Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 08, 1906, Image 1
\ . - - * > - > VALENT VOLUME 2x1 VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. MARCH 8 , 1906 NUMBER 8 * v # v fc > . & f.W We wish to call your attention to our large and complete line of & 43" ft > & ftfc > fcfc fc > Jj Furniture , & ? fc > 4 ? Carpets * fr * Rugs ft & fc > 4 ? Matting fcfc > 49 * Linoleum ft 4 ? & Floor Oil Cloth ? * 4 ? fcfr 4 ? 4 $ & Also to a few of our prices on same * 2fi 2fi > 4 ? i > 4 4 ? ? Sanitary Steel Couches , best $ 6.00 i & > J > Common Chairs , per set - ' 3.75 Ji Upholstered Lounges - 8.00 & i > 4 ? Iron Beds . . . . 3.50 i > Cotton Top Mattresses , § ood tick' , 3.25 " i guaranteed unequaled "I A Af | "CVkH-/\rl r\4-i-f\-r - - - - / \ . \ \ % . . " J.vF.UU JjtJltcU. OUtlOll , for the price 4s 4 < 2 ? Chinese Matting , per yard - .30 49 49 Carpets , per yard - .30 to .75 49 49 49 Now these are only a few of the good things we 49 49 have for you. All we ask is a chance to figure 49 with you. Why Eend money away for cheap , 49 49 shoddy goods when you can buy better goods 49 at home for less money1 ? Make us a call. Let 49 49 us see what we can do for you. : : : : : 49 49 49 4 ? RED FRONT MERC. CO. 0cl > 49 & > t , New Spring Arriving Daily D. CLOTHIER. Wagons and Buggies Lumber and Hardware Pictures Framed to Order , Established In Va'.enliue since 1885. TEN CENT SPECIALS : Glass Berry Dishes Call Bells Scales Work Baskets Eat Traps Dust Pans , ; Steak Pounders Knife , Fork Base Balls Cuspidors Tin Pails Dover Egg Beaters Hammers Tinware , Oils , Etc , Lamps , Crockery , Lime , Coal Paper FURNITURE and COFFINS , Licensed Emlmlmcr Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank .Tune 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) DBctnli. of7 ilom.tlTao. OAPiTALPAIDIK ; s * A General Banking Exchange and nnO + V/W. Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M , Y , "NICHOLSON , Cashier. Talk of the Town , Martin Becker was in towr Monday. When you come to town , stoi at the Chicago House. 38 Born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Green , Feb. 26 , 1806 , a girl. A. H. Stees returned from Oma ha Monday where he has IH Pn foi some time pastr. Mrs. Catherine Me Donald has been confined to her home the past week with a serious case of rheu matism. Henry Becker was in town from North Table Monday and reports that he had two large hogs smoth er to death in the blizzard. The county commissioners were in session a couple of days this week , Arthur Bowering and C. J. O'Connor being present. Judge Wood of Eushville is in attendance at court this week , be ing employed in the prosecution of the Valentine saloon-keepers for violation of the gambling laws. m Judge of Omaha is in town this week as attorney for A. H. Stees in the settlement of the partners of the Erickson Cattle Co. , which is to have a hearing this term of court. W. S. Barker and wife attended the state press association last week , returning Friday morning in the blizzard anclhad to remain at the depot until daylight before lie ventured home through the storm. W. Honey came up from Wood Lake Tuesday and is spending sev eral days in town attending court. Mr. Honey reports the storm pretty severe down his way and that several parties lost a number of cattle and sheep. I. M. Rice and wife returned from York Monday and found the weather fine , but were surprised to see snow piled up about towii and over fences , which had already settled considerably and is now melting down very fast , though big drifts of snow still adorn the streets and north side of buildings. C. A. Pote was in town yester day , bringing in S. Q. Spain's son , Charley , to have him doctored for blood poison in his left hand. Mr. Pote purchased the Bristol place , a mile west of town , last spring and has been busy the past couple of weeks clearing brush off the bottom land. He called at this office while in town and sub scribed for THE DEMOCRAT. Sheriff Simons went out in the south country last Tuesday to subpoena witnesses for the term of court which convened here Mon day , and got caught in the blizzard last Friday at A. G. Wallingford's on the Snake. Mr. Simons says the snow drifted badly in that sec- iion of the country , and being the first one over the road after the storm , had ' a hard time getting back to town Saturday. District court is in session this week with Judge Westover on the bench and J. D. Scott as reporter. Monday several sheriff fales were confirmed and other matters dis posed of by the judge. The jury was called up Tuesday and the case against O. G. Treadway con tinued to next term of court be cause of the absence of Wm. Fer- don , the prosecuting witness , be ing unable to be here. The colored man , Adams , and Harry Strick land , charged with robbing Wm. Johnson several weeks ago , as re ported in these columns at the time , pleaded guilty to the charge and were each sentenced to three years in-the penitentiary at hard labor. The most complete assortment of new spring ideas and ready-to-wear garments ever shown in the city. * ? POPULAR PRICED SPRING GOODS 'alleta ' Silk Checks , per yard 35c . qbbroidered Linens , per yard 75c < ypisette , per yard- .x 3oc W-hite Duck , per yard 20c Curzon Silk , per yard 75c Dress Linens , per yard 20c Taffeta Silks , per yard 7oc to § 1.50 WASH GOODS Egyptian Diraity , per yard 20c Lawnsper yard. . - . 5c White Goods , per yard 15c to 75c Fancy Dotted Swiss , per yard lOc Dotted Swiss Muslin , per yard : 2oc Dress Ginghams , per yard' 12-iC to 15c Percales , per yard 12 c to loc and take advantage of the line ) - o -BeS ofssc , 25cand i5c goods wcj-JSe Sure are closing out at lOc. : : : ) Davenport & Co. Carl Lurzyas up from Wood Lake yesterday. Mrs. Frank Coates of Chadron is visiting relatives in this city. We received a letter from P. Sullivan this week from Phoenix , Arizona , where he has been spend ing the winter. He says the weather has been mild there and plenty of sunshine , though cool nights pre vail. The season is as well ad vanced there now , as Cherry coun ty in June. Alfalfa is about ready for first cutting and small grain is 'heading out. All sorts of garden vegatjjbles on the market. _ He says there are people from al most all parts of the world there and of all colors and shades of the human race , from the coal black to the pure white. Also most of the ailments , but consumption is most prevalent. Some recover but a very large per cent die and many are buried there. Mr. Sul livan says his health has been gen erally good with the exception of one or two light colds. He thinks of going to California soon and probably to Washington. We are indebted to Mr. Sullivan for several copies of newspapers sent us from Phoenix , Ariz. , which were very interesting. SCHOOL NOTES. R ) Marsarete Quigley. Dy ) Clara Dunham. Three little people have been promoted to the 2nd grade. With Miss Stella Spratt to assist the little people in their work they are kept busy and happy all the time. On account of the storm last Friday many pupils were absent from school , so" the examinations were not held till Monday. The pupils in the primary room are studying the colors of the rain bow as to arrangement , also the cause of the same. The prism proved a pleasing surprise to them. Eleven little people have enter ed the 1st grade this week. They are Bernidine Barker , OraDotson , Malvina Carlson , Bertha and Lulu Sheets , Ordale Handy , May Mor- ey , Wendell Cramer , Rush Clark and Wagner Mil lard. In Miss Pettijohn's room the pupils who have been neither ab sent nor tardy are Lawrence Rice , Glair Savage , Alvah Todd , "Edgar Carlson , Leon Hilsinger , Clarence Marshall , Joe Sparks , Leone An derson , Carrie Burch , Ruth Eas- ley , Coral Hobson , Olive Jones , Queen Moon , Mattie Malone , Georgia Slonecker , Lucy Boyer , Kathleen Yeast , Marjorie Garret , Daisy Holsclaw and Bertha Helzer. our last year's inventory and thank our many customers for their patronage , and assure them that we shall try our best to merit a continuance of the same in 1906 AliWNTER GOODS will be sold now at Reduced Prices Call us up over The North Table Telephone Line. (2 long rings ) MAX E. VIBRTEL CROOKSTOfc NEBRASKA Dealer in 13 very tiling. A Have advanced 20 to 25 .per cent. WE HAVE 400 PAIRS AT THE OLD PRICE. ' W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. ? riiHnrYra a'Yr3ii < r MJt Av/T f X > * K' < cVr VK9rtA iJrfc FUED WIIITTEMORR , Pres. CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier. . J. W. STETTER , Vice Pres. ORAK L. BRITTOX , Ass't Cash. 2 Valentine State Bank , in n t Valentine , Nebraska. 8 . § Capital Surplus $25,000. $2,080. H 3 * Persons seeking a placa of safety for their money , will .profit bv investigating the methods employed in our business. I CONFECTIONERY ' . . Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods Lunch Counter. Phone 7 Home Bakery. John V. Brown of Fremont and Miss Ada B. Sisler of Crookston were quietly married at the home of the bride's parents Thursday , Feb. 22. Kev. Parsons performed the ceremony in the presence of relatives and a few friends. Af ter the ceremony the company were seated at the table and par took of a bountiful dinner. The young couple will spend a month visiting at Fremont , after which they will make their home at Chadron. Contributed. . r * A fine 6-octove organ , almost new , for sale. J/O. BEATTY. i You will find a-hearty : . welcome at the Chicago House. 38 \ < . - . - . - - . A good Smith Premier typewriter for sale cheap. F. M. WALCOTT. H - v ; - ; Come now and avoid the rush. \Ye are ready to decorate your home. Painting and paper hang ing. Samplesof' decotatbns on hand. " HA'SS ft-YEA'CH. S