Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 22, 1906, Image 4

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    is the only
High Grade Powder
offered to the
consumer at a
Moderate JPrice
It should not be
confused with ,
the cheap , low
grade powders
on the one hand ,
nor the high priced
trust powders on
the other.
1. M. RICE Editor and Proprietor.
ZARR Foreman.
Entered at thfe postoflice at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second
Class Matter.
Subscription $1.00 per } * ear in advance ; $1.50 when not paid in advance
Display Advertising 1 inch single column loc per issue or $6.00 a year.
Local Notice ? , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue
5c per line per issue.
Brands , li inches- 00 per year in advance : additional space $3 00 per
vear ; engraved blocks extra $1.00 each.
10 per cent additional to above rates if over G months in arrears.
Parties living outside Cherry county are requested to pay in advance.
Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers.
The plan of too many men sent
to congress has been their own
selfish interests instead of doing
the work of their constituents.
( Iv. C. Journal. )
A local merchant asked a Salina
editor to roast the city adminis
tration for letting an itinerate
peddler come iu there and under
sell him on goods. This is what
the editor wrote : "City Dads ,
you will hereby take notice that
you are roasted for permitting
peddlers to sell goods here. The
merchant for whom we do this
favor has his job printing done in
What think you of the 600 Mores -
os killed recently at the mouth of
a crater in the Philipines , where
they had taken refuge , by 3000
U. S. soldiers and a few hired
Filipinos. There was no mercy
shown. Every man , woman and
child were slain. Spanish cruel
ties wouldn't compare with such
murderous atrocities. Our Chris
tian nation should bow her head
in shame.
( Hastings Democrat. )
Far be it from any intention of
ours to throw cold water upon the
projects of the industrious attor
ney general of Nebraska. But we
can't help but wonder why he
postponed for two long years that
railroad tax case , and only got
busy about it , when the State
Journal began to tickle him under
the chin with a U. S. senator
feather. Certainly the people of
Nebraska have no intention of el
ecting such a little corporation
creature as Norris Brown to the
United States senate.
The person who gets the fewest
letters makes the most complaint
to the postmaster ; the man whenever
never has a good meal at home
growls at the hotel accommoda
tions ; the man who complains
most of his neighbors is the mean
est of the lot ; the churchmeraber
who pays the least of the preach
er's salary finds the most fault and
complains of the mismanagement
of the church ; the man who never
invests a dollar in town enter
prises is always crying down pub
lic improvements ; the loafer or no
account workman is always to the
front in strikes and labor agita
tions ; and the subscriber who is
the slowest to pay his subscription
finds the most fault with his pa
per. Mrs. Gates , in Granger.
( Crete Democrat. )
It is stated that the New York
Life Insurance Co. contributed to
the republican national corruption
I fund the last three national cam
paigns § 14:8,702.50 , and it is rec-
| ominended that suits be brought to
recover the same. Now let Roosevelt
velt see to it that his campaign
committee , headed by his Post
master general , Mr. Cortelyou ,
puts it back , and that the national
committeemen foi 1S96 and 1900
are compelled to restore the mon
ey they used , belonging to the
prospective widows and orphans.
Remember that this is only one
Life Co. and the others should sue
for the amounts they contributed
to keep the God and Morality
party in power. "What a mm-
mentary on the honesty of a party.
Considerable interest is being
manifested in Rev. U. G. Ware ,
president of the U. B. I. Cattle
company , who is under sentence
for fencing government land and
fraudulent homestead entries.
There was a tax against the U. B.
1. Cattle company in Cherry coun
ty that the county treasurer was
unable to collect years ago , and
the manner in which Rev. Ware
shirked that tax was not com
mendatory. He is not as inno
cent as he'd have people be
The preacher Ware
Has had a scare.
He's president of the U. B. I.
The ( Jattle Co.
With lots of dou < jh
That filed by proxy
Don't you know
On government land ,
They say it's sand ,
And isn't oed for you or I.
Some years ago
This Cattle Co.
Had taxes known as Q. 3.1.
They failtd to pay
And to this day
Have shirked that tax
And kept away
From Cherry Co.
Yes this is so N
Would yon do this if you be I ?
The Reverend Ware
Should have a scare
He is no better than you or I ,
Could we escape
The endless tape
Ifve were caught
In such a scrape ?
You would not swerve
You'd let him serve
If I. B , U. and U. B , I.
Japan was no sooner nut of war
b.ian the famine came upon her'
people and now they , like the
Russians , are having troubles of
their own.
If Norris Brown has suddenly
became great enough to be endorsed
ed for senator it must be a boom
started by the railroads. Mr.
Brown has not earned a seat in
the U. S. senate by his record as
attorney general.
Three more arrests were made
la t week for horse stealing on the
reservation. Two half-breeds ,
Will Jon js and Sam Crazy Bull ,
and M. D. Wilcox , the postmaster
at Dixon , bQ5ng those accused.
The state claims to have strong
evidence against Mr. Wilcox , but
persists he is entirely innocent
and says this is only spite work.
A preliminary hearing was had
and they were released on § 500
bond to appear March 15. Butte
( Rushville Standard. )
When it comes to having a minden
on the land leasing bill , Congress
man Kinkaid has a mind about the
size of a kitten. When he re
ceives a letter from some com
munity asking to oppose the bill ;
that the people of that community
are opposed to it , he answers back
that he is also opposed to the bill.
If he gets a co-nmunication from
another section of the country ,
where the people are favorable to
such a bill , he writes back that he
is also in favor of it and is doing
what he can to push the measure
through. If Moses does not watch
ont the goblins will get him.
Can We Afford It ?
( Randolph Enterprise. )
Editor Enterprise : In a series
of articles written by George Me
A , Miller , Ph. D. , President of
Ruskin University , entitled Eco
nomics of Moses and published in
March number of the Arena mag
azine , the author among other
things makes these startling state
ments :
"Twelve thousand children of
the poor in Chicago have no place
to learn to read. " "One hun
dred thousand children in Chicago
that never heard of Jesus Christ
except from profanity on the
streets worse conditions in New
York , and like conditions in all
large cities. " "Twenty mil
lions of children in this Christian
land with no chance to inherit
from their parents even a grave
plat , and but scant chance of ever
owning an acre by their own toil. "
If these assertions are true , and
I believe they are , how can you
with these unwelcome truths star
ing you in the face , that so hurt
our national pride , and "take us
down a peg or two" I say in
Heaven's name , how can you , my
Christian friend , any longer con
sistently and conscientiously con
tribute your dimes and dollars to
foreign missions ? ED SKCKEST.
Congressman Kinkaid keeps
turning over the proposition of his
probable re-election and holds out
the hope to his constiutents in
Northwestern Nebraska of an ap
propriation amendment for Fort
Niobrara that was introduced by
Senator Burkett as an amendment
to an appropriation bill that had
passed the house for other posts.
Why didn't Moses get busy in the
house before the bill passed that
body ? The promise that the Ft.
Niobrara appropriation to rebuild
the post will probaby pass at the
next session is only another ex
cuse to give him another term of
fice and puts us no nearer than we
were ten years ago when every
body expected something would
be done at once. Talk about Kin-
kaid's having a pull and that he
can do something for Ft. Niobrara.
Why don't he do it ? Why didn't
he tack on Burkett's amendment
to the appropriation bill before it
passed the house ? C. H. Cornell
can do more for Ft. Niobrara than
Kinkaid and will make a better
r , j T < r.q T.
another carload of the celebrated JOHN DEERE Implements.
The kind that is so well and favorably known.
Come and see our
that have two wheels , giving a throw of , ' ,
twice the distance of an ordinary seeder .
Model B. Disk Harrows
New Elk Riding Cultivators
Walking Cultivators
Disk Riding Cultivators
Listers Both riding and walkin.
convert any walking plow or walking lister
into a riding plow or riding ] ister >
Ajax Steel Lever Harrows
Stag Bulgy Plows , Breaking Plows ,
Listed Corn Cultivators , Both disk and knife.
Brown Cultivators
Surface Cultivators , For shallow cultivation according to Campbell system
Drill attachments to fit any make of lister. Repairs furnished for any machine or implement.
McCormick line of Machinery
I. H. C. Manure Spreaders and Gasoline Engines
Wagons and Buggies
representative for our people.
He'll come nearer doing what the
people of this district want done
than Moses , and ought to be nomi
nated by the republicans to suc
ceed our present representative.
He's at Washington now and has
been for the past six weeks , in
the interest of the people as an ad
ditional representative , and why
don't our people get together and
elect him to succeed Moses P.
Kinkaid ?
United States of America , State
of Nebraska. Office of Auditor of
Public Accounts Lincoln , Feb. 1 ,
1906. It is hereby certified , That
the Nebraska Mercantile Mutual
Insurance Company of Lincoln , in
the State of Nebraska , has com
plied with the Insurance Law of
this State , applicable to such com
panies and is therefore authorized
to continue the business of Fire ,
Lightning , Cyclone , Tornado and
Wind Storm Insurance in this
State for the current year ending
January 31 , 1907.
Witness my hand and the seal
of the Auditor of Public Accounts
the day and year first above writ
ten. E. M. SEAIILE , Jn ,
Auditor of Public Accounts.
Bilking Economy.
By the use of perfect baking powder the
housewife can derive us much economy as
from any other article meil in baking and cook-
iu . In selecting a baking powder , therefore ,
carp should be exercised to purch ise one that
retains its original j-trength and always remains
the same , thus miking the food sweet and
wholesome and prod-cing sufficient lea veiling
gas to make tne baking li ht.
Very lit tie of this leavening gas is produce !
by the cheap baiting powders , making it neces
sary to ue d mble the quintity ordinarily re
quired to secure good results.
Manufacturers of cra-im of tirtac powders
ask about twice as much for their goDds as thit
paid for any other baking powder , and fee < l
prepared fn iii the-e cream of ttrtar powders
contains large quantities o Kohelle Salts. Ask
your physician what the iexults would be from
tlw constant dosiog of Itoc elle Salts.
A baking powder th it is rec ipim mded bp
leading physicians and chemists , and which ia
both perfect in quality and mo lerate iu price ,
is thereiore suggested one that has been found
- ' test"-"Calumet. " From the
t > be'best by -
standpoints of purity , whole omeness and
economy , there is notniug to ex2el it.
Food prepared \v-rh Calumet is absolutely
free from Ro uelle Salts , Alum , Lime , Am
monia , or any injurious substance.
WANTED Energetic and trust
worthy men can make S100 to 8150 per
month representing a home life and
accident insurance company. Others
are doinp it , why not you ? We teach
you. Address ior particulars , R. E ,
Williams , Norfolk , Neb. 8
You will find a hearty welcome
at the Chicago House. * 38
New Hotel 3C . Near Depot
Electric Lights ,
Hornback & McBride , Props.
Guests for Trains a Specialty ,
Good Rooms. Good Service ,
We have added a new and complete stock of
Groceries to our business. Call and see us. " "
PHONE 97 ,
§ H
First class line of Steaks , R > asts ,
Dry Salt Meats Smoke 1
Breakfast Bacon.
Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs.
Cement Building Blocks
for Foundations , Houses , Barns or Chimneys
Easy Running , Easy Washing , Clean Skimming ,
The Simplest Is tlie 3 5est.
Nothing to get out of order and will last a life time.
Recommended by all who have used them.
A practical machine sold on easy terms by
16 S T. W. CRAMER ,
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made" in all sizes.
Valentine , - Nebraska