Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 22, 1906, Image 7

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    Nervous Women
Their Sufferings Are Usually
Due to Female Disorders '
FerHaps Unsuspected
Can we dispute
the well-known
fact that American ,
women are ner
vous ?
How often dowe
hear the expres
sion , "I am so ner
vous , it seems as if
I should fly ; * w ,
"Don't speak to
make you irritable ; you can't sleep ,
you are unable to quietly and calmly
perform your daily tasks or care for
your children.
The relation of the nerves and gen
erative organs in woman is so close
that nine-tenths of the nervous pros
tration , nervous debility , the blues ,
sleeplessness and nervous irritability
arise from some derangement of the
organism which makes her a woman.
Fits of depression or restlessness and
irritability ; spirits easily affected , so.
that one minute she laughs , the next
minute"weeps ; pain in the abdominal
region and between the shoulders ;
loss * of voice ; nervous dyspepsia ; a
tendency to cry at the least provoca
tion all these point to nervous pros
Nothing will relieve this distressing
condition and prevent months of pros
tration and suffering so surely as Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Mrs. M. E. Shotwell , of 103 Flatbush
Avenue , Brooklvn , N. Y , , writes :
"I cannot express tho wonderful relief I
have experienced by taking Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound. I suffered for
a long time with nervous prostration , back
ache , headache , loss of appetite. I could
not deep and would walk tho floor almost
every night.
"I had three doctors and got no better , and
r life was a burden. I was advised to try
Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound ,
and it has worked wonders for me.
"I am a well woman , my nervousness is all
gone and my friends say I look ten years
younger. "
Will not the volumes of letters from
women made stroug by Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound convince
all women of its virtues ? Surely you
cannot wish to remain sick , weak
and discouraged , exhausted each day ,
when you can be as easily cured aa
other women.
SfldllCHH Of It.
"The woman in the case always
names the wedding day , does she
not ? " queried the innocent youth.
"She does prior to the wedding , " an
swered the gentleman with the scanty
hair , "but in after years the man in
the case sometimes calls it all the
names that occur to him. "
Eruptions Appeared on Chest , and
Pace and Neck Were All Broken
4 ' ,
Out Cured "by Cuticura.
t >
\ "I had an eruption appear on my
\ chest and body and extend upwards
S and downwards , so that my neck and
face were all broken out ; also my arms
and the lower limbs as far as the
knees. I at first thought It was prick
ly heat But soon scales or crusts
formed where the breaking out was.
Instead of going to a physician , I pur
chased a complete treatment of the
Cuticura Remedies , In which I had
great faith , and all was satisfactory.
'A year or two later the eruption ap
peared again ; only a little lower ; but
before it had time to spread I pro
cured another supply of the Cuticura
Remedies , and continued their use un
til 'the cure was complete. It Is now
five years since the last attack , and
have not seen any signs of a return.
I have more faith in Cuticura Reme
dies for skin diseases than anything
I know of. Emma B. Wilson , Liscomb ,
Iowa , Oct 1 , 1905. "
Unkind Fate.
Kind Lady Poor man ! Here's a
quarter for you. Have you no home ?
The Tramp Not now , ma'am. I
wunst had a happy liome wid free
square meals er day , but I lorstt
Kind Lady How did that happen ?
The Tramp My wife got deroom -
ertism an' couldn't take in no more
washin' , ma'am.
Yon Can Get Allen's Foot-Ease FREE.
Write to-day to Allen S. Olmsted , Le Roy ,
N. Y. , for a FREE sample of Allen's Foot-
Ease , a powder to shake into your shoes.
It cures tired , sweating , hot , swollen , ach
ing feet. It makes new or tight shoes easy.
A certain cure for Corns and Bunions. . All
TJrugglsts and Shoe stores sell it. 25c.
'Ascum Why , I thought Cribber one
of the wittiest comedians on the
vaudeville stage. Apparently you
didn't like the sort of jokes he uses.
Reedit Oh , but I do. That's why
I couldn't laugh at him. He and I
Beem to read the same joke papers.
Philadelphia Press.
Itching , Blind , Bleeding Protruding Piles.
Druggists are uuthorzed to refund money if
PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure In 6 to 14
days. 50c.
"Worse Than nn Anarchist.
Towne YOU say the fellow was ar
rested for making an incendiary speech
In the theater ?
Bowne Yes.
Towne The Idea ! An anarchist , eh ?
Bowne Oh , no ; he simply yelled
"Fire ! " Philadelphia Press.
Worth Knowing :
that Allcock's are the original and
only genuine porous plasters ; all other
BO-called porous plasters are imitations.
"I have come , sir , " said the young
man , as he entered the library , "to
ask you to give me your daughter's
hand. "
"Why , " rejoined the surprised par
ent , "when I came through the hall
about an hour ago it was in your pos
Cession. '
My own experience of many years
In which I have been very successful
In growing hogs teaches me * that
cleanliness next to good blood is one
of the most important things. I have
compared my own management with
that of my neighbors who do not
take pains with their pigs , but let
their pens get filthy , the pigs full o
lice , and just go on pouring corn in
to their pens and doing nothing else.
They have just as well 'bred ' hogs as
I have , but my hogs at the same
market age on an average weigh 25
to 50 pounds more than" theirs , though
we both finish and feed about the
same corn ; that is about all they
will eat up clean at a time. Why is
this so. I can account for It in only
one way. I keep my pens cleaned
out , whitewashed and scatter lime in
them , eery once in a while in the
fall and winter I thoroughly disinfect
the pens , and my barns , too. At the
very first appearance of lice on any
of my stock I kill them by using dis
infectant mixed with water. In this
way my hogs are not hurt with filth
and they get the full benefit of the
corn , and the lice don't torment
I do not think that careless farmers
and stock growers have any idea how
much of their stock feed is sacrificed
to filth and vermine , or'they would
practice differently in their manage
ment of their live stock. What I ex
pend in the way of disinfecting my
pens and barns does not cost one per
cent , of their losses in feedstuff.
Mr. Editor , you are at liberty to
publish this if you think it will help
any of your readers to think of these
things and turn over a new leaf during
the coming new year. A. L. Stanley ,
in Indiana Farmer.
A practical and successful dairy
man gives his plan of feeding his
cows through the Jersey Bulletin , and
among other things he says :
We make ensilage our main food.
It is unnecessary to enlarge upon the
value of ensilage , for every dairyman
in the corn belt certainly knows the
value of this great feed. We feed from
30 to 50 pounds of ensilage per day
in proportion to the cow. It is our
intention for our cows to have all
they want , and in the best condition.
In the winter the ensilage is not re
moved from the silo until feeding time
and is fed steaming hot.
The ensilage ration is balanced
with bran and clover hay. The bran
Is fed in proportion to the period of
lactation of the cow , and as much
as she will consume at a profit. We
feed our ensilage and bran the first
thing in the morning ; then do our
milking and separating ; then feed as
much clover hay as the cows will
cleanup before noon. The same meth
od is followed in the evening , feed5-
ing hay the last thing at night.
We do not depend on grass alone
more than 60 to 75 days in the year ,
from about May 10th to July 20th.
Then if we have any ensilage left ov
er from winter we feed about 20 to
25 Ibs. per day. If we have no ensil
age we plant a small plot of sweet
corn early in the spring and begin
feeding as soon as it will do , cutting
from the field and hauling to the pas
ture each' day. This is a more expen
sive way of feeding than the ensilage ,
but it is far better than to let the
cows go hungry ; for a hungry cow
won't give milk. Our cows must have
all they want to eat 365 days each
year. Indiana Farmer.
Rich milk will give more cheese
per hundred weight than poor milk ,
and the increased yields will be nearly
proportional to the fat contents of
the different kinds of milk.
The quality of the cheese produced
from rich milk is better than that of
cheese from thin milk , and will com
mand a higher price. Dr. S. M. Bab
cock , in the llth report or tne Wis
consin Experiment Station , page 134 ,
has shown that the price of cheese
stands in a direct relation to its fat
content. Professor Robertson , Dairy
Commissioner of Canada , made the
statement that the quality of cheese
from milk containing from three or
four percent of fat , was increased in
value by one eighth of a cent for ev
ery two-tenths of a per cent , of fat
in the milk. Payment on the basis of
the fat content of milk is , therefore ,
the most accurate method for valu
ing milk for cheese making , and divi
dends should always be calulated from
the results obtained by the testing of
the milk delivered. Milk testing three
per cent , with a correct lactometer
reading of 1.032 will yield 8.84 pounds
of cheese per hundred pounds of milk.
Milk testing three per cent , with a
corrected lactometer reading of 1,032
will yield 10.30 pounds of cheese per
one hundred pounds of milk.
This object has been discussed fre
quently and exhausted during the late
years in the daily press of the coun
try , and in experiment station pub
lications throughout the length and
breadth of this land , and it certain
ly seems that every Wisconsin but
ter and cheese maker , who reads dairy
literature ought long ago to have de
termined answers to queries like the
above for himself. TJ. S. B. , .in Dairy
Clean , varied , easily digested food
Is Itself a medicine.
Ailments can be classed as colds ,
indigestion , vices and accidents.
Birds can not tell their feelings ,
hence we must judge andprescribe
from symptoms alone.
When a fowl sneezes , waters slight-
ly at eyes and nostrils , and dumps ,
it * has a common cold , not regarded
as a germ disease.
If digestive organs are clogged , Ir
ritated and congested , then the cir
culation of blood is impeded , and the
system generally unbalanced.
When face and head swell a goog
deal , and thed ischarge from nostrils
is profuse , fowls have croup or influ
enza , Irregularity of habit is apt * to
accompanycolds of all all kinds
The throat is so tender in colds
that bread and milk , warm mashes
and table scraps are about all whidh
fowls can swallow. A little ginger or
pepper in the mashes is helpful.
If you have a scratching room in
which to drive the flock , fumigate
with sulphur their lodging-room. If
you have no suitable place for them
to go , burn oil of tar or resin in their
Canker in the mouth may extend
to throat and become diphtheria. The
diphtheria of fowls and man are diff
erent according to the veterinarians ,
but attendants on sick birds have
been known to take poultry diphtheria.
An ordinary cold , if taken at once ,
can be arrested , by a one-grain pill
of quinine forced down each sick
bird. Give some bread crumbs in con
nection , to cause quick digestion.
The foundation of success in the
poultry business is good breeding
stock , that from which the future lay
ers are to come. In selecting and
saving breeding stock for next year ,
keep the old geese , turkeys and ducks ,
also all hens that have done spoil
service. It is quite probable that
they may have fallen behind those
that are young as egg producers , but
it is a rule that the strongest young
stock are procured from the matured
birds. The hundreds of chicks that ,
as a rule , fall by the way side and per
ish from no apparent cause are the
offspring of pullets. Breeding from
'the younger stock every year de
stroys the turkeys. This fault is not
so frequent with geese , as the old
ones are not salable in the market ,
the young ones only being sold and
the result is that geese give less
trouble in raisingvjiian any other class
of poultry. There s a tendency to
place too much reliance upon young
ducks for breedings purposes , result
ing in an increased loss of ducklings
every year. When the old ducks only
are used , and breeders select the best
and most virogous for breeding pur
poses , the difliculty of weak offspring
will be overcome. Farmers' Ad
As a rule farmers are little inclined
to ask for help in the way of advice
in working out the troubles of the
farm. A man will go to his tailor and
rely on the latter's judgment as to
material and cut ; he will be guided
by the advice of his grocer to some
extent , and so all through the list
of those from whom he buys with the
one exception of the seedsman. This
seems to be particularly true in the
matter of the selection of grass seeds
Seedsmen who make a specialty ot
grass seeds have experimented proper
combinations for use to the best ef
fect on certain soils.
It is safe to say that if a farmer
will describe in detail the character
of his soil , and the purpos'e for which
the grass crop is to be used , the seeds
man-can make a selection of grasses
which would give much more satis
factory results than if the selection
were made by the farmer himself.
So to some extent with the State
experiment stations many of them
have experimented extensively with
grass seeds and are in a position to
advise planters as to selection. Farm
ers ought to make more use of the
information that may be had from
numerous sources for the asking thaq
they do. Indianapolis News.
The best Handlers of horses are
condemning blinders.
The purpose of blinders Is to shut
off from view any object from behind
the horse that might cause the horse
to lecome alarmed and try to run
As to this , blinders have proven
more disastrous than beneficial. If
a horse passes some object that is
not fully understood by him , and caus
es fright , the shutting off from view
of this scarecrow by blinders only in
creases" the fear.
Any horse of ordinary goodsense
can soon , be taught not to scare at
flags , cars , covered wagons , umbrel
las , jetc. , by letting him see them
and understand them.
Give the horse the full power of
all his senses ; let them see , hear and
smell , if need be , to satisfy his fears.
Kansas City Live Stock Indicator :
A Serious Hereditary Trouble Cured
By Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
Sufferers from ailments that have af
flicted in regular succession one genera
tion after another of their family are , as
a rule , inclined to submit to them as iu-
eritable. The case which follows proves
that snch hereditary difficulties are not
beyond the reach of curative forces and
houH inspire hopefulness and a readi
ness to try remedies that have effected
ignal cures , rach RS that which is here
Mrs. Elizabeth Rannells , of No. 408
East Seventh street , Newton , Kansas ,
grres th following account of her ail-
meat and her cure :
' 'For two years I suffered from a trying
nervousness in my lower limbs from my
knees down , as my mother and my
grandmother had suffered before me.
The situation was for many years ac
cepted as unavoidable because heredi
tary. But about two years ago , when my
son was realizing benefit from the use of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills , J thought there
might possibly be some good in them for
me. My trouble had then become so
serious as to make it difficult for me to
sleep. I often had to walk the floor in
restlessness the whole night. After tak
ing some six boxes the twitching disap
peared and I ceased to use the remedy.
I evidently stopped a little too soon for
nervousness came back after n month or
BO and I used the pills again for a short
time. Relief came at once and since I
stopped using them the second time I
have been free from any return of the
twitchings or from any interference with
my sleep. "
. Dr. Williams' " Pink Pills have cured
the worst cases of blrodlessness , indiges
tion , influenza , headaches , lumbago , sci
atica , neuralgia , nervousness , spinal
weakness and the special ailments of girls
and women. For further information ,
address the Dr. Williams Medicine Co. ,
Schenectady , N. Y.
Beauty of Its Landscape * , the Tea-
bonnes nnd Its linndscapeH.
With all the offensive sights and
smells there is no denying a myste
rious and alluring fascination in China
for all who come in contact with her
people under their native conditions ,
says Guy M. Walker in the Chautau-
quan. Even the recollection of the dis
comforts of travel by the native means
cannot blot out the beauty of the land
scape. , the terraced mountain sides , the
persimmon groves , the tea houses , the
diminutive gardens , the little patches
of ripening grain , and the great toil
ing throng , always cheerful and con
tented in spite of their unending tasks.
All who have been visitors to China
§ eem irresistibly drawn back to the
country. They hear the call of the
East , and they never cease to look for
ward to the time.when they shall re
turn to it again.
Those who have once lived in China
are never satisfied to live anywhere
else. Soothing and insinuating , the fa
talism of the Chinese creeps upon
them , and they , too , learn to accept
things as they come. Other land
scapes lose their Interest , the oldest
ruins of other climes se'em cheap and
new , while the bustle and haste of Oc-
.cidental life , with its harsh customs
and abrupt manners , bruise their spirit
and they long fer the peace of Cathay.
An Aid to Memory.
The Sword Swallower Who tied
tnat knot In the boa constrictor ?
The Albino The snake charmer.
She wanted to remember something.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Positively cnred bf
these I < ittle Pills , j
They also relievo Dls *
tress from Dyspepsia , In
ITTLE digestion and Too Hearty
IYER Eating1. A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness , Nausea ,
PILLS. DroTvslness , Bad Taste
In the Mouth , Coated
Tongue , Pain In tie Side ,
regulate tSe Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
CARTERS Genuine Must Bear
VfTTL Fac-Simils Signature
JWb .
A Positive SATARRH
Ely's Grearn Balm
it quickly absorbed.
Gives Relief at Once.
It cleanses , soothes
heals and protects
the diseased mem
brane. It cures Ca
tarrh and drives
away a Cold in the
Head 'quickly. Ke-
stores the Senses of
Taste and Smell. Full size 50 cte. , at Drug
gists or by mail ; Trial Size 10 cts. by mail.
Ely Brothers,56 Warren Street , New York.
T Protect tb Fnblle *
'JL highway protection league ha * bten
formed hi England. It will prevent the
highways being used to the danger , In
jury , annoyance or discomfort of the
public , to investigate cases of danger or
Injury caused by the highways being im
properly used where expedient , assist
ing persons to obtain redress and to
take steps for the due enforcement of
the law.
To Color "Woolen Good * Blaclc.
An old and reliable way to color black
Is to thoroughly dissolve 4 oza. of extract
of logwood in three gallons of warm
water ; add 2 ozs. blue vitriol and 1 o * .
copperas. Wet the goods well , then put
, into the dye and let simmer , stirring
'often , until dark enough. Wash two or
three tines in a strong suds of Ivory
Soap. Rinse and press while damp.
Jumt Like Womam.
It was 2 o'clock in the morning
when he staggered up the stairs.
"Here you come at last ! " exclaimed
his better half. "I've worried myself
half to death over your absence. "
"Well , if that ain't ( hie ) jus1 like a
woman , * * he replied. "They only ( hlc )
half do things. "
Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund money If It falls to care.
E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 25c-
Seemed to Have Him Cornered.
The teacher was discoursing to the
class on the wonders of nature. "Take
the familiar illustration of the sting
of the wasp , " he said , "as compared
with the finest needle. When exam
ined through a microscope the sting is
still sharp , smooth and polished , while
the needle appears blunt and rough.
"It is so with everything. The works
of nature are infinitely superior to
those of art. Try how we may , "we
cannot improve on nature. "
"It isn't so with my eyes , teacher , "
said a little girl In the class.
"Why , how is that , Nellie ? " he
" 'Cause nature made me cros .
eyed , " she said , "and the doctors fixed
my eyes all right"
Mr. Pitts , Once Pronounced Incur
able , Has Been Well Three Years.
E. E. Pitts , GO Hathaway street ,
Skowhegan , Me. , says : "Seven years
ago my back ached and I was so run
down that I was
laid up four
months. I had
night sweats and
fainting spells and
dropped to ninety
pounds. The urine
passed every few
minutes with in-
tense pain andlook-
ed like blood. Drop-
sy set in and the
doctors decided I
could not live. My
wife got me using Doan's Kidney Pills ,
and as they helped me I took heart ,
kept on and was cured so thoroughly
that I've been well three years. "
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
At the Hotel.
Guest Didn't I telegraph for tho
best room in the house ?
Clerk Yes , sir.
Guest Why didn't you save it for
me ?
Clerk I've already given the best
room in the house to fifty people to
night , and I thought you wouldn't like
to be crowded. Cleveland Leader.
MMiiMfff fMMMMMff
If you think you have heart dis
ease you are only one of a countless
number that are deceived by indi
gestion into believing the heart is
Lane's Family
the tonic-laxative , will get your
stomach back into good condition ,
and then the chances are ten to one
that you will have no ore symp
toms of heart disease. L
Sold by all dealers at 950. and
f +
to the Acre'
means a productive
capacity in dollars oj
Over $16 Per Acrt
This on land , which has cost the farmet'
nothing but the price of tilling It , tells ita
own story. The Canadian Government give *
Absolutely free to Every Settler
160 Acres of Such Land
Lands adjoining : can be purchased at from 16 tc
f 10 per acre from railroad and other corporation
Already 175,060 FARMERS from the United State !
have made their homes in Canada. For oamphlel
* * I'venlielh Century Canada" and ali informado *
Applfor information to Superintendent of Immigrfe
ticu. O tavra , Oanndu. or to . T. Holmes. 815 JackM *
St. . St. Paul. Minn. , and J. M. McLachlmn. Box U&
Wutertown.So.Dakota , Authorized Govornro ntAB ta
Please sar where you saw this advartiaemont.
That Delightful Aid to Health
Toilet Antiseptic
Whitens the teeth purifiea
mouth and breath cures nasal
catarrh , sore throat , sore eyes ,
and by direct application cures
all inflamed , ulcerated am"
catarrhal conditions caused b1
feminine ills.
Paxtine possesses extraordinary
cleansing , healing and germi-
cidal qualities unlike anything
else. At all druggists. 50 cents
The R. Paxton Co. , Boston , Mass.
A OerUin Onro for FovcrlphaeM *
Constipation , Headi.cke i
Stomach Trouble" , TflfltaTwJ
Disorders , and
Mother Gray , Worms. Thej Break up
Norse in ChildIn * * hours. At all Druggists.
ren's Home. Sample mailed TREE Addreei. .
Now YorkdltV. A. S. OLMSTED. L Hoy. H tl
6 B reow r inre growers. Mold
under three warrants. Writ * for
o r niw mulogae FREE.
J. J. H. Gregory & Son ,
Murblekead , MM * .
California , th J *
HELP WANTED of lunjhlne , hi * roi
forthouundi of
and women from tho oter-crowd d But. for r lUbl Inlof *
tuition THtrdln ; opportUhltUi for tmploTmant , ellmat * , i
. * * . PleMe 'a ? you uw thm dvertl m * l
l ttal *
S. O. N. U. - - - No. 8 1906.
embody the latest and most approved
matterwhat yon
get the best wearing
dressiest and most comfortabli
_ _ . re.
Look for the Mayc
Milwaukee , ttis.
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year.
" -wont sell JLatl-Grlplne to a dealer irbowon't Guarantee 1 %
Call for yonr MOKJETT BACTL IF IT DOESJfT cms * .
JP. W.IHeerM.I > . , Manufacturer , Sprina&eld , Jfe
Cator 0 * Wchtef n d faster colors thaa ay other dye. One lOc package colors an ffters.
They dye h csW water better tow aay other dye. Yoa
rlppfcn apart , Write for fre * bMUtt-lwta Dye , BieacA and Rtix Crion. M&SfKOE VC CO. . VnianSill * .