Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 01, 1906, Image 1

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    'V cv- /
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4 ? We wish to call your attention to ww ftft
, ; * - ? our large and complete line of ftft
* 4 ? ftft
V 4 ? ft
ft- Furniture ftft ftft
i ! , ft
V 4 ? ftft ftft
4 ? Carpets ftft
4 ? ftft
Rugs ftft
' ftft
Matting ftft
? *
4 ? Linoleum ftft
J. . ftft
Floor' Oil Cloth ftft
J.i ? ftft ftft ftft
S ftft
i Also'to a few of our prices on same ; ftft
? ftft
4 ? ftft
Sanitary Steel Couches , best $ 6,00 ftft ftft
4 ? ft
4 ? Common Chairs , per set - 3.75 ftft
43W 43 Upholstered Lounges t. f 8.00 ftft
49 W Iron Beds . . . . 3.50 ftft ftft
49 49 Cotton Top Mattresses , g ood tick , 3.25 ftft
Felted Cotton , ffuar Sualed - 10.00
49 49 Chinese Matting , per yard - .30
49 49 Carpets , per yard - .30 to .75
Now these are only a few of the good things we
4 ?
49 have for you. All we ask is a chance to figure ftft
49 with you. Why cend money away for cheap , ftft
49 ft
49 shoddy goods when you can buy better goods ftft ftft
49 ? Make call. Let ft
at home for less money us a ftft
49 ft
49 us see what we can do for you. : : : : : ftft
49 ftft
49 ft
* ej
* < , . .J *
a- acr - wooooc n-c cms-
New Spring
Arriving Daily
Wagons and Buggies
Lumber and Hardware
Pictures Framed to Order ,
Established in Va'eatiue since 1885.
Glass Berry Dishes Call Bells
Scales " Work Baskets
Eat Traps ' Dust Pans
Steak Pounders
Knife , Fork Base Balls
Cuspidors Tin Pails ,
Dover Egg Beaters Hammers
Tinware , Oils , Etc , Lamps , Crockery , Lime , Coal Paper
Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank
June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 ,
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
CAPITAL PAID Hf & General Banking
Exchange and
m Collection Business.
C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President.
M. Y , NICHOLSON , Cashier.
Talk of the Town.
T. A. Yearnshaw of Neligh is
in town. .
Geo. Alger of Fremont is the
new barber in S. A. Lee's barber
H. A. Davis of Burge , Nebr. ,
was in town Monday after a load
of supplies. . . n
S. A. Herron , representing the
Marshal Paper Co. of Omaha , was
in the city Tuesday.
I. M. Rice has purchased the
Chas. Eeece residence property
on west Cherry street.
Grant Dunn has installed a 3-
horse Fairbanks-Morse
power gas
oline engine in his carpenter shop.
Ted Ormesher was in town from
his ranch on the Schlagel laFd
Monday and says stock is looking
Shepard Bros , had a runaway
Monday morning and had one of
theirbuggies broken up pretty
Walter Peterson and Miss Jen
nie Peterson were' ' married by
Judge Towne Wednesday , Feb.
21 , 1906. They are working for
Mr. Baker of Simeon.
J. M. Ealya and wife and son
and Mr. Ralya's brother , F. " F.
Ralya and wife , and the latter's
son-in-law came out from Sioux
City Tuesday morning.
The subject of the sermon at
the M. E. church next Sunday
forenoon will be "A Christian's
Privilege , " or "What We Mean
by Holiness. " All are invited.
The regular business meeting
and social of the Epworfch League
for March will be held at the home
of Mrs. Ada Northrop next Mon
day evening , March 5th. All the
leaguers and their friends are ask
ed to be present.
Luke M. Bates came up from
Longpine Monday. Mr. Bates
has been appointed register of the
U. S. land office at this place and
informs us that the office will
probably be opened for business
sometime next week.
The editor and wife went down
to Lincoln last Monday morning
to attend the state press associa
tion Feb. 28th to 28fch. From
there they went to York , Nebr. ,
where they will .visit Mrs. Rice's
relatives until Saturday.
Gee. Cyphers came down from
Pine Ridge agency Monday morn
ing , having been transferred from
that place , where he had a position
as boss carpenter , to the Rosebud
Boarding School where he has a
similar position. Mr. Cyphers
asked for the transfer that he
might be nearer hisfamily. . . He
went up to the school Tuesday. . .
Story With a 31 ral.
Recently a church congregation
in a little Kansas town built a new
church. To pay for it , they were
obliged to call on the merchants
of the community for donations-
The merchants responded liberal
ly , and § 300 was raised from this
source. The last man asked to
subscribe was Johri * Smith , a jew
eler. "I will give you § 20 if you
will let me add something to the
subscription list , " he'said. . " The
permission was accorded him and
he wrote at the foot of the list :
John Smith , jeweler § 20.00
Sears , Sawbuck & Co 00.00
Montgomery Fraud & Co..00.00
The church people saw the point
when the minister read from the
pulpit the list of donors to the
building fund , and since the dedi
cation of ths church there have
been no mail orders sent out from
out that Kansas town. Ex.
The most complete assortment of new spring ideas and
recl.y-io-Yveir garments ever shown in the. . city.
- Taffeta Silk Checks , per yard 35c Egyptian Dimity , per yard .20c
.tEmbroidered Linf ns , per yard 75c Lawns , per yard 5c
Soisette , per yca'd 35c White Goods , per yard 15c to T5c
Wtiite Duck , per yard < 20c Fancy Dotted Swiss , per yard lOc' '
Curzon Silk , per yarc1 Toe Dotted Swiss Muslin , per yard 25c
press Linens , per yard 20c Dress Ginghams , per yard - . . .12 c to 15c
Taffeta Silks , per yard 75c to § 1.50 Percales , per yard . . . . . .12c to loc
and take advantage of the line )
of 35c , 25cand 15c goods we V e Sure
are closing out at lOc. : : : )
y * 'i
Davenport & Co.
"When you come to town , stop
at'the Chicago House. 38
Clarence Sageser has a new bar
ber , Geo. Kraft of Stuart.
We forgot to mention last week
the birth of a bouncing , baby girl
to , Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Dunn ,
Feb. 16 , 1906.
ft Bv \ Marearete Quigley.
I Clara Dunham.
Anna Hahn is visiting Margar-
ite 'Quigley this week.
Hornby of the 3rd grade
is riot able to be IrP schooT this
Helen Bachelor of the 6th grade
was out last week "on account of
Tuesday the 2nd primary , room
recited poems and read stories in
memory of Longfellow's 99th
The first division of the llth
grade gave their program to a
large audience last Friday eve
ning. The proceeds amounted to
§ 47.00.
The high school had' four visit
ors Tuesday afternoon. Thpy
were all members of the class of
' 05 and we were glad to have them
with us again.
Martha Haley met with an ac
cident andis -not able to use her
left eye. She is in school and is
one of the 3rd grade pupils who
has been neither absent nor tardy
this year.
The teachers association at Val
entine last Saturday was well at
tended by about two dozen teach
ers. Several persons whose names
appeared on the program were not
present. .
The school directors elected Miss
Stella Sprat to assist Miss Mina
Blessing in the primary room for
the remainder of the year : There
has been 79 pupils enrolled in the
primary room this year.
On Washington's birthday the
pupils of the 3rd and 4th grades
painted shields , flags , hatchets and
cherries. The remainder of the
day was spent in studying and
writing about the deeds of Wash
Prof. R. H. Watson attended
the western division of the Cherry
countyteachers association held
in Merriman last Saturday , and
spoke to a large audience of citi
zens and. teachers in the evening
in the M. E. church. He reports
the teachers of the western part of
the county as being thoroughly in
terested in. the reading circle
fP lltlW liiQt foil11lpfP ! ! ! !
* t
our last year's inventory and thank our .many customers
for their patronage , and assure them that we shall try
our best to merit a continuance of the same in 1906
AH WINTER GOODS will be sold now at Reduced Prices
Call us up over The North Table Telephone Liuef' (2 ( long rings )
JBealer in Everything.
Have advanced 20 to 25 per cent.
2r3r sr ri-3iry5Ti
J. W. STETTER , Vice Pros. ORAII L. BRITTOX , .Ass't Cas'h
' 5 *
2 Valentine State Bank , , o
E Valentine , Nebraska. '
U 8
Capital -Surplus . .
$25,000 , $2,000 , ,
Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by
investigating the methods employed in our business ,
* *
t * *
Tobaccos and Cigars J. ; " ; : " _ ' . \
Canned Goods Lunch Counter- : :
Comfortable rooms , clean beds
and all you want to eat at the Chi
cago House. 38
Col. Holt -having a stirring
meeting at Plattsmouth , Nebr. , in
both the Methodist and Presby
terian churches. All seating ca
pacity utilized and even some
standing. We are looking .for
ward to a good meeting here in
the near future. Let everybody
plan-to attend'every meeting.
A fine'- - - -
' " ' " * I * * % i"l t f- " X1" T"l . t
fl rtrrrrri COIO * * I I'll . lf * 'l PVL
UtiW 1UI octiou W. JJJbAlJfd :
* >
You : will find a''he'afty ? welcome
at'the Cnic go Hxuse.-"VX/ )
' ' *
. A. good Smith Premier typkwriter " "
for sale cheap : F. M. 'WAtcoir.
"When you want a pocket "knif e
always buy the "Keen Gutter ?
* . *
* - -
- .A lull line , of , Simmons „ 'Hard
ware Go's. ' "Keen Gutter" 'goods
may be found at the Eed Front
Mrec. Co. 5-2