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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1906)
38 ? . . V. i -V. f - * # * ? THE CRAT. FULTJME XXI VALENTINE. NEBRASKA , FEBRUARY 1 , 1906. NUMBER 3 | You Can't i Buy Bargains | Every Day & * 43 We shall offer for a short time t * 4 ? only our entire Winter Stock of 13 49 49 Underwear & 49 < < ? ? Sweaters jj Hoods , U C2 Fascinators , g 13 ? i : ; . , Bath Eobes g . ; i Kimonas < ? 4 * I- Hosiery $ Furs S 43 4 ? All Wool Dress Flannels 4 * 49 4 ? and all Wool Dress Goods S ? 4 ? 4 ? 49 4g Call in and see our prices and values & > 4 ? sfr 4 ? & I RED FRONT MERC. CO J ! All Our Heavy Weights 1' ' are going this month to make room for spring goods. Lots of good things in our windows at I 25 per cent discount 25 D. STINARD CLOTHIER. GEO , H. HORNBY , Wagons and Buggies Lumber and Hardware Pictures Framed to Order , . Kstabllshed in Valentine since 1885. Wagons , Machinery and Buggies. ' * * A car load to arrive next month. Special Prices for all who order shipment to come in this car. Tinware , Oils , Etc , Lamps , Crockery , Lime , Coal Paper FURNITURE and COFFINS , Licensed Eiubalmer Chartered aa a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1002 , FIRST NATIONAL BANE Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) PAID IN A General Banking Exchange and Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. Y , NICHOLSON , Cashier. TALK OF THE TOWN Sttf STtt&r ZSl l STbZif % Goods being sold i off regular price at STEWARD'S A. J. Barnes was down from Cody Tuesday on business. Judge Wood of Kushville wai in our city Tuesday on business. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Sol Mor ey at Crawford , Neb. , Saturday Jan. 27,1906 , a son. Mrs. Clarence Sageser returned last week from her visit with home folks at Broken Bow. Luke M. Bates of Longpine was appointed register of the Valen tine land office last Friday. A. H. Stees and Miss Maud Ralya were invited guests at the club dance at Church's hall Tues- dey evening , Jan. 26th. Wm. Gillaspie returned from Lincoln this week bringing his brother Bob back with him , who is now totally blind but otherwise improved in condition. Mr. and Mrs. Yoerg returned from their wedding tour in Illinois where they visited Mr. Yo'erg's parents , and will make their home across the street west of the school house. Judge Westover and J. D. Scott came down Tuesday to finish up a few items of business left over from last term of court , returning in the evening to Chadron where they have some court work. Harry Strickland and "Adams" who wore charged with holding up Wm. Johnson , hadtheir prelimin " ary yesterday and were bound ov- r to the district court in the sum of § 800 bond and remanded to jail. O. W. Hahn and son returned rom their trip and visit with rela tives in northwestern Missouri last Thursday. Mr. Hahn says the.y j tiad a good time , but looked tired. The farmers down in that section are all doing well he says. Mr. and Mrs. Baker of Simeon spent a couple of days in town the past week visiting. Miss Jennie Peterson went out from Valentine the previous Sunday with Mr. Baker to cook and do housework which relieves Mrs. Baker so they ; an get away from home. We forgot to report a wreck of an east bound freight last week a few miles west of Cody in which 8 cars went into the ditch. Judge Walcott was one of the passengers on the train and says that no one was hurt. The flange breaking on one of-the car wheels while rounding a curve was the cause. Dr. J. C. Dwyer , whom it was reported had died some time ago , eturned to Valentine Monday and was arrested while in a dangerous drunken condition and taken be fore the board of insanity which pronounced him insane , and this morning he was taken to the. Nor folk asylum by Sheriff Simons. At a special term of court held here Jan. 30 , by Judge Westover , the case of Alfred H. Stees vs Wm..Erickson et al came up for hearing and the judge passed upon and allowed to stand all of the al legations of the plaintiff excepting the 19th count. Also confirmed the receiver's report in regard to the sale of real estate. A fire at J. M. Ralya's place 25 miles sothwest of town on the Snake , destroyed his frame build ing and contents , his frame shed near by and about 150 tons of hay early last Saturday. The cause of the fire was not reported but is said to have started in the frame house. The property was partly covered by insurance. Albert H. Metzger and William Fleischman were in our city Sun day , visiting our local stockmen. Mr. Metzger and his brother Wil- own a fine ranch 45 miles south of Merriman and this winter have 1500 to 1800 head of cattle to feed. Mr. Fleischman and his partner Mr. Shadbolt have a ranch a few miles south of Eli upon which they raised 1200 tons of alfalfa the past year. Doris , the adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sherman , died of dropsy Monday , Jan. 29 , 1906 , after a lingering illness of several weeks , during which time she grew steadily worse despite every care that loving hands could bestow. The funeral was held at the'home on Cherry St. , Tuesday afternoon , conducted by the Rev. J.W. . Morgan of the Presbyterian church , and the remains interred in Mount Hope cemetery. The family have the sympathy of all in their sad bereavement. Doris was about 13 months old. Last Sunday Rev. Royal D. Waterman and E. G. Bristol went over to Norden to hold quarterly meeting at that place , Rev. R. G. Easley occupying theM. E. pulpit here Sunday morning , and union services being held in the M. E. church in the evening conducted by.Rev. . J. W. Morgan of the Presbyterian ehurch , assisted by the Rev. Caldwell , D. D. , who de livered an excellent sermon. The church was well filled with people. "RevivaT meetings are being held this week at the Presbyterian church by Rev. Morgan , assisted by Dr. Caldwell. Everybody is invited to attend these meetings. Dr. Caldwell is a forceful speak er and everybody should hear him. A fire occurred about 2 o'clock Wednesday morning in the build ing occupied by Geo. W. Miller and wife and owned by H. M. Cramer , which nearly destroyed the building. When first discov ered it was burning between the partions and in the roof. The fire department was hurriedly brought out and the fire extinguished but the fire had burned through the roof and about half consumed the building. The cause of the fire is supposed to be a defective flue or mice and matches. The house hold goods , though damaged , were saved with the exception of a few small articles. There was no in surance on either building or con tents. Mr. and Mrs. Miller have moved into Sam Imes5 house. SCHOOL NOTES. By 1 Margarete Quigley. i Clara Dunham. Nellie Francke returned to school Monday yfter a long illness. Merle Clark of the 7th grade is out of school now and is threatened with typhoid fever. Prof. R. H. Watson is to lecture at O'Neill Feb. 17th in the interest of the Junior Normal , and at Ains- worth Feb. 24. The Eastern divison of the Teach- ers's association of Cherry county met in Valentine at 1:30 Saturday afternoon. There were twenty-one present and a very good program was given. Miss Vannie Hooper gave a very good paper on the 6th and 7th chapters of the Louisana Purchase. Miss Nettie Kneeland gave some good points on "Methods of Reading. " Miss Driscoll had a class drill in number work and R. H. Watson told of some of the Good Things heard at the state teachers' association. Catholic Church Announce ment. On Sunday next , mass will be said here at 10:30 : a. m. Catechism class at 3 p. m. I SHOES We are catering to three different lines of & shoes. The individual merits of each line can- not be surpassed in style , quality or price. We mean business on shoes. We want you to see oft The Brown Shoe Go's , fine line of Ladies' Misses' and Chil- ' dren's Shoes. " The Kepner Scott Line of Children's Fancy Shoes. - t The Harlow Line \ of Men's Fine Wear. * - - You Can't Beat 'Em ner Store. | Davenport & Co. Have Just Complete d our last year's inventory and thank our many customers for their patronage , and assure ths m that we .shall try 'our best to merit a continuance of the same in 1906 All WINTER GOODS will be sold now at Reduced Prices Call us up over The North Table Telephone Line. (2 ( long rings ) MAX B. VISRTEL Dealer in U ELiVERY You don't have to wait for us to flag a delivery. We have our own and MAKE PKOMPT DELIVERIES. | W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MUSE. r'rr < r iwrrirrr5 v FRED WHETTEJIORE , Pres. CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier. J. W. STETTER , Vice Pres. ORAII L. BRITTOX , Ass't Cash. Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by investigating the methods employed in our business. CONFECTIONERY , Tobaccos and Cigars. \ Canned Goods XX Lunch Counter. Flos Oals.09 etxid Ph7one Home Bakery.