Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 01, 1906, Image 5

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    Wanted : Furinor Ag < nt
To work in country. Steady em
ployment ; good pay weedy.
Wauwatosa , Wis.
Comfortable rooms , clean beds
and all you want to eat at the Chi
cago House. 38
Stettcr pays 9 cents for hides.
; 482
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch.
Brownlee.Nebr ,
* Prince Boabdel
, 131693 and Curl
Coat 112261 at h
of herd. The blood
of Fowler. Anxiety ,
Lord Wilton and Sir
Gladstone predomi
nates in my herd.
I have 40 head of Hereford bulls from 6 months
to 2 years old on Land for this spring's trade. /
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
"Will be in Eosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1,1904.
Riege , Nebr.
Tubular wells and windmills.
First-class Shop in Every .Respect
Euu de Quinine Hair Tonic , . Golden Star Bair
Tonic , Herplcide and Coko's Dandruff Cure.
Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Quigley & Chapman's
Drug Store. Nights The Don-
oher residence , Cherry Street.
City Deliveryman ,
Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and
from the depot and all parts of the City.
Dr. G. 0. Sturdevant ,
Office over Daventort's Store West Entrance
Valentine , Nebraska.
Practices in all State Courts.
Home Laundry.
Family washing , called for
and delivered at your home
Phone 145. T. J. Malone.
It-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
The 5-cent package s enough lor usual occas-
Bions. The family bottle ( GO cents ) contains a
supply for a.year. All drucpists sell them.
I Everything
VP Poultry.
Those who are fortunate
enough to have a flock of
poultry this season , should
take care to keep it. in con
dition as chickens are the
best money-makers you can
have. We have everything
that practical poultry men
use to get the best results
from their flocks. Ground
r oyster shell and grits to fur
nish material for the shells
and Lee's Egg Maker to keep
them in condition and supply
egg-making materials. This
preparation never fails to in
crease the production of eggs.
i If you want to make your
poultry pay the best profit
possible you need these
things. They will pay for
themselves several times over
_ _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ . a - * - " * t S"T" *
Stetter pays 9 cents for hides *
S. B. Downing of Norden was
in town Tuesday.
When you come to town , stop
at the Chicago House. 38
See those windows at
You will find a hearty welcome
at the Chicago House. 38
A good Smith Premier typewriter
for sale cheap. F. M. WALCOTT.
Geo. K. Sawyer of Oasis was
in town today for a load of sup
For Sale Good 6 room house
and lot on Hall street , good stable.
Inquire at this office.
J. G. Gaskill has lost 3 spring
calves branded J 7 on right side.
Suitable reward will be paid for
information leading to their recov-
E. K. Barnes and wife passed
through the city last Friday en-
route for Norden to visit Mrs.
Barnes' brother , Harry Sherman.
Pure Barred Plymouth Rock
Cockerels and Pullets for ssle.
Cockerels from § 1 to $2 each.
3-6 Crookston , Nebr.
The drugstore firm of Quigley
& Chapman was this week dissolv
ed by mutual consent , G. A. Chap
man continuing the business , and
J. H. Quigley retiring because of
lis extensive stock interests re
quiring his attention.
The patrons of Church's opera
louse will be eatertained for one
night , Saturday , Feb. 3,1906 by the
) ig comedy production , "Uncle Josh
Spruceby. " This popular play
comes well recommended and will
no doubt be received with enthus-
asm here. The piece is staged with
every attention to stage realism.
All the scenes are well mounted
and acted. The startling "saw
mill" scene is said to be a master
piece of stage mechanism. Many
specialties are introduced and the
superb solo orchestra carried by the
company all go to make this a very
delightful produ3f-ion.
Another Version of Little
Some friends of the STAR send-
us the following clipping , and not
mowing from what paper it was
taken , we must let it go without
proper credit :
Mary had a little lamb , its fleece
was white as snow , it strayed a-
way one summer day where 1 ambs
should never go. Then Mary set
icr down , and tears streamed slow-
y from her eyes ; she never found
the lamb because she did not ad
And Mary had a brother John ,
who kept a village store ; he sat
down and smoked his pipe , and
watche'd the open door. And as
the people passed along , and did
not stop to' buy ; John still sat
down and smoked his pipe , and
blinked his sleepy eyes. And so
the brokers seized his stock , but
still he lingered near ; and Mary
came to drop with him a sympa
thetic tear. "How is it , sister ,
can you tell why other shopmen
here , sell all their goods so quick
ly and thrive from year to year ? "
Kemembering now her own bad
luck , the little maid replies :
"These other fellows fatten , John ,
because they advertise. "
Notice to Creditors.
* j
All accounts due the estate of
S. W. Holsclaw must be paid on
or before March 1 , 1906 , and if
not so paid will be placed for col
lection. ALBERT E. WEBB ,
3-4 : Administrator.
Order of Hearing on Petition for
Appointment of Administrator.
In the County Court of Cherry County Neb
To the heirs and to all persons interested in
the estate of Jennie Barnes deceased :
On reading the petition of Andrew J. Barnes ,
praying that the administration of said estate
be granted to , asadminls-
It is hereby ordered that you , and all persons
interested in said matter , may , and do , appear
at the County Court to be held in and for said
countyonthe J7thdayof : February , A.D. lOOflat
10 o'clock a. m. , to show cause. If any there be
why the prayer of the petitioner should not be
granted , and that notice of the pendency of said
petition and that tlw hearing thereof be given to
all persons Interested in said matter by publish-
a copy of tills order in the Valentine Democrat
a weekly newspaper printed in said county , for
3 successive weeks prior to said day of bearing.
Witness my band and the seal of said
SEAL courtthls4tldayJaauary,4 D.l900 ,
v W. B. TOWNE.
3 3 County Judge.
Stetter pays 91 cents for hides.
Toast to the Kicker.
Here's to the kicker , the faint
hearted kicker , the kicker so help
less and blue ; who always is crying
and never is trying some good in
his own town to do. No use to
correct him , nor need you expect
himto get to the front like a-man ;
for while others rustle , he'll sit
down and hustle objections to raise
at each plan. . * . '
And when he arrives at the gates
that are pearly , and views the
blessed streets studded thickly
with gems ; he will still kick and
kick and kick and look surly , be
cause they don't hang on a tree by
the stem. And when he gets in ,
his wings will not suit him , they
will either be buckled too high or
too low ; and his kickety kick will
will make Gabriel shoot him
through the fire escape , to the
regions below. Ex.
for Sale.
The Ei of the NWi and the Wi
of the NEi of section 29 , township
33 , range 27 in Cherry county ,
Nebraska. It is within 4 miles
of Valentine , the county seat , and
is situated in the center of the
famous Schlagle table land , cele
brated for its fertility and pro
ductiveness. This farm formerly
had 75 acres broken on it but went
back because it ceased to be culti
vated. Every part of the 160
acres can be cultivated. It will be
sold for a reasonable price. Terms
one-half down and balance one and
two years. Deferred payments
to be secured by mortgage on the
land. The title is absolutely per
fect. Address the owner , L. M.
CONKLING , 411 Olive St. , St.
Louis , Mo. 3-4
Home Patrons the Real Bene
It is purely selfish motives that
cause people to patronize "mail
order" houses. They think they
can buy a little cheaper than at
home , which as a rule , is not true ;
but suppose it were true , they are
building up outside stores at the
expense of their own home mer
chants. The effect is not noticeable
at once , but the home stores and
home market must depreciate as
the home patronage is withdrawn.
If good stores and a home market
are not valuable why is it that
land is worth several times as
much when close to a good town ?
In this connection it should be
noted that the newspaper publish
ers , with rare exceptions , are loyal
to their home and country. Few
persons sending away for goods in
order to save a few cents know
that every editor can get two or
three times as much for advertis
ing space from the mail order
houses as the home merchants
pay. But the editor looks ahead ,
he knows that as the home mer
chants are starved out the need of
the mail order houses advertising
will decrease.
The merchants are often to
blame. An Oklahoma editor was
at the depot and saw a farmer get
a set of harness from Chicago.
He tried to prove to the farmer
that he could have bought the
harness of a local dealer just as
cheap , etc. "But , " said the farm
er , " 'this is the first time I ever
knew there was a harness shop in
town. I have taken your paper
five years and have never seen a
word in it about harness. "
It is not the men who donate
city parks , build churches and
libraries who are the great bene
factors to their towns , for they
are few in number , but the men
who set the right example by pat
ronizing home institutions even
when they think they can do a
little better by sending away.
The newspaper should try to
arouse interest in trading at home
for it is of vital interest to both
town and country , eventually af
fecting the price of real estate ,
immigration , the schools and ev
ery industry and activity. Clay
Center Tfmes.
House for rent , § 8.00 per month
for 8 months. See Geo. E. Horn
by. 3
Food to work on is food to live on.
A man works to live. He must live
to work.
He does both better on
Uneeda Biscuit
the soda cracker that contains in the
most properly balanced proportions a
greater amount of nutriment than any
food made from flour.
Penbrook Quills ,
Can you make a man good by
law ?
A common salutation : "What
fine weather we're having. "
Miss Alma Tillson is home after
a fortnight's visit wiMi her sister ,
Miss Laura Foster.
D. A. Hancock Jr. , returned to
Missouri the 25th to complete his
school year , after a month's va
Burt Lewis and Clarence Hutch
ison go to a point near Baker City ,
Ore. , starting Jan. 30. Burt and
Lew's families go later. ,
Mrs. Julia Smalley , from Wis
consin , is visiting friends around
Norden and looking after her busij j
ness interests in Keya Paha Co.
Mr. Greenough has saw mill in
running order. , It is situated on
the south side of the Niobrara op
posite and a little below Penbrook.
What is the matter with Valen
tine ? Has she no moral , law-abid
ing , law-enforcing men that the
women are taking up the civic
duties ?
Mr. Klingaman was buying hogs
and cattle in this vicinity last week.
He bought several bunches of
hogs and drove out 47 head of cat
tle. He pays good prices.
PerCwt. Per Ton.
Bran , sacked. . . . § 75 § 14 00
Shorts , sacked 85 16 00
Screenings , sacked 60 11 00
Chop Feed , sacked 95 IS 00
Corn , sacked 90 17 00
Chop Corn , sacked 95 18 00
Oats , sacked 1 00 19 00
An Opportunity
We want a man
in this locality to sell
We can offer ex
ceptional induce
ments to someone
who commands a
horse and wagon and
can devote his time
to advancing the
sales of our product.
4 Energetic men
find our proposition
a money-maker , ca
pable of development
into a permanent
and profitable
Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co.
72 and 74 Wabash Ave.
The Wonderful Growth
Is due to its
Perfect Quality
Moderate Price"
Used in Millions
of Homes
Statistics prove that the chances of your dying of
Throat or Lung Troubles , are 9 to 1.
Waste no time , but cure your Disease with
the only strictly scientific Lung Specific in existence.
Positively guaranteed to help or money refunded.
Saved tlie Preacber.
Rev..O. D. Moore of Harpersville , N. Y. , writes : "I
had a fearful cough for months , which nothing would
relieve , until I took Dr. King's New Discovery fop
Consumption. It cured my cough and saved my life. "
Prices , 50c and $ I0GO Trial Bottles Free
( New Voice. )
Prohibition State Committee ,
Office of Chairman.
Lincoln , Neb. Jan. 11 , 1906.
Col. C. J. Holt , Chicago , 111.
My Dear Brother : I congratulate
you on your nomination for legis-
lativehonors in the Chicago district ,
and trust that you will receive such
united support of the moral and
Christian voters as will insure
your triumphant election.
All my reports from places
where you have worked in this
state liave been most flattering in
regard to the value and success of
your efforts. I will cheerfully
render any assistance in my pow
er to Mrs. Woodward in securing
your further services here , and
only await instructions as to what
is needed. I am pleased to know
thaty/fa contemplate returning-to
Nebraska. We cannot have too
much work along your lines.
Most 'Fraternally yours ,
Contractor and Build-- ? :
er in Brick or Stone ' ; ; ; :
Work. , . : > ;
j i
Valentine , - NebrJ
We have just received a new'
stock of fine groceries. Come in. *
and see us , or call up phone 97. :
1 A. John , Davis & Go. '
The pre s of the country gives
prominent place/to tbis item : "Of ,
the 105 counties in Kansas , 85 ate
without a pauper , 25 have no poor-
houses , and 37 have not a criminal
case on the pocket. And in Kan
sas women have had full municipal
suffrage for eighteen years. " .This
is surely a good record for the
women one of which the state ,
and nation are proud. New Voice. 3