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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1906)
Society " - - " - - \ > vr VOLUME 2X1 VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. MARCH 22 , 1906 NTTMBEE 10 We wish to call your attention to ft our large and complete line of ftto to tote to tote Jj Furniture , tote Carpets tote to tote to Matting tote 4 ? tote Linoleum tote 4 ? tote OQ Floor Oil Cloth tote tote to tote 4 ? tote to tote Also to a few of our prices on same ; tote to tote i to H Sanitary Steel Couches , best $ 6,00 49 Common Chairs , per set - 3.75 Is Upholstered Lounges 8.00 Iron Beds 3.50 ftto to Cotton Top Mattresses , good tick , 3.25 tote tote 5o 1Jlf\l4-f\fl ( f 1r guaranteed unequaled fl A f\f\ tote \ - \ > - - \ r\ * -IAJ.UU to 4 ? ± ? eiteCl L ObtOn , for the price " - 4 ? Chinese Matting , per yard - .30 tote to 4 ? Carpets , per yard .30 to .75 tote tote tote to tote to tote 49 Now these are only a few of the good things we toW" 4 49 ? have for you. All we ask is a cbarca to figure W" 49 with you. Why cend money away for cheap , 49 W"to 49 shoddy goods when you can buy better goods 49 at home for less money ? Make us a call. Let to 49 toft 49 us see what we can do for you. : : : " : : ftto 49 to 49 49 49 49 RED FRONT MERC. COft 49 ft SEE OUR NEW LINE OF Spring' Clothing1 Ladies Shirt Waists Skirts : . li Wagons and Buggies Lumber and Hardware Pictures Framed to Order , Established in Valentiue since 1885. TEN CENT SPECIALS : Glass Berry Dishes Call Bells Scales Work Baskets Bat Traps Dust Pans Steak Pounders Knife , Fork Base Balls Cuspidors Tin Pails Dover Egg Beaters Hammers Tinware , Oils , Etc , Lamps , Crockery , Lime , Coal Paper FURNITURE and COFFINS , Licensed Embainu-r Chartered as a State Banfc Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 , Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID US"x" A General Banking Exchange and Collection .Business , " - " - , ' C. H. COBNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. . * , M. YI NIOHOLBON , Cashier. A. Talk of the Town. When you come to town , stop at the Chicago House. J3S. Or. W. Burge , of Burge , was in town last Saturday. The Sterling Stock Co. tonight in a "A Kunaway Tramp. " Mac Cramer is again on duty after several days on the Mck list. * B. J. Holl'acker , of the Diamond Bar ranch , spent several days-in town this week. Comfortable rooms , clean beds and all you want to eat at the Chicago cage House. 38 Arthur Turnbull returned last week to Minneapolis where he has employment. Claud Reece drove in from his. ranch near Simeon Tuesday to do some trading. Mrs. Geo. Harden has been ill the past couple of weeks but is again able to be up. W. M. Morrissey has returned to Valentine and is at work again for the Ludwig Lumber Co. Rev. J. W. Morgan assisted Rev. Light of O'Neill in a series of revival meetings at that place last week. Chas. Peddicord , who last week had a cancer cut off his under lip , has been getting along nicely and is feeling fine. W. A. Kimbell has been home the past couple of weeks on ac count of his wife's illness which has been quite serious. House and Lot in Valentine for sale at a bargain. House is small but in good repair. Call .pn , ' 10 - I. M. BICE. Mrs. Elmore returned last Sat urday morning from a trip to St. Joseph where she purchased her spring stock of millinery. J. L. McElderry , who was sick for some time past of typhoid fev er , has recovered and this week returned to his home ner "Wood Lake. Miss Fdna Fox has been em ployed by Miss Martin to trim in her millinery store this season and arrived Sunday to take her po sition. P. H. Young and wife returned Thursday , the 9th of March , from their visit with Mr. Young's folks in Missouri. WQ forgot this item last week. R. G. Easier and E. D. Clarke have dissolved partnership , the former remaining in the present office , and Mr. Clarke moving to rooms over the Corner Store of Davenport & Co. S. J. Blakely came in from Sim eon .Tuesday and brought with him an eagle , which he captured out near the ranch in a steel trap , that measured 6 feet eight inches from tip to tip of its wings. I. M. Jones was in town last Saturday and tells us that he has quit work at the boarding school on the reservation and is now ex pecting an appointment in the ser vice as carpenter. The Sterling Stock Co. will play "A Runaway Tramp" at Church's opera house tonight ( Thursday ) . Seats are on sale at Church's groc ery store. A free concert given the ladies and children Thursday afternoon. A. 0. Coleman and brother-in- law , J. S. McConnell , drove in from McCann last Thursday , the latter taking the train Friday morning for Plain view , Neb. , his home. Mr. Coleman was a caller at-this office while in town and renewed his subscription for THE DEMOCRAT. Buy early while the lines are new , fresh and up to date , and when you have your choice of the many bea&tiful patterns we have to offer you. We trust you will take a look over our assortment whether you care to buy or not. This is the time of year you can pick up the bargains in winter goods and get an idea as to what you want for summer wear. They are all on display. Don't wait Davenport & Co. P. TV. Murphy , manager of the Ainsworth opera house writes Mr. Church that the"Runaway Tramp" played there to a good house and says it is the best show they have had this season. As advertised in last week's paper Isham Bros , will sell sev eral stallions here Saturday , Mch. 2i. Remember the date and come prepared to buy or take a look at some fine stock if you do not wish to buy. G. E. Tracewell is the auctioneer. A caucus"was held last Thursday 4 day evening to nominate a citizens . .ticket for village trustees. M. V. "Nicholson and P. F. Simons were renominated against their wishes and they have since declined to be candidate's. A committee named by the caucus to fill vacancies has substituted the names of W. S. Barker and Dr. A. N. Compton. Mr. Barker said in his last week's paper that there was no issue. We wonder if there is an issue now ? For Tillage Trustees. Dr. Ilowlancl Dailey is a man of mature years and of consider able experience , fie is a capable man and will be supported by our best citizens for the office of vil lage trustee. No one will need to apologize for having voted for him. We can expect progressive , yet conservative action on his part. Dr. Dailey is worthy your support and he ought to be elected. H. S. Savage k supported by the same element as Dr. Dailey and his acquaintance and popular ity gives assurance of his election. TV. S. Barker is running a pa per and can speak for himself. It is not our desire to slight him though and aside from his policy might make a good officer. He is supported by the same people he opposed two years ago as having no standing in the community. This may seem inconsistent , but really Mr. Barker may not know which side he is on , perhaps any side that will adopt him. Dr. Comptpn says he does not want the office at all and was placed on the ticket against his wishes. It was a despairing hope , after offering the nomination to half a dozen persons , to finally re- nominate the old members , only to have them resign , and now Chas. Sparks , Martin Christensen and TV. S. Ba'rker , as a committee , places the latter and Dr. Compton on the ticket to fill vacancies. We are making a specialty of Carbon Platinos. Order the good goods and you get them. Remem ber that our Photos are guaranteed and that re-sittings are given when necessary. HAILDORSON. 29 SJS. our last year's inventory and thank our many customers for their patronage , and assure them that we shall try our best to merit a continuance of the same in 1906 Ail WINTER GOODS will be sold now at Reduced Prices Call us up over The North Table Telephone Line. (2 ( long rings ) CROOKSTOX NEBRASKA Jealcr isi Everything. . * * $ < ? g : 2 : * "ave advanced 20 to 25 per cent. o ? WE HAVE 400 PAIHS AT THE OLD PRICE W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MOSE. FRED WHITTEMORE , Pres. CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier. J. W. STETTER , Vice Pres. ORATI L. BRITTOX , Ass't Cash ; a Valentine > tate Bank , n Valentine , Nebraska. Ou OO Capital Surplus O $255OQO , $2,000. c\ Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by investigating the methods employed in our business. I CONFECTIONERY Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods 3CX Lunch Counter. Phone S2KS2KEK2 BUCKSf AFF BB HARNESS BEST MADE We use the old-fash ioned genuine Oak Tan California leather. Very best obtainable. Gives long , faithful service , Trimmings perfect. 1 bread , Irish linen. Workmen , master me- chanJcs. Made in all styles. Ask your dealer he baa thetn. i-tand up for Nebraska. ENDS OF TRACES STAMPED Bucltstaff Bros. Mfs. Co. - Lincclr\ ,