Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 29, 1906, Image 5

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    ft friend of tlio hem -
A fee of the Trust
Complies with tiio Pure Peed Laws
of oil States.
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch.
Brownlee.Nebr ,
Prince Boabdel
131693 and Curly
Coat 112261 at head
of uerd. The blood
of Fowler. Anxiety ,
Lord Wilton and Sir
Gladstone predomi
nates in my herd.
I have 40 head of Hereford bulls from 6 niontbs
to 2 vears old on hand lor this spring's trade.
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
"Will be in Rosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904.
Kiege , Kebr.
Tubular wells and windmills.
First-class Shop in Every .Respect
Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Bair
Tonic , Herplclde and Coke's Dandruff Cure.
Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Quigley & Chapman's
Drug Store. Nights The JJon-
' oher residence. Cherry Street.
City Deliveryman. ,
Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and
from the depot and all parts of the City.
Dr. Q. O. Sturdevant ,
Office over Daveutort's Store West Entrance
Valentine ,
Practices in all State Courts.
. J. Austin. J. W. Thompson.
Austin e& Thompson ,
General Blacksmithing
and Wood Work.
Wood Lake - ! Kebr.
All work will be jjiven prompt
and careful attention.
It should be a great deal of
satisfaction to those who have
B long suffered from headache ,
to be able to find a remedy
that will make it possible to
entirely escape from tois af
fliction. Those who will
keep on hand
i Chapman's
Headache Tablets
need have no headaches.
Taken when headaches are
starting they always stop
them ; taken after tney come
they invariably cure them.
Harmless , pleasant and sure.
W ,
Halldorson's photos 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
and 5th of each month' .
- Murtin- > ri'i \ \ i f f
> prin * > miiliijur.v will in-yin PIK-S-
day , April 3rd. Read.her ad else.
whre in this paper.
Sheriff Simons , with J.W.Shep-
ard as assistant , took another batch
jof prisoners down to Lincoln this
week , returning last night.
Mrs. Churbonneau , near Thach-
er , died Tuesday of asthma. She
was the mother of the Charbon-
neau Bros , who sold the meat
market to Ayers Bros. We hear
that the funeral takes place in
town today.
The Ladies Aid society of the
M. E. church was royally enter
tained Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. R. G. Easley.
After the regular work and a short
business meeting , a dainty lunch
eon was served and a pleasant af
ternoon was enjoyed by all.
Mrs. S. Moon gave a birthday
party last Saturday evening to
Messrs. Levi Sparks , O. W. Mor-
ey , John Bullis and Miss Helen
Sparks whose birthday , as also
Mrs. Moon's , comes on March 2i.
Several other guests were present
and all spent the evening pleasant
ly , playing games. After partak
ing of a birthday supper they con
gratulated each other and with
wishes for another pleasant birth
day , they started a new year.
Mrs. Harden received the an
nouncement last Monday of the
marriage of her sister , Miss Dora
Pease , to Mr. Herbert H. Knott
of Wyncote , Wyo. Miss Pease
lived her with her sister for some
time after the death of her mother
and her friends were looking for
ward to the close of her school in
Wyncote , expecting her home to
spend the summer. THE DEMO
CRAT joins with numerous friends
here in extending congratulations
to Mr. and Mrs. Knott.
Tom Williamson I > ead.
Judge Towne received a mes
sage last Saturday that Tom Wil
liamson , his son-in-law , died Fri
day night of heart failure in St.
Louis , Mo. He had been failing
m health for some time but was
able to be up and around. Friday
afternoon he had a severe pain in
his side and died about 10:30 : Fri
day night. The body was interred
at Jefferson Barracks and the
funeral held Sunday.
Judge Towne and daughter ,
Mabel , went down , to St. Louis
from here , starting Sunday. A
letter from there says they reach
ed there safely and that the Jndge
has been feeling very well.
W. C. T. U.
The Home Protection club met
at Bethel hall Tuesday night , and ,
although the audience was not as
large as we desired , and as we
hope we shall have in the future ,
we had a very enthusiastic meet
ing. The chairman of the evening
spoke with no uncertain sound
with regard to present conditions
of our town and was fearless in
expressing himself as to his atti
tude in relation to future better
ment , and we commend him for
the stand he takes and pledge our
hearty co-operation in bringing
about an improved state of affairs
through the enforcement of law.
An article condemning saloon
advertisements was read. News
papers and periodicals that help to
overthrow the liquor traffic by re
fusing to advertise the evil , will
be the kind that in the long run
will be found "on top , " for the
time is approaching when the liq-
our traffic , as slavery , will be
trampled under foot and ignored ,
and the mere mention of the past
will cause a blush of shame that
this fair Christian land must ever
suffer the sting resulting from this
It was announced that Col. Holt
will be present to hold an after
noon meeting , Saturday , March
31 , in Bethel hall. All are cordial
ly invited. Also Sunday and Mon
day at eight o'clock in the M. E.
The next meeting of the Home
Protection club will be on Tues
day , April 10th , Everybody re
member and come.
Q' *
. .L
of Subornation of
At Gordon Wednesday morning
Deputy Marshal Proctor the new
ly appointed officer who served
during the Cuban campaign as
President Roosevelt's orderly
made his first arrest since his ap
pointment.The arrest was con-
sideied an important one in the
land fraud prosecutions , the man
whom he took into custody being
Thomas M. Huntington. a banker
of Gordon and president of the
Maverick Trust and Loan com
pany. Huntington is charged with
subornation of perjury. In the
information it is alleged that he
procured Samuel M. Maynard and
Francis J. Porter to swear falsely
when making homestead entries.
With this arrest the government
secret service men , working under
the direction of L. C. Wheeler ,
agent in charge , have caused thir
teen men to be taken into custody
in land fraud cases which have nofc
yet been submitted to the grand
It is alleged that the fraudulent
entries made by Maynard and
Porter were for the Maverick
Loan and Trust , company , a cor
poration in which Chancellor Hun-
ington of Wesleyan university ,
Lincoln , has an interest. He em
phatically states , however , that he
does not own a foot of land in
western Nebraska , although his
son , Thomas M. Huntington , stat-
d in an interview several weeks
ago that his father was interested
in the trust company to the amount
of $1,500.
Another banker recently held to
the grand jury upon a charge of
subornation of perjury is H. C.
Dale of Rushville. He is cashier
of the Stockmen's bank of that
Among the eleven other arrests
which have been caused through
secret service investigation is that
ef J. M. Tucker , county attorney
of Cherry county. The charge against -
gainst him is subornation of
Against some of the men three
charges have been preferred.
There is J. C. Pettijohn , for in
stance , receiver at the Valentine
land office , who was summarily re
moved from duty by an order from
the president. The complaint against -
gainst him and his brother , Carleton -
ton Pettijohn , alleges that they
unlawfully inclosed the public do
main ; they suborned men to swear
falsely when filing upon land and
that they entered into a conspiracy
to defraud the government by
means of fictitious homestead en
Another government employee
was arrested for alleged complicity
in the land frauds. That person
is William C. Smoot , government
farmer on the Pine Ridge reserva
tion. Subornation of perjury is
the charge against him.
Thus far three men have been
arrested in connection with the
transactions of Barilett Richards
and William G. Corns took , the two
wealthiest and best known c-Ule
barons of Nebraska. One of this
trio is Charles C. Jamison , secre
tary and treasurer of the Nebraska
Land and Feeding company , of
which Richards is president and
Comstock is vice president. The
charge against Jamison is subor
nation of pur jury.
Secret service men were unable
to get any statement from him ,
but they succeeded better after
the arrest of Amid B. Todd , who
was taken into custody early in
the winter. His affidavit has not
yet been made public , but it is in
timated that he tells of many in
stances wherein he went to Iowa
and secured a great number of old
soldiers and soldiers' widows to
file for Richards and Comstock.
Edward Letson , son of the may
or of Horton , Kan. , was another
to be arrested in connection with
the Richards-Comstock tronsact-
Doors Windows
Blocks Paper
Carpet Lining
Corn Chop Feed
Coal Lime
Is our specialty but we sell many other
articles , We are prepared to make you ats
tractive figures on every article needed in
your building from the foundation to the
'roof ' , We have the goods , We have the
quality ,
Miss Edna Fox , an experienced trimmer
and milliner , has been employed by Miss Marv
tin for the spring and summer trade. Miss
Martin has purchased a big stock and expects
to have what the trade demands 'in all the
Latest Styles and Patterns in Hats ,
Food to work on is food to live on.
A man works , to live. He must live
to work.
He does both better on
the soda cracker that contains in the
most properly balanced proportions a
greater amount of nutriment than any
food made from flour.
ions. He , as well as Todd and
Jamison , has been held to the
grand jury.
Geo. Patten and Eeese Hudgel
are two more who were arrested
upon a charge of subornation of
perjury. Hedgel lives in New
Virginia , la. Patten's home is in
rownville , Neb. They are al
leged to have secured men to swear
falsely when they filed on home
steads of Ware , who has been con
victed and sentenced for conspir
acy to/defraud / the government.
The only.-Jwo ; arrested on a
+ i
straight charge of perjury are
Reuben Mahaffey and A.F.Hatch ,
two ranchmen living near Mullen.
Their range lies closej to that of
Ware. Mahaffey and > % Hatch are
alleged to have sworn falsely when
the en try men they secured to file
were making final proof on their
homesteads. World-Herald.
Having engaged in the Meat and Butcher business , we
shall endeavor to keep the best meats obtainable in a
clean and up to date shop. We solicit a share of your
patronage and invite you to visit our shop. : : : : : : : :
ITlour ( Hid international StocJt Food.
East side of Main St. .
U. S. Weatlier Bureau lleport
tor week Ending jlch. 28.
Daily mean temperature , was
' 3i ° , and the normal 32 ° .
j Highest temeperature was 57 °
on the 25 , and lowest 1C0 on the
The precipitation was 0.03 of an
A good Smith Premier typewriter
for sale cheap. P. M. WALCOTT.
Wanted Homestead relinquish-
jment F. M. Craig , 231 , N. Walnut -
, nut St. , Colorado Springs , Colo.
15 ay for JS
300 tons , Vith or without water
and range. Six miles south of the
mouth of the Snake river.
11 J. M. EAL.YA , Burge , Neb.
t - -
Bu "STour Ovra I5oss.
Younjr men wanted in every town
in Nebraska who can invest SI.00 for
profitable , pleasant employment.
Send norv- before territory is taken.
10 4 Box 87. Norlolk , Nebr.
When you come to town , stop
'at the Chicago House.3S