Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 18, 1906, Image 5

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* . . -
l.o \\\l > S
ployrat'tit. ; g !
i.i Wauwatosa , Wis.
. Deo Ftsbl
Comfortable rooms , clean beds
and all you want to eat at the Chi
cago House. 38
I Stetter pays 9 cents for hides.
, Nebr ,
Primn nbo * 1
131693 : > < l r"r ) . >
I out U2i ; h * " |
, r ii.-rd rh *
'J IfywlrrUSX" J.
/ miiii * ' " " . % * ir .
H,1sH lie I'lV'f. jut.
' " " " ' *
' " - - f > tnv
I.mve40 bead Of nerf < rd bulls from 6 montlis
tttS yoihi old on ) > and for this spring's trade.
; ; ; Dentist.
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. 0. Hornby's store.
iVill be in Rosebud agency .Tub
3rd , Oct. . 2ud and Jan. I ,
Tiibiilar wells and windmills.
rf ;
. Barber
Shop" in Every Hespect
, Ran dtUluiuin * Hair Tonic. olrteu star balr
i1 * t p'tnds-irt >
Trim * H'rvvrti1
tiry Poinpeiaii.fc'aee iVhuuJage C
Physician A Surgeon
Office at uigiHj &
Drug Store. Nighte The Don-
oher residence. Cherry street.
v. Fi : CRAMER ,
. ; .Gity Deliveryman ,
Trunks , vali.scs and pioku : oa hauled to am )
from ! ] 'MXrt , and all parts of the city.
* " DiVG. O. Sturdevant ,
* " " KESinB.VJT BXT1ST.
Offlr * over Daveutort's StoreWest , Entr.tnce
Yalevitine. Nebraska.
Practices in all State Courts.
Home Laundry.
.Family washingcalled for
and delivered at your home
Phone 145. T.
K-I-P A-iVS Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
. . . For mankind
The S-cetot package s enough lor usual occas-
! . The family bottle ( OO cents ) contains a
nuoplr for a vear. A.11 flrucsiotH RI ! tliem
Hot '
Bottles ! j
I We have just .received a I
shipment of these useful arti
( cles , among them some of the
"Justrite" linen lined Feath
er-weight bottles.
They are extra strong and
veryligjit in weight.- .
2s and 3 quart sizes at $1.50.
. . " : ' *
" ' '
Modified Measure Suggested
for o gres by Charles
II. Cornell.
A bill to lease the public lands ,
commonly known as grazingjands ,
subject to homestead and other
existing laws.
Sec. 1. That any lands belong
ing to the government , commonly
known as grazing lands , not other
wise disposed of , shall be leased
to the highest bidder , subject to
conditions and restrictions herein-
ifter stated.
Sec. 2. That upon the adoption
of a joint resolution by the legis
lature of any state or territory ,
asking that certain lands within
said state or territory be brought
within the provisions of. this act ,
the president shall issue his proc-
amation declaring said lands to be
eubjonh to lease and name a date
htni tht lands within any land
H.sLrict in any said state or terri
tory shall be offered.
Sec. 3. That on said date the
register and receiver of said land
office shall offer said lands for lease
to the highest bidder per acre ,
same to be offered accordipgto the
best judgment of said officers , but
no tract of more than one section
shall be offered in one body ; that
said offering shall continue from
day to day antil all lands subject
to lease shall have been offered ;
ihat no lands shall be leased under
any of the provisions of this act at
ess than one-half ( ) cent per acre ;
that no lease shall be final until ap
proved by the general land office.
Sec. 4. That thereafter the sec
ond Tuesday of February and
August of each year shall be de-
lared "lease day , " upon which
day all lands that may not have
) cen previously leased and all
amis that may have reverted to
the government by forfeiture of
ease or cancellation of homestead
ntries or lands that may for any
other reason have reverted to the
government shall be leased to the
lighest bidder. That no lands
shall be leased upon any other days ,
nor shall any leases be made ex-
epting in the most public manner ,
after public notice , in such form
as the secretary of the interior
hall require , and of bona fide cash
Sec. 5. Only bona fide home
stead entrymen , whose entry shall
c of record , prior to date of any
ii , or persons of corporations
lands by freehold or by
.ease oi'stale school lands , within
the vicinity of the tracts offered
for lease , shall be eligible to bid at
any offering. Bidders must fur
nish the local land office certified
record evidence of the number of
acres .and description of each kind
of land owned or controlled by
ach , and where it is complained
of or when the register and receiv-
r shall have reason to believe that
any one person or interest is en
deavoring to secure more than a
fair proportion of the leasable land
they shall' reject said bid , subject
to appeal , it being the object of
this enactment to determine as
nearly as may be the proportion
of leasable government lands to
that of freehold , state school lands
and homestead filings , and taking
into account accessibility , appor-
tionvthe lands accordingly.
Sec. 6. That leases shall be made
for the'term" of twenty years from
date of previous January 1. That
payment on leasing shall be made
from date of leasing to the succeed
ing December 31. Subsequent
payments shall be made annually
on "or by December 15 of each
year for the succeeding year. De
fault in payment by said Decem
ber 16 of each year shall render
the lease subject to a penalty of
five ( o ) per cent of amount of same ,
which shall be added to amount to
be collected upon payment. De
fault in payment for ninety days
after said December 15 shall for
feit the lease and the register and
receiver shall at once cancel the
Sec. 7 , That upon the payment
under the provisions of-this act the-
receiver shall keep a separate tc- *
count of the same and deposit the
same under such regulations the
secretary of the' interior may di
rect , in a special fund with an ap
proved United States depository ,
to the credit of the said receiver as
such. Immediately after the 31st
3ay of December of each year the
said land office , in addition to the
reports which shall * be submitted
to the general land office , shall
make a detailed statement to .the
secretary of state and to the coun
ty clerk or like representative of
the state and county , in which the
land is situated , showing the num
ber and date of eagh lease , thq
number of acres contained therein ,
the lease price per acre and the
amount received which statement
ghall be certified to by both regis
ter and reeeivep.
Sec. 8. Of the money received
during each calendar year , which
amount shall be due and payable
by the receiver.immediately after
the termination of said year , the
receiver shall pay from § ai4 funds
into the reclamation fund of the
general land office one-half of all
the receipts. Of the remaining
one-half one-fourth shall be
- , - paid
to the state or territorial treasurer ,
to be apportioned the same as oth
er state funds ; three-fourths shall
be paid to the county treasury , to
be apportioned as deemed best by
the county commissioners or like
body. Provided , that where any
land leased is shown to be within
any school district , which .district
is at the time receiving the pro
rata of state school meney , two
thirds of the money paid into the
county ( or one-fourth of the entire
amount ) for the lease of said land ,
shall be credited to said school dis
Sec. 9. The land so leased shall
be subject to existing homestead
laws ; and upon any part thereof
being entered under said home- , ,
stead laws the register and receiv
er shall immediately notify.the
lessee of the said homestead entry/
giving the date of same with ade - _
scription of the land. The lesseie
thereupon relinquishes all his
rights to said entered land : Pro
vided , that upon aay lands being
so entered the entryman shall be
required to protect the same a-
gainst the encroachments of the
live stock of said lessee or others
by a legal fence , which is declared
to be as follows : "Posts or other
uprights of reasonable strength or
firmess in position , not more than
thirty-two feet distant from each
other , with two suitable stays Be
tween posts , nearly equally divid
ing such space into three parts ,
with three strands of ordinary
barbed fence wire well stretched
and firmly fastened to such posts ,
uprights and stays , with the upper
strand not more than forty-two
inches above the general surface
of the ground thereunder , and the
lower strand shall not be more
than eighteen nor less than twelve
inches above the general surface
of the ground thereunder , and the
middle wire shall nearly equally
divide the space between the up
per and lower strands. Any other
kind of fence or barrier , as effec
tive for the purpose of a fence as
that provided in the above section
of this code , is hereby declared
sufficient and lawful : Provided ,
that all corral fences used exclus
ively for the purpose of enclosing
stacks which are situated outside
any lawful enclosure shall not be
less than sixteen feet from such *
stack so enclosed ; shall be substan
tially built with posts not more
than eight feet distant from , each
other and with not less than five
strands of barbed fence wire , and
shall not be less than five feet
high ; and , Provided further , that
any other kind of a fence equally
as effectual for rthe--purpose of a
corral fence may be made in lieu
thereof. ' ?
( Concluded next.week. )
Capt. Powelland wife and Lieut.
Ball and wife went down to Oma
ha this-week. -
W. F. A. Me tendorff made a
business trip to' Omaha the first of
: * " -r" ' ' ' ' :
the week. - - -
Mighty Nation
is good food food for brain , lood for Drawn , food that Is
strengthening , that gives energy and courage. Without a proper
appreciation of this great fundamental truth no nation can rise
to greatness.
As an article of food , soda crackers are being used more and
more every day , as is attested by the sale of nearly 400,000,000
packages of Uneeda Biscuit9 which have come to be recog
nized as the most perfect soda cracker the world has ever known.
And so Uneeda Biscuit will soon be on every table at
every meal , giving life , health and strength to the American people ,
thus in very truth becoming the backbone of the nation.
Tf *
Stetter pays 9j cents for hides"
When you "come to town , stop
at the Chicago House. 38
The new passenger dopofc is com
pleted and was received last Satur
See those windows at
tT. A"Kuhn has resigned his
position"with the C. & N. W. to
go into private business.
Miss Glen Hoonig visited her
friend Miss Campbell in Omaha
this week , while consulting Dr. i
Glifford about her eyes.
Mrs. Jnlia Evans' .mind became
unbalanced last week ani she was
taken to her home north of Co'dy \
on Pine Eidge reservation. ;
Complaints were filed yesterday
against Stetter & Hiisinge r , and <
Robert McGeer. for maintaining
screens in front of their saloons.
The Presbyterian ladies will give
a chicken-pie supper in Bethel
hall oa Tiiesda'y , the23rd , begin
ning at 5 o'clock. The price 35c.
We have just received a new
stock of fine groceries. Come in
and see us , or call up phone 97.
1 A. John , Davis & Co.
E. Janet Little , the impersona
tor , of Huron , S. D. , will give an
elocutionary entertainment in
Bethel hall , Wednesday evening ,
Jan. 31 , at 8 o'clock. Admission
25 and 15 cents.
The first arrest for gambling was
made Monday , "llappy Davis , ' * as
he is known here , was found guilty
and sentenced to 30 clays in jail.
Two others who are wanted seem to
have gotten away.
Wm. Brown , Sr. , died at the home
of his daughter , Mrs. Massirjgalein
this city , Sunday night , Jan. 14 ,
1906 , at the age of 92 years past.
The remains were interred at
Crookston , Rev. Morgan conducting
the services.
We hear that Mrs. C. J. O'Con
nor has bean in Grand Island sev
eral weeks on account of the ser
ious illness of her father who , we
learn died last week from cancer
of the liver. Mr. O'Connor went
down to attend the funeral.
There will b& a social ard re
ception in Bethel hall on Wednes
day night , Jan. 2i , at 8 o'clock *
for all those who signed the pledge
while Col. Holt was here and those
that signed since , and all that will
sign. Each one having signed a
card , bring your card with you.
Light refreshments will be served.
The Home Protection Club met
at Bethel hall Tuesday evening for
itsregular f meeting , with Pres.
RevMorgan in the chair. After
) the opening exercises the presi
dent introduced Mrs. Randbotton
of Ohio who gave a very touching
address. At the close of the raset-
T *
* * * X
ing the Club gave her a voter'of :
thanks for her address-and help in
this , our second meeting of our
club. The meetings will be held
every two weeks on Thursday
night in Bethel hall , with differ
ent program each meeting. Every
one is invited to these meetings.
Recommended by
Prominent Physicians
Baking Powder
Perfect in Quality
Economical in Use
Moderate in Price
* *
is more dangerous to your life than the drink , cocaine
OF morphine habits , for it soon ends Consumption , J
Pneumonia and Death. Save yourself from these J
awful results of Coughs and Colds , by taking
"Sitting by My Wife's Bed"
writes F. G. Huntley , of Oaklanden , Ind. , CI read about
DP. King's New Discovery. She had got a'frightful
chronic cough , which three doctors failed to relieve.
After taking two bottles she was perfectly cured , and
today she is well and strong. "
Price , SOc and $1,00 One Dose Gives.
U. S. weather bureau report for
week ending Jan. 17 , shows daily
mean temperature , 31 ° , to be
something of a departure from the
normal which foots up only 13 ° ,
giving an extreme range of 18 ° .
This is a very little below the
winter climate of California. The
extremes of temperature for the
period were 49 ° on the 13th and
13 on the llth. The highest
velocity of the wind was 40 miles
from the nw on the 17th.
Raw Furs.
I will be at Woodlake Jan. 18th
at or near the depot and want all
the raw furs I can get and will
pay you highest New York prices
for them. Bring : in your furs.
J. I. Gleed , wholesale buyer and
exporter of raw furs , N. Y.
WANTED : District Manag
ers to post .signs , advertise and
I -
ses. State age and present em-
I ployment , IDEAL SHEAR CO. ,
j 39 Randolph St. , Chicago. 52
Contractor and Build
er in Brick or Stone
Valentine , - Nebf.
Anyone sending a sfcetch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion freo whether an
invention isprobablypatentable. Communica
tions strictly comidentlaL Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency lor securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn & COL receive
tptcial notice , without charge , in the
Scientific Jftrierican.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir
culation of any scientific Journal. Terras , $3 t
year : four months , JL Sold Vy all newsdealers.
"i & Co.38'8 * * * Hew York
DCh Office , 625 F \7aahlnaton. . D , C.