K * < < i > i y ? delicious hot biscuit 1 a es , , grid Jle cakes , rolls and muffins. 5u . r-f- x-A fv f zr-0 . , , / i-sT" . . ) . rsf fr * * ° 4"P "D . T < 3s.4W-W * < * * * r * / * - * j I ri * * 7 % > * ; A. vi'i * * * * * * % - * * Jw > v * w Monthly Meteorological Summary * STATION : Valentine , Ncbr. MONTH : April , 1906. NOTK : "T" indicates l-aee of precipIUtlon ; - " elow.ori ; " * C' ' partly cloudy. JOIEN J. IcLBAX , Observer Weather Bureau. FHE VALCKTIMt DEMOfifiAT . EDITOR Mutual com pa payl-ssesin full. L. M. Rica , A t-nt MILL PRICES FOR FEED , PcrCwt. Per Ton. Brun , sacked . . . . $ 75 § 14 00 Shorts , sacked So 10 00 Screenings , sacked 60 11 OU Chop Feed , sacked 95 IS 00 Corn , sicked 90 J7 00 Chop Corn , sacked 95 IS 00 Oats , sacked 1 00 19 00 THE n III I rrf DouMeJTrack on it ln'ticcen JIiNbttnri Ulcer * it ml < / > ! / / . f tiff ft HUH to St l'iisl-J iiiiieij ) ' ofnt. / > o-rcf line to III acts Hills. A ; * ; / / * / to tirarvfit itfctifor n tiim * < vi * v/v. & ) ( ( . * * ii ] [ . Acsjs Via the Norih-wcstern Line. An excursiou ra'o ' of one iirst class limited fare for round trip , will be in effect from all stations April 25 to May o , inclusive , with favorable rehirn limits , on account of Im perial Councils , Mobles of Mystic .Shrine. Three fast trains through to California daily. "The Los An geles Limited , " electric lighted throughout , via the Salt Lake Route with drawing room and tourist sleeping cars. "The Overland Lim ited , " electric lighted throughout , less than three days en route. An other fast train is "The China and Japan express" with drawing room and tourist s'eepniK cars. For itinerant's and full information * ap- 1 ply-to agents Chicago & North- \westsern Ey. , - 11 5 ? - " ] MP'A'JNS Tabules - ' > f Dfjctors iiud * " . * - - . A" good prescription For mankind - rWvnCCJLiiJcUaje ) ! s enoufjli for usual pccas- - pfns. 'Theifaioily lottle ( t > cants ) contains a a upply for a year. All druygists sell them. r Weather Data. The following data , covering1 a per iod of 1(5 ( years , have been complied from the Weather Bureau records at Valentine , .Nebr. The } ' are issued to show the conditions that have pre vailed , during the month in question , for the above period of years , but must not be construed as a forecast of the weather conditions for the coining in c nth. April. TEMPEHATDRS. Mean or normal 47 ° The warmest month was that of 1893 with an average of 5'J ° The coldest mouth was that of xv i th an average of 42 ° Tbe nijfhest was 91 ° on 20 , ll > 02 The Iovi"t - m 0 ° on 1 , 18UU Average for uio-nh 2 4o Average number of da-s with .01 of an iucti or more 9 Tae greatest monthl } precipitation was 7 03 inches in 1892. The l''at monthly precipitation was 0 40 inche ? in 1901. The greatest amount of precipita tion recorded in any 24 consecutive hours was 2 ( ) o inches on ' )0. 1895. The greatest amount of snowfall recorded in any 24 consecutive hours ( record extending to winter of 18SI-S5 only ) was ! ) .0 inches on 24 , 1901 CLOUDS AMD WEATHER Average number of clear days , 10 ; partly cloudy , 11 ; cloudy , . 9. WIND. The prevailing winds have been from the X. The-aveia e hourly velocity of the wini is L'J miles. The hiVt'est velocity of the wind xvas 50 mites from the NW on 1 , 1892 JOHN J. M'LEAN. Observer Weather Bureau. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE P/IARKS Wm& DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Auvr.no sending a. sketch and description may 0'U < vy -crt-Un our opinion free whether an uirentinn fa probably pat C'ltable. Communloa- tiompuictlvconadontial. Handbook on Patents sent free. OUlcst nsiency for socurjiiK patents. I'-ilenta taken throhjrh Mumi & Co. receive special notice , without chnrge. iu the A h.indiomc ! " HHitnl' > tl Tvpnfelv. T ircest clr- cnlution of ai > 7 srientiUo jonrti 7. Terms. $3 r > your : four months , ? 1. Sold by all iiawadcr.lers. 8KIWI& Co ' * Hew Yoit O.fi-o. t-3 , V St _ Vnx intrion.T ) 11 House and Lot in Valentine for sale at a bargain. House is small boj , in good repair. Call on . 10 I. M. Bras. - Notice to Creditors. THE STATK OF NKISUASKA i oc In the routity CHEKBY COUNTV. ) ' 8S Court. In the matter of the estate of James H. Sears , deceased : To the Creditors of said Estote : You are hereby notjlled , That I will sit at the Coi nty CourLJiOoin in Valentine in said coimiy ou the l-ith day ot April , 190(5. ( at 10 o'clock a. in. to receive and examine all claims against said estate , with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presenta tion of claims against said estate is the 1-1 h day of March. A. D. 1906. and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 11th day of September , 1905 , Witness my hand and seal of said county court ' this 19th day of March. A. D. 190(5. ( SEAL W. R.TO\VNE. . 10 4 County Judge. Notice of Sale. Iu the matter of the estate of August J. Helzer deceased. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an ordi-r ofV H. Westover. judce of ihc dis trict court of Chern county. Nebraska , made ou the lOtli day of March. 1900 , for the sale of ical estate hereinafter described , rhe-e will be sold at the Irout door of the Court Mouse m itiMt * Nwiini-.ka , on the 21st day oC April , . &t )0 o'clock a m. ar- public vendue to the highest ; bidder 1-r cash the follow ! : . " described real state lo-w t The W'ANEtf and \V'/EJ4 , Section M , Township : M. Range : H. in 0"hetry county , Nebraska. Said sai1 to rema'u open for ono ho ir ed Alarch 2isr , IDOij. \\ll MAM E HALEY , 10 : J Adrn'ii itrator ot tlie e.state of Augu t J. lie /.er. deceased. Ord T f H oaring ami Xf fi < - < ' on I'etit- ion ior P ettl tm-iir ttf A < ' ouiit. TIIK STATR OK NKHRASKA In the Cquntv CHKIIKV UOUM'V.b : > Court. To tlu > heirs and to all net-sons interested in the estate of Fied Uauofskv , deceased : < < jc reading th petit ion of tlerman Hnttiiighaus iir < iyuig a final settlement and allowance of his sfcouuc til-d iu this court ou the 19th day of March , 190S , 1C i = hereoy ordered that you , and all per sons interested in s'-Md matter , may. and do. ap- p-'arattheuouuty Courtto be lu-Id iu and for said county ou the 7th day of April A. D. 1900 , . t 10 o'clock a. m. . to show cause , if any there be. why thepiayerof the petitioner should not be granted , and that notice of the peudeuov of said petition and that the hearing thereof be riven to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this Order in the Valentine i "emocrat , a weekly newspaper printed in said county , for three successive weeks prior to said 'lay ot hearing , W.Tt.TOWNE. 10 ; i County Judge. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. To Ann Phubbick. heir of Love T. HMiedict. and the uuknonn hei s ol LOVH T. Benedict , de- cwised : \ ou. and each of you , are hereby notified that on ti e29th day or March. 190(5. ( tin plaintiff herein lilnd lier petilion in the District Court ot h ° rry Cout'ty. Nebraska , atrauisr ; von. and eich of jou. and all persons claiming undrr\ou , the obje'ct and prayer < > t wbi-h are to forecl s ii ivrtain tax lieu founded in on a certificate of tax sa'e issued oy the county treasurer of i li ° r- ty C unty. Nubni-j a , on tue 1st day if June , 1903. tor the. pavnient o delinquent tuxes upon iheSIC . Seciirjn 0. Towtibhii > 'U. Range a < . in hern County , Nebraska , for tie ! jvars 1SDS , * 189 ! ) . 1900 and 1901. inclusive , an.l f .r th- pay ment ot rh" ubs quent taxes upon the said rctil estate .or the years % : , 19u3 and 1904 lor the taxes assessed and levied thereon Jo either state. 3wnry or sutioul distiict pnrpo-es , said tax lien benu duly assigned to this p aiutilf. and there is now due plaintiff upon the said tax 1 en the sum ot . - > 49.54 togeth-r with ten per cent attorneys tee.s. amounting to § 4.93. togeth er u ith interest on the said sum iroiu th9th ( Uy ot Mriich , 1J106 , and costs ot this suit , lor wliich < iiiu of § 44.59 plaintiff pi ays judgment and decree of foreclosure , To have said prem ises sold for the payment and satisfaction ot the amount due for such taxes , interest , penalties , attorneys tees and costs , co-tts ; of suit and costs of sale , to bar , foreclose , and exclude the said defendants and ea : h ot them inmi having GJ claiming any lien , title , internet or eqnitv or re demption in or to the same , or any pait thereof , ami lor gciit-rAl rebel. You , hud each of you. are quirvd to answer s-iid petition ou or betore tue 7ih day of May 1900 , 111 O. M. WILLIAMS , ? lahtiir. By Walcoit & Morriasey , her attorneys. Colonist Ijvw Ouc.-tvay Second end Cltrsfi Kates To San Francisco , Los Angeles , Portland , Tacoma , Seattle , Boise City. Spokane , Walla Walla , Ogclen , Salt Lake City Butte and. other points in Montana , ColoradoUtah , Ne vada , and the Pacific Coast , Via the Chicago , Union Pacific & North-western Line , February 15th to April 7,190G , inclusive. Attrac tive side trips at very low rates. Daily and personally conducted ex cursions in Pullman Tourist sleep ing cars , only $7.00 for double berth from Cnicago ( accommodat ing two people ) , through to the Pa cific Coast without change of cars. Choice of routes. Excellent train service. Dining cars , ( meals a la carte ) . For tickets and full information mation ar ply to agents Chicago & North-western Ey. 3-9 Has 100,000 Strawberry & Raspberry Plants Thslargest and most complete stock of all kinds of fruit trees that we have ever had to offer ; Crimson ) Rambler roses and ornamental flow ering shrubs of all hardiest Kinds ; elms , ash , boxelder , maple and bass- wood. 8 10 12 feet tall. Small for est tree seedlings of all kinds for planting groves. We have two varieties of rasp berries one red and one black that are very hardy an profilic and are annual bearers. They have borne a good crop of berries every year for the last fifteen years. Or der 100 or 200 of these plants and you will have plants that will bear fruit. § o per 100 delivered at your town. Order at once and pay when you get stock at depot. Call at Nursery and select your trees or send in your order by mail and have it booked for next April delivery. Address , E. D. HAMMOND , Norfolk , Nebr. 5-1-OG Comfortable rooms , clean beds and all you want to eat afe the Chicago cage House. _ " 38 V t ALONZO HEATH Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On left side. scs left shoulder. Range north o Cuicomb Lake Garner Brothers. Cody , Nebr. Anywhere on cat tle. Horses on left shoulder. Ranee- North JLlT. Sawyer Bros. ostoffice address. Oasis , Nebr. G. K. Sawyer has charge of these cat tle Horses B > S on left shoulder . HovsS-S Va left thmh. Jtanije on Hnsika ixoan Brothers WoodlaKe Neb John Roan's p ivate mark , slit in left ear NebrasBv Land and Feeding Co. Sarllett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P. Chas C Jamison Sec&Trons & -atjJL Cattle branded on itAc-y * fF& any part of animal , BJ. also the following ill fesfemsass SSI horses branded thf same . , „ Range between iMISaasagt Gordou on the F.E. &M. V.B. K. and lyinm. on B. &it R. K. in Northwestern Nebraska. Aildrens , BARTJOKTT Ellsworth. R M Faddis& Co. Postofllce address Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded left thigh right thigh or shoulder , WILLIAM BEAMEB Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut on left si < 2e. Horses branded ' . on left M ' * * * " shoulder. Range 6 miles south of Irwiu , P. II. Young. dimeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on left side Some QyoH left side. " * " " " „ on left jaw of ' V liorses. Runge on Gordon Creek north of Simeon , C. P. Jordan. Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJBE 5,1 ou ripht hip. Ram.'e on Oak ana Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock bearing any of these brands. TI ? IB TABLE Great Northern at O'neilil , Xebr. Going East , Going West. Leaves 10:10 a. m. Arrives 9:50 p. m. Passenger , daily except Sunday , ' 'onnections with Elkhorn trains east and west-bound from all points west of O'Neill. Shortest route to Sioux City and beyond , Through connections for Sioux Falls , Minne apolis , St , Paul and all points north and west , local ti kets to O'Neill. l''KKU JlOfJERS , G , P , A. Sioirx ( ! ity .Iowa WANTED : District Manag ers to post signs , advertise and distribute samples. Salary $18.00 weekly , § 3.00 per day for expen ses. State age and present em ployment , IDEALSIIEAPvCO. , 39 .Randolph St. , Chicago. 52 J. L. ASHBURN , Gem tractor and Build er in Brick or Stone "Work. Valentine , - Nebr. FKEE Chicago Cottage Or an , guaranteed. Direct from manufac turer to consumer. 30 days trial. If not satisfactory return at our ex pense. No middleman's profit. Pos tal brings catalogue. Manufacturer , Box 174 , Norfolk , Neb 8 James GoodTeilow. Cody. Nebr. Cattle branded on left side. Horses J3 on left Jaw. Range Between the Niobrara and Medicine Lake. N. S. Eowley Kennedy , - Nebraska. Same as cut on left , side and hip , and on left shoulder of her ses. AlsoRSSS on left Bide uiPIH ' + on left side. Some cat tle brand- * ' ( ! hiisk-jgg EaPJK ? ng peg ( either side up ) on left side or hip. p on left jaw and left shoulder of horsea , LU LUQ on left hip of horses. f\j on left ja\v of horses C. W. Bennett Simeon Neb branded with 7 on left , hip also same as cut Range between vJordonand Snake C'-eoks and on the Niobrara river J P GARDINER Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On'eft ' side of cat tle : horses O right armRange Range , north and south of Niobrara verl2-miles south est of Cody George Heyne Cody , Neb Brand registered No 1027 llorses branded on left shoulder Uance north and south of Cutcomb Lake in Cherry Co Albert Whipple & Sons Rosebud , S , D. Cattle Branded SOS on left side OSO on rightside Some cattle also have af fen neck Some with A on left shonlder and some branded with two bars across hind quar ters. Som'j Texas cattle branded S O on leit side and some ; on left side. Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some cattic branded AW bar connected on both sides and r. inn of SWEENEY BROS PostofUce address King , Neb , Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as cattle except reversed S , See block Uauge Stever , and Stephenson Lakes and South 3300 reward will be paid to any person for in. formation leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing cattle with tl e abnvw brand D. A. Haucocfe Marshall , Mo. or Simeon , Nebraska Cattle branded ou left side as oa cat ; lilso 1C on left side with zz on left hip o some cattle ; also S46 on right side. Horse brand , rake av.d 16 ou left shoulder or 'A on left jaw Home ranch on Dewcy Lake. Range on Niobrara River , cant oi Fort Niobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebraska A T DAVIS Postofflce Hyannis , Neb On right side horses on left shoulder also cattle on right side Range 16 miles north of Hjanni Sandy Williams. Mcrriman , Nebr. Mostly on left side. Some on right side. Horsea same on left shoulder. Range Lake Creek , S. D. Little. Merriaan , Nebr. On either side Horses same on hip. Also Range Lake Creek SD G.H. Seager. Postoittce address Cody , Neoraska Cattle branded as on cut on left side , hip and shoulder ; horses Range , Snake Creek Pat Peiper Simeon Nebr. . \V. Jersig Valentine , Neb Cattle branded v shown ( in cut on left side , loin or between the Gordon and Snake south of the Niobrara river G. W. BEAiTEB. Gordon , Nebr. Came branded on leftside aim out , 6-inch box and 2K-inch circle Brand registered 875. Horses brahded , ieft shoul- 'der. ' 2 inchc circle , 1-In box. Registered 876. Eange 6 miles south Irwin on Niobrara river. Robert Quisenbery Postofflce address Simeon , Nebr. S "XT czttle. Horses same ou right shoulder. Range on Snake River. FRANK JIGGLE Fostofflce address Cody. Nebraska On either side cattle herdmark left ear clipped and ripht ear splith9rses ; bfanded same on left sh oulder Range on Niob ara d Medicine Canyon D. Stinard. Valentine , Nebr. State Brand reg istered 1554. Cattle and horses branded same ad cut on left bip. Range 2 miles east of Ft. Nio- brara , Parmelee Cattle Co. Ro ebud.S.D , Cattle branded as cut on'left side with stripe under tail. Horses branded left thigh. Hfl Range on Soldier creek. Metzger Bros. , Rolf Neb CaMle branded anywhere on left side. Earmark , square croo right ear Horses have same brand on left thigh. Range on Gor don and Snake Creeks , A. Heicanl of $25O will be paid to any person for information leading to the arrest and nnal conviction of any person or persons steal ing catlle with above brand. Jos. Bristol Valentine , Nebr. Range on NIo- brara river four miles east of Ff. Niobrara. Horses and cattle branded .KB connected on left hip or side as shown in cut H A BUCK. Postotflce address HyannisTNeb Branded on leit side Range eighteen miles north of Fvannis J. A. YARYAN Pullman , Nebr 'Cattle branded JY on right side Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the re covery of cattle strayed from my range. J.P. Swain Sparks , Nebr. Cattle branded on ft side as shown n cut. Range South of Sparks on Nio- brara river , C. E. "Wright. Valentine Nebr. Brand registered No. 374. Brand anywhere on right side. D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.Ieft side Some OB left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. A , Benson. Address Arabia Nebraska. Range North of Nlobrara river. B. Lord Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut back right shoulder and on right hip „ , . Xange on the NSobrara