Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 08, 1906, Image 1
EMOCRAT. VALENTINE. s NEBRASKA'FEBRUARY 8 , 1906. NTTMBEK , 4 = , * * & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & * * & * of S fc f * You Can't ftfr fcfr & 4 ? Buy Bargains * > ? Every Day = & & * We shall offer for a short time only our entire Winter Stock of II -Underwear 0 > Sweaters / : > * Hoods Fascinators ; U Bath Eobes > . M Kimonas ' 'V ; Y S . ' 4. Hosiery Furs < ti Ml Wool Dress Flannels f and all Wool Dress Goods * t ? . . . . ' . - < 9 Call in and see our prices and values $ RED FRONT MpRC. CO.S < % All Our Heavy Weights ct. . \ r Ji * are going this month to make room for spring .goods. Lots of good things in our windows at 25 per cent discount 25 D. STINARD I 'A 'Ac I . , f 1 ' iii * t CLOTHIER. GEO. H. HORNBY. Wagons and Buggies Lumber and Hardware Pictures Framed to Order * . Established in Valentine since 1885. Wagons , Machinery and ; . ' ' " - Buggies. A r l ° al ° arrive next month. Special Prices for all who order shipment to come-in this car. Tinware , Oils , Etc , Lamps , Crockery , Lime , Coal Paper l ; ' FURNITURE and COFFINS , Ijicensed Embalmer - / . , > . . , - , . , . ; < } . .T Chftttered M ft State Bank Chartered as a National Bank ' lr . . jVt' > / i - June 1 , 1884. August 12.1902 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CJLPiTAL PAID IN A General Banking Exchange and 25,000. Collection Business. "f 0. H. COKWWJ , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-Preeident. " M , YI NwaoLBW , Ouluer. , ; : \ Talk of the Town. Goods being sold i off regular price at STINARD'S Nels Austin took down with ty phoid fever last week. When you come to town , stop at the Chicago House. 33 John Redfern lives twenty miles or more south and makes two trips a week to Valentine with hay , for which he always receives the high est market price. We received a letter from one to whom we sent a statement the first of the year , saying he never subscribed for the paper and wasn't going to pay for it. Theo. Tillson , a prosperous f armr er and stockraiser down the river , hauled in a load of wheat last Fri day and renewed his subscription to THE DEMOCRAT while in town. At the meeting of the stock-hold ers of the First National Bank the following' officers were chosen : C. H. Cornell , pres ; J. T. May , vice pres ; M. V. Kicholsbn , cash- , ier ; L. M. Keene and B. K. C. Cornell , directors. A casket truck has been added by Geo. H. Hornby to his under- i taking equipment. This will be a \ great convenience for funeral pro- ' cessions , in the isles of churches and also forgoing through the door ways of dwellings * $138 was pledged by the people of Johnstown last Sunday for the M. E. hospital at Omaha. The pastor , Rev. A. T. Carpenter , was assisted in taking the pledges by Geo. H. Hornby. The people of Johnstown did nobly for this great work. P. R. Wadsworth , the "govern- " ment inspector in charge here last fall , came down from Rapid City a week ago Saturday and sold the camping outfits , that were used by the inspectors while checking up the Valentine U. S. land office , at auction and himself acted as auc tioneer , occupying a partof the forenoon and the whole of the af ternoon. Over § 200 was realized from this sale and the government lost but little for the use of the goods , which consisted of tents , camp stoves , cooking utensils , comforts , blankets and campiug outfit items. Mr. Wadsworth re turned to Rapid City the following morning. We forgot to tell this last week until our paper was crowded with other items and then had to leave out a lot of things for want of space. A number of stockmen were in town last Friday from the south attending a trial wherein William Ferdon had made complaint that O. C. Treadway , manager , and Edward Lewis , foreman , for the Chi Psi Cattle company , had ap propriated one of the complainant's steers which had been shipped to Sioux City with other cittle , and was there held up by the inspector as having Wm. Ferdon's' brand in addition to the Chi Psi. Mr. Treadway 'demandedt money t and receipted for it , stating that he would be responsible to any other claimant. It developed in the evidence that Mr. Ferdon had occupied the Cronin ranch pre vious to its being leased to the Chi Psi Cattle company and was short some 18 head of cattle upon his roundup there , and that later his foreman had hunted for cattle over that range and was at the Cronin ranch at the time Tread way's cat tle were branded but did not dis- .cover any at that time bearing Mr. JFerdon's brand , nor could either Treadway or Ferdon identify any of their cattle excepting by the brand. Edward Lewis was dis- 'charged and O. C. Treadway bound over to the district court. $1OO.OO Rabbit Foot Accident Policy THE MBBJT f OOT OWRM IS STUD TO PREVENT ALL ILLS THBT HUffflN FLESH IS HEIR TO After many weary nights of watching , the attached genuine left hind foot of the rabbit was secured In a southern grave yard , on Friday , the 1 3th of the month , at midnight , on the dark of the moon , by a cross-eyed negro and possesses ail the charmjng qualities known In the legend ; In connection with which we furthermore agree to pay to the beneficiary named by any person meeting with an accidental death during the year I90G , wearing at the time a pair of our White House Shoes and carrying on the person the rabbit's foot attached , - ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ( $100.00) ) Certificate of decth to bs furnished by a reputable phycldan MAItCRC ST. LOUIS The Corner Store , . Davenport & Co. Geb. Beers and Delilah Cole were arrested Monday by Marshal Hilsingerupon complaint of City Attorney Morrissey , and Tuesday were $50 each and costs for rent ing houses for the purpose of prostitution. Grant Boyer returned from Norden last Sunday where he has been putting up a store building forDanger Bros. The building is a frame structure 28x50x12 , built of'2x6 studding , rafters and joists overhead , double brac.ed , with shingle roof , 2x10 lower joists , 16"inches apart , with double floor , stone foundation and basement 20x28. The sides are sheeted and sided ith double paper between , ceile'd 4 inch * flooring and steel ceiling overhead ; all built and completed the past two months , including counters and shelving. Mr. Boyer is a good workman and have no hesitancy in saying that Langer Bros , have a splendid store building , strong , well built and warm. Norden people are to be congratulated upon having such a creditable building and substantial progressive business men. Some people imagine that a newspaper is always looking for something to fill up with and kind ly volunteer 'their assistance by telling us some important bit of news that we are glad to get , and really is what makes a newspaper. Others may think that if we want news it's our place to rustle it and refrain from helping * us in the least , while standing ready to con demn us if we fail to catch some item they knew but wouldn't tell us. A reporter can't be every where , and like a policeman , may be fartherest from a fight , robbery or train wrecfc when it occurs. Go and see it and then come tell us. We'll write it up if you prefer , or you may try your own hand at writing and hand it in. We are always looking for some real news item to fill up with" . Tell us what you know. Come in. and chat awhile. Ijet's get better acquaint ed. It is as much your duty to report what you know as it is mine to 'publish what I know. The news is what we all want. We also want everybody to take the paper and read the news. Pay us a'dollar a yearin advance , or , if you wait until we have advanced the paper to your address for a year , you' pay us § 1.50. In the one case you take no chance by paying after you receive the pa- , per for 52 weeks. One copy of the paper is often worth the price and more. Or if you want to take a more active part in the business you may pay your share towards getting the news together and we -will appreciate your paying $1.00 in advance. ( FAC-SIMILe ) $100.00 Accident Policy TWM rUSMISHUITO After man 'the attach t of the rabbit w. grave yard , the month , at mldnl ; moon , by a cross-cy , ea all the charmln ; legend ; In conne 'urthermore agree t named by any pe : accidental death c 'earing ' at ' 'the tlm louse Shoes ; and cai ie rabbit's fo t iCtrfflctUof WHITE IIOUSG SHOEggPMen , ForWoaea BUSTER BROWN BLUE RIDBON SHOES For Beys ccd Girls We Have Just Completed our last year's inventory and thank our many customers for their patronage , andassure th'em that'we shall' try our best to merit a continuance of the same in 1906 All WINTER GOODS will be sold . now at Reduced Prices j - * * > i Call us up over The North Table Telephone * , Line. (2 ( long rings ) MAXE. VIBETBL CROOK&T01S NEBRASKA Denier in Everything. JJJ&a iLSL& ' ' ' ' SHOES Have advanced 20 to 25 per . . WE HAVE 400 PAIRS AT THE OLD PRICE. | W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE ; * * rrrrrrre wrrr * ir I CONFECTIONERY Tobaccos and Cigars. . , * Canned Goods 3 A ) Lunch Counter. - , * * Home Bakery. Mrs. John Thompson is recov- ing from her recent spell of ty phoid fever. Allan Gould came home from Douglas , Wyo. before Christmas , sick at the time , and has since gone through a siege of typhoid fever , from which he has now practically recovered , though yet weak and has lost considerable flesh but is able to get around town the past week.l . 3O 22 * * * J o * S i a Q s * 3- 2 o e. 00. r on a 5o2 ° - * * - - / * S . W -j . . § 14 11 ? * i § 2 E o0- " : a a" : Q Ot Jin So ro o fsr OJ iN J 2.3 : 0 0O' O' a a t * I o Si ? ? ! Nels Rowley was in town last week and purchased * the young black stallion of J. W.Stettef. . * * There will be a masquerade ball in Honey's hall at Woodlake , Fri day , February23,1906. . - Grand march at" 11 o'clocksupper at Lake view hotel at 12:00. , Prizes will be given to the best waltzing couple and the most elaborate cos tumes. Musia by Arabia Orches tra. Everybody is invited.