Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 29, 1906, Image 2

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    The Valentine Democra
Valentine , Neb.
1. M. Rice. Publishe
Hotly Assailed by Others MIucj
Tjisten Silently to Conflict of En
ploycrs Pittsburger Declares tli
Country Will Not Permit a Strike.
The deadlock between the cot
operators and miners of the centn
competitive and southwestern distric
continued throughout the meetings c
the two joint scale committees of th
joint conferences at Indianapolis , Ind
Friday , and when the meetings ad
journed late in the afternoon no agree
jnent had been reached. Both com
mittees will meet again.
The discussion in the scale commit
tee in the central competitive distric
vvas confined entirely to argument
among the operators 011 'the commit
tee. and radical differences of view
were heatedly expressed by then :
The miners were , for the most par !
silent aduitors.
An effort was made to secure fron
President Mitchell , of the mine work
ers , an expression as to whether h
considered the Ryan resolution in ef
feet. This resolution was adopted b ;
the former joint conference in Janu
ary and. binds the miners not to sig ;
in any district until an agreemen
shall have been reached In every' dis
Irict. Mr. Mitchell declined to com
init himself.
F. L. Robbins , of the western Penn
sylvania operators , was the target Frl
day for several vigorous attacks 01
his position in favor of paying th <
scale of 19 03 , which would mean an ad
vance of 5.55 per cent in wages in th
district and would comply with the de
mands of the miners. One of the mos
lieated of these was made by J. B
Zerbe , of Cleveland , who spoke for tlu
Ohio operators.
Mr. Robbins stated on the floor thai
lie did not propose to be dictated to
by the operators of Illinois , Indiana
and Ohio. He said his position was
.fair and just to all interests , and th
Pittsburg Coal Company , which h
represented , was willing to pay the
advance in wages asked. He said he
was also willing to pay the advance
at his own mines in Pennsylvania ,
Ohio and Illinois , and he had received
.notice from an Illinois coal companj
Jiavlng an output of 1,000,000 tons an
nually that it had instructed its rep
resentatives to vote with him.
Mr. Robbins said the country woulo
not permit a general strike on the
causes shown. He turned to President
IM itch ell , of the Mine Workers , anri
said he did not believe the officials ol
the miners would dare to refuse to al
low the miners to work where the de
mands were met. '
Committed Larceny in Authorizing
Campaign Contributions.
A New York special says : That the
officers of the life insurance companie ;
who contributed a portion of the com
panies funds to political campaigi :
committees committed larceny is the
opinion Justice O'Sullivan expressed
in the court of general sessions Friday ,
He held larceny was committed bj
t2ie officers who authorized such con
tributions and charged the jury to In
vestigate as to the responsibility foj
.such crime.
This opinion is directly opposite to
one on the same subject which was
submitted to O'Sullivan by District Attorney -
torney Jerome several days ago.
Gen. Tl layer is at Rest.
The body of Maj. Gen. John M.
Thayer was Friday removed from the
capitol at Lincoln , Neb. , where it hao
rested in state for twenty-four hour :
to the St. Paul Methodist Episcopa
church , and the funeral services , par
licipated in by all the military organ
Izations of the state , were there
Fire at Denver.
Fire originating from spontaneous
combustion in the starch bins of the
Western Candy Company's plant in the
wholesale district of Denver , Colo. ,
caused damage to the building and
stock of four manufacturing concerns
estimated at 5200,000.
Bank Cashier Sentenced.
At St. Charles , Mo. , Anton F. Mis-
pagel , former cashier of the St.
Charles Savings Bank , who has been
on trial for two weeks on the charge
of embezzlement , was Friday found
guilty and sentenced to two years' im
prisonment in the penitentiary.
Sioux City Live Stock Market.
Friday's quotations on the Sioux
City live stock market follow : Butch
er steers , $4.25@5.10. Top hogs , $6.25
Eleven Bodies Recovered.
At 10 o'clock Friday it was stated
the dead in the Century mine at Fair
mont , W. Va. , numbered eleven. Ten
miners are still unaccounted for. The
majority of the dead and missing are
foreigners. The work of rescue is
going on slowly. The men were killed
by an explosion of gas.
$6,000 for an Orchid.
A record price , $6,000 , was paid at
.London at an auction room for a prize
orchid a collection of H. T. Pitt , {
Miners Killed by Explosion
West Virginia.
' , A Fairmont , W. Va. , dispatch say
Ten men are known to be dead , twei
ty-five injured and 1'rom twenty-fr
"to " seventy-five missing and believed
be dead as the result of an explosic
of gas in the shaft of the Century Co
Company at Century , a small minir
town situated fifty miles south of Fai
mont , on the Bellington and Bucklnj
ham branch of the Baltimore an
Ohio Railroad.
The explosion took place at 4:5
Thursday afternoon , but owing to th
telephone wires being put out of con
mission by high winds , details ai
lacking : , and the names of the victim
six of whom are known to be foreigr
ers , were not secured at a late hoi :
Thursday night.
The Century mine , which is owne
by Shaw Bros. , of Baltimore , Md. ,
one of the largest independent operr
tors in northern West Virginia. Ov
250 men are employed daily in th
shaft , and had the explosion been a
hour earlier the loss of life woul
have been appalling. As it was , ther
were but a few remaining in the shaf
the main body of the miners havin
quit work for the day.
The giant fan which furnishes ai
for the shaft was partially wrecke
by the force of the explosion , but wa
repaired immediately , and within a
hour of the accident Superintenden
James Ward had a relief party in th
mine. The first trip brought out tei
men , five dead and five badly burned
They were found in the main head
ing near the bottom of the shaft. Th
living could give no details of the ex
plosion , saying that they were on thei
way to the surface when the explosioi
took place behind them.
A second expedition immedialel :
went down and explored the mail
heading , which was found to be unin
jured by the explosion except that tin
brattices were blown out. Four mon
bodies were found in this heading , anc
twenty injured men who were makini
their way toward the bottom of th <
shaft were brought to the surface bj
the rescuers.
Immediately following the explosior
the officials began a house to hous (
canvass to ascertain the number o !
men to be found on the surface. This
resulted in 160 miners being found
who had come out previously to the
explosion. It is believed that there
are many more outside who have nol
yet been accounted for. If this is not
true there are still seventy-five men
in the mine with little hope of their
being alive.
Freight Train Unable to Make Sched
uled Time.
The Illinois Central westbound lim
ited for Omaha with double header
engines , forty minutes late , running
i mile a minute , struck a freight train
it Duncombe , la. , at an early hour
rhursday morning.
Both engine crews on the passenger
: rain jumped. Fireman Walter Cut-
: ing , of the first engine , was instantly
villed , and both the engineers sustain-
Jd sprained ankles and knees and
, vere badly bruised. Cutting's neck
vas broken.
Five cars of the freight train were
.elescoped and the front engine of the
> assenger was reduced to scrap Iron.
The fact that the train was a dou-
> le header saved the passengers , all
he coaches remaining on the track.
Jeef Trust Decision at Chicago Seri
ous Blow for Government.
A , Washington special says : Presi
dent Roosevelt held an extended con-
erence Thursday with Attorney Gen.
ral Moody , Secretary Taft and Jas.
t. Garfield concerning the adverse
ecision rendered in Chicago Wednes-
ay by Judge Humphrey in the beef
ackers' case.
No details of the conference are ob-
linable , but it is certain Moody pro-
oses to look carefully into the la\v
earing upon the matter with the view
f. ascertaining whether an appeal
* om the decision of Judge Humphrey
y the government will lie.
More Police for Havana.
At Havana secret police discovered
tid seized a quantity of arms , ammu-
Ition and dynamite , which was sent
r express from the interior of the Isl-
id to Havana and carried to a private
Duse. Three arrests have been made
. connection with the seizure. The
ithoritles declare there is no cause
r apprehension , but the police reserve
is been increased.
Smoking Car for Women.
The first smoking car ever reserved
r women in Great Britain left the.
jndon , England , terminus Wednes-
iy for Liverpool. The windows bore
label reading , "Ladles' smoking. "
ie innovation attests the spread of
loking among English women.
Coachman is Found Guilty.
At Los Angeles , Gal. , Morris Buck
is convicted of murder in the first
gree for killing Mrs. Ch'arles A.
nfield , wife of the millionaire oil
erator. Buck was a former coach-
in of the Canfield family.
Stork Visits Rockefellers.
A. son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
hn Rockefeller , Jr. , at New York
2dnesday night. He is heir presump-
e to the greatest fortune in the
rid , for he will be christened John
Rockefeller III.
Patching Up Cobincr.
Paris special says : President Fal-
res consulted Jean Sarrien , former
nister of justice , Friday afternoon
i offered him the task of forming a
Immunity for Individuals but Not f <
A Chicago special says : All of tl
packers who were indicted by the fee
eral grand jury last summer upc
charges of beingin conspiracy in r <
straint of trade and commerce wei
Wednesday granted immunity froi
criminal prosecution under the indie
ments found against the corporation
of which some of the indicted indivit
uals are members and others are en
ployes , are to stand.
A decision to the above effect wa
handed down Wednesday afternoon b
Judge J. Otis Humphrey in the distric
Arguments in the case were cor
eluded shortly after 3 o'clock. Judg
Humphrey soon commenced the deliv
ery of his opinion. It was oral , an
the judge spoke for nearly an hou
before giving the slightest indicatio
of what the ultimate decision woul
He reviewed the case at length in al
its bearings , cited all the essentia
facts which had been brought out , am
concluded as follows :
"Under the law in this case the im
munity pleas filed by the defendant
will be sustained as to the individuals
and denied as to the corporations , th <
artificial persons , and the jury wil
find in favor of the government as fa
as the corporations are concerned , am
against the government as far as tin
individuals are concerned. "
During the rendition of the decisioi
die Court room was crowded by tin
defendants and numerous spectators
Edward Morris and Edward Swifi
were in court and both smiled happilj
when the decision was announced.
J. Ogden Armour was not present
but some of the prominent men in UK
employ of Armour & Co. , who were
named in the indictments , were thert
and their joy was great. When the
judge announced that the indictments
Avould not lie against them , they
crowded together and commenced to
shake hands in mutual congratula
tions. The attorneys for the defense
were also highly pleased.
British Premier Refuses to Get Ex
cited Over American Trust.
A London dispatch of the 21st says
that in the house of commons Pre
mier Campbell-Bannerman said he de
clined to embark in a crusade against
"hop pools" in America or elsewhere.
A. member asked for information
about an alleged pool formed by a hop
exporter of Wheatland , Gal. , and the
amploj nent of Chinese coolies by
Oregon hop growers and expressed the
liope that the British government
ivould take steps to prevent the pool
'rom destroying the British hop in-
Justry. The premier declined to take
my action in the matter.
Question Will Be Submitted to the
51.000 French Strikers.
The miners' congress at Lens ,
rrance , Wednesday rejected the com-
) any's proffer of an increase of 10 per
: ent in wages. The action of the con-
rress , however , will be submitted to
he referendum of the 51,000 strikers.
The congress has issued a manifes-
o calling on the miners to remain
aim , and not to listen to revolution-
, ry agitators , urging that thus they
rill best serve their own interests and
ender more likely an improvement in
heir condition.
Quiet in Chattanooga.
At the Roos-Mehan iron foundry
i Chattanooga Wednesday , where
hite overseers are employed with nero -
ro molders and helpers , a white man
amed Rogers shot and wounded a
egro. The cause of the shooting is
lought to be the outcropping of trou-
les between the races , resulting from
ie lynching of Negro Johnson.
"Boss' ' Cox Summoned.
George B. Cox , former leader of the
.epublicans in Hamilton County , O. ,
as one of the number of bank presi-
ents summoned to appear before the
rand jury in Cincinnati Wednesday
> testify in regard to the payment to |
ie county treasurer of interest , or
gratuities , " for the deposit of public
A Chicago Tragedy.
Nicholas J. Dickhoff , aged 23 , or
incinnati , employed as a cook in a
licago boarding house , was shot and
lied early Monday by Jacob W.
oung , while in the room of Mrs. Mil-
ed Amann at the Grace Hotel ,
aung , who is 18 years old ; Mrs. j
tnann and Mrs. Mabel Grief , all of
ncinnati , were arrested.
Two Days in Snowdrift.
An Illinois Central train marooned
the drifts near Argenta , twelve
iles from Decatur , 111. , has been re-
ised and reached Champaign two
ys late. Neighboring farmers sup-
ied the passengers with food.
Railroad to Seize Coal.
A Saginaw , Mich. , dispatch says :
e Pere Marquette Railroad has Is-
2d an order confiscating for its own
2 all of the coal that is mined in
i Saginaw valley between now and
ril 1.
Xo Mutiny at Sebastopol.
rhe sensational reports current at
Petersburg Tuesday night to the
ect that the execution of former J l
> ut. Schmidt had been followed by "
extensive mutiny of sailors at Se-
; topol turns out to be unfounded , r
Nineteen Die in Storm.
Nineteen persons perished in a ter-
s norther which swept the coast of
Vera Cruz Tuesday. Two of the T
rm victims were pleasure seekers c
rn Mexico City. - c
No Trace of Hanker Hagerty
County Supervisors Increase tl
He ward to $1,000 Whereabouts <
Aged Cashier is Still a Mystery.
Patrick Hagerty. the fugitive casl
ler of the defunct Elkhorn Vallt
Bank at O'Neill , will be worth $1OC
to his captor. The reward was ir
creased from $500 to $1,000 by th
supervisors of Holt County at a ineel
ing held in O'Neill last week.
Hagerty is the man charged wit
the greatest part of defrauding whle
left scores of widows and orphans i
the lurch for a total of $60,000 a yea
ago last Thanksgiving. The day afte
Thanksgiving came without openin
the doors of the bank , and investiga
tion proved that the president , Ber
nard McGreevy , and the cashier , Pat
rick Hagerty , had both lied. McGree
vy was captured at Phoenix. Ariz
and brought back to stand trial , bu
'his trial has not yet come up , thougl
he was captured a year ago. Hagert ;
is a man SO years of age. with sno\
white hair and beard. Nothing ha
( been heard of him since he lied
, though detectives are said to hay
scoured the country for him. The coun
ty supervisors believe that the rewarc
of $1,000 will have a tendency to line
the man.
The board of supervisors of IIol
County instructed the county attorney
'in ' connection with the bank default
ing case , to start legal action in ordei
to recover funds from County Treasur
er D. J. Cronin which are alleged tc
have been placed in this bank by thai
official in excess of the amount allowec
| by law to be deposited in any bank
This amount , it is alleged , is aboul
$1,500. The county board refused tc
make settlement with Mr. Cronin , wh (
is retiring , and ordered that the books
be examined.
The board further , in connection
with bank affairs , instructed the coun
ty attorney to begin action to undo an
alleged combination of Holt County
banks for the paying of but 2 per
cent interest on county funds. It is al
leged that 3 per cent has been paid
heretofore , but that now all the banks
refuse to pay more than 2 per cent.
Ncbruskun Again Before Jury for Killing
ingCearns. .
The trial of Myron Irwin , charged
with the murder of Bob Cearns a year
ago near Badger , near the Boyd-Holt
County line , is being held at O'Neill
and will continue during the next ten
This is the second trial , Irwin before
having been found guilty of murder in
the second degree. The killing is al
leged to have resulted from a quarrel
that started at Butte , March oO , 1905.
It is alleged that Irwin stabbed Cearns
twice after they had left town , and
after they had crossed the Niobrara
River into Holt County , Cearns died a
half hour after he was stabbed. One
rt-ound Avas in the heart and the other
n the stomach.
reniperance the Main Issue in Most of
the Towns.
Municipal elections in Nebraska will
> e held on April 3. In a number of
he towns of the state the fight is
ierce. Omaha is convulsed. Lincoln
las no municipal campaign this year.
The temperance question is the
nain issue , although the gambling
[ uestion is considered in many places.
U Crete this year a double ticket was
lamed. The Democrats and the Re-
ublicans met in joint caucus and two
nen were named for each office. The
ne receiving the highest number of
otes will be declared elected in each
I'ell Known Nebraska Physician
Loses His Life at O'Xeill.
Dr. S. F. Hunt , of Stuart , was in-
iantly killed in the railroad yards at
' 'Neill at 4:40 o'clock Friday after-
eon while attempting to board freight
ain No. 03. The doctor was at
'Neill as a witness in the Irwin mur-
er trial , and went to the depot to take
le freight for his home at Stuart.
The train had started when he
jached the depot and he made a grab
r the front end of the caboose , slip-
; d on the icy ground and fell under
ie wheels , the rear trucks passing i
er his body just below the arms , in- |
antly crushing his life out.
Violated Liquor Laws.
As a result of the indictments re-
ntly found by the grand jury at Al-
on fines to the amount of 32.500
ive been assessed and either paid or
cured. These are all for violations
the state liquor law , and four pars -
; s indicted , with an aggregate of
iout thirty counts have not yet been
led. This does not include several {
rties against whom indictments i <
.ve been found who have disappear- j
since the convening of the grand i 1
ry. Not less than $3,000 will be re- j v
vered by way of penalties. ; i
Oldest Woman in State in Want.
Is Mrs. Julia Massey , the oldest
iman in Nebraska , a soldier's widow . ,
did she have a son who served in c
5 civil war ? She is now confined in ' d
j hospital ward of the Lincoln in- [ p
ic asylum. She is not insane , the j e
thorities sending her to the a yium
order that she might have food and
Two Men Hurt in Runaway.
Terman Brandeburg and August
rquardt. two young farmers , were | d
h injured more or less severely in i H
runaway accident near Norfolk j w
Monday. Their carriage was b
Tturned and they were dragged y <
T the very rough roads.
Another Lnd Fraud Arrest.
'homas M. Huntington , a banker , A
5 arrested at Gordon Thursday by m
ited States Marshal Procter on a pi
rge of subornation of perjury in m
nectionvith alleged land frauds.
Grand Old 3Ian of Nebraska Pas.s <
Gen. John M. Thayer , civil war ve
eran , former United States senate
and governor of Nebraska , died ;
Lincoln shortly before 8 o'clock Moi
day night after an illness which b <
came serious only last Saturday. Fc
a man of his age SG years Gei
Thayer was unusually robust and a (
tive until a month ago.
He was United States senator froi
Nebraska for the incomplete four-ye ?
term from 1867 to 1871 , torritori ;
governor of Wyoming In 1S75 and go
ernor of Nebraska for four years , b <
ginning : in 1887. He gained renew
as an Indian lighter in the territork
days of the state.
One of the first settlers of the stat
and its metropolis , a leading facto
in repressing Indian ravages , a distln
guished officer in the war of the rebell
ion , the first United States senate
from Nebraska , twice its governor an
the honored occupant of various offl
cial positions leading up to thos
which crowned his eventful careei
John M. Thayer occupied a place Ii
the history of Nebraska and in th
affections of its people which no othe
man ever did or ever can claim.
Nebraska Woman is Fatally Woundet
ed by Husband.
A special received Thursday nigh
says that August Miller , after havinj
shot his wife and her parents , Mr. anc
Mrs. Fred Hohneke , on their Sarrr
home between Winside and Stantor
just inside the Santon County line , wai
captured later in the evening in Thurs-
ton County.
Mrs. Miller died of her wounds. Mr
Hohneke. Miller's father-in-law
- - , may
recover in spite of the three wounds
in his arms and legs , while his wife
merely lost two fingers when she grab
bed the revolveto protect her hus
band. After the wounded father-in-
law seized a shotgun and drew blood
in the assailant's neck Miller ran a
mile to the home of a neighbor named
Miller , borrowed a horse and rode
away. The shooting began in the barn
at 7 o'clock Thursday morning , where
Miller found Hohneke. He began firIng -
Ing and followed Hohneke into the
Miller lived on a corner of Hohn-
eke's farm and had had trouble with
the old folks. His wife had gone back
Lo her parents. He declared Wednes
day he would get his wife or blood.
Xearly All of Business District is Destroyed -
stroyed by Fire.
A disastrous fire broke out at North
L.OUP Tuesday morning at 7:30 on the
second floor of Babcock & Gowen'a
lepartment store and entirely con
sumed the building and most of the
Iry goods stock. The fire then spread
o the postofHce and to H. E. Davis'
'urniture store , burning both build-
ngs to the ground. The contents of
> oth buildings were removed and the
lamage to this is slight. The three
juildings which were burned were
rame buildings and in two hours were
ntirely destroyed.
The town is without fire protection ,
.ml it was only by the heroic work of
large number of men that the bal-
nce of the business portion was sav-
d. The stock of F. Johnson sustain-
d slight damage and practically all
lie plate glass windows with a radius
f a block were broken by the heat.
'he ' cause of the fire is not known ,
ut the supposition is that it caught
rom a stovepipe.
The total damage is estimated at
bout $35,000 , partially covered by In.
j ranee.
hr/e in the Business District Causes
a Loss of $20.000.
A Randolph special says : A fire
hich broke out in the Pill Bros. ' gen-
al merchandise store early Wednes-
ly morning caused a loss of about
LS.OOO. The stock of Pill Bros , was
total loss , with one-half to two-
lirds of it covered by insurance. The
lilding is owned by N. W. Trent , and
s loss is $2,000 , covered by insur-
ice. The firemen did excellent work
fighting the ttames and prevented
eir spread to adjoining buildings.
The blaze is believed to have been
used by spontaneous combustion in
! soaked rags left by painters in the
5re of Pill Bros.
Farmer Found Dead in Street.
The lifeless body of Wm. Schievel-
in , a prominent German farmer of
> sper County , living ten miles north- ,
jst of Arapahoe , was discovered ,
lesday morning lying on the Main
eet. At the coroner's inquest but (
tie was elicited other than that the .
ceased had been drinking some , but !
t more than usual for him , but in ]
-ne manner , after untying his team (
go home , was thrown from his wag-
and either so stunned or injured as '
cause his death by freezing or th *
Craig : Divine Burled.
[ lev. Mr. Motter , of Craig , pastor of
Christian church there and at
ikefield. who started the fire in hia
k stove Monday morning with gas-
le and was burned so badly that
died Tuesday morning at 6 o'clock ,
s buried at Craig Wednesday after-
Coldest of the Winter.
L Lincoln special says : The mim-
m temperature of the year was re
ded 'Friday night. the mercury s
pping to 3 degree * below zero. Tem- a
atures of 7 , 12 and 13 were report- n
from northn-est Nebraska. The tl
ra e low temperature for the state A
i 7 degrees below zero , the coldest o
: Ie \ \ Inter. tl
Oaiultti's 3Iayor Dead.
rank E. Moores. Mayor of Omaha ,
i at his home Friday afternoon.1 tc
had been ill for several months le
i throat trouble and a general la
iking down. Mayor Moores was 66 laO ]
: s of .ice.
Slot Machines Seized. foJc
ounty Attorney William Jc
Ely , of Jcm
sworth , has seized all of the'slot m
hines in Long Pine and will later th
; ecute the saloon men -md other io
chants who had them in their fu
es -usinecs. .
_ " i
John Dorgan. of the Whttebrcas *
Coal Company Saturday morning told
the members of the state board o *
purchase'and supplies that coal would.
shortly be a scarce commodity af-d-
suggested that if the board did noC
have sufficient on hand at the various
state institutions , it had better get
busy at once and do some m > re buy-
ing. The contract to furnish the In
stitutions with coal for th presenti
quarter expires April 1 and Mr Dor
gan told the board that after that
date coal might be hard to set at any
price. The board , acting upon the-
suggestlon , promptly ordered the state *
superintendents to prepare for an ,
emergency and hustle in all the coal"
their bins would hold , and if it could ,
not be secured at the present contract ,
price to pay a little more for it.
During the last two weeks four
convicts who have been out on parole-
voluntarily returned to the peniten
tiary. Of this number three returned
duz-ing the last two days. The men-
gave as a. reason for returning they
liked the three meals a day and the.-
regular hours , though combined with :
confinement , to the strenuous work
shovclsd onto a. man working for-
his board and a little extra money.
Each of the convicts. however ,
brought back a neat little sum of
money and deposited it with the war
den. In the meantime , however , those
who have escaped from the institution ,
have shown no disposition to return , ,
and Warden Beemer attributes this to
the fact that all men are constituted
differently. * *
Attorney General Brown Saturday
afternoon filed with the supreme court
a brief in support of his motion for-
a rehearing in the case wherein Gov.
Mickey , as chairman of the state board
of equalization , sought by mandamus
to compel the county clerk of Douglas
County to include the value of the re
serve fund of the Woodmen of the-
World and the Woodmen Circle in the-
assessment of the property of the or
ders. The court held mandamus was =
not the proper procedure , though it
3id not pass upon the question of the-
issessment of the reserve fund. The-
egal department contends mandamus *
ivas the proper procedure by which to
-.ompel an officer to do his duty.
* *
The Union Pacific Railroad Com * .
> any is in the supreme court to have-
eversed one of the largest personal-
lamage verdicts ever rendered against
i railroad in Nebraska , $27,500. The-
) laintiff in the lower court was John.
Connolly and in his first suit , which *
vas filed in 1902 in the Douglas Coun-
y district court , named as defendants
he Union Pacific and Elmer E. Fair , ,
in engineer employed by the railroad.
Connolly , who was a stockman in the-
restern part of the state , had brought
ome cattle to South Omaha ana
i-hile walking in the yards was run.
own by a freight train and both Iegs =
ere cut off below the knees.
* * *
Auditor Searle has received a let-
sr from a party in Douglas County
; ho had sent in a voucher for a gray
rolf bounty which the auditor hail
timed down. The letter desired to
now of the auditor by what authority
e went behind the voucher , and as
le slayer of the wolf had satisfied the-
ounty clerk he demanded to know
hat business it was of the auditor ,
i the meantime the auditor has made-
rrangements with a local tannery to
it hold of a gray wolf scalp to keep-
i exhibition in his office for com-
irison with those alleged gray wolfi *
: alps likely to be sent in.
* * *
State Superintendent McBrien nas-
: nt out circular letters instructing
ie teachers to file their state certifl-
: tes for registration with the various
unty superintendents of the state ,
nis action is in conformity with the
w enacted by the last legislature
oviding unless such certificates were-
gistered prior to June 1 they should
scome void. Under the old law it.
is provided that only certain certifi-
tes should be registered , while oth-
s were exempt ; while the new law
ovides all state certificates shoulcV
registered. The registration fee is.
State Treasurer Peter Mortensen ta.
t a candidate for the Republican ,
mination for governor. Mr. Mor-
isen made thisannouncement Thurs-
y afternoon. Mr. Mortensen con-
ided not to enter the race after the-
estion of his eligibility was raised ,
d after he had secured Judge Strode
1 Attorney Clements to look into the
itter and see if there was any meth-
by which the case could be passed
on by the supreme court before the-
te of the Republican state conven-
n. The lawyers filed an opinion.
: h the treasurer saying they knew oC
way the case could be taken up.
* *
The state board of assessment
ursday afternoon adopted rules for-
: guidance of county assessors md
identally instructed them to assess ,
reserve funds of fraternal eom- |
lies. The rules adopted by the-
ird answer the questions raised by
county assessors at their recent
eting held in Lincoln.
* * *
'he long drawn out and bitterly
ght litigation over the right c the >
: e to enforce its reciprocal Insure -
e tax law was ended Thursday
ning by the payment of 52,7SC by
. -Insurance Company of North
erica , the amount of the .
d. together with the amount of
court costs.
he supreme court has been askea ' ff
express itself unequivocally on tha-
.lity of the Nebraska anti-trust
3 , or. in other words , explain the
lion it handed down in the "grain
" some weeks ago. The attorneys
the state. Attorney General Brown ,
n J. Sullivan and Jefferis & Howell
: e this request in a brief filed in ,
case. The attorneys hold th * opin-
was not definite in Its decision , and
! ier , the syllabus and the bc-r-y of :
opinion were a.t variance.