Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 12, 1906, Image 7

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    Appalling Increases in the -Number of Operations
Performed Each. Year How Women. May
Avoid Tnem.
Going1 through the hospitals in our
large cities one is surprised to find such
a large proportion of the patients lying
on those snow-white beds women
and girls , who are either awaiting
or recovering from serions operations.
Why should this be the case ? Sim
ply because they have neglected them-
Eelves. Female troubles are certainly
on the increase among the women of
this country they creep upon them
unawares , but every one of those
patients in the hospitaLbedshad plenty
of warning in that bearing-down feel
ing , pain atleftorrightof the abdomen ,
nervous exhaustion , pain in the small
of the back , dizziness , flatulency , dis
placements of the organs or irregular-
Ities. All of these symptoms are indi
cations of an unhealthy condition of
the female organs , and if not heeded
the penalty has to be paid by a danger
ous operation. When these symptoms
manifest themselves , do not drag along
until you are obliged to go to the hos
pital and submit to an operation
but remember that Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound has saved
thousands of women from surgical
When women are troubled with ir
regular , suppressed or painful periods ,
weakness , displacement or ulceration
of the organs , that bearing-down feel
ing , inflammation , backache , bloating
( or flatulency ) , general debility , indi
gestion , and nervous prostration , or are
Beset with such symptoms as dizziness ,
lassitude , excitability , irritability , ner
vousness , sleeplessness , melancholy ,
" " " want-to-be-left-
"all-gone" and - - - -
alone " feelings , they should remember
there is one.tried , and true remedy.
The following letters cannot fail to
bring hope to despairing women.
Miss Ruby Mushrush , of East
Chicago , Ind. , writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham :
" I have been a great sufferer -with irregular
periods and female trouble , and about three
months ago the doctor , after using the X-Ray
on me , said I had an abcess and would have
to have an operation. My mother wanted
me to try Lydia S. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound as a last resort , and it cot only
saved me from an operation but made me en
tirely well. "
Mrs. Alice Berryhill , of 313 Boyce
Street , Chattanooga , Tenn. , writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham :
"Three years ago life looked dark tome.
I had ulceration and inflammation of the
female organs and was in a serious condition ,
"My health was completely broken down
and the doctor told me that if I was not op
erated upon I would die within six months.
I told him I would have no operation but
would try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. He tried to influence me against
it but I sent for the medicine that same day
and began to use it faithfully. Within five
days I telt relief but was not entirely cured
until I used it for some time.
4' Your medicine is certainly fine. I have
induced several friends and neighbors to take
it and I know more than a dozen who had
female troubles and wbo to-day are as well
and strong as I am from using your Vege
table Compound. "
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound at once removes such troubles.
Refuse to buy any other medicine , for
you need the best.
Mrs. Pinkham , daughter-in-law of
Lydia E. Pinkham. invites all sick wo
men to write her for advice , Her advice
and medicine have restored thousands
to health. Address , Lynn , Mass.
Lydia E PInkliam's Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where Others Fall.
is the amount that many
farmers \vill realize from
their wheat crop this year
n ra CM ! B t
HE ! . !
will be < he average yield of whoa !
The land that this was grown on cost many of
the farmers absolutely nothing , while those who
\vished to add to the 160 acres the Government
grants , can buy land adjoining at FROM SO
TO S1O AN ACRE. Climate splendid , schools
convenient , railways close at hand , taxes low.
For " 2Oth Ceritur-y Canada" pam
bhlet and full particulars regarding rates , etc.
'Apply for information to Supei-inUndont of ImruiBra-
&n , OUvra , Canada , or to E. T. Holmes. SIS Jackson
U. St. Paul , Mlon. , and J. 11. McLnchlan. Box 116 ,
WaUrtown , bo.Dakota , Authorized Gorerzimeat Agent *
Plaase say where you saw thit advortUsiaent.
That Delightful Aid to Health
' Toilet Antiseptic
Whitens the teeth purifies
mouth andbr-ath cures nasal
catarrh , sore throat , sore eyes ,
and by direct application cures
all inflamed , ulcerated and
catarrhal conditions caused by
feminine ills.
Paxtine possesses extraordinary
cleansing , healing and germicidal -
cidal qualities unlike anything
else. At all druggists. 50 cents
The R. Pozton Co. . Boston , Mass.
1 _
Secret Oat.
"IIo\v do you manage to distinguish
between rheumatism and gout , doc
tor ? " queried the medical student.
"By consulting the books , " replied
the eminent physician.
"By consulting the books ! " echoed
the embryo M. D.
"Yes , " answered the. eminent physi
cian. "I look up the patient's rating
with the commercial agencies. See ? "
It Happened in Vinelancl.
"Shay , off'sher , " the man with the
liquid burden remarked to the police
man , "shee all 'em houses runnin' by ? ' '
"Sure , " replied the policeman good
humoredly , "I see them. "
"Well , when num'r six-twent'fi'
comesh 'long shtop it , caushe 'at's
mine ! " Philadelphia Ledger.
VlviCly Described by a Citizen o
Sionx Falls , South Dakota.
Andrew Johnson , 411 West Twelfth
St. , Sioux Falls , S. D. , says : "Doan's
Kidney Pills saved my life. My doctor ,
from a careful an-
alj'sis of the urine
and a diagnosis o
my case , had told
me I could not live
six weeks. I was
struck down in the
street with kidney
trouble , ' and for a
whole year could
not leave the house.
I lost flesh , my eyes
failed me , I bloated
at times , my back
hurt and I suffered a living death.
There seemed no hope until I began
using Doan's Kidney Pills. Then I be
gan to improve. The pain left gradual
ly , the swellings subsided , I gained ap
petite and weight , and to make a long
story short , I got well ! "
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co. . Buffalo , N. Y.
Doling Oat More Information.
Mrs. Ghugvrater Josiah , this paper
speaks of a man in Washington as a
"Senatorial time server. " What does
that mean ?
Mr. Chugwater I reckon he's the man
that winds the Senate clock. What do
you want to ask ouch a fool question as
that for ?
Tor Infants and Children.
Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year.
Statisticians on both sides bave made
Rome estimates of the effect of a general
suspension of c-oul mining. They iigure
that there now are about 450,1)00 union
miners and mine laborers , and 150.COO
of them are estimated to be in the hard
coal lield. This altogether would mean
strike conditions towabout 2,000,000 'per
Estimating the average miner's wages
at $425 a year , the miners' loss in wages
would be $2r 00,000 a week. It has been
estimated that the reduction of u.55 per
cent in wages accepted by the miners two
years ago reduced their aggregate annua' '
wages $18,000,000 or $20,000,000 a year.
The great 1002 anthracite strike was
declared May 12 and it ended Oct. 23.
The estimated loss of receipts by the
operators was $46,100,000 , the loss in
wages to mine employes was $2r ,000,00u.
There was a decrease in freight receipts
of transportation companies amounting'
to $28,000.000 , and incidental losses added
many millions more , bringing the aggre
gate loss far above $100,000,000.
The miners at this time have approxi
mately $400,000 in their national treasury
and Lave $2.000,000 in district , sub-dis-
trict and local treasuries. There is a lit-
tie more than $3,000,000 in hard cash
available for a suspension. The fully-
paid-up membership is 325,000 men. The
per capita defense fund in all these treas
uries is a little less than $10 to the man.
However , these funds are not evenly
distributed. More than $900,000 of the |
money is in the Illinois district treasury ,
and it belongs to the Illinois miners ab
solutely. Ohio has approximately $150-
000 in its district treasury , the two Indiana -
diana districts an aggregate of $125,000 ,
but many of the improvident districts
have practically no district funds on hand.
1,000,000 JAPS STARVING.
Famine In Ixlaml Empire Reported
Growing ; Daily.
The New York State branch of the
American National Red Cross has issued
a statement as to famine conditions in
"The famine in Japan , " the statement
says , "which has been considered for some
time moderately serious , is now known , j
as the result of reliable private advices '
received by the New York State Red
Cross , to be one of the most terrible star
vation emergencies of modern times.
"The failure of rice crops , which at one
time was believed to be limited to certain
classes only , in the northern provinces ,
lias been found to be general in those parts
of Japan , and conservative estimates place
the number of starving Japanese at from
800,000 to 1,000,000 persons. For those ,
owing to extended rains last summer
which have ruined the rice and other food
crops , there is absolutely no relief in sight
until next October , when a new harvest
will be available.
"As' if this were not bad enough , the
present winter has been one of the most
severe in Japan in many years. The sum
of $10,000,000 will be required to save tlw
Japanese country people. This is esti
mated by allowing for a cost of ten cents
per person per day. "
A special meeting of the Japanese fam
ine committee has been called for Mon
day. The committee is now considering
whether it is wise to undertake the collec- j
tioii and transportation of food as well as ;
money. Already two food experts from '
Japan have been asked to prepare a food
list showing what American staples can
be used.
r - ' *
The Santa Fe Central railroad has
been sold to C. W. Tollmadge of Chicago
cage for $2,500,000. The line is 110
miles long and connects the Denver and
Rio Grande at Santa Fe with the Santa
Fe system at Torrance.
The Chicago and Northwestern rail
road are making an extra effort to do
their part towards purifying the atmos
phere of phicago. Already they have
equipped their engines with a hollow , which serves as a smoke consumer
when the locomotive is in motion , and has
been found satisfactory. Within the last
three weeks , they have made further at
tempts to eliminate the smoking of their
yard engines , and are experimenting with
smokeless coal.
The Pennsylvania railroad manage
ment has announced that it will proceed
at once to carry out its long-contemplated
project of constructing a separate double
track railroa'd from Pittsburg to Phila
delphia and New York. The main ad
vantage of this project is that it will en
able traffic managers to separate freight
and passenger trains entirely , thus avoiding
ing- expensive sidetracking of slow trains
in order to operate fast ones. The line
is expected to cost $30,000,000 and to re
quire three years to complete , together
with extensive freight terminals.
Behind the remarkable offer of the
Philadelphia and Western Railroad Com
pany to give the Quaker City a competing
system of rapid transit for both freight
and passenger traffic , with surrender of
franchise in thirty-five years , besides pay
ing the city from 2 to 5 per cent of the
gross earnings , there was understood to
be the plan for the entry of a new ter
minal connecting with some branch of the
Gould system. Thus at last , through the
recent reform upheaval , Philadelphia has
been released from the clutches of a rail-
roai monopoly and Gould's lifelong am
bition to secure an eastern tidewater ter
minus is to be realized.
In the recent slump of Chicago trac
tion securities , following the adverse de
cision of the Supreme Court in the fran
chise case , it is reported that John D.
Rockefeller and his associates experienced
a loss of $3,000,000. J. P. Morgan & Co.
also were heavy losers.
The Japanese government has entered
upon a policy of government 'ownership
of railways , the House having voted , 243
to 109 , to take over the Seoul-Fusan line
in Korea. . The minister of finance saya
that all of the home railways will be pur
chased within five years at an estimated
cost of $250,000,000.
My Endorsement of Pe-ru-na Is
Based On Its Merits. "
Ed. Crumbo. J
ED. CRUMBO , Ex-Mayor of New
Albany , Ind. , writes from 511 E.
Oak street :
"My endorsement of Peruna is
based on its merits.
"If a man is sick he looks anx
iously for something - whichwill
cuss him , and Peruna will do the
"I know that it will cure catarrh
of the head or stomach , indigestion ,
headache and any weary or sick !
"It is bound to help anyone , if
used according to directions.
"t also know dozens of men who speak j
In the highest terms of Peruna and have ! :
yet to hear of anyone being disappoinfed ; ;
In it. " !
Mr. Grumbo , hi a later letter , dated j
Aug. 25 , J904 , says :
"My health is good , at present , but if
I should have to take any more medi
cine I will fall back on Peruna. "
Scottlsti Itallrontls.
A newspaper writer , meeting Lord
Brassey nt Red Bank , N. J. , asked the
distinguished foreigner if he feared to
travel on American railroads.
"Oh , no , " Lord Brassey answered.
"Your American railroads kill a gbod ;
many people in the year's course- but
we must remember that they carry u
good many people a good many miles.
In proportion , probably , they do no
siore damage than the railroads of
Prance or of Scotland.
"The Scottish railroads used to be
very dangerous indeed. To ride on
them was like traveling through a desolate
elate country infested with brigands.
"The famous Dr. Norman Macleod
was once about to set off on a long railway - i
way journey through Scotland. Just >
as the train was pulling out the cler-1
gyman's servant put his head in
through the window and said : $
" 'Ha'e ye ta'en an insurance ticket ? '
" 'I have , ' the doctor answered.
" 'Then , ' said the servant , 'write yer
name on it , and gi'e it to me. They
ha'e an awful bad habit o' robbln' the
corpses on this line. ' " Louisville Cour
Fntfrs of India.
Perhaps the most wonderful of nil
Instances of religious fanaticism Is
that presented by the "fakirs , " not
"falkers , " of India and other conn-
tries of the East. lu all ages and
countries men have been known to
Inflict upon themselves bodily .suffer-
Ing from mistaken religious zeal. The
fakirs of the East Indies are a very
! large class , numbering , it is believed ,
1 more than 3,000,000 of persons , of
whom about three-fourths are adher
ents of the Hindu and the remainder
of Mohammedan religion. The word
' takir" is of Arabic origin , signifying
poor or beggarly , and is applied to : ili
those enthusiasts who separate themselves -
selves from the ordinary pursuits of
tbe life around them to give thf-ir
whole time to religious observances
and the practice of self-mortification.
The fakirs are of different grades ,
some bearing a respectable character
for learning and piety , according to
their religion , whether Hindu or Mo-1
hammedan ; while others , forming the
mass of tbe order , are signalized only
by their wretched condition and the
disgusting character of tbe infliction
which they impose upon themselves.
The Old Story.
"Old Smith's widow lias refused a
pension ? "
"Great Scott ! Is she crazy ? "
"No. only she won't admit that she
was old enough to be married at the
time of the war. " .Cleveland Leader.
Awful Sight from that Dreadful Com
plaint , Infantile Eczema Mother
Praises Cuticura Remedies.
"Our baby had that dreadful com
plaint , Infantile Eczema , which afflict
ed him for % several mouths , commen
cing at the top of his head , and at last
covering his whole body. His suffer
ings were untold and constant misery ,
in fact , there , was nothing we would
not have done to have given him re-
lief. We finally procured a full set of
the Cuticura Remedies , and in about
three or four days he began to show
a brighter spirit and really laughed ,
for the first time in a year. In about
ninety days he was fully recovered.
Praise for the Cuticura Remedies has
always been our greatest pleasure , and
there is nothing too good that we could
say in their favor , for they certainly
saved our baby's life , for he was the
most awful sight I ever beheld prior
to the treatment of the Cuticura Reme-
dies. Mrs. Maebelle Lyon , 182G Appleton -
ton Ave. , Parsons. Kan. , July 18 , 1905. "
Miss Thuttyfore lie was the best and
truest man in the world , but we quar
reled , and well , you know the rest.
Miss Chillicon Yes , I understand ; it
fa always the biggest fish that gets away.
"Wenlth In Forest * .
Few people who have not traveled
about the Russian empire can Imagine
how boundless is its wealth In timber ,
, i "Wooden Russia" is the name applied
to the vast forest areas of Russia In
Europe , which cover nearly 5,000,000
' , acres , or 30 per cent of the entire area
of the country. In Russia houses built
of any other material than wood are
almost unknown outside the cities and
wood constitutes the principal fuel.
The forest belt called the "Taiga , " In
Siberia , stretches in a direct line from
the Urals to the Pacific for 4.000 miles
oud in many parts is 500 miles broad.
All this is the property of the czar.
Don't Get Wet !
will keep you dry as
nothing else will , because
they are the product of
' the best materials and
seventy years
ence in manufacturing.
Boston , U.S.A.
Toronto.p "
A Certain Ooro for Feverinhne.qB * .
ConNtlpation , Headache *
Stomach Troubles , Teetblujr
Disorders , and Dewtroy"
Mother Gray , Worms. They Break np Co ! dn
Nnrse in Childn 2 < hours Atnll DnjgBistH. 25cta. .
tea's Home Saraole mailed FREE. Address.
Neir YorkOitr. A. S. OLMSTED. Lc Roy. K *
UsothoQreatEnglish Remedy !
Safe , Sure , Effective. 50c. $ c 81.
DRUGGISTS , or 9.1 Henry St. . Brooklyn. N. Y. i
S. C. X. U. - Xo. 15 100G.
If we dor.'t heed prevention , ws will need a cure. The Old-Mor.k-Cure
0e is ready always for all forms of muscular sches or pains , from
° to
The better class o ! druggists , everywhere , are men of scientific attainments and high integrity ,
\vho devote their lives to the welfare of their fellow men in supplying the best of remedies and
purest medicinal agents of known value , in accordance with physicians' prescriptions and
scientific formula. Druggists of the better class manufacture many excellent remedies , but
always under original or officinal names and they never sell false brands , or imitation medicines.
They are the men to deal with when in need of anything in their line , which usually includes
all standard remedies and corresponding adjuncts of a first-class pharmacy and the finest and
best of toilet articles and preparations and many useful accessories and remedial appliances.
The earning of a fair living , with the satisfaction which arises from a knowledge of the benefits
conferred upon their patrons and assistance to the medical profession , is usually their greatest
reward for long years of study and many hours of daily toil. They all know that Syrup oi
Figs is an excellent laxative remedy and that it gives universal satisfaction , and therefore they
are selling many millions of bottles annually to the well informed purchasers of the choicest
remedies , and they always take pleasure in handing out the genuine article bearing the full
name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package.
They know that in cases of colds and headaches attended by biliousness and constipation and
of weakness or torpidity of the liver and bowels , arising from irregular habits , indigestion , or
over-eating , that there is no other remedy BO pleasant , prompt and beneficial in its effects as
Syrup of Figs , and they are glad to sell it because it gives universal satisfaction.
Owing to the excellence of Syrup of Figs , the universal satisfaction which it gives and the
immense demand for it , imitations have been made , tried and condemned , but there are
individual druggists to be found , here and there , who do not maintain the dignity and principles
of the profession and whose greed gets the better of their judgment , and who do not hesitate
to recommend and try to sell the imitations in order to make a larger profit. Such preparations
sometimes have the name u Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrup" and of some piratical concern ,
or fictitious fig syrup company , printed on the package , but they never have the full name of
the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package. The imitations
should be rejected because they are injurious to the system. In order to sell the imitations
they find it necessary to resort to misrepresentation or deception , and whenever a dealer passes
off on a customer a preparation under the name of "Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrup , " which
does not bear the full name of the California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package ,
he is attempting to deceive and mislead the patron who has been so unfortunate as to enter his
establishment , whether it be large or small , for if the dealer resorts to misrepresentation and
and deception in one case he will do BO with other medicinal agents , and in the filling of
physicians' prescriptions , and should be avoided by every one who values health and happiness.
Knowing that the great majority of druggists are reliable , we supply the immense demand
for our excellent remedy entirely through the druggists , of whom it may be purchased every
where , in original packages only , at the regular price of fifty cents per bottle , but as exceptions
exist it is necessary to inform the public or the facts , in order that all may decline or return
any imitation which may be Bold to them. If it does not bear the full name of the Company
California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package , do not hesitate to return the
article and to demand the return of your rrioney , and in future go to one of the better class of
druggists who will Bell you what you wish and the best of everything in his line at reasonable prices.