pnSociety fil Historical VOLUME XXI VALENTINE. NEBRASKA , MARCH 29 , 1906. NUMBER 11 \Ve wish to call your attention to our large and complete line of Furniture , Carpets Eugs 49 Linoleum 4 ? Floor Oil Cloth 49 4 ? 4 ? Also to a few of our prices on sanies 4 ? 49 Sanitary Steel Couches , best $ 6J 49 49 Common Chairs , per set - 3.75 s ! 49 49 Upholstered Lounges - , 8.00 s * 49 49 Iron Beds - 3.50 49 49 Cotton Top Mattresses , g oed tick , 3.25 49 49 Felted Cotton , sual0 euPSualed - 10.00 tote to Chinese Matting , per yard - .30 49 49 49 Carpets , per yard - .30 to .75 tote to Now these are only a few of the good things we have for you. All we ask is a chance to figure with you. Why cend money away for cheap , shoddy goods when you can buy better goods 43 at home for less money ? Make us a call. Let 4 ? us see what we can do for you. 1RED SEE OUR NEW LINE OF * Spring Clothing Ladles Shirt Waists and Skirts . P * ts. P Wagons and Buggies Lumber and Hardware Pictures Framed to Order , Established in Valentine since 1SS5 , TEN CENT SPECIALS : Glass Berry Dishes Call Bells Scales Work Baskets Eat Traps Dust Pans Steak Pounders Knife , Fork Base Balls Cuspidors Tin Pails Dover Egg Beaters Hammers , Tinware , Oils , Etc , Lamps , Crockery. Lime , Coal Paper FURNITURE and COFFINS , .Licensed Embalmer Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 , The Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID nr A General Banking AflO Exchange and , W V > . " Collection "Business C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. Y , NICHOLSON , Cashier. Talk of the Town. Eices writes insurance. H. B. Clapp of Simeon was in town Monday. J. M. Italy a drove in Tuesday from Barge after a load of grain. "Wm. Biege and Henry Detgen of Riege were Valentine visitors Saturday. Ed Searby and William Brown were visitors in town from Crooks- ton last Saturday. The school entertainment given Friday night in the opera house was well attended. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Blakely were in town from Simeon last Friday and Saturday. Henry Sanner of Britt called to take a look at our improve ments in our office Tuesday while in town on business. Mrs. Stanley Eay and child of Montrose , Colo. , are in the city visiting with Mr. Ray's sisters , Mrs. Chas. Sparks and Mrs. T. C. Hornby. J. A. Sparks purchased J. C. Pettijohn's residence property last week. Mr. Pettijoim gives posses sion after school closes when he expects to leave Valentine. County Surveyor McDaniel was up from "Woodlake last "Tuesday and called at this office to have his business card inserted in the ad vertising columns of this paper. The Sterling Stock company played at Church's opera house last Thursday night to a crowded house and gave a splendid per formance of a "Runaway Tramp. " Col. Holt , who lectured here early the past winter , is expected here Saturday and will hold meet ings Saturday , Sunday and Mon day evenings. Come out and hear him. John Veach and wife departed for Pomeroy , Wash. , a couple of weeks ago. His son , Harry , went in February. This item is a little late but we didn't know of it be fore. fore.F. F. M. Seger came in from Long- mont , Colo. , last Thursday and is visiting friends in town. lie is looking just the same as when he left here and says he likes his new home. During the past week we have been very busy repairing THE DEMOCRAT office. We now have a new floor and steel coiling which makes the building look better. Come in and see us. Chas. Peddicord , who had the cancer removed from his lip a couple of weeks ago , was in town Tuesday and his lip has healed nicely. Al Thacker and A. D. Spall were in town with him. Hans and Veach have secured a contract for painting at Ft. Me- Kenzie , Wyo. , which will keep them busy the greater part of the summer. They depart for their new field of labor the last of this week. The U. S. land office is again open for business with Mr. Olson of Bassett as receiver and Luke Bates as register. Special agent , Mr. Pugh , will remain here some time , indefinite. L. K. Brownell also remains as clerk. Levi L. Anderson took a half ounce of laudanum Tuesday just after dinner during a spell of des pondency and came near dying. The doctors pumped several gallons lens of water through his stomach and finally revived him. Recently Mr. Anderson lost his job on the railroad and has no work in view. He has been at work as section foreman and in the yards here for nearly a dozen years. Buy early while the lines are new , fresh and up to da'te , and when you have your choice of the many beautiful patterns we have to oli'er you. We trust you will take a look over our assortment whether you care to buy or not. This is the time of year -you can pick up the bargains in winter goods and get an idea as to what you want for summer wear. They are all on display. Don't wait Davenport & Co. Rev. Morgan and wife went down to Omaha last week , where Mrs. Morgan will remain a few weeks in hopes of benefiting her health. Mr. Easley filled the Presbyterian pulpit last Sunday in the absence of Rev. Morgan. The sale of Isham Bros , here last Saturday was a success. People ple who saw the fine horses sold say they are the finest ever brought to the county. Martin Becker , Geo. Camm , Wm. Heelan , Frank Higgin and S. J. Blakely each bought a horse at this sale. Notice the advertisement this weekof Bishop Young of < Cocly * who are doing an extensive lum ber businesss and call attention of those needing articles in their line. They are very nice people to do business with and are always glad to make a new customer. Mrs. Anna Ennis , wife of Wm. Emiis of Chadron , died Tuesday noon of typhoid fever after a three week's illness which began with erysipelas. Mrs. Ennis was the second daughter of Mrs. Sarah Wilson and had been married six years. Four brothers , two sisters and the mother , beside the hus band and a son , two years old , are left to mourn the departed one. Mrs. Wilson has been with her since about March 1st , having gone up to visit for awhile , when her daughter became ill and she re mained to care for her. The re mains were brought down from Chadron and the funeral is to be held here today. D. A. Piercy died at Macon , Gra. , last Sunday of heart trouble. He will be brought to Omaha for interment and the members of his family are all expected to be there. William , Dave and Miss Agnes went down from here Tuesday. Another son , Leonard , was in Omaha , and three daughters , Miss May of Portland , Ore. , Mrs. Frank Lanning of Terminal , Cal. , and Mrs. Dr. Archer of Grafton , Neb. , are also expected to be pres ent at the funeral. Mr. Piercy was born in New York state Dec. 25 , 1S37 and was 68 years and 3 months old at his death. He en listed in the civil war in 1861 and served through that war and later was a soldier in the Indian wars of the west. He came to Cherry county about 20 years ago from Omaha and settled at Kennedy - i nedy where he has since made his home. Last fall his failing health caused him to seek the southern climate for the winter and he went to Southern Florida where he and Mrs. Piercy spent the winter. Recently they came north to Mac on , Ga. , where his death occurred yery suddenly last Sunday. our last year's inventory and thank our many customers for their patronage , and assure them that we shall try our best to merit a continuance of the same in 1906 Ail WINTER GOODS will be sold now at Reduced Prices Call us up over The North Table Telephone Line. (2 ( long rings ) iAX B. YIEBTEL CROOKST02S NEBRASKA Denier in Every tiling. Have advanced 20 to 25 per cent. WE HAVE 400 PAIRS AT THE OLD PRICE. * W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSL SST $ ' ST 5'S'3r3r3T ir S yr FRED WIIITTE.MOUK , Pres. CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier. J. W. STETTERrice Pres. ORAII L. BRITTOX , Ass't Cash. Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profitbv investigating the methods employed in our business. 1 ERY Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods 2C3 Lunch Counter. 4 BUCKSTAFF BB HARNESS SS THE BEST MADE We use the old-fash ioned genuine Oak Tan California leather. Very best obtainable. Gives long , faithful service. Trimmings perfect. Thread , Irish linen. Workmen , master me chanics. Made in all styles. Ask your dealer he has theuj. 5tznd up for Nebraska. ENDS OF TRACES STAMPED BucKstaff Bros. Mfg. Co. - Lincoln , Hob.