Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 08, 1906, Image 4

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I. M. RICE Editur and Proprietor.
MARK ZARR Foreman.
Entered at the postofiice .at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second
' Class Matter. , . . *
Subscription $1.00 per year in advance ; $1.50 when not paid in advance.
Display Advertising 1 inch single column loc per issue or $6.00 a year.
Local NoMces , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue
5c per line pi r issue ,
Brands , 3 } inches$4.00 per y.ear in advance ; additional space $3.00 per
? ear ; engraved blocks extra $1.00 each.
10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months in arrears.
Parties living outside Cherry county are requested to pay in advance.
Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers.
THURSDAY , MARCH 8 , 1906.
The People's "Demands , "
( World-Herald. )
N r11 Writing from Hastings a staff
correspondent of the Omaha Bee
advises his paper as follows :
The people in all this region
have gone far beyond the matter
of free passes and collection of
taxes. They are beginning even
more insistently to demand that
the public be ilw decisive author
ity , and put a limit on the enor
mous taxes which the railrads ex
tort in charges for carrying th ?
products of Nebraska.
We don't know just how insist
ently the people are making the
demand , nor how effectively they
are prepared to make it , but that
it should be made in without ques
If the people are in earnest why
don't they make their demand of
the state administration at Lincoln ?
There is a maximum freight
rate law on Urn statute books ,
which , if enforced , would reduce
freight charges in Nebraska in the
neighborhood of 30 per cent.
There is little reasonable doubt
that the law , under present con
ditions , with the railroads making
more money than they have ever
made in their history , would be
held valid and enforceable by the
Why do not the officials at Lin
coln enforce the law we have ?
Why do not the people appeal to
the attorney general ? How , in
deed , can they expect him to en
force the law when they come to
him kowtowing and singing ho-
sannas in his name , offering to
send him to the United States sen
ate on his own record for do-
Why do they not tell him that ,
if he would be promoted , he must
earn promotion ? That he must
proceed to the enforcement of the
freight rate law and the anti-trust
laws , violations of which are cost
ing the people of Nebraska more
money every week than-the entire
taxes of all the railroads would
amount to in a year ?
If the people elect officials who
will do nothing ; if , because they
do no'thing , those officials are pro
moted by the people as a reward
of merit , what right have the peo
ple to ask or expect that their of
ficials will do their duty ?
( Minden Courier. )
It is very easy to see now why
Attorney General Norris Brown
has sat demurely in his office and
w.inked his eye at the many open
violations of the railroad , coal ,
lumber , and grain trusts. He has
been listening to the buzzing of
the senatorial bee. He prosecuted
the case against the railroads for
non-payment of taxes , a very easy
job , requiring no great effort ,
no abandonment or relinquish-
. .raent .of former sentiment
or influesce not even a posi
tive affirmation or denial of any
political tenet or .faith , yet it is
enough to influence the people in
his behalf , and the support of the
railroads and other combinations
he will get in other ways. Now
candidly , you who think Norris
Brown is for the people when the
roads and the people are at var
iance , when a choice must be made
between the two , would he aspire
to a higher office knowing the
roads were opposed to him ? Know
ing the roads can defeat any re
publican for any state office ?
State Press Association.
About 300 editors and wives
were in attendance at the state
press association last week and a
general good time was had social
ly at the meetings and the enter
tainments furnished by Lincoln
people who are royal entertainers
and always show their guests a
good time. Several interesting
papers were read by members on
the program and an instructive ad
dress on libel laws was given by
E. Rosewater , who has had some
experience along that line. A
splendid paper on the early history
of Nebraska editors' meetings , en
titled , "Twenty-five Years Ago , "
was read by our friend H. M.
Wells of the Crete Vidette-Herald ,
followed by a paper , "Twenty-five
Years Hence , " by Fred Abbott of
the Columbus Journal , in which
he gets off a few thoughts worth
considering and causes the ques
tion to arise , "whither : are we
drifting" and "is our boat going
up stream or down ? " There was
a humorous contemplation of con
ditions and a probable program
assigned for , the association of
1931. AdamBredeof the Hast
ings Tribune followed with a poem
"The Song of the Press. " The
second day's session brought the
.railroad advertising question be
fore the meeting in papers by J.
C. Seacrist of the State Journal
and by E. L. Metcalfe of the Com
moner. Some discussion followed
these papers and it was evident
that all were not in harmony with
the plans as outlined in the papers.
Lafe Young of the Des Moines
Capital gave a lecture on his trav
els with the Taft commission to
the Philipines and on the Chinese
Wednesday afternoon , after which
Frank Reed of the Shelton Clip
per was elected president for the.
ensuing year and L. A. Varner
vice president. W. M. Maupin
was chosen secretary-treasurer to
succeed himself and § 50 was voted
him for his efficient services as
secretary-treasurer the past year.
Upon invitation from the com
mercial club of Omaha , the asso
ciation decided to meet in Omaha
next year. The entertainments
consisted of a theater party to the
Lyric Monday evening as guests
of the local newspaper men of
Lincoln , and Tuesday evening the
Primrose Minstrels at the Oliver
which was a grand performance
and appreciated by everyone.
This was followed by a smoker in
the commercial club rooms for the
men as guests of the club and an
entertainment was given for the
ladies in the Lindell hotel parlors
where the session was held and
where most of the editors stopped
while in Lincoln. Wednesday af
ternoon some of the editors went
out to the state farm where they
were entertained for a couple of
hours , and in the eveniug went to
the First Baptist church to hear
Johh M. McCutcheon's lecture on
cartoons. This was the biggest
and best meeting of the state press
ever held in Nebraska. Resolu
tions were adopted , which , for
want of space here , we will print
next week.
FREE Chicago Cottage Organ ,
guaranteed. Direct from manufac
turer to consumer. 30 days trial. If
not satisfactory return at our ex
pense. No middleman's profit. Pos
tal brings catalogue. .Manufacturer * ' ,
Box 174 , Norfolk , Neb.
Paper From the Golden Wet
Chico , California.
To My Dear Friends and Neigh
bors : I take this method of com
municating with you , as I really
have not time to write all I would
to say to each and everyone.
We had a very pleasant journey ,
stopping a day at the Great Salt
Lake , the center of mormonism.
We arrived in Salt Lake City in
the evening , and , after securing
some airy rooms , rested up for the
next day , as we were very sleepy
and tired from being on the train
two days and a night. In the
morning we looked out on the
beautiful , lofty mountains which
seem to rise to the very clouds on
all sides of the city. We visited
Temple Block , which is surroAfed-
ed with a solid wall about 12 Ifeet
high , and after securing permis
sion of the gate-keeper , entered.
The temple is a massive stone
structure , very grand and impos
ing , but only the outside is ever
seen by the curious sight-seers
which flock there every day. Then
we went to the tabernacle and the
great assembly hall , which I judge
affords seats for 2000 people. The
grounds about these buildings are
indeed beautiful , with green lawns ,
ornamental trees and flowers of all
kinds , and statues and fountains.
I felt inclined to turn mormon on
the spot. Then we took the train
for the great salt lake 20 miles
east of the city , but the whole dis
tance is a great glistening , salty ,
white desert , fairly blinding one
like a Nebraska prairie covered
with snow. We had a boat ride
on the lake but did not bathe as
the water was too cold. We dip
ped our hands into the water and
after they dried they were cover
ed with a coating of salt. There
is only one living thing that can
exist in the water ; it is called the
"salty shrimp , " a little scorpion
like bug which is half an inch
long. At five o'clock our train
left for the city and we had all col
lected on the platform when it was
'discoverd Curtis had taken my
baby to carry and was nowhere to
be found. He had become con
fused in the great salt air palace
and could not find the gate or
door , but just as the train whistled
to go he came up flushed and pant
ing from his unusual exertions.
We spent another night in Salt
Lake City and then started on.
The scenery in that part of Utah
is grand. The huge mountains
with perpendicular cliffs and beau
tiful canyons , timbered in places ,
and the valleys all farmed , and
part in orchards where grows
some of the finest apples , peaches ,
pears , etc. , of the world.
The part of Nevada we traveled
through was mostly a rocky , dry
desert , with a scant supply of
grass , lots of sage brush and cactus
and great droves of sheep , until
we reached the western part where
again were mountains , canyons
and heavy timber. Then 40 miles
of snow sheds through which the
train thundered and smoked , until
our eyes smarted and our heads
ached and throbbed. After that
came the tall trees pines and furs
that made one look twice to see
the top of them. As we began to
come down the western slope of
the Sierra Nevadas we saw orchards
and vineyards , and boys selling
grapes at the depots , a 10 cent
bunch being all0 our whole party
of ten could eat , and they were
delicious. We kept on until we
reached San Francisco , a city with
skyscraper buildingj , street cars ,
automobiles , teams and vehicles ,
all trying which could go the fast
est. It was truly a sight for we
Valentine folks. We spent a day
on the beach where'there were
about 25,000 people spending the
The next morning we started
north , boarding a river steamer
for Sacremento , the state capitol.
We spent several hours in that
beautiful city , climbing the dome
of the cam'tol building * from which
we could see the entire city and
( *
miles of the surrounding country ,
after which-we took the train a-
gain for Chico where we stopped
and intend to stay.
This is a progressive little town
which three years ago had a popu
lation of 3,500 but now boasts of
7,000 inhabitants. You could not
imagine a more delightful place ,
situated in the Sacremento valley ,
with the Sierra Nevada mountains
on the east and the Coast Range
on the west , both of which are
plainly seen from here , and are
covered at the summits with an
average of 15 feet of snow.
We have enjoyed the winter
here with a few frosty nights and
such beautiful sunny days. Of
course it rains sometimes , but who
cares for a little lain after brav
ing Nebraska blizzards ? Hoses
bloom here the year round and
oranges and lemons look like gold
en balls on the evergreen trees
with their thick glossy leaves.
Palms , oleanders and a great many
tropical plants grow here. The
fruit production consists of every
known fruit in the world , but the
best apples come from the moun
tains near here. The nuts are al
monds , black and English walnuts ,
chestnuts , and I am told the moun
tains are full of hazel nuts.
As for work , it is here in plen
ty , wages § 2.00 to § 2.50 per day
for common labor. Skilled labor
ers get more , as in other places.
Rent is very high , so is wood.
The water here is good.
The majority of the valley land
is owned by a few persons , occas
ionally one man owning nearly a
whole county , and it makes it hard
to get homes here. The moun
tains furnish delightful little val
ley homes and are lovely in the
summer. They are full of mining
camps , which shut down work in
the winter , flooding the towns with
unemployed men. The country
all abou * ; is rich in gold. At Oro-
ville , our county seat , are dredgers
at work , washing the soil for gold.
The dredgers consist of great end
less chains , hung with buckets
which handles the dirt very fast ,
dumping it into sluice boxes where
the dirt washes off leaving the
gold. Land that was worth § 3.00
per acre a few years ago sells now
at § 3000 per acre to the dredger
men. Eight here at Chico there
is no miner's or labor unions , as is
the case in nearly all California
towns , consequently this is a good
place for non-union men to come.
Ten miles from here is being
erected a § 1,000,000 beet sugar
Electric railways are being con
structed all over the country , also
steam railroads , the Southern Pa
cific being the principal one.
The school system of this state
is considered the best in theU. S. ,
both city and country schools. I
think the chance of making a liv
ing here is as good as anywhere.
At least we have no intention of
starting for Cherry county for
Now , if any "of you want any
particular information about this
place , just write and I will answer
to the best of my ability.
Hoping to hear from some of
you at least , I remain yours for
sunshine and warm winters.
Has 100,000
Strawberry & Paspberry Plants
Thelargeeb and most complete
stock of all kinds of fruit trees that
we have ever had to offer ; Crimsom
Rambler roses and ornamental flow
ering shrubs of all hardiest Kinds ;
elms , ash , boxelder , maple and bass-
wood , 8 to 12 feet tall. Small for
est tree seedlings of all kinds for
planting groves.
We have two varieties of rasp
berries one red and one black
that are very hardy an profilic and
are annual bearers. They have
borne a good crop of berries every
year for the last fifteen years. Or
der 100 or 200 of these plants and
you will have plants that will bear
fruit. § 5 per 100 delivered at your
town. Order at once and pay when
you get stock at depot. Call at
Nursery and selecfc your trees or
send in your order by mail and have
it booked for next April delivery.
Address , E. D. HAMMOND , Norfolk ,
Nebr 5-1-06
, - -
New Hotel X Near Depot A
j Electric Lights ,
Chicago House ,
Hornback & McBride , Props.
Guests for Trains a Specialty ,
Good Rooms. Good Service *
Groceries V ,
- " ; . * . ,
We have added a new and complete stock of - ,
Groceries to our business. Call and see us.
PHONE 97 ,
xxx I ]
First class line of Steaks , Roasts ,
Dry Salt Meats Smoke i
Breakfast Bacon.
Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs.
Cement Building Blocks
for Foundations , Houses , Barns or Chimneys
Easy Running , Easy Washing , Clean Skimming ,
Xlxe Simplest is tlie Best.
Nothing to get out of order and will last a life time.
Recommended by all who have used them.
A practical machine sold on easy terms by
16 8 I , NBREASKA.
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes.
Valentine , - Nebraska
Having engaged in the Meat and Butcher business , we
shall endeavor to keep the best meats obtainable in a
clean and up to date shop. We solicit a share of your
patronage and invite you to visit our shop. : : : : *
Flour and International Stock Food.
East side of Main St. AYERS BROS-
use the old-fash
ioned genuine Oak Tan
California leather. Very
best obtainable. Gives
Ion f faithful service.
Trimmings perfect.
1 bread , Irish linen.
Workmen , master me
chanics. Made in all
A t y I e 5. Aak your
dealer he has them.
tand up for Nebraska.
CucKstaff Bros. Mfg. Co.
Lost between Fort Niobrara and
the Berry bridge about the middle
of November , one brown mare ,
weight about 950 pounds , branded
M V connected on left shoulder
and crossSon left jaw. Liberal
reward for information leading to
her recovery. ED BROWN ,
5-4 Valentine , Neb.
U. S. Weatlaer Bureau Report
tor week Ending lieh. 7.
"Daily mean temperature , was
20 ° , and the normal 25 ° .
Highest temeperature was 52 °
on the T , and lowest-6 ° on the
3rd. !
The precipitation was 1.52 of an
inch , making a total for the season
of 2.37 of an inch.
Notice to Delinquent Sub
We do not like to criticise the
people whom we have se'nt notices
to the first of the year. Some may
be out of luck or short of money.
In either case we are out of luck.
If you will try to pay a part of
what you owe and pay at the rate
of § 1.50 per year , which is IS c
per month , it will make us feel
better than to
totally ignore our
statements. Some have already
remitted in full. We dislike to
speak of this in the paper but
many have overlooked or mis
placed our statements to Jan. 1 ,
1906 , and we hope to remind them
by this notice at much less ex
pense than to send other notices.
Pardon us for again reminding