Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 15, 1906, Image 7

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After Ye * s of Experience , Advises Women in
Regard to Their Health.
Mrs. Martha Pohlman
of 55 Chester Avenue ,
Newark , N. J. , who is a
graduate Nurse from the
Blockley TrainingSchool ,
at Philadelphia , and for
six years Chief Clinic
Nurse at the Philadelphia
Hospital , writes the letter
I .printed below. She has
the advantage of personal
experience , besides her
professional education ,
f and what she has to say
may be absolutely relied
Many other women are
afflicted as she was. They
can regain , health in tho
same way. It is prudent
to heed such advice from
Buch a source.
Mrs. Pohlman writes :
I "I am firmly persuaded ,
after eight years of experience
tvith Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound , that it
Is the safest and best medicine
for any suffering woman to
Use. "
v "Immediately after my
marriage I found that my
health began to fail me. I be
came "weak and pale , "with
severe bearing-down pains ,
fearful backaches ana fre
quent dizzy spells. Tho doctors
prescribed for me , yet I did
rot improve. I would bloat
t r eatiner , and frequently
\ become nauseated. I had
pains down through my limbs so I could
nardly walk. It was as bad a case of female
trouble as I have ever known. Lydia E.
\ Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , however ,
cured me within four months. Since that
time I have had occasion to recommend it to
a number of patients suffering from all
i forms of female difficulties , and I find that
1 -while it is considered unprofessional to rec
I ommend a patent medicine , I can honestly
recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound , for I have found that it cures
female ills , where all other medicine fails. It
ia a grand medicine for sick women. "
Money cannot buy such testimony as
tbis merit alone can produce such re
sults , and the ablest specialists now
that E. Pinkham's
agree Lydia Vege-
table Compound is the most univer-
[ : .sally successful remedy for all female
I diseases known to medicine.
) When women are troubled with ir
regular , suppressed or painful periods ,
weakness , displacement or ulceration
of the female organs , that bearing-
down feeling1 , inflammation , backache ,
bloating ( or flatulence ) , general debili
ty , indigestion , and nervous prostra-
'tion , or are beset with such symptoms
'as dizziness , faintness , lassitude , excita
bility , irritability , nervousness , sleep
lessness , melancholy , "all-gone" and
"want-to-be-left-alone' ' feelings , blues
and hopelessness , they should remem
ber there is one tried and true remedy.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound at once removes such troubles.
No other female medicine in the
world has received such widespread
and unqualified endorsement.
The needless suffering of women from
diseases peculiar to their sex is terrible
to see. The money which they pay to
doctors who do not help them is an
enormous waste. The pain is cured
and the money is saved by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
It is well for women who are ill to
write Mrs. Pinkharn. at Lynn , Mass.
The present Mrs. Pinkham is the
daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham ,
her assistant for many years before her
decease , and for twenty - five years
since her advice has been"freely given
to sick women. In her great experi
ence , which covers many years , she
has probably had to deal with dozens
of cases just like yours. Her advice
is strictly confidential.
i tydla E. Plokham's Vegetable Coranbund Succeeds Where Others Fall ,
Feeling : In His Art.
The singing teacher was visiting the
echool , and as this was an important
event in the district , the pupils had
been instructed to memorize a verse
or two to recite for the entertainment
of the visitor.
During he delivery of his lines , one
small boy was especially noticeable
'or the action with which he accom
panied his words : so much so that the
teacher , surprised at his efforts , com
mended him highly on the ease with
"which he spoke and the apparent prac
tice which he must have put on the
"It was fine , " she exclaimed , in clos
ing , "and shows a large amount of
rehearsal ! But Johnny , where did
you get the gestures ? "
" 'Tain't the gestures. " replied the
young genius , with a twist , " 'tain't
the gestures ; it's the hives. "
Too Fact.
A daring young man named Magoon
Fell out of a busted balloon ;
/ Hfe fell on his neck ,
Exclaiming , "By heck , '
I reckon I've landed too soon. "
* Milwaukee Sentinel.
In all its stages. . .
, Oln- - ,
Ely's Cream Bata Jg
cleanses , soothes and heals
tho diseased membrane.
It cares catarrh and drives
way & cold hi the head
V Cream Balm is placed into the nostrilsspreads
ver the membrane and is absorbed. Ilelief ie im
mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying does
tot produce Encczing. Large Size , 50 cents at Drug-
fiete or by mall ; Trial Size , 10 cents ,
fe , ELY BROTHERS , OG "Warren Street , ew York
Had Poll Tax.
Two North Side boys , who recently
rnjsed a flag pole in the back yard of
one of themware heard discussing
what the policeman would probably
say about it wnen he came along. It
was a pretty large pole for small boys
to handle , and they were themselves
conscious of the fact that it was not
very securely planted , llore than that ,
it had a lean out of the perpendicu
lar , which threatened , in case of its
fall , complete demolition of the light
iron fence that surrounded the yard.
"Do you suppose we n-sed a license
like they do f or buildings ? " asJred one
of the lads. "I don't know for sure , "
said the other , "but I think we're all
right , for my papa has a poll tax ; I
heard him say so. " Chicago Inter *
"Worth Knowing
that Allcock's are the original and
only genuine porous plasters ; all other
so-called porous plasters are imitations.
The Feather Bed. '
The old-fashioned feather bed , such
as is still encountered in the rural dis
tricts , especially in the Southern
States , had about gone out of fashion
even before its insanitary features
were pointed out. Now it is said by
dealers to be coming in again , and ,
curiously enough , it comes with a
claim to attention which appears to be
backed up by the medical profession
A West Side doctor says that for peo
ple who wake up with little aches and
pains from sleeping in strained posi
tions a pillow at the back or wherever
it will relieve the strain is a good'
thing , but an old-fashioned feather
mattress , which can be molded to the
form in any way desirable , is still bet
ter. "Besides , " adds this doctor , "the
feather bed produces warmth with
lighter covering than anything else ,
and it's the kind of warmth which is
not dissipated by drafts of cool air
whenever the cover is lifted. Chicago
Inter Ocean.
Itching , Blind , Bleeding Protruding Piles.
UruKKlsts are authorzed to refund money If
PAXO OINTMENT fails to cure In 6 to 14
days. 50c.
It was late in November that Deli
lah suggested trimming Samson's
"How do you want it cut ? " she ask
ed , with a satirical little grimace.
"Oh , any old way , " he answered ; "It
doesn't matter now that the football
season is over. " Cleevlaud Plain
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year.
Caslellnne'H Wife , Formerly Annq
Gould , AMU.Hor Sejmrution.
Countes Boni do Castcllano ( fonuerlj
Anna Gould ) entered a plea in Paris for
divorce from her husband. Representa
tives of the countess and the count ap
peared before a jud e , who , according to
the French law , endeavored to arrange
a reconciliation before allowing a definite
suit to proceed.
Rumors have been current for a long
time that the countess had decided that
continuation of her relations with her
husband was impossible and her removal
from the Castellaue residence to a hotel
in the center of Paris gave support to
the belief that she had decided to com
plete the separation.
With reference to the count's conduct
the name of a prominent society leader
of Paris , a woman of high standing , has
been mentioned. But the greatest reti
cence has been maintained by all the par
ties concerned relative to the progress
of the negotiations looking to a concilia
tion. It now appears that the efforts
of those interested in bringing about a
settlement without an appeal to the
courts have been unavailing.
Almost on the same day which brought
the news of the Yerkes-Mizner nuptials
came the story that the worthless French
man of the empty pocket and emply title ,
who married , and has squandered , from
$10,000,000 to $20,000,000. of the wealth
which a great American brain had accu
mulated , is to be divorced by his wife.
Following are some of the ways in which
Count Boni spent the Gould millions :
Paris residence $3,000,000
Art curios 1,820,000
Pau chateau 300,000
Cards and race track 100,000
Yacht Valhalla 200,000
Political campaigns 300,000
Clothes 100,000
Stable 150,000
Costume fete 300,000
Stock speculations 600,000
Owed money lenders 800,000
Entertaining King of Portugal. 200,000
Bachelor dinner 100,000
Trade Unionism Creates n New Or
der in Britl.sli Politics.
The greatest surprise in the recent
elections in Great Britain was the large
number of labor representatives return
ed to Parliament. Hitherto labor has
been a rather negligible quantity in Brit
ish politics , notwithstanding the fact that
workingmen have sat in Parliament since
the early 'SO's , but now it must be reck
oned with both within and outside leg
islative halls. Before the onslaught made
by labor in the British constituencies ,
Unionists , titled , knighted and moneyed ,
went down ; Conservative strongholds
were carried , and Liberals were either
defeated or had their majorities reduced.
A cotton spinner captured Sir James
Fergusson's seat in Manchester ; a mill
hand beat Sir Ernest Flower in Brad
ford ; printers headed the poll at Nor
wich , Burnley , Manchester and Deptford ;
a navvy , who was once employed in
excavations for the Manchester ship
canal , is member for Stoke-on-Trent ; a
railway guard has a majority of over
7,000 at Newcastle-on-Tyne , where Mr.
Morley once suffered defeat. An obscure
collier distanced a mine owner ; a cotton
operative vanquished Lord Goschen's son
at Bolton ; a stonemason's son and a
warehouse clerk each won by 7,500 votes
at Leicester over Sir John Rolleston ; a
Iflster in a boot factory carried a Wolver-
hampton seat against Sir Alfred Hick-
man ; miners have been victorious at Mor-
peth and in Glamorganshire ; a furniture
maker , who had begun life in a mineral
water factory , triumphs at Leeds ; and
men who have been carpenters , ship-
wiights , steel smelters , sailors , engineers' ,
mechanics , pitmen and even newsboys
are sent to Parliament in place of uni
versity men , baronets with large estates ,
ship owners , manufacturers , bankers and
the sons of carls. They may not be
working at their trades now , but they
have sprung from the toiling millions ,
and their election in such numbers is a
triumph for Democracy.
Lack of Clerks Causes Conditions to
Grow Serious.
Chicago , with one of the finest post-
office buildings in the country , is utterly
unable to handle its mail business. For
fine iirst time in tour
| years the full force
of 900 clerks in the
mailing division was
required to work
last Sunday to re
lieve the congestion
that has clogged the
machinery. Air
though the clerks
have been working
from ten to twelve
hours a day , lum-
" dreds of bags of
FKED A. BUSSE. mail are left undis
tributed each night. Pneumatic tubes in
the new postoffice which cost $120,000 to
install are practically useless because
there are not enough clerks to take the
mail promptly to them , and they are idla
much of the linn * . Machinery in the new
building which cost $200,000 is also pror-
ing more of a hindrance than a benefit
because it requires quite a. number of
dorks to operate it , and that number
has boon taken from the regular force ,
which was inadequate before.
While the government officials at
Washington are aware of the conditions ,
they have said that Chicago cannot ex
pect relief before July 1 , when next year'a
appropriation becomes available. Post
master Busse has gone to Washington to
make one more appeal for more help to
conduct the business as he thinks it
should be.
Rhinelander Waldo has been appointed
first deputy police commissioner of New
York City under Gen. Theodore A. Bing-
The German battleship Bremen was
quarantined at New Orleans with a case
of yellow fever on board. She has just
completed a cruise of the West Indies.
Immigration Commissioner Sargent
says healthy immigrants get disease front
exposure to the unhealthy. He favori
medical inspection .at foreign ports.
Alaskans in Seattle have petitioned
President Roosevelt to appoint Judgt
Wickersham of Alaska Governor of thf
Uiose .wJio adrertlAa
The better class of druggists , everywhere , are men of scientific attainments and high integrity ,
who devote their lives to the welfare of their fellow men in supplying the best of remedies and
purest medicinal agents of known value , in accordance with physicians * prescriptions and
scientific formula. Droiggists of the better class manufacture many excellent remedies , _ but
always under original or officinal names and they never sell false brands , or imitation medicines.
They aro the men to deal witih when in need of anything in their line , which usually 'includes
all standard remedies and corresponding adjuncts of a first-class pharmacy and tho finest and
best of toilet articles and preparations and many useful accessories and remedial' appliances.
The earning of a fair living , with tho satisfaction which arises from a knowledge of tho benefits
conferred upon their patrons and assistance to the medical profession , is usually'their greatest
reward for long years of study and many hours of daily toil. They all know that Syrup of
Figs is an excellent laxative remedy and that it gives universal satisfaction , and therefore they
are selling many millions of bottles annually to the well informed purchasers of the 'choicest
remedies , and they always take pleasure in handing out the genuine article bearing the full
name of tho Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package.
They know that in cases of colds and headaches attended by biliousness and constipation and
of weakness or torpidity of the liver and bowels , arising from irregular habits , indigestion , or
over-eating , that there is no other remedy so pleasant , prompt and beneficial in its effects as
Syrup of Figs , and they are glad to sell it because it gives universal satisfaction.
Owing to the excellence of Syrup of Figsthe universal satisfaction which it gives and the
immense demand for it , imitations have been made , tried and condemned , but there aro
individual druggists to be found , here and there , who do not maintain the dignity and principles
of the profession and whose greed gets the better of their judgment , and who do not hesitato
to recommend and try to sell the imitations in order to make a larger profit. Such preparations
sometimes have tho name " Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrup" and of some piratical concern ,
or fictitious fig syrup company , printed on the package , but they never have the full name of
the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the .front of the package. The , imitations
should be rejected because they are injurious to the system. In order to sell tho imitations
they find it necessary to resort to misrepresentation or deception , and whenever a dealer passes
off on a customer a preparation under the name of "Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrup , " which
does not bear the full name of the California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of tha package ,
he is attempting to deceive and mislead the patron who has been so unfortunate as to enter his
establishment , whether it be large or small , for if the dealer resorts to misrepresentation and
and deception in one case he will do so with other medicinal agents , and in the filling of
physicians' prescriptions , andshould be avoided by every one who values health and happiness.
Knowing that the great majority of druggists are reliable , we supply the immense demand
for our excellent remedy entirely through the druggists , of whom it may be purchased every
where , in original packages only , at the regular price of fifty cents per bottle , but as exceptions
exist it is necessary to inform the public of the facts , in order that all may decline or return
any imitation which may be sold to them. If it does not bear the full name of tho Company
California Fig .Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package , do not hesitate to return the
article and to demand the return of your money , and in future go to one of the better class of
druggists who will sell you what you wish and the best of everything in his line at reasonable prices.
Could Not Help
The merchant ( to applicant ) Where
did you work last ?
The Office Boy For de Gotham Life
InsuranceComp'ny. .
The Merchant How'd you come to
quit ?
The Office Boy One day de president
patted me on de head an' advised me
ter be honest an' never tell a lie an' I
snorted right out in spite uv meself !
Brooklyn Life.
And Then He Went.
Little Brother ( to sister who is sitting
with her fiance ) Do you know what I
think ?
Sister No ; what is it ?
"I think if I were not in the room
Mr. Jones would kiss you. "
"You impudent boy ! Leave the room
instantly ! " Tales.
How ix Chicago Woman Found Help
When Hope Was Fast Fading
Mrs. E. T. Gould , 914 West Lake
street , Chicago , III. , says : "Doan's
Kidney Pills are all that saved , me
from death by
Bright's Disease ,
that I know. I had
eye trouble , back
ache , catches when
lying abed or when
bending over , was
languid and often
dizzy and had sick
headaches and
bearing down
pains. The kidney
secretions were too
copious and frequent , and very bad in
appearance. It was in 1903 that Doan's
Kidney Pills helped me so quickly and
cured me of these troubles and I've
been well ever since. "
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
The IVote of Divergence.
First Citizen Then we both believe
in municipal ownership.
Second Citizen Yes , but we differ on
the point of which party should own the
municipality Yonkers Statesman.
Two bottles of Piso's Cure for Con
sumption cured me of a terrible cough.
Fred Hermann , 209 Box aveaue , Buffalo ,
N. Y. , Sept. 24 , 1901.
Different Names.
' "I suppose , " said the romantic citizen ,
"that you are greatly lauded for your
generosity ? "
' "Well , not altogether , " responded the
Pittsburg millionaire. "Some call it gen
erosity and some call it restitution. "
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Editor's Vacation.
"Did I go away for my vacation ? "
repeated one of the editors on a cer
tain morning newspaper , "not I. I
stayed right at homo and got acquaint
ed with my wife , courted her all over
again , and even dug out our old mar
riage certificate. You see , most of the
year I sleep daytimes , my profession
keeping me at the office most of the
night. The neighbors have even ex
pressed curiosity about the mysterious
man who comes to my house in the
wee sma' hours with such haunting
regularity. It was quite novel , almost
exciting , to sit on my own porch in
the broad daylight , and by way of
more boisterous delights I walked up
and down my green-sward , 'wid the
sun a-shinin' bright. ' Every year I
put in my vacation time convincing
my wife that she is a married woman ,
and has a real , live husband , thereby
reconciling her to the remainder of the
year. " Chicago Inter-Ocean.
nobbed In Chnrcfc.
Just think what an outrage it is to
be robbed of all the benefits of the
services by continuous coughing
throughout the congregation , when
Anti-Gripine is guaranteed to cure.
Sold everywhere , 25 cents. F. W. Die-
mer , M. D. , Manufacturer , Spring
field , Mo.
In Favor of Them.
"I'm in favor of these automobiles , "
said the Billville farmer ; "fust time
John ever went to the city he got run
over by two of 'em , an' made enough in
damages to take the mortgage off the
farm an' buy three mules. " Atlanta
Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund money If It falls to cure.
E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 25c.
Judging by a Sure Sigrn.
"How do you know that that couple
is married ? "
"They ride on my car every day. "
"Oh , then you are acquaintedwith
them ? "
"No ; but she always pays the car
fare. " Houston ( Texas ) Post.
3or Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
.X X X "X X3 < "X
who goes straight to work to cure *
by the use of
* and saves time , money and gets out of misery quickly.
* : * It Acts Lilto Masic. Price , 25c. and. 5Oc.
XMX X"X * < "XMX"X"X XMX X ! * *
PRICE , t25 Ct r
l-drlplae to a dealer - whowon't QaarmMtee Ii
Manufacturer , Sprina/lel f
Colonel a Spanish Title.
The title "colonel" is derived from thr
Spanish. The name is "eoroncl , " which'
may account for tlie English pronouncia- '
Cough syrups are all cheap
enough , but if you should get a
gallon of cough syrup that does not
cure for the price of a small bottle
the best cough cure , you would
have made a bad bargain for one
small bottle of Kemp's Balsam may
stop the worst cough and save a
life , whereas the cough "cure" that
does not cure is worse than useless.
Sold by all dealers at 250. and 500.
A&solutely Free
< o Every Settler
One Hundred and Sixty
Acres ol Land in
Land adjoining this can be purchased from rail *
way and land companies at from $6 to $10 per acre.
On This Land This Year Has Been Produced
Upwards of Twenty-Five
Bushels of Wheat to ihe Acre
It is also the best of grazinjr Isnd , and for mixed
farming it has no superior on the continent.
Splendid climate , low taxes , railways conveni
ent , schools and churches close at hand. For
"Twenlielb Century Canada" and low railway rates
Apply for info'mation to Snperlntmd'nt/of Imm jra
tion , Ottawa , Canada , or to K. T. Holmes. 315 Jackson
St..St.PaulM.nn.t and .7. II. McLachlmi , Kor 115 ,
Watertown. So.Datota , Authorized Governtnent Agenta
Please say where yon saw this adrcrtisomont.
That Delightful Aid to Health
Toilet Antiseptic
Whitens the teeth purifies
mouth and breath cures nasal
catarrh , sore tnroat , sore eyes ,
and by direct' application cures
all inflamed , ulcerated and
catarrhal conditions caused by
feminine ills. , ' - -
Paxtine possesses extraordinary
cleansing , healing and gcrmi-
cidal qualities unlike anything
else. At all druggists. 50 cents
The R. Paxton Co. , Boston , Mass.
UssthaGreatEngllsh Remedy !
Safe , Sure , Effective. Stic. § c St. i
DRUGGISTS , or S3 Henry St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. |
, isr&sbinzton , D.
Successfully utes Claims.
Principal . Peaalon Burvam.
- - - Jso. 7 100G
Best Cough Syrup. Tartee Good.
In time , gold