Wanlcd the Frame. 'Auctioneer ( pot-boiler sale-rGk > Ing ! Goiug : Gone ! Here , sir , it's jours. Great bargain , sir ! The frame alone is worth the price. Connoisseur ( ripping out the picture ) The frame was what I wanted. Xeiv 1'ork Weekly. "Worth IvnoiTlnj ; that Allcock's are the original and only genuine porous plasters ; all other so-called porous plasters are imitations. Bnt If They Can Not- Church I see Alaska's canned salmon output is estimated this vear at $10.- 000,000. Gotham Lot some other country try to beat us if they can. ONLY THREE CENTS SS. VfiS ! musk ! , anil my nw Catalogues of 5ooo Popular ami Teichln ? pl e * . rhojpe r o-i cirtli. net my price- . Address F. J * . Deau. M .sic S.ore , bioux City , Iowa. MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR ; CHILDREN , A OerUin Cure for Pevorishncns * Constipation , Headache , Stomach Troubles , Teething IMHorders , and Destror Mother Gray. Worias. They Break up Colds KonainOhflct- 24 houra. At M'DnggiAe , 25ct . ren'a Home Sample mailed FREE. Addreas , \ > K.w YotkUitV. A. S. OLMSTEO. Lc Roy. N Y. A ° SATARBH pc fLtive Is quickly , absorbed. Gives Relief at Once. It cleanses , soothes Leals and protects the diseased mem brane. It cures Ca tarrh , and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Re \ stores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Full size 50 eta. , at Drup. gists or by mail ; Trial Size 10 els. by mail. Ely Brothers , 56 Warren Street. New York. Threegreat pursuits have again shown wonderful results on the FREE HOMESTEAD LANDS OF WESTERN CANADA Magnificent climate. Farmers plowing' in their shirt sleeves in the middle of November. "All r bound to be more than pUMd with th * final remit * ft the put MftMn'l hu-retU. " Extract. Coal , wood , wzter , hay in abundance ; schools , churches , markets convenient. THIS IS THE ERA OF ? $1.OO WHEAT. .Apply for Information to Supeilnt ndent of Immis'a- tton/Qitawa. Canada , or to . T. Holme * . 815 Jackiou Ht. . St. Paul , Minn. , and J. M. McLachlan. Box 116. "Water-town. So.Uakotn , Authorized Gorornment Agenti Pleats Bar where you oaw thU advertisement. SICK Positively cured by these lAttle Pills. They also relieve Dis tress from Dyspepsia , In digestion and Too Hearty Eating1. A perfect rem edy for Dizziness. Nausea , Drowsiness , Bad Taste in tao Mouth , Coated Tongue , Pain In the Side , TORPID UVER. They regulate tbe Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL COSE , SMALL PRICE CARTERS Genuine Must Bear ITTLE Fac-Simile Signature IVER PILLS. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. MAKE EVE EVECOUNT COUNT- L no matter how baa the weathen \bu cannot afford to be without a TOWER'S "WATERPROOF OILED SUIT , OR SLICKER When you buy look for the SIGN OF THE FISH A j TSWER co. BOSTON us * TOWER CANADIAN CO LTO TORONTO CAN W.L. W. L. Douglas $4.OO Gilt Edge Line cannot be equalled at any price. JULY e. IS6 CAPITAL W. L. DOUGLAS MAKES 3 , SELLS MORE. MEM'S * 3.SO SHOES THAN ANY OTHEri UJUWFAOTURER IN THE WORLD. REWARD to anyone who can disprove this statement. If I could take you into mv three large factories et Brockton , Mass. , and show you the infinite care with which every pairof shoes Is mode , you would realize why W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes cost more to make , why they hold iheir shape , fit better , wear longer , aad are of greater intrinsic value than any other $3.50 shoe. W. L. Oouff/am Strong Made Shoes for Man , 92.5O , $2.00. Boys' School A Ureas Shoes , $2.SO , $2 , $1.75 , $1.5O CAUTION. Insist upon havinj ; W.L.Dotig- IftB shoe * . Take no substitute. None genuine without bis name and price stamped on bottom. Fort Color Eyelets used ; they iilll not wear brassy. Write for iMnstrated Catalcp. W. I. UOCG LAS , Urockton , 2TOK , THE MOENING SUMMONS. "When tb mist is on the river , and the haze Is on the hills , And the promise of the .springtime all the ample nenven lills ; When the shy things in the wood-haunts and the hardy on the plains Catch up heart and feel a leaping life through winter sluggish veins ; * Then the summons of the morning like a bugle moves the blood , Then the spul of man grows larger , like a flower from the bud ; For the hope of high Endeavor is a cordial half divine , And the banner cry of Onward calls the laggards into line. There Is glamour of the moonlight when the stars rain peace belo'.v , But the stir and smell of morning is a better thing .to know ; While the night is hushed and holden and transpierced by dreamy song , Lo , the dawn brings dew and lire and the rapture of the strong. Atlantic. s IN TIME ND If it was the last word I'd ever be speakiu' , I couldn't make It different It's not that I'll be keepln' you from her , Larry Dugau , but you can't have us both , and that's the truth I'm telliu' . " "Now , Kitty , darlin' , don't be wrongIng - Ing your pretty face with the hard words and cross temper. It's you I'm wantin' and no other. Sure can't a man be lookin' pleasant at another lass once In a while and still be true to the one he's promised ? " "Not you , Larry Dugan , when you're promised to me. It's either the one or the other , and from the looks o' the case I'm thlnkin' it's the other. I bid you good-day , Mr. Dugan , and good luck to you and'Rosie Martin. Good- day , Mr. Dugan , I wish you well. " Kitty swept away with a fine swirl of her skirts and left her lover in a condition of open-mouth wonder. "Well , I'll be " he did .not finish his sentence , for Kitty was still within hearing and turned back to flaunt in his face , "suit yourself , Mr. Dugan. " She was gone like a flash before Larry could gather his wits for the SHE RAN" ox AS D ox. words which should calm her. Shaking his head gloomily , he continued to stare at the place where Kitty had been , tryIng - Ing to adjust his mind to the light ning-like change of conditions. Kitty's moods and tempers were us flashes of powder and just about as lasting. Larry , slow Larry , was steady and unchanging , and h could not fol low the way that Kitty led through the maze of her caprices. They had quar reled before , at least Kitty had quar reled , but never like this. Never be fore had she left him in anger. With her It .was a quick word and as quick a contrition which craved forgiveness , and was passionately repentant Larry thought he had learned to understand her , but this was something of which he had never dreamed. Kitty and Larry , both children of Erin , belonged to the railroad which made the small town through which it passed. Kitty was the daughter of one of the track men whose duty it was to keep watch over a section of the rail way. Larry was an engineer , lately promoted to a passenger engine , and planning to be married soon because of the increase In his salary. Rosie , the Rosle who seemed to be making trou ble , was a waitress at the lunch coun ter in the railway station. She was a dashing , handsome Rosle , with black hair and eyes and a brilliant color and flashing white teeth , wnich she loved to display In smiles , bestowed impar tially on all mankind that came near her , but she had not thought of harm ing Kitty when she talked to Larry and served him his wedges of pie , washed down with great gulps of coffee. And Larry would not have been human If he had not responded In kind and ex changed jest for jest with the smiles thrown in for good nature. Probably no harm would have come of all this , had there not been another \vho wanted Kitty. She was the pret tiest girl In the tovn , and combined with her prettiness were a ready wit and a whimsical turn of rnind that made her .say and do the unexpected. Beside all these charms there was no better housewife in the whole village. Kitty and her father lived together in a box of a cottage , sweet and shining with cleanliness. The other who wanted Kitty was * not a man like Larry big , slow , good-look ing , honest Larry , who would have given his heart to Kitty's tread , and being so sure of himself he could not compass that she might doubt him. The other had whispered in Kitty's ear sentences filled with poison. He did not say as much as he looked when he coupled Larry's and Rosle's names to gether , but he made her feel that he thought her an object of pity , and this was bitter to a girl like Kitty. And so it came about that she flashed out her wrath at Larry , and , without giving him "time to choose , turned him over to Rosie. Then no sooner was she out nf Ids Right than tears blinded her eyes until she could hardly tell where she was going. And Larry , in the cab of his engine , with his hand ou its throttle , felt a dull ache at his heart that goaded him to desperation. He did not care whether he lived or died. He would go straight to destruction as fast as his engine could take him , were it not for those he held in his care. The sweetest , most lovable girl in the world , for all of her tempers , was his no longer , and what was the use of living without Kitty ? Here were two young people making themselves miserable over nothing , and feeling that the world had come to an end because they had quarreled. The one could not be content without the other , because so far as they were con cerned they were the only ones living who really counted. Kitty had told him to go to Rosie , but he intended to go to the devil instead , cr some other place equally disastrous. Kitty , in her turn , found many rea sons for self-pity , and wept oceans of tears at the visions she conjured. Larry , guiding his engine along the track past the door of Kitty's cottage , kept his eyes turned sternly away and the whistle of his engine silent What was the use of his usual greeting ? The cottage presented a blank front with no Kitty at the door or window. How was he to know that she was hid den behind a window curtain , an hour before it was time for his coming , watching and listening for the distant roar of his train ? The days sped by until they num bered three , which to the parted lovers seemed like years of estrangement. Larry avoided going where Rosie was. and , manlike , felt that ne hated her as the cause of his trouble. Kitty , in pub lic , was careless and gay. When she was ulone it was another story. Neither were turning toward recovery , and the very weather itself was in ac cord with their misery. Two of the three days since 'they nad quarreled were dark and threatened a storm. It was a time of lowering skies , and in the wind there sounded moaning voices. The third day the storm broke early in the morning , drenching the earth with a cold rain that fell in torrents. "It's a bad time for the railroad , " Kitty's father said when he started out in the evening on his duties of inspec tion. "I'm feeling bad myself , wid the fever and a head that's splitting wid aching , but I must watch , this night" ' 'Let me go , father , " Kitty entreated. "You're too sick to go out in the storm. Let me go in your place. " "And for why ? " returned her father. "It's not woman's work I'm doing. Kape .to the house , gin , wid a light in the window for me and Larry. It's the boy's run to-night , wid a big trainload - load of people. It's an excursion he's bringing back , bad luck to the night and the rain that's going to do harm. Do you mind the culvert , girl , just below ? I'm thinking it's there we'll have trou ble wid the rising water and the soft ground underneath , it's there I'll be watching. " Kitty saw her father go out in the night , with many forebodings. He was really too ill to be athis _ post , but what could she do , save to stay at home and obey his orders ? She put a light in the window as he had directed and sat down to wait and watch for an un known danger which seemed impend ing. The tempest , increasing in fury , dashed the rain in sheets against the windows. The little cottage , buffeted by the gale , shook on its foundations. Kitty , with her imagination kindled , sat cowering in fear , longing desperate ly to do something , she knew not what , but wishing most of all that she had Larry and her father In safe keeping. Within the silent house the clock ticked and clucked loudly in the lulls of the storm. It was almost time for her father to be making his return trip over the section. Kitty wrapped her self in a shawl and went to the door , gazing out through the darkness. There was nothing abroad but the storm , and that was in a wild fury. The rain drove around her ; the wind caught at her shawl , almost snatching it away from her hold. Where was her father ? Where was Larry ? It was nearly the hour for his train. Excursions were usually belated and it was impossible to tell exactly when Larry's train would pass. What was it her father had said about the culvert ? Why didn't he return ? The next moment her question was answer ed. She saw1 him come staggering out of the blackness of the night , struggling toward home , falling on his knees , ris ing again with an effort , and moving unsteadily with uncertain feet that seemed beyond his control. She rushed to meet him and almost dragged him Into the house , where , overcome by weakness , he collapsed , a wet heap on the floor. "I'm done , girl , " he gasped. "There ain't another move in me. The lantern broke. I had to get home for another. The culvert , girl ! " he cried ; "it's under water there's danger. Help me to get back. For God's sake , girl , help me to get back ! " He struggled to rise. His limbs re fused to fill their oflice and he fell In a heap again. "I'm done , " he muttered with a shuddering sigh , and was silent . Kitty , torn between fear fur her 'father , and fear for Larry , for a mo ment was distraught "What shall I do ? What shall I do ? " shs moaned , wringing her hands. Then her reason returned. There were more to be considered than Larry and her father. She dragged the uncon scious man close to the fire , and cover ed him warmly. "Stay there , father , " she crooned , as to a little child. "Stay there and be warm. I'll not be long gone , father. Don't worry ; I'll run to the culvert" AVhile she was talking she made her preparations. She slipped off her long skirts and put on a short one. She cov ered her shoulders with a warm , rough jacket and protected her feet and ankles with a pair of rubber boots she wore in wet \veather. Her head she left bare. "My hair can't blow off , " she said to herself , "and anything else would. " She found a lantern , and lighting It , sped out into the night , running like a deer down the track toward the endan gered culvert "Please God , let me be in time , " she prayed with sobbing breath. "It's oth ers beside Larry. God , it Isn't him alone I'd be saving , " she Implored , feel ing vaguely that she must impress the Deity that her motives were not all selfish. "Please , God , " she entreated ; "please , God , let me get there in time. " She could feel the rails vibrating under the weight of the distant train. Breasting the storm with the wind pitting Its force against her , she ran on and on , stumbling and almost fall ing , but always pressing onward until but a short distance lay between her and the flooded culvert. The water was sweeping in a swift current across the track. She stopped at , the edge of the flood and stood there waving a dan ger signal with the lantern. The train was near enough for her to hear its roar and rumble. The great headlight shone like a large eye of fire , ever growing bigger and brighter. She felt so little and helpless out there in the blackness. Would Larry see her ? Would he stop in time ? The eye of fire showed no sign of halting. Perhaps she was too little for him to see. Perhaps she was not waving the lantern at al ! "he looked at her arm which she had kept in rotary motion until it was growing numb. The lantern was describing a circle in the air , help ing her to save Larry. She heard a crash like the piling together of iron wheels. She heard the loud hiss of es- taping steam , then she could hear noth ing more. Her lantern was still de scribing a circle in the air. She felt as if she must go on swinging it for ever. She heard voices shouting. She heard the thud of running feet Other lanterns than hers began to spangle the night They were on the other side -of the flood , but some one was making his way cautiously toward her. She could hear the splash of water as he moved , and above all she could hear the engine panting like some wild thing spent from flight Some one big and strong and protect ing was close beside her , taking the lantern from her hand. It was Larry , and it was Larry's arms that were around her , holding her dose. "It's a big thing you've done , my girl ! " he murmured huskily , "It's a mighty big thing. " Out there in the night , with the rain beating upon them , with the wind riot ing around them , with a crowd of ex cited people exclaiming at the averted danger , Larry and Kitty , without , reproach preach or explanation , came again to love and understanding. "Sure and I'm not caring for Rosie , now , " Kitty whispered. Toledo Blade. Tlie Resourceful Man. "The resourceful man lets nothing discourage him , " said Charles M. Schwab , the steel magnate , in a recent address. "In the most untoward con ditions he thinks and thinks until he hits on an expedient which turns the very untowardness of things into a help. "Let me Illustrate this point with a foolish story that yet has a lesson in it"A "A mother , fearing that her pretty daughter had bethrothed herself to a young man of inferior station , hired tier little son , a boy of 7 or 8 , to stay in the parlor throughout an expected visit of the unwelcome suitor. "The boy carried out his contract duly , and at 10 o'clock , tired and sleepy , he came to his mother and asked for his pay. " 'Did you stay in the parlor ? ' she said eagerly. " 'Yes , all the time. ' he answered. " 'Well , what happened ? ' " 'We played blind man's buff , ' said the boy , 'and it was lots of fun ; but they kept me "it" the whole time. ' " The RealiBt. "Sketchem is a wonderful artist , isn't he ? " ' What's he done now ? " "In a magazine story he Illustrated this line : 'For half an hour she sati silent and motionless , waiting. ' The , picture is so realistic that If you watch it for half an hour It neither speaks nor moves. Wonderful , simply wonder ful. " Kansas City Times. One sign that -woman is behind , the times : Whea she goes "calling. " Drawback. "Well , " said the landlady , as the boarder was about to begin his second week , "how do you like our establishment ? " "Oh , pretty well. " replied the n. b. , "except the meals art usually arrang ed so as to interfere with what I'd like to do. " "What would you like to do ? " queried the landlady. "Eat , " ' was the signiOrunt response. Housewives to Blame. Miss Anna Barrows , in a recent lec ture at Chuutauqua. gives another rea son why g'rls should study domestic Bcien- . SI. * says in the matter of pure food /t is the ignorance of the consumer rather than the duplicity of the producer that is to blame for the trouble we are having , and hence ad vises women to study for themselves so they will know Avhen an article la pure. CURES INDIGESTION When what you eit makes you uncomfortable it is doing ytu very little good beyond barely kecpmg you alive. Digestive tablets are worse than useless , for they will in time deprive the stomach of all power to digest food. The stomach must be tcncd up strengthened. The herb tonic-laxative , Lane's Family will do the work quickly and pleas antly. Sold by all dealers at 250. and 500. That Delightful Aid to Health r Toilet Antiseptic Whitens the teeth purifies mouth and breath cures nasal catarrh , sore throat , sore eyes , and by direct application cures all inflamed , ulcerated and catarrhal conditions caused by feminine ills. Paxtine possesses extraordinary cleansing , healing and germicidal - cidal qualities unlike anything else. At all druggists. 50 cents LARGE TRIAL PACKAGE FREE The R. Paxtoa Co. , Boston , Mass. . , . . 1U.V1IOS : > PATER f CH WKrrmo 10 tOlmmUMM. S. . X. . . C. U - - Xo. 1-1 1900. SI9.9O IS OUR PRICE FOR THIS WONDERFUL NEW IMPROVED I9O6 MODEL HAND CREAK ! SEPARATOR AT ABOUT QBE-FOURTH others , we furnish the highest grade hand cream separators made in the world. 'Com pare with any other separators madeours has greater capacity , skims closer , skims colder milk , runs easier , is stronger , less liable to get out of Writ order , will wear longer , and besides our price is a mere fraction day iur * t9 * > of what others charge , we give you two months' free use and free for our' trial , we issue a binding twenty years' guarantee , we take care new and of your separator for you free from the day you receive it , and wonderful . in the to furnish needed Cream. we will always years come you any - promptly a day's notice. Separator- repair or part on Olfer. IT K < m FI YTft HAUniP tna- * ? following tiio II IP OU CJtOI lU nAHDLe Bimple printed instruc tions we send you , anyone without previous experience c&n operate it at once , and do better and more work than can be done with any other separator made. OUR SEPARATOR WILL SKIM 1,000 = POUNDS OF MILK PER HOUR = end do it closer , better and easier than any other separator of like size v/ill skim 500 pounds in one hour. will skim twice as close , twlce as much , twice as easy , last twice as long as any other hand cream separator made and yet we furnish it for i st a few dollars compared with the prices charged by others. Our price is based on the actual cost of material and labor , and is a small part of what others charge , AND OUB TSSMS A2S SO LIBEBAL TOO. On a Dostal card or In a letter to us simply say , 'Sencljne _ your Free Cream Separator Ofler , " and you will receive by return mail free , postpaid , our very latest special hand cream separator cata logue Oust out ) , with pictures of our machines , copies of medals , diplomas snd awards taken at different exhibits all over the world in competition vrith other separators , pictures of all the parts , full descriptions , testimonials , official and general endorsements and our great $1,000.00 quality challenge , also copies of our guarantees , etc. We will also send you our two months' free trial proposition , and we will send you our latest and THE MOST LIBERAL CREAM SEPARATOR OFFER EVER W1ADE. Our separator will save you $10.00 to $15.CO a year on cvary cow you keep , paying for itself several times over in a year , besides two months' use costs you nothing. Don't fafl. to write and let us mail you our free book and wonderful free trial separator offer. \7o will send you free these six large , full size , beautifully finished , handsomely embossed , hardwood cane seated chairs when all your orders to us have amounted , to $50.00 , or you can have your choice frfe of many other valuable pieces of furniture or other useful things ; a buggy , harness , saddle , bedroom suite , organ , couch , dresser , or your choice of hundreds of similar valuable articles. All this will be fully explained when you write for our Free Cream Separator Offer. On a postal card or in a letter to us today be sure to ask us to send you our Free Cream Separator Offer , and get all we vail send you free by return mail , postpaid. Address. T9 For Farmers , Miners , Lure- bermefi , Mechanics and Working Men are expressly adapted to the needs of working people of all classes. The leather for these shoes is care- fuHy selected and the soles made of tough , pliable sole leather ibal wears like iron. Honest stock and high grade workman ship have placed Mayer workin shoes above all others in strength en _ wearing qualify. Insist on getting Mayer Shoes , and look for the trade-mark on the sole. Your dealer will supply you. For a Sunday or dress shoe wear the "Honorbllt" for men. F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Co. , Milwaukee , Wia. - - - wvB BB HM MBMiBajuwMaMi aMiB HiMH Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year , BEST FOR THE BOWELS