Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 15, 1906, Image 1

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    ffl'fi 71J ALENI
* :
- - -
* * -
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4 ? We wish to call your attention to
our large and complete line of
I 9
Furniture ,
49 Carpets
4 ?
4 ? Rugs
43 2 *
4 ? Matting
4 ?
43 Linoleum
4 ?
Floor Oil Cloth
49 Also to a few of our prices on same ;
49 &
Sanitary Steel Couches , best $ 6.00 &
Common Chairs , per set - 3.75 &
Upholstered Lounges - 8.00
49 Iron Beds . . . . 3.50
Cotton Top Mattresses , g ood tick , 3.25 *
4 ? " 17 1-4-rx/l rin4-4-f\tJ guaranteed unequaled "I A . fkf |
JD GJLtcJu V UitUU , for the price " AV.vtf
49 Chinese Matting , per yard - .30
49 49 Carpets , per yard - * 30 to .75
49 Now these are only a few of the good things we
49 49 have for you. All we ask is a chance to figure
49 with you. Why tend money away for cheap ,
49 shoddy goods when you can buy better goods ftfr ww
49 at home for less money ? Make us a call. Let
49 us see what we can do for you. t : : : :
New Sprin
. 3
Wagons and Buggies
Lumber and Hardware
Pictures Framed to Order ,
Established in Valentine since 1S85 ,
Glass Berry Dishes Call Bells
Scales Work Baskets
Bat Traps Dust Pans
: Steak Pounders
Knife * , Fork Base Balls
Cuspidors Tin Pails
Dover Egg Beaters Hammers
Tinware , Oils , Etc , Lamps , Crockery , Lirm , Coal Papsr
Licensed Emlmlmer
Chartered as a State Chartered as a National Bank
June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1002 ,
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
acL of
CAFiTAIi PAID IN A General Banking
Exchange and
Collection Business.
C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President.
M. V , NioaoLsoN , Cashier.
Talk of the Town.
When you come to town , stop
at the Chicago House. 38
0. E. Kinkead of Wood Lake
was in town Tuesday.
Felix Nollett of Sparks made
this oifice a businesscall yester
Fred E. Jones is a new reader
of ITiiE DEMOCRAT , having called
and subscribed yesterday.
Grant Perkins of North Table
is a new subscriber to THE DEMO
CRAT , paying in advance while in
town doing some trading last Sat
Wm. Caton and wife returned
irom Dead wood yesterday morn
ing where Mr. Caton went as a
witness in a case before the U. S.
court. On their return the stopped
off at Sturgis and visited Mr.
Caton's mother and brothers over
Sunday. Mr. Caton will go up to
Rosebud today en route for his
ranch at Stearns , S. D. , but Mrs.
Caton will remain here with her
parents , Judge Towne and wife ,
until warmer weather.
Charles Peddicord came up from
the Kake ranch last Saturday , and
Tuesday of this week had Dr. H.
A. Brown , assisted by Dr. Comp-
ton , cut out a cancerous growth
: rom his under Hy which has been
growing the past three years. A.
EL Stees , Bernie Tinkham and I.
M. Rice were present during the
operation , Mr. Peddicord has
Deen foreman for D. A. Hancock
on the Dewey Lake ranch since he
las been in Cherry county. He
will remain in town for several ,
days for convenience in doctoring.
Ee is doing finely and is up walk
ing about , but is taking only a
ight diet at present.
The following agreement was
entered into by G. N. Hershey ,
Wra. R. McGeer , Jas. B. Hull &
W. A. Taylor and W. F. A. Mel-
: endorff , their attorneys , and the
attorneys for the state :
Stipulation pending review in
supreme court of constitutionality
of section 215 criminal code.
It is hereby stated by and be
tween the county attorney of said
ounty , as well as the personal
counsel for the complaining wit
ness and the defendant.
That this action shall be continu-
d generally , and in case the su
preme court shall hold in the error
proceeding to be and which is now
being prepared to be be taken
there , that section 215 Criminal
Code is void and not constitutional ,
then it shall be dismissed , or final
judgment be given for defendant.
That until the next term of this
court , th& defendant shall strictJy
comply with the provisions of the
Slocumb law , as now defined , by
the supreme court , and which
shall not in any manner by screens ,
curtains , or other means of possi
ble obstruction , interfere with the
plain view from the outside of the
interior of the saloon building now
occupied as such by defendant , of
the interior of his saloon , and no
such means of obstruction shall be
maintained , but if any shall be
That the defendant shall not
maintain any room , in the rear of
the bar room for the purpose of
gambling or permit dissolute wom
en at any time be admitted thereto
for any purpose , and no dissolute
women shall at any time be ad
mitted to said saloon ; nor shall
any gambling be at any time per
mitted in said saloon , or any part
or room therein , nor in any place
controlled by defendant.
And that the journal of pro
ceedings upon their plea in abate
ment shall be recorded as the same ,
in every particular made of rec
ord and on proof in cause "No.
The most complete assortment of new spring ideas and
ready-to-wear garments ever shown in the city.
Taffeta Silk Checks , per yard 35c
Embroidered Linens , per yard 75c
Soisette , per yard T 35c
White Duck , per yard 20c
Curzon Silk , per yard - .75c
Dress Linens , per yard 20c
Taffeta Silks , per yard .75c to § 1.50
Egyptian Dimity , per yard 20c
Lawnsper yard 5c
White Goods , per yard loc to 75c
Fancy Dotted Swiss , per yard lOc
Dotted Swiss Muslin , per yard * , .25c
Dress Ginghams , per yard 12 c to loc
Percales , per yard 12 c to loc
and take advantage of the line )
of 35c , 25c and 15c goods we r 6
are closing out at lOc. : : : )
Davenport & Co.
1525 , including exceptions and
bill of exceptions thereto.
Court K tes.
/ *
District court adjourned here
Tuesday evening. There was an
unusually large docket and a large
number of cases were disposed of.
There were three convictions for
keeping gambling devices , one for
selling liquor without license , two
for robbery from the person , one
for larceny , and one for stabbing
with intent to kill.
John H. Stratton and William
S pence were each fined § 300 for
kecking gambling .devices.
Charles E. Price , convicted * of
selling liquor without license , was
fined § 500 and costs.
John Gr. Stetter and Harry Hil-
singer , convicted of gambling ,
conducting gambling and keeping
gambling devices , were fined § 300
each and costs.
Harry Strickland and Robert
Adams ( col. ) , convicted of rob
bery , were sentenced to three years
in the penitentiary.
George Eoyles , convicted of
larceny , was given one year in the
Lillian Kitchen , convicted of
stabbing with intent to kill , was
sentenced to two years in the peni
tentiary. This is fhe first woman
to be sentenced to the penitentiary
from this district.
There was a large number of
cases on the civil docket which oc
cupied the attention of the court
for several days. Five cases of
keeping gambling devices were
continued over the term by agree
Carrie Brown vs Walter E.
Brown , divorce ; granted.
License granted Herbert Green
to sell real estate of Kobert T.
Smart , deceased.
Catherine McDonald , executrix ,
vs Michael Lichty et al ; defendant
defaulted , decree for plaintiff for
§ 2445 , int. 7 per cent , foreclosure.
Chas. E. Price vs Antonia Price ,
divorce ; granted , cross petition ,
custody of child , plaintiff to pay
$25 per month alimony to defend
ant for term of 12 years and with
in 20 days § 50 for defendant's at
torney , fees and costs of suit.
F. M. Clark vs Ira B. Nichols
et al ; defendants defaulted , de
cree for pltf for § 637.56 , int 10
per cent , forclosure.
C. H. Cornell , administrator
estate A. E. Thacher , deceased , vs
Emily A. Buckminister and hus
band , defendants defaulted , de
cree for plaintiff § 610 , interes tlO
per cent , foreclosure.
State vs Treadway , continued.
Wm. I. Wray vs Geo..Monnier ,
verdict for plaintiff § 132.75.
, John Green vs Perry Lawson , ,
our last year's inventory and thank our many customers
for their patronage , and assure them that we shall try
our best to merit a continuance o the same in 1906
* -
All WINTER GOODS will be sold now at Reduced Prices
Call us up over The North Table Telephone Line. (2 ( long rings )
" " - ri TTT' CROOKST01S
A"f7" . J& . VI. NEBRASKiA
J&ettler in JE'verytiling. '
HW lAfi
Have advanced 20 to 25 per cent.
sr grwir mnr sr '
. . .
] RcnTt tu > K iAKyicin.v t Mr .Jnras tr r - > * ! i K iflMV-
J. W. STETTEU , Vice-Pres. , OIIAII L. BRITTOX , Ass't Cash.
Valentine State Bank ot
i , en
X Valentine , Nebraska. * O O QU _ .
u *
Capital Surplus I gH
$25,000 , $2,000 , H p * *
I Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by
investigating the methods employed in our business.
iiM <
Tobaccos and Cigars. . * ' . .
c ? *
Canned Goods iv Lunch Counter.
Phone Home !
7 Bakefy.
settled for § 150.
Bank of Monroe vs Zella C.
Blodgett et al , confirmed.
Isaac M. Rice vs A. L. JLJarrott ,
Henry Sierfc vs Irw in C. Stotts ,
plaintiff allowed 60 days to file
showing or security for costs.
Eobert S. Lee vs Geo. O'Brien ,
Valentine State Bank vs Gus-
tave Gunderson , verdict § i27.4S ,
judgment on verdict , defendants
excepts and allowed 40 days for
bill of exceptions.
Edward Young vs Chi Psi Cat
tle Co. , verdict § 110.97.J
Jacob Yaryan vsLauraYaryan ,
continued to adjourned term.
Laretta May Davis vs Albert
Davis , decree and custody of
minor child to olaintiff.
Comfortable rooms , " cleanbeds
and all you want to eat atthe Chi
cago House. 38
' \