X pay THE HAWKS NURSERY COMPANY , Wauwatosa , Wis. Dec Feb 1 Comloruble rooms , clean bods and all you want to eat at the Chi cago House. 38 STRAYED one white face , dark red bull , branded OI ? on right side. Suit able reward for return to my place at mouth of Minnechaduza. or for information leading to his recov ery. J. G. GASKILL. 48 The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch rrince Roabiicl 131693 and Curly Coat 112201 at head of herd. The blood of Fowler. Anxiety , Ix > rd Wiltou and Sir Gladstone predomi nates in my herd. 40 head of Hereford hulls from 6 months to 2 veurs ola on J'and for this spring's trade. G. il. H. DAI LEY. Office over the grocery I of T. C. Hornby's store. Will be in Rnsdmci agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904. JOHN F. PORATH Riege , Kelir. Tubular wells and windmilK G. M. SAGESER Barber First-class Shop in Every Respect Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic. Goldeu Star bair Tonic. HfrpicidH and Coke's Dandruff Hum. Try Fompeian Face Massage Cream A. N. COMFTON Physician and Surgeon Otfire-'at Quisle } & Chapman's Drugstore. Nights Thi Don- ober residence , Cherry tr pt. & . .M.CK.A-MKK C Ity Deliveryman. rrunks , valises and packages hauled to ami from tht depot and all parts of the City. DivG. 0. Sturdevant , RKSIDKXT DKXTI T. Office over Daventort's toreWesl Entrance Valentino , Xe ! > raMka. \ \ G. H , HALL , M.D. Physician a. . i JS Oilice and residenrc over T. ( ) . Hon- JOHN M. TUCKEE , , COUSTY ATTORKfilT. i 'Practice ? \ \ \ all State Courts. IFOR ITW CENT 1 you can be relieved of the wors't headache. V CHAPMAN'S | HEADACHE TABLETS I do the work. Sold in bexes | of twenty-five and guaranteed * ' f f < w I QUIGLEY & CHAPMAN , j 1 _ _ . . . . DRUGGISTS. it i | . : i - 9 rents for hides 'ir-vr was visiting in i ; i , - * . ek. When you come to town , stop at the Chicago House. 2 Halldorson's photos 1 , 2 , 3 , and 5th of each month. Miss Ida Stinard is recovering from her recent illness. A good Smith Premier typewriter for sale cheap. F.'M. WALCOTT. Dr. Jonn Holsclaw came out from Iowa to attend his father's funeral. Somebody shot and severely crippled "Jack" Davenport Christ mas day. We have received a car load of fine Christmas apples in bushel boxes. A. JOHN & Co. The Presbyterian ladies will serve a supper in Bethel hall on the 23rd. All are cordially in vited. Lloyd F. Bivens , a cousin of Len Bivens , of Purdum , and Lee Keller , a son of Geo. W. Keller , of Cascade , are visiting in the city. county commissioners have i been in session the past week , clinching out the retiring county oilicers , and today the new officers took charge. E. C. Cole and wife have moved from Encampment , Wyo. , to St. Louis , where Mr. Cole has secured a good position. Mrs. Cole is a daughter of our lownman , W. T- Bullis. U. S. Com. W. A. Parker of Woodlake came up to Valentine last Friday on official business , several persons giving bonds to appear before the grand jury of the federal court. Andrew Morrissey , a prominent attorney of Valentine , stopped in our city a few hours Tuesday , while on his way home from Fair fax , where he had been spending Cristraas with his brother. O'Neill Independent. The U. S. weather bureau re port for the week ending Jan. 3 , : The daily mean temperature 20 ° shows 2 ° above the normal. The highest and lowest were respect ively 40 ° and ° , giving a range of 36 ° . The precipitation .2 of an inch came in the shape of snow. The winds have been a little above the average , the highest velocity being 30 miles from the nw. Valentine has long been known as a good business town , having many good businesses , men of capital and substantial buildings. There has also been many persons engaged in or interested in the sa loon business and in the gambling that has been conducted in and about the city. Many attempts made at different times to check gambling in recent years have failed , excepting during a crusade of excessive agitation or preceding an election of village trustees. Recently citizens have waited upon the village trustees asking them to take some action toward enforcement of the liquor laws in saloons and that gambling be stop ped. Meeting with no encourage ment , they appealed to the county attorney who also refused to take any action , shifting the responsi bility to the village trustees who admitted having given the saloons permission to gamble in back rooms of their saloons , which they thought to be preferable to gamb ling in private rooms about town. Complaints , consequently , were made before County Judge Towne last Tuesday and search warrants isseud to search the saloons for gambling devices , warrants also being issued for the arrest of the owners of the places of business where gambling apparatus was found. The search was made by Sheriff Lay port and his son How ard , resulting in a find of roulette wheels , tables , poker chips , cards and other apparatus. The saloon men were arrested yesterday and taken before Judge Towne where they waived preliminary hearing and were bound over to the next regular term of district court , giv- ing bonds for appearnce. L. K. Brownell returned last week from a visit at Red Cloud and other places , combining busi ness with pleasure. Francke Hans. Miss Lena Francke and E. "W. Hans , both of this city , wefe mar ried Saturday , Dec. 30 , 1905. To Whom it Jtlay Concern. Patrons of the Valentine-Rose bud Stage Line are forbidden to pay Cal Francis any moneys be longing to or due said Stage Line. WM. SUTTER. Mutclinaorc Peltycrew. W. A. Petty crew and Miss Fan nie Mutchmore were joined in marriage at the home of the bride in this city , Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock , the Rev. A. T. Car penter officiating. The groom is a well known sub stantial business man in this city , honored and respected by all who know him. The bride has for several years beon a teacher in the Valentine schools and has made many warm friends in her untiring efforts in our schools. They begin housekeeping in Mr. Pettycrew's home on Cherry St. TJIB DEMOCRAT joins with nun > erous friends in congratulations. Cherry County School Notes. The State Teachers meeting at Lincoln was attended by more than 2,000 teachers. The program was worthy the 'attendance of every teacher in the state. Cherry Co. sent five delegates : R. H. Watson , A. E. Larsen , Misses Effie Carl son , Chloe Waggoner and Lulu Kortz. The topic of most interest in the county superintendents' section was the Certification of Teachers under the new law. It is import ant that teachers whose certificates expire in February and March shall present themselves for ex amination at the office on the reg ular examination days in January and Feb. Those giving satisfac tory evidence of having done the reading circle work and associa tion work will be required to take examination in the five essentials only viz : reading , arithmetic , grammar , history and geography. The new law does not provide for renewal of certificates. All third grade certificates issued in August expire in February. At Lincoln your superintendent met all the former instructors in the Institutes of Cherry Co. and in the Junior Normal , who with out exception sent cordial greet ings to the teachers in Cherry Co. LULU KORTZ , Co. Supt. Hall of Valentine Lodge , ) No. TO , A. O. U" . W. j Valentine , Neb. , Jan. 31906. ' Whereas , a brother is bereaved and the community sustains the loss of one of Us pioneer citizens , whose entire life among has been one of uprightness , sacrifice and Christian forbearance and forti tude , seldom witnessed , RESOLVED ; That we condole with Brother Wesley Holsclaw iii this bereavement , and be it further RESOLVED ; That while m the death of Rev. Samuel W. Hols- claw , the community has sustained the loss of one of its most estim able citizens , yet his deeds and teachings have left their impress , and of a character that tends to the upbuilding and righteousness of a people ; therefore his memory will live and be rewarded. And be it further RESOLVED ; That copies of these resolutions be spread upon our records , presented Brother Hols- claw and published in the Valen tine papers. C. H. CORNELL , U. Gr. DUNN , JCom. . J. W. SLONECKER. Hates to Beatrice * Neb. , Via the North-westera Line. Ex cursion tickets will be sold Jan. 15 and 16 , limited to return until Jan. 19 , inclusive , on account State Vol unteer Firemen's Association. Ap ply to agents Chicago & North western R'y- 512 - - - - SA.--J * Soda anything you choose milk for instance or alone. At every meal or for a munch between meals , when' you feel the need of an appetizing bite to fill up a vacant corner , in the morning when wake you hungry , or at night just before going to bed. Soda crackers are so light and easily digested that they make a perfect food at times when you could not think of eating anything else. But as in all other things , there is a difference in sod crackers , the superlative being a soda cracker so scientifically baked that all the nutri tive qualities' the wheat are retained and developed a soda cracker in which all the original goodness is preserved for you. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Niobrara Falls. Donfc forget to attend the lyoeam every Friday evening. Mary Grewe and Lizzie Adainson spent Xmas at Nenzel. C. C. Thompson and family went to S. Blakley's to spend New Years. We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas ( and a Happy New Year. Quite a crowd gathered at John Adamsons last Friday eyening in honor of the "Mastei V birthday. We would judge there were over 100 people present. Those from the south side of the river met at R. Grooms' place and went from there on a bay rack. There were 27 in that crowd. Mr. Stees and Miss Mabel Ealya of the Snake were down to join in the fun. BAD BOY. I nfcs to JJiiicoliif Neb , , Via the North-western Line. Ex cursion tickets will be sold Jan. 13 to 18 , inclusive , limited to return until Jan. 22 , inclusive , on account of Various Agricultural and Stock Breeders' meetings. Apply to ag ents Chicago & North-western Ey- 513 Aa Opportunity We want a man in this localirv to sell w the WHEELER & WILSON Sewing Machine. We can offer ex ceptional induce ments to someone who commands a horse and wagon and can devote his time to advancing the sales of our product. Energetic men find our proposition a money-maker , ca pable of development into a permanent and profitable business. WRiTE AT ONCE YVSiccSerfcWilson Mfg. Co. 72 and 74 VVabash Ave. CHICAGO stop ydup LungIrritation , relieve your Sore Throat i and drive out youp Chronic Cold , with the only cer tain , and strictly scientific , Cure for Coughs and Colds : la. IBespalr. "Our little daughter was given up by two physicians with consumption of the throat , and we wera almost in despair , when our druggist recommended Dr. King's New Discovery. After taking four bottles she was perfectly cured and has had no throat trouble since. " GEO. A. EYLER , Cumberland , Hd. Price , goc and TRi&L T LES FI3E5 RECOMMENDED , GUARANTEED AND SOLD BY is the only Grade Powder offered to the consumer at a It should not be confuseclswith , the cheap , low grade powders on the one hand , nor the high priced trust powders on * the other. 1M-P-A-N-S Tabulcs Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-cent package s enough lor usual occas- sions. The family bottle ( CO cents ) contains a Runolv for a. year. All druggists sell them . Rates to Denver , CoJo. , Via the North-weBtern Line. Ex cursion tickets will be sold on Jan. 1 28 , 29 and 80 , limited to return un til Feb. 15 , inclusive , on account of Wool Growers and Live Stock .Association Meetings. Apply to ag- I ents Chicago & North-western Ey. 514 EO YEARS' EXPERIENCE ATENTS TRADE MARKS ' DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c > Anyone sending a sketch and description may qnlckly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing 'patents. Patents taken through 31 mm & Co. receive tpecial notice , without chante. in the A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- calation of any scientific Journal. Terms , $3 t year : four months , { L Sold fey all newsdealers. ch Office. 625 F \YMhlnatOD. . ! > .