Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 26, 1906, Image 5

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    A frlond of the homo- *
A foe of the Truot
Complies with the Pure Food Lawa
of all Gtatoa.
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch.
Brownlee , Nebr ,
Prince. Boabdel
131693 and Curly
Coat 112261 at "head
ot herd The blood
of Fowler. Anxiety ,
Lord Wilton and Sir
Gladstone predomi
nates 10 my herd.
I have 40 head of Hereford bulls from 0 months
to 2 years old ou hand lor this spring's trade.
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Will be in Kosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904.
Kiego , Nohr.
Tubular wells and windmills.
ine up by Telephone.
N , J. Austin. J , W. Thompson.
Austin < 3o Thompson ,
General Blacksmithing-
and Wood Work.
Wood JLnke - Rebr.
All work will be piven prompt
and careful attention ,
First-class Shop in Every Respect
Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Bair
Tonic , Herbicide and Coko's Dandruff Cure.
Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream
City Deliveryman ,
.Trunks , valises and packages usluled to and
from tlif depot and all parts of flip City.
Practices in all State Courts.
* *
Something can now be had
for the destruction of every
insect that flies , creeps or
crawls. This is an especial
ly good season to destroy
them as a little later they
will multiply with marvelous
For bed bugs you will find ,
no surer antidote than
Balls Bed Bug
After a careful and searching
investigation by the military court
under the supervision of Major
Penrose , Mrs. Andrew Jelly was
exonerated from blame in the ac
cidental shooting of Mrs. Jotter
some time ago. It is gratifying
to everybody to learn such a de
cision was reached and that an im
partial and searching investigation
has removed all thought of suspic
ion that might lurk in the minds
of some who failed to hear the de
tails of the accident.
Pat Peiper was in town last
S. J. Blakely has moved to town
for the summer.
Editor Heath of Cody was in
our city last Friday.
Allen Benson was in town sev
eral days last week.
J. W. Mann of Cody was a vis
itor in our-city Monday.
John and Paul Newland are in
town today from Sparks.
Mass will be said at 10:30 : a. m.
ut the Catholic church Sunday.
Mrs. Callen returned last week
from a visit on Rosebud agency.
G. A. Chapman spent several
days last week in the country fish
J. E. Thackrey and family are
on their way here from Hot
Springs , S. D.
John Marty is making prepara
tions to build a dwelling south of
J. J. McLean's.
Wni. Epke was in town Tues
day with a load of hogs which he
sold at § 5.75 per cwt.
Mrs. Thomas Watkins was tak
en to thflthospital at Ft. Niobrara
Tuesday for treatment.
Grant Spain has sold his homestead -
stead improvements to Fred Kal.ya
and has moved to town.
A public dance was given at
Church's hall last night for the
benefit of the Frisco people.
For sale cheap high wheel ball
bearing lawn mower , nearly new.
Mrs. Bessie Shaw returned last
Saturday from Bisbee , Arizona ,
and expects to spend the summer
in Valentine.
The Corner Store invites your
attention to their new ad and up
to date goods this week in their
W. P. Conley came up from Ok
lahoma last week and is visiting
friends in the city. This item was
overlooked last week.
John Stedifor was kicked by a
mule at the soldiers' camp west of
town Wednesday. He was re
ported quite seriously hurt.
R. C. Salmon came up yester
day from Scribner , where he is
running a restaurant , and is en
joying a visit among friends.
Xotice the change this week in
the advertisement of Bishop &
Young of Cody who call your at
tention to their business in print
ers ink.
John Marty moved a building
in from the country last week and
placed it on one of C. H. Cornell's
lots near the depot and will use it
for a land office.
Mrs. K. Peterson returned from
Denmark last Thursday , bringing
with her a niece of Col. Thomp
son's wife , who will make her
home with her aunt.
Valentine contributed over § 500
to the relief of the San Francisco
sufferers. Omaha , up to Tuesday
night , had raised § 22,000 beside
provisions and other contributions.
A. F. Webb has painted and re
paired his dwelling and has rec
ently put down a cement floor in
the pop factory and purchased a
water filter to use in his manufac
turing business.
J. C. JNbrthrop and family are
taking a vacation , and last week
went up to Harrison and the Black
Hills. Returning from there they
went east for several week's visit
with Mr. Northrop's relatives.
The soldiers 1st and 3rd batal-
ions of the 25th Infantry will go
on a practice march , the 1st leav
ing on Monday , returning Wednes
day , and the 3rd leaving Wednes
day , returning Friday of each
month during the summer. The
whole regiment will march at least
22 days in war formation.
A prairie fire started last Sun
day afternoon several miles west
of town and burned northward to
the Minnechaduza road. The
origin is supposed to have been
caused by lightning from a heavy
cloud that passed over about the
middle of the afternoon and from
which a light sprinkle of rain fell.
Lee Lamport is having "his dwe'K
ling remodeled , making three'
rooms on the south side instead of
two rooms and a hallway , the din
ing room and parlor being con-
cected by throwing open folding
Wesley Holsclaw and son , "Mor
ris , went down to Longpine yes
terday morning to work at mason
work for the C. & N. W. and will
probably have steady work during
the entire summer from Longpine
The wind Tuesday blew down a
chimney for Jim Galloway , also a
chimney was blown off the build
ing occupied by Ed Clarke , .next
door , and the battlement and some
.of the stone were loosened on the
northeast corner of the Republi
can building.
Andrew A. . Roby , formerly of.
the 25th Infantry , but now dis
charged , wishes an occupation as
cook on a ranch. He has recom
mendations as steamship cook and
has served as cook for officers
since his enlistment in the service.
Address him at Valentine , Neb.
There will be a re-union of vcfc
eans : of the Civil and Spinish.
American wars held ut Valentine
some time tii's Spring or summer.
Meetings have been held to per
fect arrangements and appoint
committees. There will be a meet
ing tonight to fix the date and
place of camp ground.
Business Notices ,
Don't forget the date , Wednes
day , May 2nd. 142
When you come to town , stop
at the Chicago House. 38
Fishing Tackle and Base Ball
Goods at Red Front Merc. Co.
I have a quantity of home grown
Flower Seed which I would like
to dispose of , and will sell 10 dif
ferent sorts for 25c , coin or stamps.
153 Box 29 , Kilgore , Neb.
Ilalldorson's photos 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 :
and 5th of each month.
See I. M. Rice for insurance ,
or list your farm for sale.
Dr. Barnes , the eye-sight spec
ialist , of Omaha , will be in Valen
tine , Wednesday , May 2nd , with
office at the Valentine House.
Please call early. 142
Bring your contest notice to THE
ished. It is your right.
House and Lot in Valentine for
sale at a bargain. House is small
but in good repair. Call on
10 I. M. RICE.
The Red Front Merc. Co. have
just received a full assortment of
Fishing Tackle.
List your farm at this office for
sale and have it advertised.
You will find a hearty welcome
at the Chicago House. 38
Are you going to paint your
house , barn or fence ? If you are ,
use nothing but Patten's Sun Proof
Paint. It goes the fartherest and
wears the longest. For sale by
Red Front Merc. Co. , sole agents.
Those who owe us on subscrip
tion would favor us by paying up
before May 1st. 133
FOR SALE Three sows * and
twenty suckling pigs. Prices reas
13 Valentine , Nebr.
Those who have farms for sale
can list them at this office and we
will offer a descriptive list of farms
soon and will advertise them for
sale. Bring the numbers cf your
land and a correct description of
it for our records so that we may
properly represent what you have
for sale. Any other property you
wish to sell can be advantageously
advertised in this paper. tf
If you are thinking of contest
ing a homestead , or if your neigh
bor has a contest notice to publish ,
by requesting its publication in
will help both of us.
you will eat more
you can do more work , enabling you to earn
more money , so that you can buy more
do more work and earn still more money.
At the Big White Shed in Cody ,
Kebr. , is the place to buy your
building material.
Arabia Items.
t Dan Jordan has gone to Omaha
to visit his sister who is attending
Boyles college. '
The decrease in the Ft. Niobrara ,
hay contract has a had effect on the
hay market at Arabia.
Mrs. J. C. McNair returned from
Omaha recently where she had been
having her eyes treated.
A. Benson drove to Woodlake
Tuesday. '
John Heel an drove to Valen
tine Tuesday on business.
Frank Higgin rode to Valentine
on special business Saturday.
Miss Nellie Collett spent Satur
day and Sunday at home in Valen
A few of the Arabia boys took
iii the Schkgle dance Saturday
night. Chas. Kreycik and Irvin
Query furnished the music.
"A. E. Benson , salesman for
Sexton & Co. , who had been in
Valentine a few days , returned to
Arabia Sunday for a short visit
with his folks.
George Kreycik gave a coyote
an awful scare which he discover
ed dragging a little lamb Sunday.
George says he wasn't close
enough to kill the coyote but that
he made the fur fly. If you want
any crack-shot work done , call on
1 "We are making a specialty of
Carbon Platinos. Order the good
goods and you get them. Rernem-
ber that our Photos are guaranteed
and that re-sittings are given when
necessary. HALLDORSON. 29
is more dangerous to your life than the drink , cocaine
or morphine habits , for it soon ends in Consumption ,
Pneumonia and Death. Sav3 yourself from these
awful results of Coughs and Colds , by taking
g fey Sly WHTe's Bed"
writes F. G. Huntley , of Gakianden , Ind. , "I read about
Dr. King's New Discovery. Slis had got a frightful
chronic cough , which three doctors failed to relieve.
After taking1 two bottles she was perfectly cured , and
today she is well and strong- . "
50c and $1.00 One Dose Gives Belief
l lla AMD SOLD BY : rst
List Your Property For Sale
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