Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 05, 1906, Image 2
The Valentine Democrat Valentine , Neb. 1. M. Rice. Publisher NO GENERAL STRIKE MIKEHS TO WORK WHEREVER ADVANCE IS PAID. Iowa Field is in Doubt Union Leader Predicts Operators Will Yield Southwest is Not Hopeful All Work Has Ceased. A Des Moines , la. , special says : Immediately ' mediately after receiving- word of fa vorable action on the Perry resolution nt Indianapolis the joint conference " Iowa miners and operators in ses- Bion here agreed to undertake the ad justment of a new scale and contract. A joint committee was appointed and asked to report Tuesday. The old scale expired Saturday night and Icwa mines will be .shut down pending an agreement , the miners furnishing enough men to protect the mines. It is understood that the miners will nsk a 5.55 per cent increase , but "whether this demand will be granted by the operators or not it is generally believed an amicable settlement will be reached because both parties are anxious for an early resumption of work. The national convention of United Inline Workers of America adjourned sine die at Indianapolis , Ind. , Friday after authorizing the national and dis trict officers to sign a wage agreement with any coal operators who would agree to pay the scale of 1903 or its equivalent for a period of two years. This is an advance of 5.55 per cent in wages in Illinois , Indiana , Ohio and western Pennsylvania and all other districts except the southwest , com posed of Missouri , Kansas. Texas , Ar kansas and Indian Territory , where an advance of ? cents per ton Is de manded , as the 1903 scale is practi cally in force in that district. The convention declined an offer made by the operators of Illinois , Indiana and Ohio to submit the wage differences to arbitration. Where a coal operator owns mines in different districts the scale must be signed for all the prop erties at the same time before any will be allowed to run. The action of the convention will bring out of the mines of the country immediately 509,500 men in the an- tracite and bituminous fields. These -will remain on strike until settlements have been signed by districts or with Individual operators. President Mitchell said he believed one-half of the tonnage of Illinois , In diana. Ohio and western Pennsylvania would sign very soon. MURDER MYSTERY UNSOLVED. Xo Light Is Shed On the Minneapolis Tragedy. Instead of clearing the mystery of the murder of six Bulgarians in a Min- aieapolis dwelling the arrest in Duluth of ten persons on suspicion has only deepened the mystery. It was be- lived that those now iiv custody were in some way connected with the crime. This suspicion was confirmed in a way during the later developments of the case Thursday night , when it was learned by the police that six hunt ing knives were sold by the Kelly Hardware Company of Duluth to foreigners one day last week. An employe of the company has left for Minneapolis for the purpose of. ( identifying the hunting knives found in the house where the crime was committed. AS FROM THE CRAVE. Miners Rescued After Being Entomb ed 20 Days. At Lens. France , fourteen of the 1,200 miners who were entombed in the coal mines at Courrieres twenty days ago were taken from the mine alive and well Friday. They had lived on hay found in one 'of the underground ) stables , and morsels of food which ithey took into the mine. All attempts to rescue the entombed men was abandoned more than two 'weeks ago. He Stole for Many Years. Joseph P. Tinney , a note teller In the National Bank of North America , at New York , was arrested and ar raigned in police court Friday on the charge of stealing $34,000. The al leged peculations , it is charged , have been going on for twenty-five years. s a Fire at Moscow , Idaho. I The main building of the University tl of Idaho at Moscow was completely , tlt ; destroyed by flre early Friday. One to tE tman was asleep in the building , but E ' escaped injury. a Sioux City Live Stock Market. Friday's quotations on the Sioux City live stock market follow : Butch- P jer steers , $4.15 @ 5.25. Top hogs , ci J6.27& . rr Labor Wins Big Victory. A London special says : TI- govern 1 ment has surrendered to the labor a < 1e e party on the trades dispute bill. The Ii 'foil ' ! passed Its second reading Friday , si 1456 to 55. It siej provides complete im- est 'munity for trades union funds. ejB < _ _ _ , May Use Polish Language. B Under orders from St. Petersburg , the inspectors of schools will permit ( the use of Polish as the language of di n dib < instruction in all the schools and uni b versities of Poland. 51 MIXERS TO BE IDLE. Suspension Begins Saturday In Both Great Fields. Representatives of Iowa , operators and miners , held a joint meeting at Des Moines Friday for the purpose of declaring a suspension of work in I Iowa mines for sixty days , to become effective Saturday , when the present agreement expires. The suspension will throw about 34,000 m n out of employment and cause a seriwts short age of coal. { Iowa operators , however , still see hope of avoiding a prolonged suspen sion. They said at Des lolnes Thurs day night that If the Jniners' conven tion at Indianapolis sliould rescind the Ryan resolution prohibiting a settle ment in any district except when a ba sis is fixed for all districts , and should accept the offer of a 5.55 per cent ad vance made by the Pennsylvania bitu minous interests , they would make the same offer to prevent a shut-down in Iowa. Secretary Perry , for the Iowa min ers , said that if a contract should be signed in Pennsylvania every other op erator would be offered a contract based upon this. The operators of Iowa Thursday de cided to offer arbitration as a last ef fort to prevent a prolonged shut-down. Over 14,000 mine workers and 326 mines in Iowa are involved. Iowa miners have a strike fund of $210,000. At Indianapolis , Ind. , the joint meet ings of the bituminous coal operators and miners of the central competitive district , composed of western Pennsyl vania , Ohio , Indiana and Illinois and ot the southwestern district , composed of Missouri , Kansas , Texas , Arkansas , Oklahoma and Indian Territory , reach ed a final disagreement Thursday on the wage scale to go into effect at the expiration of the present scale on April 1 , and the conference of the central district adjourned sine die , while the joint scale committee of the south western district decided to report a disagreement to the joint conference of that district at once. It is expected that this conference will at once ad journ sine die without an agreement. The action of the two conferences will directly cause the suspension from work after Saturday of 178,000 min ers unless something unforeseen , like submission of the differences to arbi tration , should intervene and indirect ly will affect 206,500 more miners , not including its effect on 150,000 miners in the anthracite field , who Thursday night were ordered to suspend work Monday. BIG RUSH OF IMMIGRANTS. Eleven Thousand Arrived in Xe\v York Thursday. Over 11,000 immigrants arrived in the harbor of Xew York Thursday on board seven steamships from Euro pean ports. This number is the record for a sin gle day which has been made thus far during the annual spring inrush of immigration. Ellis island , where the immigrants are examined and either rejected or admitted to the United States , can care | for less than half of Thursday's ar rivals , its limit being 5,000 daily. Those who cannot be landed will be kept 1 in the harbor on their steamers until later in the week. These immigrants include the fol lowing nationalities : English. Irish , Germans , Swedes , Hungarians , Ital ians , Portuguese and Russians. TRY TO SOLVE CRIME. Arrests in Connection with Minneapo lis Tragedy. A Duluth , Minn. , special says : The police have arrested eleven foreigners believed to have come from the j "house of murder" in Minneapolis. All t I are well supplied with money. The leader of the men arrested here is Kuzman Sckuloff. Sckuloff admit ted to Chief Troyer that he is the man who rented the Minneapolis house and took the party there , but maintains everything was all right when he left I there with the party. The police have in custody eight men , two boys and one woman. Some are Bulgarians and some Macedon ians. None speak English to any great ti extent. Five Overcome by Gas. Ignorant of the mechanism of a gas fixture , a family of Austrian immi a grants , who recently arrived at Phil o adelphia , Pa. , was overcome by illu e minating gas Wednesday night in a s1 s1S tenement house. Schaye Weistein , S father , died Thursday , and his Avife S and three daughters are said to be b dying. Great Revival for Chicago. An evangelical revival that will h sweep Chicago with a wave of religious w awakening was planned by the Union P- Evangelist committee , of Chicago , in 11 11ei the First Methodist church. All Pro ei testant ( denominations are to be asked eioJ < aid in the calling to Chicago of Evangelists Torrey and Alexander for series of revival meetings. R $200,000 Fire at Dover. X. H. tl At Dover , N. H. , the Masonic tem cc ple , the largest business block in the ci city , was destroyed by flre Thursday ce morning , entailing a loss of $200,000. se Great Irrigation Project. The United States government has accepted the offer of the Washington bl Irrigation Company to sell the Sunnyst side canal and lateral works , the larggr private Irrigation system in the se northwest , located in Yakima and he Benton Counties , Wash. , for 5250,000. pe Fire at Fort Worth. Th wholesale Wadsworth-Cameron drug house at Foil Worth , Tex. , has sa been totally destroyed by fire. Loss , wl J10C.OOC ; insurance , $95,006. $1 BIG DAM SWEPT AWAY. Havoc of Xorth Platte Flood In Wyoming. A Denver , Colo. , special Pays : Wyo ming is experiencing the worst floods in recent years , according to dispatch es from Cheyenne and other points received here Wednesday night. The Platte River from the Colorado to the Nebraska line , a distance of 500 miles , is running over its banks and flooding the adjacent country. Nearly all the streams in the state are floods. Re ports of missing ranchmen , damage to ranch and other property and drowning of live stock are being re- .ceived. The railroads are having diffi culty in traversing the flood territory. The floods are due to melting snow. In the eastern portion of Colorado snov- and rain fell Wednesday night. At Casper , Wyo. , the Xorth Platte River has been rising at an alarming rate for forty-eight hours. The great dam at Colva , erected by the reclama tion service as a temporary construc tion to divert the waters of the river while the Pathfinder dam is being built , has been washed away and its loss will seriously interrupt the completion of the government enter prise. Although the heavy rains of the last few days had caused much appre hension among residents of this part of Wyoming , none was prepared for the overthrow of such a piece of en gineering as the huge dam. When the waters swept through the immense masonry many workmen barely es caped with their lives. The dam had been built at a cost of nearly $100,000. The steel bridge built by the government six miles below - low the dam at Pathfinder was also carried away. Small cabins , barns and property of all descriptions are floating down on the swollen stream , which is spreading over the lowlands and causing great loss to stockmen and ranchmen. Miles upon miles of lowlands are flooded , and it is feared much stock may have been drowned. A report from Lander says that 300 sheep belonging to Charles Souther which were housed in a large shed were drowned and swept away. SIX ARE SLAIX. Fearful Tragedj * Occurs in Italian Lodging House in Minneapolis. A Minneapolis , Minn. , special says : The bodies of six Italian laborers were found in a room in Tenth Avenue ear ly ] "Wednesday. Neighbors called the police , who entered the shack and found the bodies of the men literally stabbed to pieces. Four murderous dirks of a razor- like keeness were found. All the bod- les were dressed as laborers. The house was an Italian lodging place. The men apparently had been dead for two days. Xone was identified , and none of the residents in the neighborhood ad mits a knowledge of the affair. The shanty' where the tragedy occurred ' curred was rented to nine Italians. Avho are believed by the police to have constituted a Mafia or "black hand"s organization. OHIO SALOOXS HIT HARD. Hi h License Will Force Five Thou < sand to Close. - A Columbus , O. , dispatch says : Be tween 10.000 and 15,000 men will be thrown out of employment by the en forcement of the Aiken $1,000 liquor 1 tax law just passed. Five thousand proprietors of saloons that will close and 2,500 bartenders will be made idle. Bakers and brew ery employes lalso \ \ suffer. I It is estimated the gain in the state's revenue will be $3,450,000. Joe Miller , legislative agent for the breweries ) , is authority for the state ment that between 10,000 and 15,000 people will lose their jobs by the closing - s ing of the saloons. e eS ev Tells of Doodling : . S The man who gave his name as Jas. S Howard , when he was arrested in e ' Vienna last October f"or robbing a depositor - positor at the tellers' window of a bank there , admitted to the judge be fore who'm he was arraigned his identity e tity was Joseph Killoran , an American } postofllce and bank robber. fi fia Fast Trains In Collision. a The California limited , westbound , P and the Atlantic express , eastbound. c on the Santa Fe railway , met in head end collision at Cosnino. near Flag staff , Ariz. , Tuesday evening. No per son ( was killed or seriously injured. v Several : passengers were slightly brused. tl May Check Gas Well Fire. r A sixth attempt made Wednesday to st hood the big gas well at Caney , Kan. , was partially successful. A six-inch pipe was lowered into the blaze and the flame now bursts from the upper O end of the pipe and rises to a height Si 150 feet. olai ai aia Death Sentences Commuted. At Chita , East Siberia , Gov. Gen. Rennenkampff Thursday commuted the : sentences of death imposed by 01 courtmartial on thirteen postal offi 01m cials who had participated In the re Ifl cent strike to various terms of penal re servitude. ev Village Slipping Into Sea. The village of Muehlheim , near Co- olenz , Germany , is threatened with destruction - | P struction by a hill which has been _ a gradually slipping into the valley for fO several days. Up to this time 150 , d louses have been damaged and 300 im 3ersons rendered homeless. de Robbers Loot Kansas Bank. Robbers early Tuesday wrecked the afe of the Bank of Bentley , Kan. , > vith dynamite and escaped with cii I1.500. ; he STATE OF NEBRASKA XEWS OF THE WEEK IX A COX- DEXSED FORM. Admits Taking Eight Thousand Dollars - lars Assistant Cashier Mead of Beemer Bank Acknowledges Big Defalcation. Assistant Cashier Mead , of the Beemer State Bank of Beemer , has made an open confession in writing over his own signature that a deft- ciency in the cash reserves of that bank was due to his defalcation of the round sum of $8,300. Furthermore - more , in the same manner he con fessed that approximately $ S,000 of this money had passed into the hands of a stranger who represented him self to be a member of the Chicago board of trade and that the money was taken in small amounts , an even $100 or some multiple thereof , at a time covering a period of several years. That by a skillful manipulation of the totals in the ledger account of certificates of deposit he had succeed ed in hiding this defalcation from time to time when the bank was undergo ing examination. l The active ofiicers of the bank be came aware of a mysterious discrepan cy in the reserves of the bank early in January last following the examina tion 1 by State Examiner .Emmett. but felt no particular alarm as to the actual 1i ual fact about this sum appearing to be short , trusting it would prove nothing 1i ing : more serious than a clerical er ror. Examiner Emmett returned Friday to make sure of the facts , but Mr. Mead cut matters short by making a clean breast of the matter. The di rectors of the bank immediately made good if every dollar of the defalcation , after allowing for some property be longing to Mr. Mead turned over ty the bank. They have placed the young man in the hands of the law to be dealt with according to the neces sities of his case. Mr. Mead was raised in that com munity , and his parents are highly respected people , and the whole com munity is deeply stirred with sympa thy for the boy and his parents. PERU COAL OF GOOD QUALITY. State Geologist Says Prospects for Fuel Are Good. State Geologist Barber visited Peru Thursday and inspected the new coal mine on Honey creek , south of that town. Mr. Barber found the vein measured thirty-eight Inches and pro nounced the coal of good quality. He said Peru's mine was the best out look for coal he had seen in Nebraska. A lump weighing sixty pounds was taken back with the geologist. While the party was inspecting the mine j the men digging the coal knocked ; down a piece of coal weighing close to j 600 pounds. The miners have tuii- j - neled back about fifty feet already. j ! Wreck on Great Northern. | The Great Northern had a wreck 'Thursday night about four miles north of Fremont , smashing the commissary car and derailing several others. A soft track was the cause of it. Time keeper , Frank Kdmiston and Cool : i Oswald Grunken , the only persons in . the car , escaped by jumping and were considerably bruised. There were 'about seventy-five laborers in the cars j at the rear who escaped with nothing j " -vorse than a shaking up. ; - i Duck Hunter Injured. j Henry Egelback , living near Brock. | met } with a serious accident while out I hunting ducks. He was shooting a llS . 8 shotgun and one of the shells seemed to be heavier loaded than ! " common. When he fired it exploded , I Cl blowing ) the stock of the gun completely - i pletely off , breaking Mr. Egelbacks' j right arm in two places and left a bad i flesh wound. j t I ti Japanese Return to Work. Forty-five Japanese who have been spending the winter in Kansas return ed the latter part of last week and j sc will work on the steel gang west of I Sutherland. Between that point and j p Sidney about GOO Japs will be employ- j ed in laying the new steel on the main : p 'tine of the Union Pacific. ' Ilarrington-Crofton Line. The contractors for building the ai extension : of the Chicago , St. Paul , | tl Minneapolis and Omaha railroad j ! y from Harington to Crofton. fifteen and j oj half miles , will commence work in j In few days and the road will be completed - I pleted in time to move the .small grain crop : early this fall. I fr To Enlarge Tekamah Depot. i re News from the headquarters of disc ] vision superintendent confirms the repz ; port that the Northwestern railroad : Cl will in the immediate future enlarge j the Tekamah depot by an addition of j thirty feet , and remodel the present I rooms. < Electric lights will be in- ! jn stalled. " i m : ! To Be Sent to an Asylum. j li John Schwaarting , living near Oakdale , was brought before the in sanity board at Neligh on complaint' his son that he was an inebriate , i co and he will probably be t--ent to the j rn. asylum. j th : Xcw Club House. j Contractors have commenced work j the new home of the York Commercial - j mercial club , which will be one of the ' n finest ] and best in the west. The ! rooms will be large and will have I svery convenience. _ . Death Was Accidental. / The coroner's jury at O'Neill completed - ' pleted the inquest held upon the rera | nains of Dr. S. F. Hunt , killed in the } us railroad yards Friday evening and { Nt 'ound that the deceased came to his ' Ho Jeath while attempting to board a fci noving train and that death was acci- lental. Water Bonds Sustained. J. A Gibbon special says : The fightjtr ver the water works bonds was dethi [ [ sided In court at Kearney in favor cf j r bonds. Iff BURXS WHILE MOTHER SHOPS. Child Left Alone Pours Oil on Stove and Is Dead When Found. While the mother was out on a shopping expedition , the little 4-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bonebright , living at Cortland. poured kerosene on the cook stove and was burned to death. Mrs. Bonebright had left her two children , one less than a year old , and the other 4 years old. alone in the house. During her absence the older of the two secured a can contain ing I kerosene oil and poured its con tents Ii into the cook stove. ' The oil ignited i and set fire to the child's clothing with the result that she wa ? burned to death. The little one's charred and blackened body , on which there was not a stitch of clothing , was found lying near the stove by Mrs. Bonebright upon her return home. The other tot was playing around the room as though nothing had hap pened. XOW IX THE XELFGH .TAIL. Escaped Prisoner Is Brought Back from Washington. A Neligh special says : Sheriff J. D. Miller has returned from Spokane , Wash. , with an escaped prisoner , Frank Donner. who was convicted of cattle stealing last year and who es caped from the jail in this city before being taken to the penitentiary. He was wounded in a fracas at a little town near Spokane and was taken tea a hospital , recognized and informa tion sent here which led to his rear- rest and return. His escape from the jail here was somewhat sensational. He removed an iron bar from the wall of the brick jail and walked out , about noon , into the country , where he was aided in his escape by a young man of his ac quaintance. He is in a serious con dition anil has to have his wound treated daily. This time he will prob ably be more carefully guarded. ALL HIS VICTIMS WILL LIVE. Biilk-t Mueller Fired Into Child Wife Struck a Rib. A Norfolk special states that all three of the victims of August Mueller , who shot his wife and her parents in Stanton County Thursday , will recov er. By marvelous good.fortune the bul let which Mueller pumped into the breast ot" his child wife , struck a rib and was- diverted from entering the lungs , glancing off and plowing I around the surface of her body , so that ' she has every chance to live. I i Fred llohneke , her father , was | ! shot in a very vital spot , but he. too. | j will live unless blood poisoning should . set in. I Mueller is still in jail at Stanton , and twenty-seven more shot were ex tracted from his neck. Raid on Gambling. Bloomfield is agog over the raiding of a gambling room by the sheriff of Knox County at nearly midnight Sat- [ I urday. Accompanied by Mayor Harms and Councilman Neff , the sheriff - < I iff 5 ] entered the gambling room conducted - | ' ducted by John and Jim Hosteller , j I Ten \ persons were arrested on the charge of gambling- . Two other places were to be i aided , but they got "wine. " \ViIl olrnjghtcr : a Creek. A intiss meeting was held at Papili- ' ion by the citizens of the east end of the county to consider the matter of tiS1 straightening the Papillion creek. It was decided to go ahead with the work. A committee was appointed to make estimates of the work and report - i port ; 't tl'e next meeting .which will ' be he'.d April ! ) . Ili.c Lund Deal. One of the largest land sales made ' in Xfbr-iska ; this year has just been closed by a real estate agent at Gib bon. The principal part of the land consisted of what is known as the j Merritt ram-h near Lexington. This , I together witlvother lands. ma\Ie a to1 tel acroagtof o.HOO acres. The con sideration $79,500. Farm Hand Arrested. E. Piper , a farm hand from Madi son , and T. O. Bottechcr. an ice chop per , from that nlace wpr < * arrested at Xcrfolk and pent back to Madison on ' the charge of stealing $57.50 from Phillip Knapp , Pipper's employer. Tokmuah Woman Dies Suddenly. Mrs : J. C. Smith , a prominent wom an of Tekamah. wife of J. C. Smith , ! the hardware merchant , died sudden- , at her home Wednesday from hem- ' nrrhagp of the brain , after a two ' houi-s' Alc"icd I-'orgcr Arrested. t' Bauman received a telegram - from Aikansas City. Kan. , of the arrest - . rest r.t that place of Isaac N. Diskin- . son. who ! < ? wanted at Fremont for pa.-.sfnp : a forced check for $21.10 on L'h-.ules Hacker. r iul Dead in His Home. Ilibort .McCormick was found dead his hous-e at Papillion. Mr. McCor-j . niclvis never married , was well off , of " nviittl r nice property in town and t ia.d nioni-y in bank. Vsi I Us Thumb. ' .J Ceorc * Flagan. a prosperous Tork o'.inty fa'cr. . met with an unfortu51 iut aaciil-nt Jn the loss of the right hb .sl llo Ciillingvood on Lincoln of inPI Tair Dates. 7-0 T r"v/n county fair will be held PIai ai rort'r > ber 26. 27 and 28. This aibt bt air lias ! > eo- * held annually for a in r cf year ? , with increasing in- fcP P : irrrrs Swept Away. A special from Chadron says : Heavy ain ; ; have fallen for two days on the ipreslatts Klver , and in western J. Cebra--a. and "U'yoming there Is a yg lood. ccrrylr.cbridges and houses be- OT HI cr"L inCl ITn : Iars at Tekamah. n- % r ine-f.i - " 1 inef.i"orchandise -"orchandise store of T. Freir. cf Tekamahas robbed Ca riuay ii' ht. Entrance was gained irough the rear window. The value * ° the < Ls talien will not exceed i ; _ o. ch th : H : WEEKLY 13CO Edmoml of Woodstock. Earl of Kent , beheaded. 1321) College of France founded. 1549 Thomas Seymour , Lord High Ad miral of England , beheaded. 15.T Archbishop Cranmer burned at Ox ford. lJO'r ( Queen Elizabeth diedl Succeeded by James I. 1730 British Parliament prohibited Brit ish subjects lending money to for eigners' . 1744 France dec-la red war against Eng land. 177G Washington's 'triumphal entry into Boston Congress authorized em ployment of privateers. 17S2 Spain acknowledged independence ? of the United States. 1S01 Paul I. . Emperor of Russia , assas sinated. Succeeded by Alexander I- 1S04 Duke of Enghien shot by order of Napoleon. 1SOS Murat entered Madrid. 1814 Battle of Tarbes. 1813 The "Hundred Days Treaty" of A'ienna concluded by England , Aus tria , llussia and Prussia. 1S19 Augustus P. Kotzebue , Germait dramatist , assassinated. 1S21 Xaples ocupied by Austrian army- 1823 Abdication of Sturbide. IS29 Duel between Wellington and Win- chelsea. IS31 Insurrection of slaves ia island of Antigua. 1839 Ami-Corn Law league formed. 1848 Abdication of King of Bavaria. 1849 Raditzky defeated the Sardinians ait battle of Xovara. 1854 Two earthquake shocks felt at Macon - con , Ga. I860 Cession of Savoy and Nice to- France by treaty of Turin. 1802 Gen. Shields defeated "Stonewall' ' " Jackson at Kernstown , Va. ISG7 Winter Garden theater burned itt1 Xew York Labor riots renewed in. France Gathering of Fenians at St. Albans , Vt. ISGS Earthquake shock at San Fran.-fT cisco. J , J $ 1871 Marriage of Princess Louise andu Marquis of Lome French Assem bly removed from Bordeaux to Ver sailles. 1875 j Destructive tornado in Georgia. 1877 John ] ) . Lee executed for complic ity in Mountain Meadow massacre. 1878 i Paul Boynton swam the Straitc of Gibraltar in five hours and five- minutes. 1881 Candahar surrendered to Ameer Rahman Boer war ended ; British- terms accepted Potchefstroom sur rendered to the Boers. , 1883 Destructive floods in Halifax. 1885 Earthquake shocks felt in Panama. and Aspinwall Arabs defeated at Ilasheen. 1SSG City of Helena , Ark. , nearly de- stroj'ed by fire Steamer Carthage passed through Suez canal at night by electric light Kansas City switchmen's strike ended. . . . Great strikes in Belgium. 1SS9 Chi f Justice Fuller's daughter eloped with Matt Aubrey. 1891 Prince Napoleon burned at Turin. St. Pauls Episcopal church at Xew Orleans burned. 1893 Bering sea court of arbitration as sembled at Paris. 1895 German Reichstag rejected propos al to send birthday congratulations to Bismarck Sixty miners killed by explosion at Evanston , Wyo. . . . Attempted assassination of Li Hung : Chang at Sirnonoaeki , Japan Chi nese-Japanese peace conference b gun at Shimonoseki. 1897 Blockade of Crete began. 1905 Fifty-eight persons killed by boiler- explosion at Brockton , Mass. Steel TrnKtK' BI r Earnings. The report of the United States steel' orporation ( for 1905 shows an increase- , over $4U.OOO,000 in net earnings , or & total of nearly $120,000,000. The total undivided surplus on Dec. 31 was $84- 738,450. The gross receipts reached tke- vase . ' total of $585,331.736. There was de cided improvement in the export trade , , both ! as to quantity and price. In defense- the practice of selling to foreign cu- tomers at lower prices than those prevail ing at home , the report says that in thl - wav surplus stocks are disposed of , thus preventing increase ia cost of production and the shutting down of works. The num ber of employes increased to 180,158. Dur ing the year 32.250 employes subscribed , for 23,989 shares of preferred stock at par. The Chnrcli In Insurance. Rev. E. F. Blanchard of Paterson , N- , writing to the Christian Work of tk recently exposed rascality in the insur ance companies , says that the underlying motive of present-day insurance is unChristian - Christian , namely , selfishness , or the en richment ( of a few promoters. He advo cates a system of Christian insurance as ane of the needs of the times. Its pur poses would be to help people out in th * \ \ iard places of life. lie suggests that churches , adopt a system of benefits far * ir people.