Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 29, 1906, Image 7
A Time When Women Are Susceptible to Many Dread Diseases Intelligent Women Prepare for it. Two Relate their Experiences. The "change of life" is the most critical period of a woman's existence , and the anxiety felt by women as it draws near Is not without reason. Every woman who neglects the care of her health at this time in vites disease and pain. When her system is in a deranged condition , or she is predisposed to apoplexy , or congestion of any organ , the ten dency is at this period likely to become active and with a host of ner vous irritations make life a burden. At this .time , also , cancers and Stumors are more liable to form and begin their destructive work. Such warning symp toms as sense of suffo cation , hot flashes , head aches , backaches , dread of impending evil , timid ity , sounds in the ears , palpitation of the heart , sparks before the eyes , irregularities , constipa tion , variable appetite , OOQflSQOOBfiafiaQoaEOOGO weakness , inquietude , and dizziness , are promptly heeded by in telligent women who are approaching the period in life when \voinau's great change may be expected. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound was prepared to meet the needs of woman's system at this trying period of her life. It invigorates and strengthens the female organism and builds up the weakened nervous S3'stem. For special advice regarding this im portant period women are invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn , Mass. , and it will be furnished absolutely free of charge. The present Mrs. Pinkham is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pink- ham , her assistant before her decease , and for twenty-five years since her advice has been freely given to sick women. Read what Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound " pound did for "Mrs. Hyland and Mrs. .Hinkle : Dear Mrs. Pinkham : "I had been suffering with displacement of the organs for years and was passing through the change of life. My abdomen was badly swollen ; my stomach was sore ; I had dizzy snells , sick headaches , and was verynervous. . lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where Others Fail. to fbe lore means a prcductiva capacity in dollars ol Over 516 Per Acre This on land , which has cost the farmer nothing but the price of tilling it , tells its story. The Canadian Government gives Absolutely Freeio Every Seller 160 Acres of Such Land Lands adjoining can be purchased at from $6 to ( io per acre from railroad and other corporations. Already 1 75,000 FARMERS from the United States ha\e made their homes in Canada. For uamphlet * * r vcalielh Century Canada" and all information Arplfor information to Supo'intnapiu of Irnmig-a- tion , O taira , Canada , or to K. T. Holmes. 815 Juckxou Ot. . St. Paul. Minn. , and J. M. .McLuchlun. Box 116. W'atortown , So.Dakota , Authorized Government Auenu Piease cay where you eawr this advertisement. K IffifflHOFIffiflSH has stood for the 5E5T during seventy years of increasing sales , Remember this v/hen/ou w&nt water- J > roof oiled coats , .suits , hats , or horse good * for all hinds of wet work. EVERT GARMENT. rf .J. TOWER CO-.MSTOH.MASS.U.5.A. TOWER CANADIAN CO.Uwted.TOtONTO.CAH. W.L. . . $0.50 W. L. Douglas $4.OO Gilt Edge Line ' cannot be equalled at any price. W. L. DOUGLAS MAKES & SELLS MORg MEWS $3.50 SHOES THAteAMYtoTHEr ? MANUFACTURER tH THE WORLD. < t1 fl nfin REWARD to anyone who can . $ I UjUUU disprove this statement. If I could take you into my three large factories t Brockton. Mass. , and show you the infinite ! care with which every pair of shoes is made , you would realize why VV. L. Douglas S3.50 shoes : cost more to make , why they hold their shape , ( it better , wear longer , and are of greater intrinsic value than any other $3.50 shoe. , W. L. Douglas Strong Made Shoos for i Men , $2.5/7 , S2.OD. Boys' School & ' Ofosa Shoesf $2. BO , $2 , $1.75$1.BO CAUTION. insist upon Laving "VV.L.Doug- las shoes. Take no substitute. 2Jone genuine without bis name and price stamped on bottom. feat Color Kyelets used ; they will not wear brassy. Write fa IHastrated Catalog. j I W.IDOUGLASBrockton , N THIS J-AMIK noui nxrrum rj ABTUTULU. " I wrote you for advice and commenced treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound as you directed , and I am happy to say that all those distressing symp toms left me and I have passed safely through the change of life , a well woman. I am recommending your medicine to all my friends. " Mrs. Annie E. G. Hyland , Chester- town , Md. Another Woman's Case " During chaiige of life words cannot ex press what I suffered. My physician said I had a cancerous condition of the female organs. One day I read some of the testimonials menials of women who had been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , and I decided to try it and to write you for advice. Your meaicine made me a well woman , and all my bad symptoms soon disappeared. " I advise every wowan at this period of life to take your medicine and write you for ad vice. " Mrs. Lizzie Hinkle , Salem , Ind. What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Hyland and Mrs. Hinkle it will do for other women at this time of life. It has conquered pain , restored health , and prolonged life in cases that utterly baffled physicians. The Dean Ontwitted. A friend of Dean Swift .one day sent i him a turbot for n present , by a servant - , ant who had frequently been on simi lar errands , but had never received 1 anything for his trouble. Having piiued admission , he opened the study door , and , putting the fish on the floor , cried out , rudely , "Master seut you a turbot ! " "Young man , " said the Dean , rising from his easy chair , "is that the \vay you deliver a message ? Let me ' teach you better manners. Sit down in my chair we will change places , and I will teach you how to behave in the future. " The boy sat down , and the Dean going out , came up to 'the door , and. making a low bow , said : ! "Sir , master presents his kind com pliments , hopes you are well , and re quests your acceptance of u small pres ent. " "Does he ? " replied the boy. "Return him my best thanks , and here's half a crown for yourself. " The Dead thus caught in his own trap , i laughed heartily , and gave the boy a i crown for his ready wit. The teacher as well as the scholar received a lessou , that time. The boy certainly knew enough to make his way through the \ world. ! GREAT SCOTT. The Blsrgrest aitm of Addlsoii County , Vt. , Tells an IntercMtliig' Story. E. C. Scott , meat dealer , Vergennes. Vt. Past Commander of Ethan Allen Post , G. A. R. , says : "A severe at tack of typhoid left me with weak kid' , neys. Every night I had to get up fre quently to pass the urine , which was ropy , dark and yerj' painful to void. I had no appetite , but drank water continu ally without being able to quench my thirst. Terrible headaches and.dizzy spells oppressed me and my back was lame , sore and stiff. A month's treatment with Doan's Kidney Pills rid me of this trouble , and now I am strong and healthy and weigh 230 pounds. I give the credit to Doan's Kidney Pills. " Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo. N. Y. A Lively Catch. Mrs. S. And so you are leaving us , , Bridget ? And what are you going to do ? j Bridget Please , mum , I'm going to get married. Mrs. S. Dear me ! Isn't that rather sudden ? Who is the happy man ? Bridget Do you remember , mum , me askin' you about four weeks ago to go to the funeral of a friend ? Well , I do be gohr to marry the corpse's husband. Sure , he told me then I wuz the life o' the party. " Harper's Weekly. Quieting : Suspicion. "Mr. Blank seemed rather uneasy when I told him you were going to apply - ply for the position of typewriter. " "He was , but I soon got him over his alarm. " "What did you say to him ? " "Told hin 1 had no matrimonial. designs whatever ; that I merely want ed to be assister to him. " Baltimore Xo more bull fights soon in Mexico. The people there will have to come over and see our bull-und-bear combats. > c\v York Mail. Dr. Wiley says that bottled whisky is the only kind that is safe. And it isn't safe then unless you keep it under lock and key. Chicago Journal. llather than tell his wife he had been robbed a man 05 years old walked 130 miles. Oh , some men do learn after a while ! New York Evening Telegram. . A Chicago paper says : "The Stand ard Oil Company is trying to gei closer to the public. " It has long been within touching distance. What more does it want ? Denver News. Scientists have discovered that an Alaskan glacier is moving at the rate of two inches a year. Let's match it for a 10 years' race against the Pana ma canal. Denver Xews. "Asia for the Asiatics" may become- as reasonable as some more familiar Occidental slogans , after "Boxes for the Boxers" .shall have been popular ized. Xew York Commercial. Captain Ilobson declares that Japan shall not be permitted to turn China into a great military nation. The Dow ager Empress will kiss him if he don't watch out. Houston Chronicle. In the United States may be found an immense body of public sentiment in favor of divorce reform and an im mense body of private practice against divorce reform. Hartford Times. A woman in New York is giving a lecture on "llow to Become a Charming Conversationalist. " The way to be con sidered a charming conversationalist is to have money. Chicago Journal. Xo matter how they may differ with regard to all other questions in the Orient , the powers are practically a unit now in wishing that China may not wake up too much. Chicago Inter Ocean. We shall soon have enough ex-graft ers in this country to form a society for mutual protection and incidentally to take a personal interest in the great question of prison reform. Portland Oregonian. Secretary Taft says the work on the Panama canal will go on "after every truthful man and every liar has been heard. " If he would only limit it to liars we might hope for an early start. Buffalo Times. The center of population of the Uni ted States is officially announced to be six miles southeast of Columbus , Ind. , and not at the intersection of Broad way and 42d street , as a great many Xew Yorkers vaguely fancy. Puck. Mr. Lawson , of Boston , the boll wee vil of high finance , complains that the Armstrong report is not far-reaching enough and that the men higher up in the graft got away. Seems to be a pret ty good start , though. Xew York Even ing Telegram. A policeman was robbed of a ? 2oO pin by . crook whom he had recog nized as such on a 34th street crosstown - town car. If such things may be , in the case of our defenders , what chance has the ordinary passenger ? Xew York Evening Sun. i It is not only a lamentable but a dis graceful condition of affairs which makes it unsafe for women to walk the residence streets of Chicago with out male escorts. And yet we talk about the progress we are making as a civilized people. Chicago Inter Ocean. Three million bushels of corn would be sufficient to relieve the 3,000,000 people ple of Northern Japan who are threat ened with starvation because their rice and silk crops were last year a total failure. Xebraska alone could spare that amount in a pinch. Xebraska Journal. It's a case of easy money that the tintype which depicts Alfonso of Spain gripping his best girl's arm with one i hand and a cigarette with the other ' was inspired by the Tobacco Trust. The world awaits the announcement of the name of the brand of that particular cigarette. Philadelphia Press. In condensed form the recommenda tions of the Armstrong Insurance In vestigating Committee are like Horace Greeley's dictum in , regard to specie payments , that the way to resume is to resume. The way to do an insurance business is to do an insurance business and nothing else. Milwaukee Evening Wisconsin. France has a strange way of fixing up a divorce suit. Formerly it was the general idea that the man paid the alimony , but in Boni de Castellane's suit it appears that the woman pays for the man's support after the experi ment of making the millions and the title fit has been proved a hard job. * Mobile Register. Sparks from the "Wires , The Carson building , the largest in Amarilo. Texas , was destroyed by fire. Loss $100,000 , party covered by insur ance. ance.Andrew Andrew Carnegie will bear the expense of a crusade for spelling reform. The Simplified Spelling Board has been or ganized in Xew York. Two hundred men employed in the Weatherly Foundry and Machine Com pany's shop at Weatherly. Pa. , struck be cause of a disagreement over the hand ling of sand. m There Is Genuine- of Fi The Genuine Is Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. The full name of the company , California Fig : Syrup Co. , \ & printed on the front of every package of the genuine. The Genuine- Syrup of Figsis for Sale , in Original Packages Only , by Reliable Druggists Everywhere Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita tions made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable dealers. The imitations are known to act injuriously and should therefore be declined * Buy the genuine always if you wish to get its beneficial effects. It cleanses the system gently yet effectually , dispels colds and headaches when bilious or constipated , prevents fevers and acts best on the kidneys , liver , stomach and bowels , when a laxative remedy is needed r by men , women or children. Many millions know of its beneficial effects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge. It is the laxative remedy of the well-informed. Always buy the Genuine Syrup of Figs MANUFACTURED BY THE Firry < ZNTS PER- BOTTLE Sure "Winner. The Man The girl looks upon my suit with favor , but both her father and mother oppose it. The Maid Then I may asveil con gratulate you. The Man Why , pray ? The Maid You are sure to be elect ed by aii overwhelming minority. As Defined. " " little Johnnie Bum- "Say , pa , queried pernickle. "what's a light-weight boxer ? " -lightweight boxer , my son. is a man who is engaged in crating straw berries , " replied the old gentleman. DISFIGURED WITH ECZEMA. Brushed Scales from Face Like Pow der Worse Tinder Physicians Cuticura Works Wonders. "I suffered with eczema six months. I had tried three doctors , but did not get any better. It was ou my body and on my feet so thick that I could hardly put a pin on me without touch- lug eczema. My face was covered , my eyebrows came out , and then it got in my eye. I then went to another doctor. He asked me what I tras taking - ; ing for it , and I told him Cuticura. He said that was a very good thing , but that he thought my face would be marked for life. But Cuticura did its work , and my face is now just as clear as It ever was. I told all my friends about my remarkable cure. I feel so | thankful I want everybody far and 'wide ' to know what Cuticura can do. It is a sure cure for eczema. Mrs. Emma White , 641 Cherrier Place , Camden - den , N. J. , April 25 , 190D. " A Brisk Trade in Sermons. The wife of a Philadelphia clergy man recently sold a box of waste pa per to a ragman , says Success Maga zine. In the box were a lot of manu script sermons of her husband's. A month or so thereafter , the ragman again came around , and asked if the lady had any more sermons to sell. "I have some waste paper , " said she , "but why should you particularly want sermons ? " "Well , mum , you see I did so well with them that I got here a month ago. I got sick up in Altoona , and a preach er there boarded me and my horse for a couple of weeks for that box of ser mons , because I hadn't any money. Since then he's got a great reputation in those parts as a preacher. I'll give ten cents a pound for all you have. " Not Far Euough. Poet ( to editor ) Here's a little thing I just dashed off. Editor Couldn't you manage to dash it a little farther off ? Brief I nit Lady Visitor What are you in for , my poor man ? Convict Fer good , ma'am. Balti more American. atiSTTtt. * .i5iOT . . . . . . 'iG ? Infants and Children. . . iiiiuiiiHiinn.ittmiuntiiii'num'"'i i A gejablePreparalionfor As similating lueFoodandReguIa- ling the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfu ness andEest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. I OT : NARC OTIC . fltnyfan dlx.Stnno. flxptmbtt - Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa- Tion , Sour StomachDiarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature oF YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. . . TH3 OSHTAUR COMPANY. HCW YORK CITY. Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year * THE FAMILY'S FAVORITE MEDICINE CATHAR.TIC BEST FOR THE BOWELS Great English Remedy BLAIR'S PILLSI Safe , Sarc , Effective. 50c.&S1. DRUGGISTS , or 93 Henry St. . Brooklra. N. Y. Wuhlncton , D. C. Prosecutes Claims , ? * = U.8. Passion Burv&u. .attirusu > MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN , A Certain Cure for Feverisbaes * * . Constipation , He nil ache , Stomach Troubles , Teething- Disorder 8 , nd Destroy Mother Gray. Worms. They Break up Colds Nurse in Child in 24 boars. At all Dragnets. SictS , ren's Home. Samole mailed FREE. Address , ' Haw 5fork City. A. S. OLMSTED. Lc Slcy. N Tft S. C. X. I * . - - Xo. 13 190G. PUTNAM FADE SS t'iffffiS ? . ' ! "V ttT'SfD ' j ° ScacfaDe ! co'ors ' , a" TO"5Tbw * * Ja col1 ( wter better than any ether fte. You can Ays at wttbMt say ( pr rlppba apart , Write fw frw l oyet--HoYr to Dye , BleacJi and Mix Cclors. MOJVROE 2 > tR VG CO.fnianciUe. . Mjjjourt