decided to con tinue the free distribution of seeds. Many of the items in the agricultural appropria tion bill broadening the scope of the de partment of chemistry were eliminated. * " Mr. Newlands on Wednesday introduced a resolution directing the finance commit tee of the Senate and the ways and means committee of the House to consider the feasibility of the government guarantee ing bonds to be issued by San Francisco to provide money for the reconstruction of the city. Both Mr. Flint and Mr. Perkins of California deprecated the in troduction of the measure at this time , and said the California delegation should have been consulted. The resolution was referred to the committee on finance. Mr. Daniel concluded his speech on the rate bill , and then the army appropriation bill [ i was read. An amendment appropriating ; $1,500,000 for a supply depot at Fort j Mason , San Francisco , was accepted , as was one appropriating $900,000 for a ' \ cable to Panama. In the House the agri- 1 : cultural appropriation bill was completed and passed , including the provision for the free distribution of seeds , which was carried by a vote of 153 to 82. The bill carries $7,481,440. The military acad- : cmy appropriation bill , carrying $1GG3- 115 , also was passed , after the deficiency appropriation of $1,500.000 to complete improvements at West Point had been stricken out. The last day of the general debate ont the railroad rate bill in the Senate Thursday - ' j day brought out much criticism of federal judges. Mr. Tillman. by citing individual < cases , attempted to show that the power of granting temporary injunctions should ( be taken from the inferior United States J courts in interstate commerce commission ] cases. Hewas followed by Messrs. Baj j 1 con , Bailey. Teller and Foraker. The army appropriation bill , carrying about $74,000,000 , was passed. The naval ap propriation bill , which carries nearly $100,000,000. was taken up in the House. Mr. Foss (111. ( ) explained the measure and the general debate which followed at one * took on other lines. The tariff again forged to the front , with the prices of steel rails abroad as the main object of Interest. of the > atlbiial Capital. The President has sent to the Senate the nomination of Julius Jacobs to be assistant treasurer of the United States at San Francisco , Cal. For the first time in twenty-nine years the Supreme Court of the United States , called its docket of original cases , with the end in view of eliminating some of them if possible. Senator Lodge denies the report that Be will offer the Philippine tariff bill aa an amendment to the House bill removing the tax from denatured alcohol , and ajso ( denies that he is opposed to that measure , FLAYS THE OIL TEUST PRESIDENT SAYS MONOPOLY'S OPPRESSION MUST END. Conjpetition-KilJiiiHT Octopus He- clarccl to Have Gained Three- f ] ? irter.v of a Million : i YearlVIilf 2 Independents Sirifer. President Roosevelt Friday transmitted to Congress the report of James It. Gar- field. Commissioner of Corporations , giv ing the results of his investigation of the subject of transportation and freight rates in connection with the oil industry In his message the President expresses the view that the report is of great im portance because of the effort being made to confer upon the interstate commerce commission the power to meet the needs of the situation. The facts set forth in the report , he declares , are for the most part not disputed. That the Standard Oil Company has benefited enormously almost to the present mompnt from secret rates. many of which were unlawful , the Presi dent says the report clearly shows , the benefit thereby secured amounting to at least three-quarters of a million dollars i year. of the President. Following is the President's message : The Senate and House of representatives I transmit herewith a report by the Com missioner of the Hureiui of Corporations in the Department of Commerce and Labor on the subject of transportation and freight rates in connection with the oil industry. The investigation , the results of part of which are summarized in this report , wns undertaken in accordance with House reso lution 4 ! ) ! ) . passed Feb. 1.1. 100.- . but for the reasons given in the report it has been more general and extensive than was called for in the resolution Itself. I call your especial attention to the let ter of trnnsmittal accompanying and sum marizing the report : for the report Is of capital Importance in view of the effort now being made to secure such enlarge ment of the powers of the Interstate com merce commission as will confer upon the commission power in some measure ade quately to meet the clearly demonstrated needs of the situation. The facts set forth in this report are for the most part not disputed. It is only the Inferences from them that are disputed , and even in this respect the dispute is practically Ifmited to the question ns to whether the transac tions are or are not technically legal. Benefits I y Secret Rate * . The report shows that the Standard Oii Company 1ms benefited enormously up al most to the present moment by secret rates , many of these secret rates being Nearly unlawful. This -benefit amounts teat at least three-quarters of a million a year. This three-quarters of a million represents Kie protit that the Standard Oil Company obtains at tbe expense of the railroads : but of course the ultimate result is that It obtains a much larger protit at the- ex pense of tbe public. A very striking result of the ravestica- tion has been that shortly nfter the dis covery of these secret rates by the commis sioner of corporations the major portion of tbem were promptly corrected by the railroads , so that most of tbem hare now been done away with. This - cor rection , partial or complete , of the evil of the secret rates is of course on tbe one hand an acknowledgment that they were wrong , and yet were persevered in until imposed , and on the other hand a proof of ho efficiency of the work that has been lone by the Bureau of Corporations. Prosecution Is Promised. The Department of Justice will take up the question of Instituting prosecutions hi at least certain of the cases. But it is most desirable to enact into law the bill intro duced by Senator Knox to correct the in- terpretntlon of the immunity provision ren dered in Judge Humphrey's decision. The hands of the government have been greatly strengthened in securing an effectivp rem edy by the recent decision of the Supreme Court in tbe case instituted by the gov- 51-nnient against the tobacco trust , which decision permits the government to examine the books and records of any corporation sngaged in interstate commerce and by the recent conviction and punishment of the "hit-ago. Burlington and Quincy railroad and certain of its officers. But in addition to these secret rates tbe Standard Oil profits immensely by open rates which are so arranged as to give it an overwhelming advantage over its inde pendent competitors. The refusal of the railroads in certain cases to prorate pro duces analogous effects. Thus In New England the refusal of certain railway sys tems to prorate has resulted in keeping the Standard Oil in absolute monopolistic control of the field , enabling it to charge from three to four hundred thousand dollars lars a year more to the consumers of oil in New England than they would have bad to pay had the price paid been that ob taining in the competitive fields. Government Control Needed. This is a characteristic example of the numerous evils which are inevitable under a system in which the big shipper and the railroad are left free to crush out all indi vidual initiative and all power of inde pendent action because of the absence of adequate and thoroughgoing governmental control. Exactly similar conditions obtain in a large part of the West and South west. This particular instance exemplifies the fact that the granting to the govern ment of the power to substitute ? proper for an improper rate is in very many in stances the only effective way in which to prevent improper discriminations in rates. It is not possible to put into figures the exact amount by which the Standard prof its through the gross favoritism shown it by the railroads in connection with the open rates. The profit , of course , cornea not merely by tbe saving in the rate Itself as compared" with its competitors , but by the higher prices it is able to charge , and ( even without reference to these higher prices ) by the complete control of the mar ket it secures , thereby getting the profit on the whole consumption. Here again the only way by which the discriminations can be "cured is by conferring upon the inter state commerce commission tbe power to take quick and effective action In regulat ing rates. One feature of the report which Is espe- ciallv worthy of attention is the showing made as to "the way in which the law is evaded by treating as State commerce what is in reality merely a part of interstate commerce. Snsar Accused. It Is unfortunately not true that the Standard Oil Company Is the only great corporation which in the immediate past has benefited , and is at this moment bene fiting. in wholly improper fashion by an Improved Smelting Furnace. An improved smelting furnace recently installed in a foundry in Canada uses coal instead of coke , at about one-half the cost , and when smelting the sulphide ores the sulphur is used in combustion , making a still further reduction in expenses. It is stated that this furnace does not re- ( juire crushing and roasting of the ores , which means a very considerable saving. o Insurance Men. At a meeting of New York insurance men the question of facing losses by the California earthquake and fire was con sidered. It was estimated that the prop erty loss would reach $000,000,000 and that the insurance liabilities would exceed $300.000,000. It was generally agreed that rates must be raised. Some of the smaller companies were in favor of tak ing advantage of the "earthquake clause' * in their policies. Patronize those who advertise. Word from Caracas is to the effect that President Castro of Venezuela has resign ed temporarily in favor of Vice President Gomez in order to secure needed rest. A new cabinet will take charge of the dis pute with France. Through its diplomats the Japanese gov ernment has announced that after May 1 ' citizens and vessels of foreign countries would be permitted to enter the Manchu- riau ports of Arming Ilsien and Tsitunjr Kao. Dalny will be opened in the near future. Despite a rigid censorship at Lisbon , Portugal , it is learned that the 1,400 sail ers of the warships belonging to that country who recently mutinied are con fined to barracks pending court martial proceedings. The mutiny is said to have been due to severe discipline. The London and Northwestern railway has created somewhat of a sensation in England by establishing a reserved , first- class compartment on its trains aa ti smoking car for women. This has re newed the public discussion- the alleged increase of the smoking : habit among so ciety women. The strikers in the- coal mining district of Franca have become exceedingly ag gressive during the past week , , and large- bodies of them have marched from place- to place , doing considerable damage to property. Severaf soldiers were injured in trying to preserve order at Lens Wed nesday. A number of the minerswere - also wounded. The trade unions at I/o rient voted to begin a general'strike. . The steady decline of marriages it * Great Britain is shown in- the statisticr for 1904. There has been a fall of 10 per cent in the- marriage rate in thepa t thirty-five years. In explanation of this decline it appears that the marriage rate for widows has fallen from 21 in 1872 to 12.5 in 1004 , and that the rate of remar riage for widowers has fallen from ( J.1.S to 38 , and that for bachelors from Gl.T to 52.8. The signatures to > the Moroccan agree ment were hardly dry when it was stated" positively at St. Petersburg that a loan of $250,000,000 had boon arranged with- Paris capitalists. The French people were said to- feel grateful to Russia for the- services rendered7 at Algeciras. Later it was reported that the loan would amount to $400,000,000 , the balance being taken iy Xe\v York , Amsterdam , London and St. Petersburg banks. This amount will aarely suffice to. meet the short-term bonds and pay the Czar's most pressing debts. The overwhelming victory of the Con stitutional Democrats in all the larger eities of Russia in the elections for the douma , was said to have caused the- second end and final resignation- Premier Witte unless Minister of the Interior Durnovo should , retire. The premier de- nands that the Czar grant a written con stitution and abandon all idea of keeping the national parliament in autocratic sub mission. On April S the electoral col- eges in 12S out of fifty-one provinces , chose 178- members of the douma and' not i single reactionary candidate was chosen. A .surprising fealitre is that in almost ev ery instance the candidates chosen by the peasants were educated progressives. , riie result indicates that the oppositioit vill control the national , parliament by : u decisi\-e majority. The recent peaceful , ending to the- long : leadlocfc between the Hungarian coalition Ind the emperor king was brought about hrough the conciliatory offer of a compro mise by the coalition leaders. The sub- stanc * ' of it was that these leaders- are * to takeoffice - on condition that they carryout - out the policy of the former government. xossttth. the- leader of the Independence- > arty , said that the question of airthor- zing the u < e of Magyar words in the- nrmy was- left in abeyance. Dr. Alexan- ler Werkerle was chosen premfer o > f the- new cabinet. Kossuth becomes minister of commerce , Count Andrassay minister of the interior and Count Apponyi mfnister of worship. The commercial union with Austria will remain undisturbed untiF 1017. The electron for the coming ; parlia ment will be under the present restricted suffrage , but it is understood the new cabinet will introduce a bill for universal suffrage , after which a new election will - > e held. City School * In the Saburbw. Prof. Wilbur Jackman of the univer sity of Chicago school of edncation La eading a movement in favor of ercctinjc Chicago school houses out in the suburb * rar enough so that each may have five ncres of ground around it. He thinks that the coming system of municipal own ership of street railways will solve the transportation problem by providing spe cial cars or car lines for the children : ree. Besides , as the children would be going to achool in the morning and re turning in the evening , they would miss the crowds going to and from business. Air. Jackman believes that sanitary and leautrfnl surroundings would tend to make the children friendly toward ai1 cinds of learning. He thinks that at pres ent we are trying to grow children "tin- . ler conditions never thought of in connec- : ion with the cultivation of vegetables or the nursing of beasts/ ' Raft of Earthquake Book * . ' "Within a week after the California earthquake and fire disaster a hundred books were in preparation in different cities , giving the complete story. One- mndred thousand agents have been called ror to market the books , some of which were offered to the public before the ern- ) crs were cool. Shipper * AsMiiU The governmert has begun at and , Ohio , an investigation into the rela tions betweer tee railroads and the Stand ard Oil Company , former Attorney Gen eral Honnett of Ohio representing the nterstate commerce commission. In this vork Mr. Monnett is aided by Secretary tj'bamberlain of , the Petroleum Associa tion , which includes nearly all of the inde pendent oil producers of the country. George Garry , cashier of the Tampa Electric Company , was drowned at HHls- bore , rear Tampa. Fla.