Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 26, 1906, Image 6

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Awful Neu/algia Case Cured to Stay
Cured by Dr. Williams'
Fink Pills.
Neuralgia in any form is painful hut
when it attacks the heart iti.sfrequently
fatal. Complicated with indigestion of
a form that affected the vital organ it
threatened serious consequences in an iu-
Btance just reported. The case is t hat of
Mr. F. L. Graves , of Pleasanthill , La. ,
who tells of his trouhle and cure as
follows :
" 1 traveled considerably , was exposed
to all kindsqf weather and was irregular
in my sleeping and eating. I suppose
this was the cause of my sickness , at
any rate , in May , 1905,1 had got so had
that I was compelled to quit work and
take to my hed. I had a good doctor
and took his medicine faithfully hnt
grew worse. I gave up hope of getting
hotter and my neighhors thought I was
surely going to die.
"I had smothering spells that it is
awful to recall. My heart fluttered and
then seemed to cease heating. I could
jiot lie on my left side at all. My hands
and feet swelled and so did my face.
After reading ahout Dr. Williams' Pink
Piils in a newspaper I decided to try
them and they suited my case exactly.
Before long I could see an improvement
and after taking a few hoxcs I was en
tirely cured. I am glad to make this
statement and wish it coild cause every
bufferer to try Dr."Williams' Pink Pills , "
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do not simply
deaden pain ; they euro the trouhle which
causes the pain. They are guaranteed to
contain no narcotic , stimulant or opiate.
These who take them run no danger of
forming any drug hahit. They act
ilircctlyon thehlood and it is only through
the hlood that any medicine can reach
the nerves.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold hy all
druggists or will he sent , postpaid , on
receipt of price , 50 cents per hex , six
hnxfis for $2.50 , hy the Dr.Wiltiams Med
icine Co. , Scheuectady , 3\T.Y.
Excellent Substitute Fonml ul Time
of "Wheat Cro ; Failure.
What might in all seriousness he
classed among the "lost arts" is the
varied use of vegetables , says the Phil
adelphia Ledger. The present genera
tion eats them either raw or simply
cooked , the most complex preparation
being in the form of a pie or pudding.
A century ago man multiplied their
uses with a great deal of wisdom and
ingenuity. From the Chinese radish
was drawn a superior oil , excellent for
table use as well as for light and med
ical purposes. The parsnip furnished
a delectable wine , while from the
starch of potatoes was made a good
size , which by mixture with chalk form
ed an excellent material for stucco
The most noteworthy use of vegeta
bles , however , seems to have been in
the making of bread. At a time of
failure in the wheat crop it was demon
strated -that good bread could be made
from turnips. They are first prepared
as a vegetable , cleaned and cooked in
the usual way. When mashed a greater
prt of the water is pressed out of
them and the pulp then mixed with an
equal quantity in weight of wheat meal.
The dough is set to rise with yeast and
then treated in the usual manner
kneaded , made into loaves and baked.
The bread is found to be a little sweeter
than the regulation kind , but fully as
light and white. If cut immediately it
will taste of the turnip , but to no dis-
: igrcble extent , while in twenty-four
hours after baking all trace of tin :
vegetable vill have disappeared.
If turnips can be used for bread , why
not parsnips , carrots , potatoes or any
farinaceous tuber ? The potato pud
ding and the sweet potato pie have very
little taste of the respective roots from
which they are made , and this quality
should be still less noticeable in the
case of bread.
Photography lessons for prisoners , says
the report of the prison commissioners for
Scotland , have been attended with very
successful results.
Can Do the Work of 3 or 4 if Well
An energetic young woman living just
outside of New York writes :
"I am at present doing all the house
work of a dairy farm , caring for 2 chil
dren , a vegetable and flower garden , a
large numher of fowls , besides manag
ing an extensive exchange business
through the mails and pursuing my reg
ular avocation as a writer for several
newspapers and magazines ( designing
fancy work for the latter ) and all the
energy and ability to do this I owe to
Grape-Nuts food.
"It was not always so , and a year
ngo when the shock of my nursing ba
by's death utterly prostrated me and
deranged my stomach and nerves so
that I could not assimilate as much as
a mouthful of solid food , and was'in
even worse condition mentally , he
would have been a rash prophet who
would have predicted that it ever would [
be so.
"Prior to this great grief I had suf
fered for years with impaired digestion ,
insomnia , agonizing cramps in the
.stomach , pain in the side , constipation , ! ;
and other bowel derangements , all these
were familiar to my daily life. Medi
cines gave me no relief nothing did ,
until a few mouths ago , at a friend's
suggestion , I began to use Grape-Nuts
food , and subsequently gave up coffee
entirely and adopted I'ostuin Food Cof
fee at all my meals.
"To-day I am free from all the trou ;
bles I have enumerated. My digestion
is simply perfect , I assimilate my food |
wit bout the least distress , enjoy sweet ,
restful sleep , and have a buoyant feelIng -
Ing of pleasure in my varied duties. '
In fact , I am a new woman. , entirely
\uadc over , and I repeat , I owe it all
to Grape-Nuts and Postum Coffee. "
Name given by Postum Co. , Battle '
Creek , Mich. !
There's n reason. Head the little .
book , "The Koad to Wellville , " In pkgs. '
> v
* >
> insons of Great Papers on Important Subjects. * |
&tf WMtftfAi A e < tf w
N instructive experiment was made a few
days ago > demonstrate the relative inde
structibility of the steel railway car. A col
lision was arranged and the cars survived
the force of an impact delivered at a speed
] of forty miles an hour. Of course , an actual
collision under ordinary conditions might
have produced different results , but the experiment
proved two things at least : First , that the steel car will
bear a tremendous shock without breaking up , and second
end , that it presents far less inflammable surface to
feed the fire that so frequently follows in the wake of a
wreck. The Erie Railway Company has built a steel
car for the accommodation of mail clerks , whose usual
position in the first section of an express train is almost
as perilous as that of tlie fireman and the engineer in
the cab. Other railway con.panies are quite likely to
follow the Erie's example at once , and in the course of
time we will see the steel car employed as universally on
trunk lines as it is to-day in the New York subway. The
change will greatly reduce the loss of life annually cred
ited to collisions , and while the initial expense to the
transportation companies will be heavy they will derive
a profit from the longer life and the greater structural
stability of the steel car aivl also from the reduction in
the number of damage suit.- . de to accidents. The steel
car cannot be made si ran : : enough tr > resist perfectly the
strain of all collisions , but it will not telescope as read
ily as the wooden car , and while it may crumple some
what under terrific pi-esfure. it cannot splinter. These
two advantages make ultimate adoption everywhere a
certainty. Brooklyn I njrle.
r ; nc.i "j
IXE l ; htic : Iir.s 1 ecu cosparel : to the na
tional > p ; IT of Spain bull fighting.
Though tlse latter deals only with animals ,
it is probal.lo th.t its influence upon na
tional character isthe more brutalizing of
the two K'JT.UJ-O it is more- generally attend
ed by men. women : ; ncl children , and be
cause the animals both hulls and horses never have
the slightest chant e to win or even to escape a prolonged
But the accounts of tle irie fijrlit in San Francisco ,
in which Harry 'fenny v.v.s beaten into Insensibility ,
dosed with stimulants to induce him to withstand fur
ther punishment and finally savasely murdered , will con
vince many people that , this Fo-calicd "sport" should be
Immediately and permanently driven from American soil.
Boxing is a desirable physical accomplishment. There
are times when a man may 1-e indebted to it for his own
protection and that of other ? . But prize fighting is no
more essential to a proper training in boxing than are
poolrooms necessary to a development of the speed powers
of our hordes. Chicago Post.
T i * exceedingly difficult to comprehend the
moral and n.cntal make-up of that clns-s of
men and women who compose the so-called
fashionable ? ot in our larger American
cities , and who in clays like these can find
no higher or saner purpose for the expendi
ture of their time and money than in feedIng -
Ing their vanities and indulging their pampered appe
tites. With millions dying of starvation in Russia , with
hordes of men and women desperate with hunger and
privation inarching through the streets of London , with
a thousand appeals for help and service arising from
"What's this , madameV What's this ? "
exclaimed the genial Pa Jones , in a
shoutful voice , as he suddenly looked
up from the newspaper that he was
\ reading and cast a searchlight glare at
Ma. "What have j'ou and your dear
mother been doing ? What kind of a
Smith game have you been playing ?
Will you be good enough to explain ?
Will you be sweet enough to prove an
alibi ? Have you da rod "
"What in the world arc you talking
about , Henry ? " broke in Ma , with feign
ed surprise. "What is the cause of
four agitation ? One might think that
5:011 had been finned by a wasp ! One
might think "
"What am I talking about , Mrs.
Tones ? What am I talking about , angel
ivife ? " rejoined the heated Pa. adding
a few extra , volts to his elocution.
"What do you suppose I am talking
about ? Do I sound as if I was singing
sweet songs of praise ? Do you imagine
for one moment that 1 would touch off
the Benediction with dynamite ? Not
jn your guilty conscience , darling ! Not
sn your guilty conscience ! I am chirpIng -
Ing about a paragraph in this'paper !
am barking about an item in the so
ciety dope which says that .Miss Sis
lones will make her debut next week
it a'reception given by hrr parents. Mr.
md Mrs. Henry .lones ! It also says
hat she will wear a pink i-atit : gown ,
nit rubber shaped , with embroidered
carnations , a bouquet of slippers and a
icmstitclied handkerchief to match !
tVhat does it mean , woman ? What does
t mean ? Have you "
"It means just what it says , you
lowling heathen ! " interrupted Ma , a
little pettishly. "It means that Sis is
ofng to have her coming-out party ,
md "
"Who gave jou permission to have a
larty , Mrs. .Tones ? Who gave you por-
nission to have a party ? " thundered
Lhe indignant Pa , as he ragefully gy
rated around the room. "Who told you
that you could blow yourself ? Since
tvhen have you assumed to run things
iround here ? How long have you been
the Uncle Joe Cannon of this house ? I
lemand to know why I wasn't con
sulted ! I demand to know why I
cvery quarter of our own land , what but a heart incrusted -
crusted with selfishness and filled with greed and foolish
pride could remain obdurate and unresponsive ! Such
must have been the character of the rich and fashion
able out in Louisville , Ky. , who gave a birthday lunch-
con to a pet dog the'other day , with all the accompani
ments of a high-class social function. The beast was the
guest of honor , and around the board , we are informed ,
"were persons prominent in society. " An elaborate menu
was provided , and the dog was served from a silver plat
ter. Of course no blame can be attached to the dog ,
who aparently had the wisest head of all engaged in
this silly business , but as to the other creatures who sur
rounded "the board , " there can hardly be but one opin
ion among intelligent and conscientious men and women.
Their proper status , we should say , was several grades
below that of the dog. It is precisely such exhibitions as
these , and such a use of wealth , that furnish ample fuel
to the anarchist , and other enemies of the existing social
order.1 Leslie's Weekly.
HEN it is said that McCall died of a broken
heart , the speech is , of course , figurative.
He died of over-taxation of his vital organs ,
principally his nervous system , of which his
brain was so essentially the chief. The
same strain under which he suffered was
placed upon Hyde and on Alexander , and
even on Chauncey Depew. Possibly McCall was the
more sensitive , probably the more out of order physically ,
and therefore the more subject to the effects of the
strain. Hyde is off in Europe enjoying himself , while
poor old McCall lies in his coffin. It is unfortunate" for
the individual , but no cue with a sense of justice would
wish to undo the good accomplished by the exposures ,
just because one rather prominent life has been sacri
ficed by the revolution. War is hell , said Sherman. So
war on corporate wealth , as represented in the Ilydes , the
McCalls , the Rockefellers , and that crowd , means terrible
suffering to some of the rich , who have caused so muoh
suffering to many of the poor. The ordinary robber goes
to the penitentiary , and we all say the punishment is the
natural result of his conduct. So McCall dies , Hyde be
comes a fugitive , and others of the ilk floe in alarm at
the rising tide of public indignation , and no one ought to
want to save them from the just consequences of their
misdeeds. McCall died of a broken heart yes , just as
many another person , who has been exposed. Indianapo
lis Sun.
N attempt is being made at this session of
Congress to secure legislation to prevent for
eigners becoming citizens until they have re
sided here at least five years. This is not
regarded as a party political question , be
cause leaders of both Republican and Demo
cratic parties have been guilty of making
illegal votes out of emigrant material , but leaders of both
parties recognize the necessity of a reform measure. As
many as thirty thousand emigrants land in this country
in a single day. Among such numbers there are a great
many men old enough to vote , and shrewd enough to
follow instructions given them by the politicians who
have something at stake. According to recent investiga
tions these newly landed emigrants are rounded up for
election and given the franchise often before they have
boon in the country for a year , sometimes only a few
weeks. Such votes count just the same as yours. Farm ,
Field and Fireside.
wasn't invited to the committee meet
ing ! I want you to know that I. am
the lord and master of this joint ! 1
want you to distinctly understand that
I buy the scrapple ! I want you "
"For heaven's sake shut up , you hoot-
ful yap ! " cried the annoyed Ma , with a
wifely glance at the prancing Pa. "You
make me sick ! You make me sob ! You
weren't consulted because you give
every suggestion that I make a bump
and a black eye ! You weren't consult
ed because we knew that you would
start to cackle and keep it up until
Peary discovered the North Pole ! Be
sides , it is none of your business , and
"That's all right , Mary ! That's all
right , little girl ! " interposed Pa , in a
honeyed voice , as a sudden look of great
joy overspread his features. "Don't say
another word ! The old man was only
kidding you ! He was just giving you
a game of josh to see if you would get
hot in the collar ! Now then , run along
and finish your preparations for the
party , and if there is anything more in
the money or bouquet line that you
want you can count on your Uncle
Henry to deliver the goods every
time ! "
With this Pa Jones affectionately
kissed the amazed Ma. patted little Fide
on the head , and then went to his den ,
where lie spent the next two hours mer
rily chuckling to himself.
The great event finally arrived , and
even as the tuneful orchestra was play
ing the danceful strains of a glide
waltz , the servant at the door impres
sively announced :
"Cousin Hez and Cousin Maria ! "
Ma gave one startled glance at the
late arrivals , gurgled something inar
ticulate. and yearnfully longed to die
Mother-in-Law Smith was also the vic
tim of conflicting emotions , and grab
bed her heart with both hands , while
Sis and Edytho emitted soulful sighs.
Johnny and Willie , however , whopped
with real joy , and Pa seemed pleased.
"Hello , Hen ! " was the cheery greet
ing of Cousin Ilez , as he oozed into so
ciety. "How's all ther folks ? How's
Mary an' ther kids ? Why there's Mary
now ! Hoydy do , Mary ! Ton my soul
you don't look a derned bit older than
you did twenty years ago. It's wonder
ful what tight lacin' and drug store
paint will do fer a woman ! I was je 5
tellin' Mariar t'cther day thet If she
would "
"Henry , " Into je tcd the blushing
V " > " v < F
< f
< : !
* 1
4i i
Ma , freezingly , "perhaps your cousin
would like some refreshments "
"Don't worry about us , Mary ! " In
terposed Cousin Hez. "We will get
along all right ! We had some ham and
cabbage what was left over from din
ner jes afore we started , an' as fer
drinkables I've been on ther water wag
on ever sense Seth Frazier's hog killin' !
Gee whizz ! I thought I was never go-
in' ter get here on time ! Ther ole gray
mare had ter go an' git ther colic , an'
Mariar couldn't git her stockin's on ! It
was them stockin's what you left down
to Hedge Corners last summer , Mary !
Yer see , Mariar is a leetle bit heavier'n
you , an "
"Henry , " cried , the mortified Ma , re
proachfully , "you haven't asked your
cousin to go to the smoking room !
You "
"I ain't smokin' now , Mary ! " rejoin
ed Cousin Ilez , with a thankful smile.
"Ther man what runs ther grocery at
Hedge Corners got his terbaccer an'
cayenne pepper mixed while tryin * ter
chuck a strange dog out of ther store ,
an' I've swore off smokin' till I see thet
ther rest of ther natives hev stopped
sneezin' ! What do you think of this
society rig of mine , Hen ? I give $1.98
for thorn pants , an' I think thet if I
had anted up ther other two cents I
might hev got ther rest of tlior legs !
Lwsomever. when you've got boots on
yer don't notice thet they're about six
inches shy ! They say thet clothes don't
make ther man , but if it wasn't fer
duds some dudes wouldn't get by ! I
What's tbr.t , lien ? Oh , never mind in-
terducin' me ter yer friends now ! I'm
so docl-gasted dry thet my staves arc
fallin' in ! Where's yer pump ? "
Greatly to the relief of the exercised
Ma , Cousin Ilez was led to the kitchen
to quench his thirst , and during the in
terval matters were explained to the
smiling guests.
"You contemptible brute ! You in
sufferable scoundrel ! " shouted the en
raged Ma , with blazing eyes when all
was once more quiet in the happy home
of the Jones Family. "How dared you
do such an atrocious trick as that ? How
dared you invite "
"Don't get excited , sweetheart ! Don't
get excited ! " was the exasperating re
sponse of the happy Pa. "There's no
use crying over spilled milk , but the
next time be wise enough to ask your
Uncle Henry to help you carry the
jug' "
la Just one second the battle was in
full bloom , and the s.un was peeping
over the Eastern hills before Ma was
fully satisfied that Pa laiew what she
thought of him.
Work , of the UiIIyI Statc.t llurean
Although the results of introducing
certain fishes of the eastern seaboard
into western waters have been often
mentioned in the reports of the com
missioner of fisheries , reference should
again be made to the increasing abun
dance of the shad and the striped bass
on tiie Pacific coast. The yearly catch
of these lish for market at this time
is upward of 4,000,000 pounds , for
which the fishermen receive nearly
$ :200OCO. The reported aggregate sales'
o" the two species to the end of the cal
endar year 1904 were 2j,400COO ( pounds ,
with a value of ? 9o.j,000 at the prices
actually paid to the fishermen.
By the way of reciprocity In past
years experiments have been made upon
a rather extensive scale to acclimate
the chinook salmon on the Atlantic
coast , large numbers of eggs having
been transported across the continent ,
hatched and distributed in waters
deemed suitable for the purpose. No
results /appear to have followed these
efforts and it is probable that the north
western rivers are no longer capable of
sustaining such a large , vigorous spe
cies. It has , therefore , boon deter
mined to attempt the introduction of
other west coast salmon , particularly
the silver salmon tuid the humpback
salmon. &
The excellent steelhead trout of the
Pacific coast , introduced into Lake Su
perior about ten years ago. appear to
have become firmly established in the
lake and its tributaries and has now be
gun to figure In the commercial fisher
ies. Some eggs have been taken from
wild fish and hatched at the Duluth
Another noteworthy case of acclimat
ization in Lake Superior is that of the
bluefin or blackfin whitefish , introduced
from Lake Michigan. This fish has now
become exceedingly abundant and many
millions of pounds have been caught
and soiil by the fishermen. Its e gs are
now regularly collected and incubated
at the Duluth hatchery.
.More than the "Whites in
an Kifual Time.
President Roosevelt has appointed a
Pottawatomle Indian named Paul
Knapp to a cadetship at West Point.
lie is 1 ! ) years of age , well educated ,
has a good record as a football player ,
and is expected to give credit to his
race at the country's big military
school. Of course the race prejudice
which has impeded negroes at that in
stitution does not operate against In
dians. Cadet Knapp will not run
against any social barrier.
The Indian is coining to the front
these days , says Leslie's Weekly. There
are 270,000 of them in the countryOf
the 170,000 who are outside of the Five
Civilized Tribes of the Indian Territory
and outside of the State of New York ,
30,000 are attending school. Civilized
clothes are worn wholly by 120,000 of
these 170,000 Indians , and are worn
partly by 30,000 more ; four-fifths of
these reside in dwelling nouses of civi
lized style ; 70,000 talk English enough
for ordinary purposes , and most of
these can read it ; and 40.000 are mem
bers of churches. Practically all the
members of the Five Tribes talk Eng
lish , all wear civilized clothes , all have
good schools , and all live in dwelling
houses. The same is true of the re\v
thousand Indians in New York.
Since 1S77 , when the government be
gan its work of educating and prepar
ing them for citizenship , the Indians
have made far more progress than the
whites ever did in any equal time. The
Cherokees , Choctaws , Chickasaws ,
Creeks and Seminoles have been gov
erning themselves for two-thirds of a
century. They will do the same thing
on a larger field and under somewhaj >
different conditions in the coming State
of Oklahoma. Citizenship is near at
hand for all the Indians , and with the
tuition which they are receiving and
under the incentives whih are offered
to thorn , they will prbably make a *
good use of it as the average white men
have done.
IIoiue-Grovrn Tea.
"This year 12,000 pounds of choice
tea will be shipped from what is , at
present , the only tea farm in the west
ern hemisphere , " says Freeman Tilden
in his article , "Great Chance for Tea
Growers , " in the Technical World Mag
azine. "This farm is at Sumnierville ,
S. C. In the face of difficulties that at
times seemed insurmountable , but on
the other hand , with kindly assistance
of the United States government , the
Sumnierville tea farm has grown to a
point where it can offer serious compe
tition with the best grades of tea ship
ped from China. India , Formosa or
Java. But , barring the question of la
bor , the finest tea can be successfully
grown at home , and there is nothing
that gladdens the heart of an American
more than the discovery that he can
enter into competition in a field hither
to denied him. "
His. Advice.
' What do you think we had better
do to stop the railroads ? " asked the
man who is patriotic but nervous.
"Don't try to stop 'em , " answered the
man who is always in a hurry. "En
courage 'em to run faster and ofteuer. "
Washington Star.
If you have time to boast about be
ing worked to death , you have not u h
much to do.
If things upset you easily , look out
That la one aign of age.
1 j Indication * of l oncrcrlty.
j . In the mediral world it is a generally ;
.accepted fact that every person bear !
.physical indications of his prospects of ,
.long life. A long-lived person may bo
distinguished from a short-lived person
at sight. In many instances a physi
cian may look at the hand of a patient
and tell whether he. will live or die ,
says the New York Herald.
The primary cpndition of longevity
are that the heart , lungs and digestive
organs as well as the brain , should bo
large. If these organs are large the
trunk will be long and the limbs com
paratively short. The person will ap
pear tall in sitting and short in stand
ing. The hand will have a long and
somewhat heavy palm and short fin
The brain will be deeply seated , as
shown by the orifice of the car being
low. The blue hazel or brown hazel
eye , as showing an intermission of
temperament , is a favorable indication.
The nostrils , if large , open and free
Indicate large lungs. A pinched and
half-closed nostril indicates small or
weak lungs.
These are general points of distinc
tion , but. of course , subject to the usual
individual exceptions.
W. L. Douglas $4.OO Gilt Edge Line
cannot be equalled atany price.
JULY G ,376- ,
CAPITAL 32.500.ooa
REWARD to anyone who can
disprove this statement.
If I could take you into my three large factories
at Brockton , Mass. , and show you the infinite
care with which every pair of shoes is made , you
would realize why W. L. Douglas S3.50 shoes
cost more to make , why they hold their shape ,
fit better , wear longer , and are of greater
intrinsic value than any other $3.50 shoe.
W. / . Douglas Strong Made Shoes for
Men , $2.50 , $2.OO. Boys'School &
Dress Shoes , $2.5O , $2 , $1. 75 , $1.SO
CAUTION. Insist upon having W.L.Doujf-
laa shoe. . Tike no substitute. None genuine
without his name and price stamped on bottom.
Fast Color Eyelets used ; they will not wear brassy.
Write for Illustrated Catalog.
W. I , . DOUGLASBrockton ,
When offered something else
instead of
stop and consider : "Am I sure
to get something as good as this
best cough cure ?
If not sure , what good reason
is there for for taking chances in a
matter that may have a direct
bearing on my o\vn or my family's
health ? " .
Sold by all dealers at 250. and 500.
There is no satisfaction keener
than being dry and comfortable
when out in the hardest stomv
io fiie Acre
means a. productivs
capacity in dollars elI
I Over $1G Per Acic
This on land , which has cost the farmci
nothing but the price of tilling it , teUs its
own story. The Canadian Government
Absolutely Free to Every Seller
160 Acres of Such Lend
Lands adjoining can be purchased at from fj tc
io per acre from railroad and other corporations.
Already 1 75.000 FARMERS from the United
ha\e made their homes in Canada. For uamphlrf
r-renliclb " information
Century Canada" and ali
Appl/forlnfo mntion teSt p < vtnt no ntof Ironi g n-
tlc-n , O tawa , Cauailn. or to K. T. Holme * . 315 JH. li-un
Ot. . St. Paul , Minn. . aiM J. M. McLch ) ii. hex Kn ,
WtrtownSo.DaJtoi . Authorized tioYerno.entA tuir
PlMM ur wharo JTI * aw