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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1906)
- * npTT VALENTINE 4) VOLUME XXI VALENTINE. NEBBASKA. FEBRUARY 15 , 1906. NUMBER 5 We wish to call your attention to toto toto our large and complete line of toto to toto to toto to toto Furniture to toto , to toto to Carpets toto toto to toto Rugs toto 4 * to toto 4 ? Matting tod 49 toto 4 ? Linoleum toto 49 toto Floor Oil Cloth toto toto 4 ? toto 49 toto 49 toto 49 Also to a few of our prices on same ; toto 49 toto 49Q toto Q to 49 Sanitary Steel Couches , best $ 6,00 toto toto to 49 Common Chairs , per set - 3.75 toto toto to 49 Upholstered Lounges - 8.00 toto toto to Iron Beds - 3.50 toto toto to a < ? Cotton Top Mattresses , g ood tick , 3.25 toto 8 Ef\l4-f\A * . rin.4-4-n.-n guaranteed unequaled 1 ffif . \ toto to I JDtJltcU. V UtLOUL , for the price " JLU.VU toto Chinese Matting , per yard - .30 toto toto to 49 Carpets , per yard - .30 to .75 toto 49 49 49 toto 4 ? Now these are only a few of the good things we to 49 49 have for you. All we ask is a chance to figure 49 with you. Why send money away for cheap , 49 49' shoddy goods when you can buy better goods 49 * * - at home for less money ? Make us a call. Let 49 49 us see what we can do for you. : : : : : 49 49 49 49 RED FRONT MERC. CO. to G are going this month to make room for spring "goods. Lots of good things in our windows at 25 per cent discount 25 D. . J CLOTHIER. Wagons and Buggies Lumber and Hardware Pictures Framed to Order , Established In Valenllue since 1885. Wagons , Machinery and Buggies. A car load to arrive next month. Special Prices for all who order shipment to come in this car. Tinware , Oils , Etc , Lamps , Crockery , Lime , Coal Paper FURNITURE and COFFINS , Licensed Kmbalmer Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1002 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAP ITAIi PAID UT A General BankiDg Exchange and > Collection Business. C. H. CoRNBLLPresident. , J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. Vi NICHOLSON , Cashier. Talk of the Town. Did you see the total eclipse of the moon last Thursday night ? Masquerade ball at Church's hall Feb. 22. Everybody invited. Born , Sunday , Feb. 11 , 1906 , to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watkins , a son. son.G. G. H. Cornell returned la-t Fri day from a visit with his faoiier in Mississippi. Mrj. Dr. Child , of Omaha , is visiting her daughter , Mrs. C. H. Cornell , in this city. Business Cards and Blotters printed at THE DEMOCRAT office. We have them in stock. The Larkins Specialty Company will show in the Woodman hall at Crookston , Friday , Feb. 23rd. Miss Mary Cumbow , who is teaching in the Woodlake schools , spent Saturday and Sunday in the city visiting her brother and friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Webb en tertained Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bullis , Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Eice and Mrs. Gertrude Brown at dinner Tuesday. David Hancock was taken ser iously ill last week at his home down the river and was brought up to the Ft. Kiobrara hospital by Capt. O'Neill for treatment. "The Girl From Sweden" was played at Church's opera house last Friday night. Some features of the play were entertaining , especially the antics and brogue ofOleand Hulda. The little boy took well with everyone. Announcement cards have "been received in this city of the mar riage of Miss Josephine A. Flowers to Ernest Wiley at Spokane , Wash. , Feb. 12 , 1906. Josephine was the second daughter of Enoch Flowers , the carpenter who form erly lived here. Dr. Bowen of O'Neill came up Sunday morning to assist with the protracted meetings in the Pres byterian church this week. Dr. Caldwell , who has been here the past two weeks , occupying Dr. Bowen's pulpit at O'Neill Sunday , and from there goes to Chicago. "Uncle Josh Spruceby" was played to a crowded house in Val- ntine a week ago Saturday , and on Monday played at the fort. It was a good play , well played with special scenery and equipment and a good orchestra. Uncle Josh and the whole company were appre- iated here. Chas. Latta was in town Tues day on business and found time while passing to call at our office for a few minutes chat. He walks a little lame on his right leg from the break of last October , caused by his horse falling with him , but is doing better than most cases of a similar nature. Hon. C. H. Cornell went to Washington Tuesday at the sug gestion and solicitation of the stockmen of Cherry county to represent them in an application for the passage of a lease bill by congress , and they have signified their choice of Mr. Cornell's bill in preference to others that have been suggested. Those who have not yet signified their choice , we would suggest that they at once write our Congressman Kinkaid as to their views. The lease propo sition should be fully discussed by our stockmen and such interest taken as will leave no doubt as to their sentiments , and , if possible , let all take some immediate action , either by individual letter or by concerted requests , with the names of as many as possible to voice the sentiment of our people , ( FAC-SIMILH ) 3 * * * rj s oo.oo 3t f CX It Foot Accident Accident 3 3 Policy sS THE JWB [ UIRM IS SKID TO PREVENT THE RABBIT f GOT CHARM IS SAID TO PREVENT f LESH IS HEJB TO ALL ILLS TfiAT HUNAN f LESH IS HEIR TO Xc. c.c. . o c ci < a -i After Ing. < 0 After many weary nights of watching , 'the attach t of the 0frl the attached genuine left hind foot of the rabbit w rn drove rabbit was secured In a southern grave yard , on f the month , yard , on Friday , the I 3th of the month , otmldnl moon , by a at midnight , on the dark of the moon , by a charmln cross- the aca legend all the : § 3 crogs-eyed negro and possesses all the In connc urthcrmorc charming qualities known in the legend ; firee t named by 3 Q In connection with which we furthermore any pc accidental -i , fl agree to pay to the beneficiary named by ' death d coring at 'the time Shoes any person meeting with an accidental ouse ta ' and carr c rabbit's death during the year 1906 , wearing at foot atto tao the time a pair of our White House Shoes o and carrying on the person the rabbit's foot attached , ' 'C rtf ! ! < slecf tatf ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ( $100.00) ) ; m Certificate cf death ( j be furnished by a repjtabc ! physician sS < tf Wo Y/HITE HOUSE SHOE Men , ForYoncn BUSTER BROWN t-0 c o ce DLUB RIBBON SHOES o O e FJAKEHS For Boys a = d ( IJrlo ST. LOU5S Q Ji Davenport & Co. Goods being sold 4 off regular price at STIXAIID'S When you come to town , stop at the Chicago House. 38 J. H. Quigley returned last week from a visit in Omaha. SCHOOL NOTES. By I Margarete Quigiey. I Clara Dunham. Friday , the children of the 3rd and 4th grades made Valentine blotters. All the children of the lower grades are happy over the their Valentine boxes. j * " Helen Hornby is again with her classmates. They are glad to have her back in school. Miss McKercher has returned : o her worK , having been gone nearly three weeks. The second primary pupils have seen honoring Abraham Lincoln's Dirthday by studying and writing about his life , and drawing pic tures of the cabin in which he was The 5th grade have started on bheir picture study w o r k. At different times during the re mainder of the year they will paste in their books , which they are mak ing , pictures from paintings of Millet , Carot and other famous artists. They will also write in these books , sketches of the artist's lives , and their own ideas of the various pictures. Remember the school program to be given in Church's hall on Friday evening of next week , Feb. 23. From Ti5 : to 8:15 : the pro gram will consist of music and other exercises by the pupils throughout t the school. From 8:15 : to 9:00 : the students of the first I section will deliver declama tions. 1 All the upholstered chairs will be reserved at 25c each. Seats on sale at Chapman's drugstore. All the rest of the hall will be , thrown open for general admission on Friday evening at 20c for adults and lOc for children. Programs of teachers' meetings to be held in the High school room at 1:30 : p. m. Saturday , Feb. 24 : Vocal Solo . Selected . Margarite Quigiey Paper . The Influence of the Parent on the School . , . Mrs. Ceo. Andrews Paper . Review ol White's Teaching of Geography . Enie Carlson Paper . Quiz on Language. Study as set Forth in White's Elements of Pedagogy . Mary Grewe Vocal Solo . Selected . Nellie Easley Paper . Benefits to be Derived from At- fnding Teacher's Meetings . . John O'JKoake Paper . Review or Chapters VII [ and IX of La. Purchase . Stella Spratt Payer . Review of Chapters X and XI of La. Purcuase . Stulla Newman Paper . Advantages and Disadvantages of the ( Country Pupil as Compared > Yitli tlie Towu Pupil , , , Mrs , LotUe Cramer our last year's inventory and thank our many customers for their patronage , and assure them that we shall try our best to merit a continuance of the same in 1906 All WINTER GOODS will be sold novat Reduced Prices Call us up over The Itforth Table Telephone Line. (2 ( long rings ) CROOKSTCXN NEBRASKA Dealer in 12 very tiling. s Have advanced 20 to 25 per cent. WE HAVE 400 PAIRS AT THE OLQ PRICE. W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL iVIDSE. x- § rorB . . . . . . 'fT' x.-r-z ' fizgig PCrrSSTC. * k < U 1' ? investigating the methods employed in our business. _ CONFECTIONERY Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods Lunch Counter. 8 Home Bakery , i j j j f Sf TV. B. Hammond has purchased the interest of TV. T. Bullis in the Star livery business and resumes his former partnership that he sold to Mr. Bullis last fall. The reason for the change is the hopes for recovery of Mrs. Hammond , who returned last week from Omaha considerably improved , and Mr. Bullis finding the work too confining for his declining years. THE DEMOCRAT office is getting up an advertisement for Valentine and Cherry county and some of Valentine's business men this week , printing on the reverse side of letter heads used by these busi ness men , each assisting in placing the advertisement before the peo ple in his correspondence. There will be nearly 10,000 letter heads printed in this combination , most of them probably going out during the year.