Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 29, 1906, Image 4

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    Statistics prove that the chances of your dying of
Throat or Lung- Troubles , are 9 to 1.
Waste no time , but cure your Disease with
the only strictly scientific Lung1 Specific in existence.
Positively guaranteed to help or money refunded.
Savecl tSie Preaclaer.
Rev. 0. D. Moore of Harpersville , N. Y. , writes : "I
had a fearful cough for months , which nothing1 would
relieve , until I took Dr. King's New Discovery
It cured my cough and saved my life. "
Prices , 5Gc and $ I .CO Trial Bottles Free
I. M. RICE Editor and Proprietor.
MARK ZAKR Foreman.
Entered at the postoffice at Valentine , Cherry count7 , Nebr. . as Second
Class Matter.
Subscription $1.00 per year in advance ; $1.50 when not paid in advance.
Display Advertising 1 inch single column 15c per issue or $6.00 a year.
Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue
5c per line per issue.
Brands , li inch a$4.00 per year in advance ; additional space $3 00 per
vear ; engraved blocKs extra $1.00 each.
10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months in arrears.
Parties living outside Cherry county are requested to pay in advance.
Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers.
THURSDAY , MARCH 29 , 1906. .
Do we owe Moses P. Kinkaid a
life lease on his seat in congress
because be got the 6-iO-acre home
stead law passed ? He may not do
anything more.
The city election next Tuesday
will be interesting if the people
whom the Republican said "have
no standing" take much interest
in the support of their candidates.
There has been so much graft
exposed in republican manage
ment the past few years that people
ple will cease to feel so enthusiastic
about the grand old party. There
will be a big change in the \rote of
Cherry county if present indica
tions of the dissatisfied people is
an index to the vote.
Fort Robinson will get another
§ 100,000 appropriation , while Fort
Niobrara is still on the anxious
seat. No appropriation and talk
of abandonment comes to our ears ,
together with faint hopes that pos
sibly it will come in for an ap
propriation next year and be re
built as an artillery post.
It is time for the democrats to
get together and select a candidate
for U. S. senator. If the people
vote to stop graft in the U. S. sen
ate the place to begin is at home ,
and why not elect a democratic
legislature and send W. J. Bryan
to the senate ? Who wouldn't
rather have Mr. Bryan than the
pigmy that is so much talked
What has Norris Brown done to
entitle him to a seat in the U. S.
senate ? If the republican party
offers any reward for party ser
vice , why hasn't Mr. Rose water
earned the place ? There is more
reason in the selection of a man
who has given his- life to the ser
vice of the party if the party is
right. Then , why isn't Rosewater
preferable to Brown ?
The eyes of the people are upon
Roosevelt and the U. S. senate.
Every paper is eagerly scanned
for news of something done in the
senate or of some new scandal or
graft exposed. There is an un
settled feeling , an uneasiness , that
comes upon one as he views the
disturbing elements , and like the
lull before a storm which he knows
not when or how to expect , but
it's coming.
The democrats should place a
good ticket in the field this sum
mer to be voted for at the next
election-and every man should be
fitted for the office he is to fill be
side his other qualifications. There
is going to be a change and good
men who will meet the people's
expectations aso ability and hon
esty will get the vote of a large
independent element this fall. The
people are looking to the demo
cratic party for good men now ,
and are ready for a change in the
policy of our nation.
Every voter should get out to
the village election next Tuesday.
It is your choice and you should
vote the way you feel. Dr. Dailey
and Mr. Savage were nominated
by a convention that was attended
by law and order loving citizens ,
and resolutions were adopted to
that effect. If they are elected
they will reflect the sentiment of
the city for better government.
If defeated it will be by an element
that Mr. Barker said two years
ago in his paper , "had no stand
ing , " and he , himself , is now their
candidate by his own choice. Has
Mr. Barker a desire to retract his
statement made then , or does he
prefer to mix with the people.whom
he says "have no standing ? " If
those people who "have no stand
ing should give him their support ,
he can't feel very enthusiastic.
Opposed to Leasing Bill
( State Journal. )
W. R. Mellor , secretary of the
state board of agriculture , has re
turned from a trip to the east. He
went to North port , N. C. , where
his wife was visiting relatives.
Mrs. Mellor stopped at Lafay
ette , Jnd. , for a short stay with
friends. Mr. Mellor spent a day
or two in Washington , D. C. , and
had the pleasure of hearing the
senate discuss the railroad bill.
He visited Senator Burkett and
Senator Millard and spent half an
hour with Congressman Kinkaid
of the Sixth district.
"Congressman Kinkaid wrote
to citizens of the Sixte district , "
said Mr. Mellor , "to ask for ex
pressions of opinion on the pro
posed land leasing bill that cattle
men of the western part the state
are advocating. Some of the ad
vocates of such a bill remained one
month in Washington and Con
gressman Kinkaid asked them to
read the replies he received , Of
the answers from Custer county
people only one was in favor of
the bill. The others expressed
belief that a leasing bill would re
sult in the large cattlemen gob
bling up all the government land
to the detriment of the small set
tler who is the mainstay and hope
of the west. From the answers
received I am convinced that Con
gressman Kinkaid is not in favor
of the proposed leasing bill.
Flackers to Go Free.
( Papillion Times. )
All the individual packers who
were indicted by the federal
grand jury last summer are to go
free according to a decision hand
ed down by District Judge Hum
phrey of Chicago. They were
indicted for forming a conspiracy
in restraint of trade , and for awhile -
while it looked as though the heads
of many of the large packing
house companies would be convict
ed on this charge. The newspa
pers report that the defendants
seemed greatly pleased over the
decision and crowded together to
shake hands after the verdict had
been * rendered. And they shook
hands with the jury which had
been instructed to bring a verdict
of acquittal. .The learned judge
says that the corporations are
guilty but that the individuals who
compose and manage them are not
guilty. Well , who is to suffer ,
then ? The decision is , in common
terms , "Rotten , " and it is such
decisions as this that tend to make
men lose confidence in our court
system , and encourages socialism
and anarchy. The rich men have
all tHe protection which the courts
can give , while the man who is
found guilty of stealing a sack of
flour is compelled to serve a term
of years inthe penitentiary.
Where is the justice , and is it any
wonder that men of the rank and
file look upon the plutocrats of
the country with hatred ? It is
this discrepancy of justice in favor
of the rich that causes the strife
between capitol and labor , and
which will in time cause a general
shaking up of our present system
of graft and favoritism in govern
mental affairs. A day of reckon
ing will surely come but there are
those so blind that they will not
A. fine . ( Droctove organ , almost
new , for sale.J - . 0. BEATTT. 4
& 233& Z 5lZ ZS S > 3ZAZ &f.
another carload of the celebrated JOHN DEERE Implements
The kind that is so well and favorably known.
Come and see our
that have two wheels , giving a throw of
\ twice the distance ofan ordinary seeder
Model B. Disk Harrows
New Elk Biding Cultivators
S Walking Cultivators
< Disk Biding Cultivators
* Listers , Both riding and walking.
II I convert any walking plow or walking lister
I into a riding plow or riding ] ister >
Ajax Steel Lever Harrows
1 Stag SnlKy Plows , Breaking Plows ,
Listed Com Cultivators , Both disk and knife.
Brown Cultivators
Surface Cultivators , For shallow cultivation according to Campbell system
Drill attachments to fit any make of lister. Repairs furnished for any machine or implement.
McCormick line of Machinery
I. H. C. Manure Spreaders and Gasoline Engines
Wagons and Biiggies
„ , , I Marcarete Quigley.
uy ) Clara Dunham.
The 5th grade has begun to
study millet.
Linriie Rienhart has left school
and gone to Atkinson.
The 7th grade are busy gather
ing material for scrap books on
Winifred Keeley is in school
again after nearly five weeks ab
sence on account of her mother's
The sixth grade have finished
the Pphysiology and have taken
up reading. The seventh grade
have dropped reading and taken
up history.
The 10th grade have taken up
Botany with renewed energy.
They have planted seeds and are
studying the buds on the different
kinds of trees.
The notice of the death of Miss
Anna Fees , who has been employ
ed in one of the Omaha schools for
thirty years , was seen in the
World-Herald this week.
The 2nd division of the eleventh
grade delivered their declamations
March 23rd at Church's hall.
There was a large attendance and
the proceeds amounted to § il.30
The school board has decided
that the eleventh grade have no
orations this year , but have a
speaker instead. This saves wor
ry and work , but the custom has
become so dear to nany of them
and they had looked forward to ib
with pleasure.
The high school had a party at
Church's hall Friday evening ,
March 16. The hall was decorated
with green and the games and
souvenirs were very suitable for
St. Patrick's day. It was pleas
ing to see with what good spirit
and feeling all the grades mingled
I will have on hand about April
10th a quantity of fruit trees , shade
trees , small fruit and flowers.
Call at the root cellar.
WANTED Energetic and trust
worthy men can make 3100 to 8150 per
month representing" a home life and
accident insurance company. Others
are doing it , why not you ? We teach
you. Address for particulars , R. E.
Williams , Norfolk , Neh. 8
You will find a hearty welcome
at the Chicago House. 38
New Hotel X Near Depot
EiectHc Lights.
Ide , Props.
Guests for Trains a Specialty ,
Good Rooms. 3C Good Servic
We have added a new and complete stock of
Groceries to our business. Call and see us.
PHONE 97 ,
( ciTjn ;
JPJA'JJliiriiTittiUu ' '
First class line of Steaks , Roasts ,
Dry Salt Meats Smoked
Breakfast Bacon.
Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs.
uilding Blocks
for Foundations , Houses , Barns or Chimne3's
Easy Running , Easy "Washing , Clean Skimming ,
Tlie Simplest is tlie Best.
Nothing to get out of order and will last a life time.
Recommended by all who have used them.
A practical machine sold on easy terms by
All kinds .of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in'all . sizes.
* .f-
Valentine , Nebraska