Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 26, 1906, Image 7

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    Their Hard Struggle Made Easier interesting Sta
in ents by a Young Lady in Boston
and One in Nashville , Tenn.
-women work ; some in their
homes , some in church , and some in
, the whirl of society. And in stores ,
mills and shops tens of thousands are
on the never-ceasing treadmill , earning
their daily bread.
All are subject to the same physical
, laws ; all suffer alike from the same
jphysical disturbance , and the nature of
'their duties , in many cases , quickly
_ drifts them into the horrors of all
kinds of female complaints , tumors ,
tilceration , falling and displace
ments or perhaps irregularity or
suppression , causing backache , ner
vousness , irritability and lassitude.
They especially require an invigorat
ing , sustaining medicine which will
strengthen the female organism and
enable them to bear easily the fatigues
of the day , to sleep well at night , and
to rise refreshed and cheerful.
How. distressing to see a woman
struggling to earn a livelihood or per
form her household duties when her
ll > ack and head are aching , she is so
"tired she can hardly drag about or
( stand up , and every movement causes
pain , the origin of which is due to
some derangement of the female or
MissF. Orser , of 14 Warrenton Street.
Boston , tells women how to avoid such
suffering ; she writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkharu :
" I suffered misery for several years with
female irregularities. My back ached ; I bad
bearing-down pains , and frequent headaches ;
Lydia E Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where ethers Fall.
Horrors of History.
The Roman soldiers had completed the
tenevolent assimilation of Carthage.
"Now , then , " gloated Scipio Africanus.
"perhaps those Phcrnicians that settled
this town will be able to see their Phce-
nish , eh ? "
Yet the Roraans gave a tremendous
blowout in honor of this barbarian when
be returned home !
This Custom is Xo\v General.
It has now become a general and
also a safe rule to demand brands of
goods that are well known and have
a reputation for quality and reliability.
Nowadays the manufacturers of good
eroods inform consumers of this fact ,
and point out that safety lies in buyIng -
Ing the brands that bear their names
and trade marks.
* In this respect the flayer brands of
shoes are deserving of special men
tion. Our readers have no doubt be
come familiar with these shoes and
liiiow of their excellent wearing quali
ty by actual use. The Mayer factory
turns out shoes suitable for every
members of the family and for all
uses , Sunday shoes and every day
/shoes / , and they are known throughout
the broad expanse of our land as the
shoes of style and quality.
The "Honorbilt" are very popular
fine shoes for men and "Western
X idy" shoes embody the fit and style
demanded by well dressed ladies. For
extreme comfort "Martha Washing
ton" shoes are highly recommended.
Please bear this in mind when next
"buying shoes.
In's Time.
Kind Old Ltidy What ails the baby ?
He looks healthy , I'm sure.
The Xtirse Oh , he is , the little dear !
But he's peevish to-day on account of
cutting his whiskers. " Puck.
Beware of Ointments * for Catarrh
that Coniam Mercury ,
as mercury will surely destroy the sense of
Biaell aim completely derange the whole
system wheu euterni It through the inu-
cous surfaces. Such articles suould never
be used except on piesi-riptlous from reputa
ble physicians .as the damage they will do
Is tenfold to the good you can possibly
derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure ,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co. , To
ledo , O. , contains no mercury , and Is taken
Internally , acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system. In buy-
Inj ; Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the
genuine. It Is taken Internally and made
ia Toledo , Ohio , by F. J. Cheney & Co.
Testimonials free.
Sold by Druggists. Price , 75c per bottle.
Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation.
"With the Current.
"As to municipal ownership , for in
stance , " said the doctor , "what do you
conceive to be the drift of public opin
ion "
"The drift of public opinion , " inter
rupted the professor , "is the floating
vote. "
I could not sleep and could hardly drag
around. I consulted two physicians without
relief , and as a last resort , 1 tried Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , and to my
surprise , every ache and pain left me. I
gained ten pounds and am in perfect health . "f
Miss Pearl Ackers , of 327 North Sum
mer Street , Nashville , Tenn. , writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham :
" I suffered with painful periods , sereiw
backache , bearing-down pains , pains across
the abdomen ; was very nervous and irrita
ble , and iny trouble grew worse every month.
Compound. I soon found it was doing
good. All my pains and nches disappeared ,
and I no longer fear my monthly periods. "
Lydia E , Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound is the unfailing cure for all these
troubles. It strengthens the proper
muscles , and displacement with all its
horrors will no more crush you.
Backache , dizziness , fainting , "bear
ing-down pains , disordered stomach ,
uioodiness , dislike of friends and society
all symptoms of the one cause will
be quickly dispelled , and it will make
you strong and well.
You can tell the story of your suf
ferings to a woman , and receive help
ful advice free of cost. Address Mrs.
Pinkham , Lynn , Mass. The present
Mrs. Pinkham is the daughter-iu-laX7
of Lydia E. Pinkham and for
five years she has , under her
and since her decease , been
women free of charge.
Will AVrltteii on Ice.
The strangest will on record is that
of a Connecticut clergyman who broke
through the ice on a certain pond.
Finding that he was unable to get out
upon the ice and realizing that he had
but a short time to live because of
the bitter cold , he took his knife and
wrote his will on the smooth surface
of the ice. It was found , duly sworn
to and recorded as his last will and
"The judge let you off on account ol
your youth and because it was your first
offense , hey ? Told you to go and sin uc
more , did he ? "
"I reckon so. When I heard him saj
'go , ' 1 didn't wait to hear any more. "
Woman's Trials.
The bitter trail in a woman's life Is ©
be childless. Who can tell how hard tha
struggle may have been ere she learnt to
resign herself to her lonely lot ? The ab
sence of this link to bind marital lifa
together , the absence of this one pledge
to mutual affection is a common disap
pointment. Many unfortunate couplea
become estranged thereby. Even if tney
do not drift apart , one may read the whole
extent of their disappointment in the eyes
of such a childless couple when they rest
on the children of others. To them the
largest family does not seem too numerous.
In manv cases of barrenness or child
lessness the obstacle to child-bearing i3
easily removed by the cure of weakness on
the part of the \yoman. Dr. Plerce's Fa
vorite Prescription has been the means of
restoring health and fruitfulness to many
a barren woman , to the great joy of the
household. In other , but rare cases , the
obstruction to the bearing of children has
been found to be of a surgical character ,
but easily removable by painless operative
treatment at the Invalids' Hotel and Sur
gical Institute. Buffalo , N. Y. , over which
Dr. Pierce of the "Favorite Prescription"
fame presides. In all cases where chil
dren are desired and are absent , an effort
should be made to find out the real cs&
since it is generally so easily removed
proper treatment.
In all the various weaknesses , displace *
ments , prolapsus , inflammation and de
bilitating , catarrhal drains and in all
cases of nervousness and debility , Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the most
efficient remedy that can possibly be used.
It has to its credit hundreds of thousands
of cures more in fact than any other
remedy put up for sale through druggists ,
especially for woman's uso. The ingredi
ents of which the "FavoritePrescription"
is composed have received the mosl
positive endorsement from the leadina
medical writers on Materla Mcdica of afl
the several schools of practice. All tha
Ingredients are printed in plain English
on the wrapper enclosing the bottle , so
that any woman making use of this
famous medicine mav know exactly whal
she is taking. Dr. Pierce takes his pa
tients into his full confidence , which he
can afford to do as the formula aftei
which the "Favorite Prescription" Ia
made will bear the most careful exam
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the
best and safest laxative for women.
w : H H"K" : K : ' * *
who goes straight to work to cure
H I *
, Sprains , Bruises *
f s f
1 by the use of
> > tI
and saves time , money and gets out of misery quickly.
It Acts Lilto Masic. Price , 25c. and 5Oc. I
. 1
: "H : " H'C H''K'vC"H
ifc Firm in Var : i Real Pub
lic Evil * , KuuKevflt Warn * ofDun-
Krcr in Rush Agitation Advocate *
Graduated Jiiherltziiic'e Tux.
Washington correspoudeuco :
President Roosevelt gave Cougrcs.s
and the country something e\r to think
about Saturday. In an address following -
ing tl e ceremonies at the laying of the
corner stone of the House of Represent
atives oflice building , speaking to a dis
tinguished and composite assemblage
such as seldom is gathered aside from
the quadrennial inaugurals , the Presi
dent of the United States denounced the
misuse of the muck rake as an obstacle
instead of an aid to real reform anil
advocated a Federal progressive tax v. ;
all large fortunes which will pre. . - ! .
the transmission in life or by beque.-t
upon death of those "swollen beyond ali
healthy limits. "
Uoth houses of Congress were there
In a body , together with most of th ; ;
dignitaries and oflicial Washington the
Supreme Court , the cabinet and mem
bers of the diplomatic corps. Soc-iel. .
was represented by the wives and fam
ilies of the President and others in olli-
cial life , and the rest of the concourse
was composed of knights of masonry
and several thousand citizens from tht
ordinary walks.
The President spoke some plain
things to Congress , and especially th'j
Senate , which as a body the chief ex
ecutive does not frequently have an oi
portunity of addressing in person. Thv
scheme of seating was such that the
Senate was literally at the President * *
feet , and the executive could have ;
readied over the rail of the speaker' *
stand and touched the heads of Spool
er , Lodge , Foraker and other leader.H
who occupied the front pew.
"The Man with the Muck-Rake"
formed the text for the principal parl
of the address , but in his attack on : i
certain class of sensational writers tht
President let be understood that he
wasn't attempting a Job of whitewash
ing. President Roosevelt proclaimed
the Quck-rake man was a useful citi
SS&3 ia dangerous only when greet ]
Sensationalism leads him beyoiuJ
very rich and the leaders of tht
labor world were not differentiated between -
tween when the President gave his at
tention to men and deeds of current in
"The liar is no whit better than the
thief , and if his mendacity takes tht
form of slander he may be worse than
most thieves , " was one of the Presi
dent's sentences.
"The effort to make financial or po
litical profit out of the destruction of
character can only result in public ca
lamity , " was another.
"Hysterical sensationalism is tin
very poorest weapon wherewith to. fi .
for lasting righteousness. "
"If the whole picture is painted black
there remains no hue whereby to single
out the rascals for distinction from
their fellows. "
"The foundation stone of national life
is , and ever must be. the high Individ
ual character of the average citizen. "
A graduated inheritance tax : that
would make impossible the conveyance
intact of a tremendous fortune , such
as that of John D. Rockefeller , to some
other keen money accoumulator , who.
with this gigantic aggregation of
wealth to start with , could continue
to add to the mountain of money and
in turn convey it again to another with
similar capabilities , was among the
things advocated by President Roosevelt
velt in his speech.
The President's speech was , perhaps
the most notable that he has delivered
during the past four years. In some
respects it is the most important. 11 :
took for his text the man with
muck rake of Bunyan's "Pilgrim * *
Progress" the man whose vision wa' =
fixed on carnal , instead of spiritual
things who typifies the man who i : :
this life consistently refuses to ser
aught that is lofty and fixes his eye
with stolid intent only on that which i.-
vile and debasing.
Exposition of Sweat.simp Goods.
A new idea in expositions , says Public
Opinion , has just been realized in Ber
lin , Germany , with the opening of uu ox-
hibir of the products of sweatshops. It.- ;
object is to show the worst side of th"
city's life and to bring home to the public-
mind the fact that there are thousand-
of poor women and children working fo :
starvation wages under conditions worst"
than slavery. The exhibits have been prc
pared by various charitable societies , tht
goods being purchased directly from th
workers. Among other things , the ex
hibit shows a great difference in the prict
for the same work in different sections of
Germany. At one place the maker of n
simple umbrella earns S cents , while at
another only 2 cents is paid for a more
elaborate one. Women and children make
artificial flowers at less than 1 cent aa
hour. In the trade or children's -wooden
toys children arc largely employed , work
ing for a mere pittance , day after day
"painting toys for other and more fortu
late cb'ldren to play with. "
ProfeN.sion for Women.
Mrs. A. T. Bowling of New York Cit > .
who several years ago was thrown upon
her own resources , has developed an o"-
cupation quite unique. Her card reads.
"Services in case of emergency , " and IIP-
business is to fit into any vacant niche
svhere prompt and energetic action L-
aeeded. If unexpected company comes
she will see to the ordering of a dinner.
She hunts flats , takes charge of houses
) r families in case of sudden illness , ar
ranges for funerals , and hunts up al
dnds of information for people out o
: own. She ill always on tap for advice.
Gov. Mickey has issued the follow
ing Arbor day proclamation :
Iy virtue of the authority of legis
lative enactment and in accordance
with a custom which has been estab
lished In nearly every state In the un
ion , I , John H. Mliikey , governor of
the state of Nebraska , do hereby Issue
this my proclamation appointing Mon
day , April 23 , 19OC , to be observed
as Arbor day.
Nebraska owes a debt of gratitude
to the "tree planters" of pioneer days
which it can never repay. These pil
grims of a generation ago not only
demonstrated that trees could be suc
cessfully grown upon our then bleak
prairies , but they realized the Impor
tance of such growth upon climatic
conditions and they inspired the set
tlers with a zeal for forestry which
has dotted the state with groves , mak
ing our climate more equitable In
point of humidity and substantially
adding to the beauty of nature and the
enjoyment of man. Statisticians tell
us that the natural forests arc being
rapidly depleted and that it is a ques
tion of a comparatively short time
whji the demand for lumber will have
fo be supplied from artificial groves.
Let us anticipate that time and get
ready in the present for tjie necessi
ties of the future. X regard the plantIng -
Ing of trees as a patriotic duty , and
I call upon all citizens , in every walk
of life , to devots at least a portion
of the day to practical forestry. Let
the minds of the school children be
especially instructed in this channel
and let their Instructors , by precept
and example , teach them also the im
portant place which the forest occu
pies in the economy of nature , and
let us all , both "old and young , plant
at least one tree for our own pleasure
and the benefit of posterity.
* * *
The board of secretaries of the statv.
veterinary board held its regular ex
aminations Wednesday , with 32 yound
and old men participating. This ex
amination was held under the law en
acted by the late legislature , which
provides that no one in the state shall
practice veterinary medicine under
the title of a veterinarian without
first having secured a license from the
state board. Considerable opposition
has been aroused among the old time
practitioners , who say they will be un
able to pass the examination because
of the technical questions asked ,
though they have been practicing for
twenty years or more and know all
about the inside and the outside workIngs -
Ings of a horse. A. P. Barnes , ol
Plattsmouth , who has been practicing
for twenty years , called' upon the gov
ernor and protested against the en
forcement of the law , which he said
was passed merely to drive the old
fellows out of the business and make
way for the younger men who have
yet to build up a practice. Dr. Barnes
was advised to take the examination
and did so , it being the belief that the
old timers Avlll. have no trouble in
passing. Dr. Peters , of the state uni
versity , a member of the board of sec-
iretaries , said the law was passed to
catch the fellows from other states
who jump into Nebraska and do a lot
of business because of sensational ad
vertising and who have no license to
practice here. The old timers , he said ,
can go right ahead and practice , pro
vided they do not call themselves vet
erinarians and many of them are do
ing that rather than take the exam
* * *
Gov. Mickey will appoint three or
five volunteer commissioners to repre
sent Nebraska at the Jamestown ex
position to be held beginning May ,
1907 , providing the men will serve
without compensation or without ex
pense to the state. This announce
ment was made by the governor after
an interview with Charles "W. Kohl-
saat and George D. Meiklejohn , the
former being the exposition commis
sioner sent to Nebraska to
i interest the people in the ex-
1 position. "Mr. Kohlsaat explain-
'Od the exposition to me , " said
Gov. Mickey , "arid asked that a com
mission be appointed to select a site
for a Nebraska building. He suggest
ed that this commission could be
composed of men who would pay their
own expenses and then report to the
next legislature. I shall appoint the
commission , but I do not know wheth
er the legislature will look favorably
upon an appropriation for a building.
* * *
Secretary Mellor , of the state fair
board , Is planning space for the dis
play of aricultural Implements at the
state fair this fall. TKe hog "barns are
already fil ed the sheep barns are al-
esT HTTed and "assurance's imve o"een
received that the horse barns will be
'filled. The secretary so far has been
so busy with other duties connected
with his office that he has not yet
started with his efforts to secure agri
cultural exhibits , but applications are
coming in for space just the same and
the display promises to be greater
than ever before.
* *
State officers who have in the past
been In the habit of calling a messen
ger boy when wanting to get a mes
sage or a package delivered , will in
the future do the little stunt them
selves , or pay the bey. This is the
hunch sent out by the secretary of
, state and the state auditor to the orh-
er offices , and as these two officers
have to sign the vouchers and approve
them they have the power to enforce
the hunch. Some of the officers use
messenger boys to the extent of sever
al dollars a year , while others have
never called one.
* * *
At a meeting of the state board of
health Saturday evening Dr. S. K.
Spaldlng was allowed $516 for his
services as a member. Dr. Brash was
allowed $1 5.35 for work as a member
of the board of secretaries. J. "W. Mc
Donald was allowed $2.10 for serv
* * *
During the month of .March State
Oil Inspector Church turned over to
the state treasurer the sum of $584.67. '
The receipts for the month amounted
to $1,562.60 and the expenses amounted
ed to 5997.9 ?
Suffered Severely
With Headaches
Unable to Work.
Miss Lucy V. McGivney , 432 3d Ave. ,
Brooklyn , N. Y. , writes :
"For many months I suffered sc-
vsrely from headaches and pains in
the side and back , sometimes being
unable to attend to my daily work.
"I am better , no\v , thanks to PC-
runa , and am us active as ever and
have no more headaches.
"Thevay Peruna worked in my
case ivzs simply marvelous. "
We have in onr files many grateful
letters from women who have suffered
with the symptoms named above. Lack
of space prevents our giving more than
one testimonial here.
It is impossible to even approximate
the great amount of suffering which 1'e-
rnna has relieved , or the number ol
women who have been restored to health
and strength by its faithful use.
A Grcut Cnmiitliier.
Congressman Thomas Hedge , of
Iowa , holds , that Leslie M. Shaw , secre
tary of the treasury , is one of the best
political campaigners in the country.
"Nobody ever nets away. " said Hedge ,
"if Leslie gets a chance to address him
personally. Tn one campaign he car
ried a splendid new watch. After ad
dressing an audience he would circu
late among the voters , saying to this
man and that : 'I wish you would jrivo
me the correct time , I am afraid of los
ing my train. ' Of course , each man
complied , feeling flattered at the re
quest. Shaw used to say it was harden
on the watch , hut he believed the vote *
he made in this way more than made
up. " Indianapolis News.
teble Preparalionfor As
similating theFoodandRegula-
ling the Stomachs andBowels of
Promotes Digcslion.CheerPur-
ness andEest.Contains neither
OpiumMorphine nor tineral.
liaise Seed.
Ctcnfitd Saga ?
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa-
Tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish-
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature oF
Satisfactory Evidence. * *
The chief of police was walking ab
stractedly aJon ? tbp srrcct , thinking o *
the carnival of crtim * and the Kectasity ,
of doinj , ' something to er.d it.
Thief , " said a tall , powerfully btiilc
stranger , approaching him , "don't you
want a poMci'inan for some special service "
vice ? I'm an old hand at the business. "
"I do , " answered the cliief. looking
j him over. "Have you any testimonial *
to show that you have had experience aa
a. policeman V"
"No , sir , " said the other , mechanically
swiping a banana as they passeii a fruit
stand. "You will have to take my word
for it. "
! "You're an old. hand , all right , " oberr-
i ed the chief. "I'll gLve you a trial. "
Chicago Tribune.
. That Delightful Aid to Health
Toilet Antiseptic
Whitens the teeth purifies
mouth and breath cures nasal
catarrh , sore throat , sore eyes ,
and by direct application cures
all inflamed , ulcerated and
catarrhal conditions caused by
feminine ills.
Paxtine possesses extraordinary
cleansing , healing and gcrmi-
cidal qualities unlike anything
else. At all druggists. 50 cents
The R. Paxton Co. , Boston , Mass.
A OorUin Onro for FeverJHhn < J
, Constipation , IIecL < iacliei
Stomach Troubles , Teething ;
Disorders , and Destroy
Mother Gray. Wornm. Thar IJrotiU np Colds
Nurse in ChilJin 24 hours. At all L'rugRutg. Sactt.
rmi'a Home Sainule mailed 7RCC Addresi ,
New YoibUity. A. S. OLMSTED. Lc Roy. H Y.
Usoiho Great English Remedy
Sufc , Sure , Effective. 50c. & 51 ,
DRUGGISTS , or 93 Henry St. , Brooklyn , It. Y ,
, D.C.
Successfully Prcspcutes Claims.
Lulu 2rinott > Ai uraxakier U.S. P u ! ou Buraau.
yf P ? U-tp-i o lsoflchfrurf
V UJ stp . . .1'iii i m u > r lituds a
) i sV'i to S u. uii Valley. H. r'tclil , Whlw
. "V * T' - Xo. 17 1 ! ) ( ) ( > .
Ely's Dream Balm
is quickly absorbed.
Gives Relief at Once.
It cleanses , soothes ,
heals nud protects
the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh
and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly.
Kestores the Senses of Taste and Smell.
Full size 50 cts. at Druggists or by mail ;
Trial six 10 cts. by mail.
ElvCotliers , OG Barren Street , New York.
&rmjr W3 !
Infants and Children.
. .
Million Boxes a Year