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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1906)
wn \ is more dangerous to your life than the drink , cocaine or morphine habits , for it soon ends in Consumption , Pneumonia and Death. Save yourself from these awful results of Coughs and Colds , by taking "Sitting by My Wife's Bed" writes F. G. Huntley , of Oaklanden , Ind. , "I read about Dr. King's New Discovery. She had got a frightful chronic cough , which three doctors failed to relieve. After taking two bottles she was perfectly cured , and today she is well and strong. " Price , 500 and $1,00 One Boss Gives Relief RECOMMENDED , GUARANTEED AND SOLD BY THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M. RICE Editor and Proprietor. MARK ZARII Foreman. Entered at the postoffice at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second Class Matter. TERMS : Sunscription Sl.OO per year in advance ; $1.50 when not paid in advance. Display Advertising 1 inch single column loc per issue or $6.00 a year. Local Notices. Obituaries. Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue oc per line per issue. Brands , li inc ps$4.00 per year in advance : additional space $3.00 per vear : engraved blocks extra $1.00 each. 10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months in arrears. Parties living outside Cherry county are requested to pay in advance. Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers. THURSDAY , APRIL 5 , 1906. Gordon , Rushviile and Hay Springs went dry at their election Tuesday. It will be " 40 mile to the next saloon" and booze by ex press or freight. Every station agent will handle booze and whisk ey will be ten drinks for a quarter instead of loc , two for a quarter , three for 40c , four for a half dollar lar and loc straight for a crowd of five or more. President Roosevelt at last weak ens just at a time when people expected I pected him to stand firm. He has recommended an amendment to the Hepburn rate bill , providing a court review of the work of the railway rate commission before it becomes operative and which will make it impracticable for good as intended by the provisions of the bill. The war has been waged on this bill , and finally to defeat the primary object of a speedy adjust ment of railroad rates , the court review amendment has been recom mended by the president. Senator Burkett has introduced a grazing bill in the senate on lines suggested by President Roosevelt in a message to congress. With the consent of the governor the president can establish grazing districts on public lands which will be in charge of the secretary of agriculture who appoints officers from the state and territory in which the grazing lands are locat ed. Five per cent of gross re ceipts go to the county in which lands leased are located. This seems to be another plan to rob the sand hills to enrich the better lands of our country , but it's the system of President Pooseveltr. On Abandonment List. Fort Niobaara is now on the list for abandonment as a military post and will be usedin the future . - * for field maneuvers and encamp ments , which will bring several hundred soldiers here each year for two or three months. This was partially reported in Sunday's "World-Herald and is verified by Hon. C. H. Cornell who has just returned from Washington , D. C. We have hoped for Fort Nio- brara to be built up as a great army post , with her 60,000 acres of territory , to be used in field work and practice to good advant age. There are smaller reserva tions than this and few hivr- : the natural advantages that are found on the Fort Niobrara military res ervation for an army post. If this be our fate to have a vast area of ground joining our city on which there will be neither inhabi tants nor soldiers then we are not to be envied by other towns. There may be some consolation to those who derive no benefit from the soldiers being quartered here and looked upon the prevalence of soldiers as a menace to the peace and quietude of the home. The expense to the county on account of the numerous prose cutions of soldier criminalities in the past will lie subdued and abated. Moses P. Kinkaid can't get any more votes for what he did for Ft. Niobrara. He will try some new ruse to fool the people this time and if he gets past the third mile post he will consider himself safe ly anchored for a life time service as representative of a patient , for bearing people who expect noth ing but a few garden seeds , a few patched up speeches that were never delivered in the halls of con gress or were not heard by con gress in its working clothes. When the farmer or ranchmen is approached this year it will be with a new ruse for their support. of Kinkaid for congress. Their feeble attempts to learn what for or why they should again send Moses P. Kinkaid to congress will probably be more than answered in promises , anew of great things yet in store for Fort Niobrara in this part of the district , and of some other item somewhere else. Yes , Moses will get his ear to the ground with the alertness of an American , to learn the senti ment here and there before he speaks and his cure-all-balm for all ills , aches or pains may be ex pected when his campaign begins. He promised us much but we find it to be much trouble. We asked for bread and he gave us a stone. If the democrats of the sixth congressional district will get to gether and nominate a good , cap able man we will retire Mr. Kin kaid on his record of 640 acres for a homestead. Law and Order Will Pre = vail. Tuesday's election might be significant of more than one thing. The 69 voters who cast their bal lots for Dr. Dailey and Mr. Savage may take consolation in the thought that those ballots were cast for law and order and that they neither rustled the slums to get those votes nor was there any question as to their citizenship and qualifications. It is plainly evident to anyone's mind whose thought dwells on the election and its results that 69 citizens , law-abiding and home- loving people , \ oted their senti ments at the election , while the 140 votes cast for the other side were made up of a combined mix- tur'e of good citizens , legally quali fied voters , and some who are neither. A great number of votes , as are generally cast on such oc casions , do not signify much in the sentiment of a town. Their votes are generally on the wrong side and are opposed to the best citi zenship. Aside from the issue of whether the saloons would run the town or that the town control the saloons , the candidates of the Citizens tick et were supported by the saloon element and also by a large num ber of people who were neither radical , fanatical nor intemperate , nor are they in favor of the sa loons running wide open and they are also opposed to gambling. Mr. Barker and Mr. Compton are neither saloon men nor are they favorable to gambling. Had they been the nominees of any other convention both would have been opposed bitterly by the same element that has taken so much interest in tlieir election. Either could have had the nomination on the Peoples ticket and would not have been opposed by the law and order people in election had they been the first nominees. The saloon men who took 'so much pains to show their loyal I support were willing to concede the most radical temperance man | i as their nominee , provided they might have the honor of doing him : some favor in the election contest. There is consequently little for them to boast of for their victory i is ours and two men are now elect * ed by their assistance that they would have denounced at any oth er time. This , however , is not so credit able for those who are clambering over boxes , chairs and debris to bet on the popular or winning side'i and lie in wait for popular public. ' sentiment before they are willing j to be known and the "I told you ' so" who couldn't see that a victory : JUST RECEIV another carload of the celebrated JOHN DEERE Implements. The kind that is so well and favorably known. Come and see our "FVnrJ . H-fjf that have two wheels , giving a throw of , -H.I1U U-a seeder- , , twice the distance of an ordinary - - Model B. Disk Harrows * .i New Elk Riding Cultivators Walking Cultivators - Disk Riding Cultivators Listers , Both riding and walking. T icfov ncjwio o-ckci To convert any walking plow or walking lister - carriages , into a riding plow or riding lister > Ajax Steel Lever Harrows Stag SulKy Plows , Breaking Plows , I Listed Corn Cultivators , Both disk and knife. Brown Cultivators Surface Cultivators , For shallow cultivation according to Campbell system Drill attachments to fit any make of lister. Kepairs furnished for any machine or implement. - McCormick line of Machinery I. H. C. Manure Spreaders and Gasoline Engines Wagons and Buggies Ii was gained for law and order on that day when all went without protest. Let law and order prevail and make way for better enforcement of laws. The gambling that exists on the sly had better be kept on the sly. Violators will be prose cuted more strenuously than be fore and Valentine will be no long er the dumping ground of the poker fiends. I will have on hand about April 10th a quantity of fruit trees , shade trees , small fruit and flowers. Call at the root cellar. 11-2 Jonx FERSTL. We are making a specialty of Carbon Platinos. Order the good goods and you get them. Remem ber that our Photos are guaranteed and that re-sittings are given when necessary. HALLDORSOS. 29 WANTED Energetic and trust worthy men can make $100 to $150 per month representing a home life and accident insurance company. Others are doing it , why not you ? We teach you. Address ior particulars , R. E , Williams , Norfolk , Neb. 8 To Whom It May Conceraa. This is to certify that my wife , Alice Bowers , has left my bed and board and that I will not be re sponsible for any debts hereafter contracted by her. Dated this 5th day of April , 1906. 12 JOHN BOWEKS. U. S. Weather Knrean .Report ior week Ending April 4. The daily mean temperature shows an increase of 2 ° above the normal. The highest temper ature 68 ° on the 2nd and the low est 20 ° on the 4th. The winds have been about an average. FOR SALE 1000 bushels Early Ohio Potatoes. Also farm for rent on shares the coming season. EDWARD ORMESHER , 12-3 Valentine , Nebr. Eddie Francke found a belt fill ed with cartridges and brought it to this office to be advertised. Owner can have same by paying for this notice and proving prop erty. 12 Notice of Application For a License to Sell Liqnor. Notice is hereby given that I have filed with ; he Clerk of the Board of Trustees of the Village 3f Valentine. Nebraska , a petition accompanied jy a bond duly attested , said petition prajing ; hat I he granted a license to" sell malt , spirit- lotis and vinous liquors In said Village of Val- jntine. Cherry County , Nebraska , for the year Hiding May 1,1907. WALTHER F , A. MELT END OKFF. Oated this 29th day of Alarcb , 100G. New Hotel , 3C Near Depot Electric Lights , House , Hornback & McBride , Props. Guests for Trains a Specialty , Good Rooms. X. Good Service , Groceries We have added a new and complete stock of Groceries to our business. Call and see us. PHONE 97 , , DAVIS & FRESH FRUIT AND GAME J IN THEIR SEASON. * First class line of Steaks , Roasts , Dry Salt Meats Smoked Breakfast Bacon. Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs. Cement Building Blocks for Foundations , Houses , Barns or Chimneys WESLEY HOLSCLAW , XSSSSS , TH E CREAM SEPARATOR Easy Running , Easy Washing , Clean Skimming , The Simplest Is t2ie Best. Nothing to get out of order and will last a life time. Recommended by all who have used them. A practical machine sold on easy terms by T W PRAMPP VALENTINE , fi YV. V 5lMVlCn ! , NBREASKA' . t GRANT BOYER1 CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all si Valentine , - Nebraska