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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1905)
-at . - - - f w * if. < * * * + < . , ' THE ALENTINE CRAT.til VOI TME XX VALENTINE. NEBRASKA , DECEMBER 28 , 1905. NUMBER 50 , W ith November and December fr * we can expect cold weatherand ? * r for col d weather you must have & IWarm Furs ! And Warm - 4 ? In Furs we have a complete line of & 4 ifr | Scarfs and Muffs. g fl . c * - } 31 For Men's Ladies' and Children's | I UNDERWEAR " I t $ We are Headquarters. \ g * j Ladies' and Misses' & > 4 ? ' ifr : Dress Skirts H * g J of the latest styles and patterns , and at 5 * * ' . . all prices. | * Our line of g i > * Coats and Cravanetts $ g Jj Is still complete and prices are right , jj 4 ? _ o We have a full line of Knitted Goods , Jj such as * * Scarfs , Shawls , Fasiiiators , Hoods * J | for Ladies and Children. $ IR > ED FRONT MERC , co f Fall and Winter - /School Suits for Boys , and Shoes for Boys and Girls. The best for wear in the town for the money. Suits made to order. Cleaning , pressing and repairing. D CLOTHIER. Just the thing to buy for holidays and fit up your home something to use every day in the year .Table Cutlery , Lamps , Kocking Cnairs , Writing Desks , a new Cook Ijj Stove or Heating Stove all useful articles. Come and select from r.-j r the biggest stock in western Nebraska. FRANK FISCHER. Hardware and Furniture. Chartered as a Statu Bank Cmmered at u National Bank , . ' . JUHH 1 1884. August 12. 1902 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. , . , ( Successor to ) CAPITAL-PAID H ? A General Banking I1S25 000 . * /t" Exchange and V J < QUWW. Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NIOHOI.HON. ( ' TALK OF THE TOWN & A. M. Sageser , of Newport , is visiting relatives in the city. Will Mumford has been appoint ed guardian of his brother Frank. Miss Flora Hornback has gone up to Cody to visit friends a few days. Notice of New Year ball at Langer Bros , ' store at Xor'den will be found in this paper. A good time is expected. Mr. Kirkman , a son of C. F. Kirkman of Purdum , was in our city on business yesterday and called at our office. Mrs. C. M. Sageser departed last week to Omaha for medical treatment , having been in failing health for some time. Miss Minnie Hornback has re turned from her school in the south part of the county to spend the . holidays with her parents. W. H. Carter came down from Cody Tuesday and visited a couple of days with his sister Mrs. Shore who is suffering considerably from a cold. Wm. Carothers and Miss Lulu Haynes , both of Ft. Niobrara were married at the Presbyterian church Dec. 23 , 1905 , Rev. John W. Morgan officiating. Miss Friend , one of the teachers in our school , departed Saturday to Syracuse where she will visit home folks and it is intimated will not return to teach , but will prob * ably return to Valentine toJive. Mrs. T. C. Hornby and Mrs. Charles Sparks are enjoying a visit this week from their mother , sisters and a brother , Mrs. Say , Miss Pearl and Robert from Chad- ron and Mrs. Spirk from Neligh. ! Religious services will be held S in Bethel hall in Valentine for the ai colored people , Sunday , Dec. 81. aiE Chaplain Stewart of the Fort is E expected to preach and all the col- ored people are urged to be present. a A big dance will be given New n Year night at Langer Bros , new ai store in Norden , Monday evening , jtl Jan. 1 , 1906. The Fort Niobrara ) orchestra has been engaged to furnish the music. Everybody r invited. ; Mrs. George Hornby went down c to Council Bluffs to spend Christ a mas with relatives and friends. Mr. Hornby went down Tuesday aP in the interest of the Dr. Jonas P orphanage of which he is one of n the directors. u Mrs. C. B. Ricketts , who has been visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Jeffers , and other relatives p for the past month , returned to . her'home near Idaho Falls , Idaha , 1 the first of the week , where her husband conducts a ranch. They formerly , lived near Merriman. Joseph Langer called at our of fice last Thursday , while in town for two loads of lumber for Lang er Bros. ' new store in Norden , and told us that they were going to have a big dance New Year night in their new store which is all in closed. Grant Boyer is the car penter. Geo. L. Jaquins , < of Sparks , Neb. , called at our office1 y esterfi ! day and told us that he had a ' g medicine that will cure blackleg in ' c cattle. He carried an afficavit'e from Richard Owens stating that si he used Mr. Jaquins' medicine up- u on a calf of his that he believed to in have the blackleg and that the first dose relieved it. He says that Mr. Jaquins' medicine will do what he claims for it , and Mr. Jaquius is e : willing to go anywhere to test his a medicine and claims to have cured aa < sx cases , n Miss Ida Stinard is quite ill. Miss Elma JMills has gone to her home at O'Neill to visit daring the holidays. Attorney Morrissey made a busi - ness trip over to Fairfax , S.D. the past week. Rev. Holsclaw has been very il 1 since Saturday with erysipelas in the head. Dr. Holsclaw was sent for and came up from Woodlake Sunday but thought there was no danger and returned , but was telephoned for last night. Mean while Dr. Jeffers has been attend ing his grand-father which delays his intended departure to "VVyo. Cloyd Quigley , Oliver Walcott , Clinton Collett , Alfred Lewis and Misses Leta Stetter , Maggie Rob inson , Myrtle Pettijohn , Clara Collett and Mrs. Gertrude Brown .returned to Valentine last Friday night , all enjoying a pleasant visit with each other as they met from different points on the train ; some attending college , some working , and others had been vis iting. Miss Emma Furrey and Sergt. Joseph Dailey were married Wednesday noon , Dec. 27 , 1905 , at the home of the bride's father at Ft : Niobrara. The wedding was a quiet one , none but the immed iate friends ' and relatives being present. The ceremony was per formed by the Rev. Royal D. Waterman , pastor of the M. E. church. Sergt. and Mrs. Dailey will continue-to reside at FtrNio- brara. Fell vcretr JeiFers. Miss Inez A. Petty crew and Dr. Bertrand F. Jeffers were united n marriage at the Pettycrew home Saturday evening , Dec. 23 , 1905 , it six o'clock , in the presence of 50 or 40 relatives and friends , the Rev. S. W % Holsclaw officiating. Miss Laura Jensen of Blair , Neb. , friend whom Miss Pettycre w net : in college , was bridesmaid md Floyd Pettycrew , a brother of ihe bride , was groomsman. The ride was dressed in a beautiful jown of white silk and car ried a bouquet of rose = . A lainty supper was served after congratulations < had been offered md ; a pleasant evening was spent. &s a token of esteem a splendid irray of beautiful and valuable presents were given them as mementos which will be found useful in the furnishing of a new borne. The bride is the only' daughter of William A. , and Adelia Petty- crew , deceased. Mr. Pettycrew is ! a prominent merchant of our city. Miss Inez grew to woman hood in our city , graduated from Valentine's high school and taught in the Newport school. She is a talentel musician , having been organist several years in the M.E. church and has taken a course in music at Lincoln and at Fremont. She is a Christian girl , developing all the graces of a true lady of the highest type , lored and respected by all who know her. Bertrand F. Jeffers is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Jef fers west of town. Dr. Jeffers grew to manhood adjoining our city , graduated in our schools sev eral years ago and took up the study of medicine , at first in bis uncle's office and later graduated the Omaha Medical College. Bert , as he was familiarly known inschool , , like his estimable young wife , is from good parentage and inters the professional life without stain or blemish upon his char- icter and has no bad habits. Long nay they live-and prosper. Thanks. I * . . . . 4 ? 4 ? ftfr 43 4S 4 ? We take this opportunity to thank our 4 ? many friends and customers for their liberal 49 4 ? patronage during the year just closing , and for f ? making it one of the most successful years we have ever had in business. 49 We trust 'that 1906 will be as bountiful to 4 ? 49 you as 1905 has been to us and that we may still merit a continuance of your splendid sup 49 port and add many new friends to our list of 49 customers. ' ' 49 I * 9 49 43K 43I < I $ The Corner Store. < ? Davenport & Co. < ? FALL AND WINTER GOODS IDctily Everything in * Clothing , Drygoods , Hats and ( Japs , Boots and Shoes- Come and give us a chance to prove that we are selling good goods of all kinds cheaper than anybody in this party of the country. Yours for Good Goods and Cheap Prices , MAX B. VIERTBL Dealer in Everything. QUICK DELIVERY You don't have to wait for us to flag a delivery. We have our own and - . MAKE PROMPT DELIVERIES. S W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. irrrrri-rrrrrrrrjrirrr * . . ! > . * . " * , f. FRED WIIITTEMOIIE , Pros. CIIAKLES SPARKS , Cashier. J. W. STETTER , Vice Pres. ORAII L. BRITTOX , Ass't Cash. a ; Valentine State Bank . tn to ffi Valentine , Nebraska. < a tori Capital Surplus. 0 $25,000. $2,000. . ri B Persons seeking a place of safety for their money y will profitby investigating the methods employed in our business" ! , CONFECTIONERY Suited to your taste. . Canned Goods Are now at their best and we handle the best grade. Lunch Counter.i All you want to eat at our" Lunch Counter. . " . .T L Home Bakery