F-rv Athletio Women. [ "Anything that hardens boyi and tends to make them more manly , more courageous , and more self-reliant must be good in itselfwrites Stuart Laun- 'caster in the Boudoir. "But in the case of girls , it may safely be assert- j ed , without staying to prove the as sertion , that it is altogether bad for them to ' ' arid become 'hard' muscular like their brothers , and the question at once arises Are 'manly' and 'wom anly' directly contradictory terras ? Or , although we all agree to Sespise the jromanly man , can we admire the manly woman Physically , girls are unfitted by nature to stand the stress and strain of constant hard exercise. " He Doenn't Curse N"ow. Washington , Kan. , Dec. 25 ( Special ) Jesse B. Mitchell is a telephone line man'and also a well-known resident "here. Everybody acquainted with Mr. Mitchell knows that he was a man who held very positive views about Patent Medicine. Hear what he says now : "I used to curse all kinds of Patent Medicines for they never did me any food , but Dodd's Kidney Pills have caused me to change my mind. For twelve years I suffered from Kidney Trouble. There was a hurting across tny back that made it positive agoay to stoop , and as I am in a stooping position nearly all day , you can im agine how I suffered. After a day's work that any man would think noth ing of , I would be tired and worn out In fact , I was always tired. I Began using Dodd's Kidney Pills and after taking four boxes I feel like a new man , I am as fresh at night as when I begin work In the morning. I have no pain in my back now , and I am stronger than ever. " Motric Photography. M. Bertillon , of anthropometry fame among the police of the world , has Just conferred a lasting boon upon photography. The taking of a photo graph which should reproduce dimen sions and distance with any approach to precision has long been almost de spaired of by experts. The problem , however , has been solved by M. Ber tillon. He has just perfected an ap paratus and process which he names metric photography. By this method dimensions , spaces , distances and the relative forms and positions represent ed on the negative can be determined wltb the greatest exactitude. THE COUPON BELOW IS GOOD FOR $1.00 IF SENT AT ONCE. It Is Wrong for You to Neglect Your Duty to Yourself Constipation , Bowel and Stomach Troubles , Grow More Dangerous Daily. * There is now a remedy called Mull's Grape Tonic that cures these troubles ab- tolutely. A full sized bottle is furnished you free to prove it see coupon below. Have you noticed the large number of cases of Typhoid Fever lately ? Typhoid Fever , Malarial Fevpr , Appendicitis , Im pure Blood , Pimples , Skin Diseases , Sick Headache , Biliousness , Pil'es , Female Troubles , etc. , are the result of Cou- Ktipation. Don't allow it to run on without pro per treatment. Mull's Grape Tonic cures Constipation , Bowel and Stomach trouble hi a new way , different from any other , and it is permanent. Alcoholic , opium and morphine prep arations are injurious and dangerous. They destroy the digestive organs , ami literally tear the system to pieces. Mull's Grape Tonic strengthens and builds them up. It cleanses the system of impurities , incites the digestive system to natural action , and cures the disease In a short time. To prove it to you , we will give you a bottle free if you have never used it. Good for ailing children and nursing mothers. A free bottle to all who have never used it because we know it will cure you. COUPON. 139 GOOD FOR ONE DOLLAR 1230-5 Send thli coupon with your naroi and address , j-our druggist's name and lOe to pay poctage and we will lupply you a rample free , If you hue never used Mull's Qrape Tonic , and will alto send you a certificate good for 1.00 toward the purchase of more Toulo from jour druggist. ifirr.13 GBAPE Toxic Co. , 21 Third Ave. c Rock Island , HL Give Full Address and Write Plainly S3 cent , CO cent and tl.OO bottles at all druggists. Tha 41.00 bottle contains about tit timei as much the.15 cent bottle and about three times as much a * the 50 cent bottle. There If a great % ing la bujine the tl.OO site. a ii 1 The genuine has a date and number stamped on the label take no other ii from your druggist iiC What Was Needed. ji "My friend , " said the perspiring chauf jia feur , whoso tonneau had broken down lc on tho pike , "can you tell me how far lc.T lcn It is from here to Three Oaks ? " .T "Thirty miles as the crow flies , " re .To .Th sponded tho sun-tanned farmer. o "Thank you. And now will you please 8 hand them over ? " "Hand what over , stranger ? " "Why , a pair of crow's wings. " " State of Ohio , City of Toledo , Lncts Coun e ty , ss. : eii ew Frank J. Cheney makes cath that he is ii enlor partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Ce dolnjr business In the City of Toledo. 1) County and State aforesaid , and that said 1)C firm will par the sum of ONE HUNDRED 1)e DOLLARS for each and every case of Ca tarrh that cannot be cured by the use of e Hall's Catarrh Cure. tl Cure.FRANK FRANK J. CHBNET. Sworn to before me and lubccribed In my presence , this Gth day of D cember , A. D. ISM A. W. GLBASON , tl < Sial. ) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally , and acts directly on the blood and mucous n snrfatts of the system. Send for testimo t nials fret. F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O. nsi Sold by all Drugelsts. 75e. si Talc * Hall's Family Pills for constipation. siP ii A Friendly Tip. si Wedderly You look worried , old man. it What's the cause thereof ? itei ei Singleton ( with a sigh ) Oh , several things. Wedderly Well , take my advice and tlT tln marry one of them and let the others go. I've been there myself. n i : TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY P lake LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. in Druggists refuud money If It falls to cure. B. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 23c. InP' An luea. P' Student Professor , won't you giro laE Me an idea for an essay ? ' E Professor Write about a student who n wanted to write an essay , and hadn't b < y idea * . Is Work Too Many Ifourx. In n recent speech made by P. H. Morrissey , grand master of the Broth erhood of Railroad Trainmen , he de clared that railway employes were compelled to work too muny hours to insure safe traffic on the roads. lie said : "There is no other occupation to-day in which men are forced to be more alert and active and yet are expected to remain in service so many Lours at a time. Laws should be enacted to protect the railroad man. We should work unitedly in an effort to procure the enactment of measures providing for the maintenance of the families of railroad men who meet wth misfor tune. If railroad companies can be forced by legislation lo install safety appliances for the benefit of the pa trons of the road , it would be no more than fair that the employes themselves and their families should be taken care of. We hear about the shipping rates and what benefits passengers should receive from the roads they pa tronize , but all the time the vast army of our dead and the train of mourners who follow the victims of the merci less railroad march pass unheeded. There should be provided by law a compensation act , forcing the railroad to provide an annuity for the family equal { o tho earning power of the in jured man. " TIio .SeimcMrM Union. The lulcrnatioual convention of the Seamen's TnioM was held at Cleve land , Ohio , recently. This organiza tion is in a pros perous condition and lias done AVOII- ders in assisting those who follow a dangerous call ing. William ll. is the general sec retary - treasurer , r e t a ry-treasurer , and has the entire confidence of the WM. a. tfKAZJisu. members of the or ganization. One of the largest and most important branches of the inter national is the Atlantic Coast Sea men's Union , which has its headquar ters in Boston. 1 11 tin.si rial Xotes. In the ITnitivl States and Canada the International Typographical Union has secured the eight-hour work-day in 12SS ) cities. Boston United Hatters' Unions f and 0 have adjusted the price lists for the year with every Iqcal manufacturing firm. The main changes from the exist ing bills of prices are largely on special styles for next season. Marble Cutters and Setters' Union HO reports that progress is being made to wards an amicable adjustment' the union's request for ap incerase in the minimum scale to $3.50 a day. The present rate is $3. Slate and Soapstone Workers' Union has begun considering the advsiability of making a fixed minimum rate of wages for all lines of work in that trade. At present the union has a rule by which no one can work for less than $2.nO a day. The wages paid run from $2.30 to $4.30 a day for various lines. William J. Spencer , secretary-treas urer of the Structural Building Trades" Alliance of America , has scut out a re port to alliliated crafts in which he de clares the alliance is rapidly gaining in strength. The last charters granted were at Hot SpringArk. . ; Englewood. ) N. .T. ; Springfield , Mass. , and Chi- cago , 111. The United States Supreme Court re cently affirmed the decision of the Su- preme Court of the State of Missouri upholding the validity of the State law which fixes eight hours as the length of day's work in the mines. The super- intendent of a mine held workmen for a longer period and was proceeded against in the State court , it being a test case A press dispatch says : "A British Columbia miner has been fined $230 by a judge for working more than eight hours day. Because he Avorked half an hour longer than the law allows , P. Zanani , miner employed in tho collieries of Tames Dunsmuir at Cumberland , B. C. . has been found guilty by Judge Abrams tf violating the eiirht-hour law and fined 230. : " It was an eight hour committee who nave the union printers the battle cry. "We propose to sell to the employer pight hours out of the twentyfour , and \ve will do as we please with the remain ing sixteen. " An equally inspiring shib boleth is that enunciated by the Label Committee of the union , which says , "Let those employers who are content to employ non-union men be content with the patronage of non-union men. " The Court of Appeals in the State of Xe\v York rendered a decision recently that a contract between an employer mid a labor union to employ only union men was legal and binding , and the par ty : who violated such a contract could not shirk responsibility on the plea that such a contract was contrary to public policy. In the particular case in point clothing firm declared for the open shop and broke the closed shop contract had with the United. Garment Work- rs. More than 2,000 men are employed at the locomotive hhops in Reading , Pa. Jhe monthly payroll amounts to a little more : than $110.000. When additions , now in course of construction , are com- Dieted , work will be given to at least 500 more men. As a result of the efforts of organized labor in Holyoke. Mass. , the working icople ' won a victory at the polls in the ate State election , atifl Senator-elect s Daniel D. Mahoney will represent them j q the State House in Boston. Mr. Maj j s has long been identified loney with tke 11 abor movement , u The Senate Friday adopted a resolu tion of Mr. Stone requesting the Post master General for information as to whether college periodicals are admit ted to the mails as second-class matter and whether a preference is shown some such periodicals over other similar publications. Mr. Gallinger reported the merchant marine bill. The Panajna Canal bill was laid before the Senate and Mr. Bacon presented an amendment requiring quarterly reports giving lists ol officers and employes of the commission above the grades of laborer and the sal aries paid them. After debate by Messrs. Tillman , Spooner , Money , Ilale , Cul- berson and Allison an agrement for a vote was reached and the Senate ad journed. The House devoted nearly all of the session to a lively debate on the possibilities of controlling insurance com panies. Mr. Sherley ( Ky. ) stood for tho doctrine of States' rights and Mr. Cock- fan ( N. Y. ) attacked the officers of tha big life insurance . . A " 3 J4A.IIIOIJA llil t ; I.U1111JU111C ? * - - mes- Y sage was sent to the Senate returning it : hill regarding canal bonds as a usurpa- Uon of the constitutional right of the House to originate revenue legislation. The hazing incidents at Annapolis came up for much criticism. * ' * * The emergency bill appropriating $11- 000,000 for the Panama canal was pass ed by the Senate Saturday , after n de bate which practically excluded all other business. A substitute offered by Mr. Hale for Mr. Bacon's amendment , speci- fically requiring that Congress shall bo supplied with regular estimates of all salaries except those paid to laborers , nas accepted. Mr. Hale made the au thorized announcement that Secretary Bishop's duties as press agent would he abolished. The House indulged itself again to the extent of four hours in an academic discussion of federal control of insuranco. The holiday recoss was fixed from Dec. 21 to .Tan. 4. For the pur pose of bringing out information show ing the existence of : i civil pension IKt the Ilonse n ked the President for tin. number of civil employes of the govern ment who have reached the age of 70. Whether the Senate is warranted in ignoring a Senator convicted in the courts on charges of misconduct and in not assigning him to places on standing committees , yet leaving his nnme on the roll , was discussed for two hours Monday and then dropped without a ruling. The matter came up when the list of standing committees was presented and it was stated that the name of Senator Burton of Kansas had been left out at his re quest. A resolution providing for ad journment from Dee. 21 to .Tan. 4 was adopted. The message from the House disagreeing with the Senate amendments to the canal appropriation bill was laid lief ore the Senate. A motion that tho Senate insists on the amendments and agreeing to a conference was adopted. The ship subsidy bill was taken up , which makes it the unGnished business. A resolution calling on the Secretary of the Treasury for the names and locations of national banks and the amount of de posits of United States moneys from June 30 , 1001 , to 1903 was adopted. In surance , hazing at West Point and Ann apolis , the sufferings of the Russian .Tews i and immigration were the topics of dis cussion in the House under a general leave of talk. Tho only business done was to send the Panama canal appro priation bill to conference. The Senate Tuesday accepted the re port of the conference committee on the Panama canal emergency appropriation bill , which incorporated the Senate amendment as article 1 , making the canal bonds available as a basis of na tional bank circulation. There was a brief discussion of the restoration of this provision and of the attitude of the House in resenting the Senate's action , in which speeches were made by Messrs. Spooner , Aldrich and TellerAll ex pressed ] the opinion that the Senate had not exceeded its prerogatives , but the finance i committee was asked for an opin ion. A bill was passed establishing a lish culture station in Illinois , $23,000 being appropriated. The House contin ued debating topics of local or national interest j , under the guise of referring the message of the President to committees. Federal ] control of insurance was the main feature in the remarks. A plea against the destruction of the old frigate Constitution < was made by Mr. Sulzer ( ( X. Y. . ) . When the conference commit tee reported on the canal appropriation bill Mr. Williams , the minority leader , objected to action on it and the report went over a clay. The only notable feature of the open session of the Senate Wednesday was a brief discussion of railroad legislation by Messrs. Foraker and Culberson. At 12:37 p. in. the Senate went into executive session and adopted a motion calling on the President for the return of the no tification of ( he Senate's couGrmation of the nominations of the Panama Canal commissioners , for reconsideration. The House continued the general debate , and it is understood that the discussion of the President's message , which has been in progress for seven days , has been concluded. A feature of the oratory was a defense of the Agricultural Depart ment by Southern members , who in dorsed the government cotton statistics. The House agreed to the conference re port on the Panama Canal appropriation bill and passed a bill for the relief of the Council City and Solomon River Railway Company of Alaska. Mr. Payne reported from the Ways and Means Committee the Philippine tariff for con sideration Jan. 4. National Capital Note * . Prince Min , the Korean minister to France , who has been in Washington for several days past , called by appoint ment upon Secretary Root at the State Department and had n conference with him lasting nearly half an hour. Representative Sulzer of New York in troduced a resolution to save ' 'Old Iron sides" ( frigate Constitution ) , which re quests the President to prevent the de struction of the frigate and to recom mend measures for preserving what re- of the historic craft. I A Heavy Load to Carry. Along with dyspepsia conies nervous ness and general ill-nealth. Why ? Be cause a disordered stomach does not per mit tha food to be properly digested , and its products assimilated by tho system. The blood is charged with poisons which come from this disordered digestion , and In turn the nerves are not fed on good , red blood , and we see symptoms of nerv ousness , sleeplessness and general break down. It is not head work , nor over phy sical exertion that does it , but poor stom ach work. With poor , thin Dlood the body is not protected against the attack of germs of grip , bronchitis and consump tion. Fortify the body at once with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery a rare combination of native medicinal roots without a particle of alcohol or dangerous habit-forming drugs. A little book of extracts , from promi nent medical authorities extolling every ingredient contained in Dr. Pierce's Golded Medical Discovery will be mailed free to any address on request by postal card or letter. Address Dr. E. V. Pierce , Buffalo , N. Y. Many years of active practice convinced Dr. Pierce of the value of many native roots as medicinal agents and he went to great expense , both in time and in money , to perfect his own peculiar processes for rendering them both efficient and safe for ] tonic , alterative and rebuilding agents. The enormous popularity of "Golden Medical Discovery" is due both to its scientific compounding and to the actual medicinal value of its ingredients. The publication of the names of the ingredi ents on the wrapper of every bottle sold , gives full assurance of Its non-alcoholic character and removes all objection to the use of an unknown or secret remedy. It is not a patent medicine nor a secret one either , This fact puts it in a class allby itself , bearing as it does upon every bottle wrapper The Badge of Honesty , in the full list of its ingredients. The "Golden Medical Discovery" cures , weak stomach , indigestion , or dyspepsia , torpid liver and biliousness , ulceration of stomach and bowles and all catarrhal af fections no matter what parts or organs may bo affected with j.t. Tr. ) Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the original little liver pills , first put up 40 years ago. They regulate and invigorate , stomach , liver and bowels. Much imitated but never equaled. Sugar-coated and easy to take as candy. One to three a dose. Improved Mail-Ba j Catcher. A recent patented invention for this purpose is most ingenious and effec tive. Upon a vertical post set in the roadbed , and provided with brackets , two horizontal arms are pivoted , the lower one of which is spring-controlled. These arms support between them the mail-bag holder , which consists pri marily of two swinging members , sep arately hinged together by the pecu liar form of hinge. Attached to the two parts of the holder is a flexible connection such as leather , the purpose of which is to hold the two parts in alignment when not under strong pres sure. When the arm of the car comes . into ] contact with the mail sack , the joint formed by the hinged parts is broken. The parts separate and the bag is swept into the car. Mr . "Wlnilow's Booraxe STXUT for Children ething ; oftans tha gnms , reduces inflammation , & 1 > ys pain , oures wind colic. 25 cents a bottl * . Caugiit at Point. A child's reasoning may not be pro found , but it is generally interesting , ) t least to parents. Polly , who St. /lames' / Budget says , is the daughter of a peer , was drawing pictures on the i Elate for three-year-old Ralph. j "Look at this dog , Ralph , " she said , ! with great satisfaction. "Isn't he , nice ? I drew it out of my own head. " j "Oh , no , " answered Ralph , solemn ly. "It came out of the pencil. I saw . ii come. " iiti Presently he added , with deep thoughtfulness , "There's lots of dogs in that pencil. One came out last night for Harold. I don't know how they get there. " ft ? Superstition in Devonshire. Devonshire Is known to the world for Its superstitious usages , which defy all efforts to uproot them. To name only one example , when a person dies all the relatives must touch the body or they will be haunted by the ghost of the dead forever after. A super stition not so local In its observance is that of beginning no task on a Fri day. The writer recently encountered a girl who , receiving notice to change from one room to another on Friday , insisted upon doing it on the Thursday instead. But the most curious In stance of superstition and this , too , is met much nearer home .than Devon is surely that which prescribes tint when , say , a domestic servant has broken a piece of crockery , she is' ' bound by fate to break two other i pieces. So far is this idea catried that the writer knows a case where Hower pots are kept for the special purpose "of being broken to appease the fates ! Charles Dickens , however , who died thirty-five years ago , noted that all good things had come to him on a Friday ! London Chronicle. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. Itching , Blind , Bleeding Protruding Plies. DriiKRlsts are authorzed to refund money If t'AZO OINTMENT falls to cure iii 0 to U days. 50c. Puzzling Signs. "Two strange signs in France and Italy have always puzzled me , " said a globe trotter. "One is the sign to be seen in front of every barber's. This is a brass saucer , with a semi-circular nick in one side. Why should a nicked saucer signify a barber shop ? I have asked many people , but none could answer me. * "The other sign waves before the shops of dyers and scourers. It con sists of two long , slim curtains of cloth , one on each side of the door. "Fbs curtains may be of any color red or blue or yellow and they are eight or nine feet long and about four feet wide. What do they mean. I wonder ? " Piso's Cure for Consumption promptly relieves my little 5-year-old sister of croup. Mias L. A. Pearce. 23 street , Brooklyn , N. Y. , Oct. 2. 1U01. Then and Now. "Goodness inc ! " exclaimed the woman at the kitchen door. "This is the second time .you have called here this week. " "Well , dat ain't so worse , " answered the hungry hobo. "Dere WHZ a time when me best girl kicked ef I didn't show up twice aday ! " A Positive CURE Ely's Cream Balm Is quickly absorbed. Gives Relief at Once. It cleanses , soothes j heals and protects tho diseased mem- j brone. It cures Cu-1 tarrh and flrivo away a Cold in ll.oj Head quickly. Ju-i stores tho Senses of Taste and Smell. Fnll fcize 501 In , at Drug gists or by mail ; TniJ Size 10 eta by mail Ely Brothers , 5G Wurren Street , Now Yorlr CURES CONSTIPATION Relief that comes from tins use of pills or other cathartics is better than suffering from tho results of constipation , but relief and cure combined may bo had at tho same price and more promptly , for Lane's Family Medicine is a cure for constipation , and the headache , backache , sideache and general debility that como from constipation stop when tho bowels do their proper work. Sold by all dealers at ssc. and soc. BBZEE5KBEBBBE2Sa0BH3HaB ! SICK HEADAGH Positively cared _ . ' these Little Pills. CARTER'S They also rcllero DI tresa roni Djspepsla , Inn ITTLE digestion and Too HocxtJ IVER Eating ; A perfect rcnv cdy tor Dizziness. Nauseaj PILLS. Drowsiness , Bad Tast ( 'in ' tno Mouth , Coate < j | Tcngua , Pain la tlie SldeJ TORPID LIVER. regulate toe Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL , SMALL DOSE. SHAlLP3CEi ! CARTERS Genuina Must Bear KITTLE Fac-Simiis Signature 5VER PILLS. 22228 REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. S. C. N. U. No. 511 1O05 ELSE FAILS. Boat Cough Syrup. Tertea Good. Use In time. Sold CURE THE SNP Cts I -.IN-ONE W - - DAY WRIPINEW IS GUARANTEED TO CURE WRIPINE i GRIP , BAD GOLD , HEADACHE A81D XEURALGII * I won't sell JLntl-Grlplnc to a dealer trho won't Onatrantco 1 $ Call for your MONJEY BACK. IP IT DOESTS'T CU3EJ F. W. Dtemerj Jf.Z > . , Manufacturer , Sjpritiyjleltl , 2tf t Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. THE FAMILY' * FAVORITE MEDICINE CA.TiaAH.TSC BEST FOR THE BOWELS AND OTHERS. The better class of druggists , everywhere , are men of scientific attainments and high integrity , who devote their lives to the welfare of their fellow men in supplying the best of remedies and purest medicinal agents of known value , in accordance with physicians' prescriptions and scientific formula. Druggists of the better class manufacture many excellent remedies , but always under original or officinal names and they never sell false brands , or imitation medicines. They are the men to deal with when in need of anything in their line , which usually includes all standard remedies and corresponding adjuncts of a first-class pharmacy and the finest and best of toilet articles and preparations and many useful accessories and remedial appli-nces. The earning of a fair living , with the satisfaction which arises from a knowledge of the benefits . _ _ _ _ . _ iT i T i i i T T T T * 11 xT r a wtrv 4 r\tl& * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , _ . J l O J.O culi / k.Vy W.A.J.V > AX u .LCb its uj. i v > j. J U.V VA j ti.iv * WAAu a. w ± i \ * * t VA. f * * - * * * * - * * - - --w. * - j + .v- are selling many millions of bottles annually to the well informed purchasers of the choicest remedies , and they always take pleasure in handing out the genuine article bearing the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package. They know that in cases of colds and headaches attended by biliousness and constipation and of weakness or torpidity of the liver and bowels , arising from irregular habils , indigestion , or over-eating , that there is no other remedy so pleasant , prompt and beneficial in its effects as Syrup of Figs , and they are glad to sell it because it gives universal satisfaction. Owing to the excellence of Syrup of Figs , the universal satisfaction which it gives and the immense demand for it , imitations have been made , tried and condemned , but there are individual druggists to be found , here and there , who do not maintain the dignity and principles of the profession and whose greed gets the better of their judgment , and who do not hesitate to recommend and try to sell the imitations in order to make a larger profit. Such preparations sometimes have the name " Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrup" and of some piratical concern , or fictitious fig syrup company , printed on the package , but they never have the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package. The imitations should be rejected because they are injurious to the systemIn order to sell the imitations they find it necessary to resort to misrepresentation or deception , and whenever a dealer passes off on a customer a preparation under the name of "Syrup of Figs" or ' 'Fig Syrup , " which does not bear the full name of the California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package , he is attempting to deceive and mislead the patron who has been so unfortunate as to enter his establishment , whether it be large or small , for if the dealer resorts .to misrepresentation and and deception in one case he will do so with other medicinal agents , and in the filling of physicians' prescriptions , and should be avoided by every one who values health and happiness. Knowing that the great majority of druggists are reliable , we supply the immense demand for our excellent remedy entirely through the druggists , cf whom it may be purchased every where , in original packages only , at the regular price of fifty cents per bottle , but as exceptions exist it is necessary to inform the public of the facts , in order that ail may decline or return any imitation which may be sold to them. If it does not bear the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package , do not hesitate to return tho article and to demand the return of your money , and in future go to one of the better class of druggists who will sell you what you wish and the best of everything in his line at reasonable prices.