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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1905)
OEMOCRjH EDITOB ffMutual Mutual companleH pay losses in full tttount I. M. RICE , Agent. Sure to Use Only Cream of Tartar Baking Powder Food made with alum baking powder carries alum to the Stomach unchanged. Scientists have positively demonstrated this and that- such food is partly indi gestible and unhealthful. I Nebraska Liquor Laws. Concluded from page four. notice * If at the time fixed for -said hearing no person appears , or if any person does appear , after a /'hearing , tfie magistrate shall be atisfied that said liquors were be- kept , or sold , or with the in- 'tention ' . andrfor the purpose of be- * ' * ! ? ing sold , iiji violation of this chap- r , the magistrate shall order the destroyed , and in case there jia no appearance by any one claim- j-ing to be { the ( owner of said liquors i'the costs hall lie paid by the county in'wtiich : the complaint is brought for'cases where the de- pne appears and resists the com plaint hie shall be adjudged to pay ( . % { costs' if the liquor be ordered 'destroyed ; Pro vide\l , ' 'That posses- 1 1 * " * $ ion of : , said liquorn are not found lid befor ; unlawful purpose the ' * * " * - * * * t i -v riijagistirajje 'fahall jrder them re- ; tu.rned > totbe place where seized. * " * l'AyMENTS COMPLAINING " * " " 'WITNESS. Sec. 23. All fines anc < penalties recovered underthe pro- 'v&ions of this act shall , when col lected , be paid into the proper treasury for tl-ie use of the schoo ] fund , and the corporate authorities by whom such license was issued shall pay to the complaining wit ness in such action , out of the gen eral fund of the county or city , an amount equal to one-fourth of the sum actually collected and paid ov er to the school fund as aforesaid. INTOXICATION PUNISHMENT. 424.8 , Sec. 28. If any person shall be found in a state of intoxi cation hei shall be deemed guilty of a jnisderaeanor , and any peace of ficer may.without " warrant , and it is4ereby made his duty to take suph perspn into custody , and to detaiu him 'in some suitable place till an information can be made be fore a magistrate and4 warrant is sued in due form , upon which he may be arrested and tried , and if found guilty , he shall pay a fine of $10 and the costs of prosecution , or shall bearaprisoned in the coun ty jail not'more than 30 days. But the magistrate before whom such person is tried and convicted may remit any portion of such penalty and ordeY the prisoner to be dis charged upon his giving informa tion under oath , stating when , where , and of whom he purchased or received the liquor which pro duced the intoxication , and the name and character of the liquor obtained. In cases arising under this section appeals may be allowed as in cases of ordinary misdemean or within the jurisdiction of the justices of the pence. SALOONS OIM3K TO VIEW. 1249 , Sec. 29. It shall be the duty of.all vendors of malt , spirit- vous , or vinous liquors , under the provisions of > his act , to keep the windows and doors of their re spective places of business un-ob- structed by screens , blinds , paint , articles , and any. person I : against tHtf provisions of ' his scctidiCilhali be deemed guilty > f a misdemeanor , and upon con viction thereof , shall be fined in m.v sum 'not less than § 25 , or be ] imprisoned in the county jail not less than ten % days , or both , at the I liscretion of the court , and shall have his license revoked by the same authority granting the same. TREATING IN PUBLIC PLACE. 4251 , Sec. 31. All persons are prohibited from treating or giving away any liquor , beer , wine , or intoxicating beverage whatever , purchased and to be drank in any saloon or other public where such liquors or beverages are kept for sale. SAME PENALTY. 4252 , Sec. 32. Any person treating of [ or ] offering to treat any other person , or accepting , or offering to accept any treat or gift of any intoxicating drink whatever in any saloon or public place where such liquors are kept for sale , shall be deemed guilty of a misdemean or and shall , upon conviction thereof , be subject to a fine of § 10 , or imprisonment in the common jail of the county , for ten days , or both , at the discretion of the court ; and in addition thereto shall pay into said court the sum of § 15 , to be paid to the attorney prosecuting the case if there be one ; and if no attorney prosecutes , then to be paid in the school fund of .the county in addition to the fine. .1 V \ Editorial Honesty. : . ; . The duty of the press is to the people. Its business is to prefect them from betrayal. Its purpose is to inform the people , tech them , instruct them , arouse them. Ets power comes from the people. Its influence is due to the trus of the people. 1 } The faith is not misplaced. $ en of great power and greater $ an- fluence , whose voices : h'iv&:8een : heard throughout the land , have been silenced by bribes. Poli ticians have prostituted their yo ? cation for money. , Statesmen jhave sold the rights-of the people for pieces of : sliver. ; - IKe. [ " * : tiigh and mighty have betrayed the public while they caressed it with a kiss : But .the people have come-to know that money will not buy the editorial pen of and honest editor and cannot purchase the opinion of an honest newspaper. Men who would not hesitate to offer- bribes to congressmen and sena tors would never contemplate for a moment the proffer of a bribe t6 a newspaper. Proof of this is to be found in the records. Journal ism has been clean ; throughout its long history its name is unsmirch : ed. Clouds of suspicion have hoy-1 ered above the mightiest places in ; the land , but they have not lowers ed over the public press. ! In a word , an honest newspaper is a public asset. The pooplican ? depend upon , it and lean upon it. , As long as its voice prevails , hon esty will exist. Dishonest and dis honorable men and women , too fear its power and dread its pub- ! licity. It stands for right and jus- : tice for ALL the people. Indian- ' apolis Sentinel. How ridiculously untrue are the' above statements that newspapers are never proffered bribes and that "journalism has been clean ; throughout its long' history" its name is unsmirched , " and "clouds of suspicion have hovered above the mightiest places in the land , but they have not lowered over the public press. " How about the railroad ready-made editorials and the numerous colorings of articles in our ready prints to suit the monopolies and capitalists. The subsidizing of the press , the buy ing up of newspapers for the pur pose of holding or changing public opinion , the colorings given to letters upon the stock exchange to influence speculation and. swerve prices to suit the manipulators , the apologies for conditions in the money market and thecareful statement prepared in the Bartley caso by the republican managers for the people to look at-rall these and perhaps in half the articles you see in editorial defense , there is a motive. Yes , we reiterate'the statement , "proof of this is to be found in the records. " The words "honest editor" and "honest news- pa per" changes the article and places a different construction up on the article. Qur people can no more depend , upou the honesty or , * - * ' " - " " ' * * . . . T , ; ' w. - * * > * * * -t * * * j truthfulness of &omfc.newspapers than upon 9 < Jme men who in high places have pne wrong. NOTICES. te' Creditor * . I'HK STATE OF NEBRASKA f In the County CHKKUY COUKTY , f OB Court. . In the matter of the e tate of James A. Guil ders , deceased. To the creditors of said'estate : You are hereby notified , That I will sit at the County Court Room in Valen tine In sid Coun ty , on the 30th day of December. 1905. at 10 o'clock a. in to receive and examine atl claims against said estatu with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presenta tion of claims auainst said estate is the 30th day of December , A. . 1) 1905. and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 15th day of April , i9C5. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court thi * 23rd day of November 1905. SEAL W. R. TUXVN'E. - ' -16 4 County Judge Notice to Creditors. THE STATK OF NKURASKA t _ , In the County CHKURY COUNTV. f03 Court. In the matter of the estate of Adelia A. Petty- crew deceased : To the Ciediiors of said Estate : You are herehv notilied. That I will sit at the Cornty Court Koom in Valentine in said coumy oj the Oth day or January , 190(3. ( t 10 o'dock a. in. to receive and examine all claims apainst said i tate , wltli a vkv to ilieir ndjitsini * ut and illowancc. The muu limited for the pres nta- tlon of fluiiiis ai : iiiit said estate is the Gth ( lay of Jiiin'jtrv. A.I ) . llfOtJ and tiip time lirniteii or payment of drbts ia one year from said 30th day of February 1905 , Wituens my hand a d s al of said county court * - this 12th dayofDecf'tiiMr A. n. 1905. SEAL W. B TO\VNK. , * 48 4 County Judge. Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. In the County Court of Cherry County Neb raska. STATK OF NmiKASKa i < , a COUNTY OF GHKKKV j33 To the heirs ahu to all persons interested in the es'ate of Patrick Iuffy , deceased : On reading the petition of Thomas F. Duffey praying thit the administration of said estate he granted to Cbailea H. Cornell , as adminis trator Jt is hereby ordered that you , and all persons interested in said matter , may. and do , appear at the County Court to be held in and for said county , on th aOth day of December , A. D. 1905 at 10 o'clock a-m. , to show cause , if any there be why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted , ana that notice of the pendency of said petition and that th * * hearing thereof be given to atl persons interested in said matter by publisb- acopy of thisordrrrin ii Valentine Democrat a weekly newspaper punted m said county , for 3 successive weeks prior 10 said day ot hearing. - Witness mv hand and the seat of said SEAL court this ifllh day December.D.l905 , Y W.B. TOWNE. 43 3 County Judge. Notice. Frd Tallman will take notice that on the 8th day of December , 1905 , John H. Jacousou.a justice of the peace olCu-'rry county , Nebraska , i-S'ied ' an order of attachment f ! > r the twin of 8199.21 , in an action penning , wherein the Sad - biils commercial Company is plaiutifl and Fred I'allinan defendant , that tue property or the de fendant cjusistiiig of one yearling heifer brand. edi'uUpoii Brisket , and one two y-ar old he-fer branded F T oif left sid , and credits in the hands of Hugh II. B > yer have bt-eu attached under gaM order. Sud cause was continued to srtii day of January. 1906. at 2:00 : I' . M. A. G. HUMPHrtEY. 493 Attorney for rlaintitf. jtfotice. Taken up the undersigned , at the Peyton ranch , two miles west of Simeon the following described horses to-wit : One roan horse about SO years old , weight about 800 pounds , branded P Quarter Circle on left shoulder. Lazy I ) T con nected on right bii > ; one chestnut sorrel mare , white strip n forehead , about 14 years old , weight about 900 pouuus , branded quarter circle 2 on left shoulder ; one brown sucKing colt , un- b ranged , about live or x months old. Dated at Simeon , Nob. , ihU l th uaof Dec. . ' 05 403 ALBEttT THACKER. THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE OnlyDouble Track llnilroml between JlixHonrt Hlver nntl Cliivttffo. IHrect line to 8t Paul iHinrie < tj > - olis. Direct line to Black Hills. Ajtply to nearrat af/ent for rate * maptt and time cards. TIM K TABLE rarih rn Line at O'neill , 7ebr. Going East. . Going West. Leaves 10 :10 a. in. Arrives 9 :50 p. m. " .Passenger , daily.except Sunday. - Connections with Klkhorn trains east and west-bound from all "points west of O'Neill. * Shortest j-pute to Sioux City and beyond. Through connections for Sioux Falls , Minne- .apolis , St. Paul and all points north and west. 3oy local ti Keta to O'Neill. FRKD ROOERS , G , P. A. Sioux City Jowiv MILL PRICES FOR FEED , PerCwt. Per Ton. Bran , sacked _ § 85 $1600 Shorts , sacked 95 18 00 Screenings , sacked 60 11 00 Chop Feed , sackedl 50 20 00 Corn , sacked 90 17 00 Chop Corn , sacked 95 18 00 Oats , sacked 1 40 25 00 I Special Holiday Eeccursion JZateitfor Teachers and Student * . Via the North-western Line. Ex- jgursion tickets will be sold at low jr.ates on presentation of proper Certificates issued by the education- jsil institution. Forkful particulars .as to dates of sale , limits , etc. , ap ply to , agents Chicago & North- iwestern Ry. 473 Rates to Lincoln , Via the North-western Line. Ex cursion tickets will be sold Dec. 25 and 26 , limited to return until Jan. 2 , inclusive , on account of State Teachers' Convention. Apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern Ky. AINZO Ptoiiic < t address On left , side. Hor ses kft ' Hhoulder Kan e nortit o ( hitcomb Lake Garner Brotberb. Cody. Nebr. Anvwbere on cat- tfe. I Homes on left shoulder. RaneeNorth Eli. F T BrackPtt Rlege , Nebr. Brand Regisl red Brand right side ' whip Horses same on right shoulder Range , Niobrara 6 miles south of Kilgore V.Hit'Utine. Vobr. Horses branded : II , X r + on j let shoulderQ ; l < 3ft tui""uRan go < Boardmnn. Gordon. Snake and Sand Creek. postottictt address. Oaois. Nebr. G. K. Sawyer has charge of these cat tle Horses I > S on le.ft shoulder Some leftside l * ft thigh Ranee on KOHU Johu Kuan's private mark. < * lii in ieft ear Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. Jartlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal also th * follnwinp horses BrHiided th- tame Range bet wee ? Gordon on the F.E &M V.R R am lyanms on B. & M R ft in NorthwHSterr 3"T R M Faddis& Co. address Valentin or Kennedy. Some branrtcrt f ! ? ? on ieft thigh Horses left slmul derorthisil ! Pom 3 Ob left shoul der or thigh i ! . right * thiga or shoulder , WILLIAM B AMER . Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut on left si'ie. Horses bran ded fjj on left shoulder. Range 6 mile-- south of Irwin. F. H. Young. dimeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on left side left ; side. " " " " on left Jaw of V horses. Range on Gordoa Creek of Simeon. Sandy Williams. Mcrriman , Nebr. Mostly on left side. Some on right side. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Lake Creek , S , D. C. P. Jordan. Rosebud. SD Horses and cartlt aame a > cut ; also CJ BE JJ on rijrht hip. Rane on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock bearing any of these brands. A. Benson Address Arabia Nebraska. * Range North of Niobrara river. I nave buyer for Nebraska farms. If you want to sell , list with me or write for particulars. 47 - HORACE GRANT , f Heist Bldg. Kansas City , Mo. A - 1 " 3 > "T Range the Niobrara and Lake. N. S. Rowley Saute as cut on left , side and hip , and eft shoulder of hor ses. eft Hide Some cat-1 'e ' brand- d husk ; peg ( either side up ) o ? eft slue or \ \ \ \ n left , jaw : it horses. Q on left hip of on left law of horses Chi Psi Cattle Co Edward i wls. foreman Wood l.akr. N < l r. Cattlf branded a in cut > u ritfht sid < i Hsiicrr : n > 13e i-HHfi ! of SiiooouonCronin | ranch. C , W. Bennett Suneon Neb a Stock , branded with 7 on Iffl liiji Uso same as cut Range between Gordon and Snake creeks and onJ NiobrnrH river GARDINKK Postoffice addresji. . . , Cody , Neb'niska' ? On 'eft ' side of cat tle : horses O right armRange , north and south of Niobrara veril2-miles south est of Cody Gtirfrge Heyne Cody , Neb Brand registered No 1027 Horses branded ou left shoulder Ranee north and south of Cutcomb in Cherry Oo Albert Wdipple & Sons Rosebud , S. D. Cattle brandea SOS on left ! > ide OSOonrightside Some cattle also have a 4on neck Some with A on left shoulder and some branded with two bars acrOvSS hind qna " _ _ Texas _ m f _ _ fa cuttle branded O on leit aide and some , fc-o on left side. Horses branded SOS on. left hip. Some branded AW bar conn v.t l OT toff hir of BWEKNEV BROS Postofflee address King , Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded * ame as cattle except reversed $ , See block Range Stever Stephenaon takes and South $300 reward will be paid to any person for li > . formation leading to the arrestand convict n of any person ornersons t atine cattl * wH.h p xtvwo hranrt ' D.A. . : Hancucfc ' . MarahallMo ; ; or Simeon. NebrasRa ' Cattle branded :6n left side as on cwt , ; also 16 en left Side with n on left hip of some cattle ; also 316 on right side Horse brand , rake akd 16 on left .shniildnr or hip. Z on-left jatt' Home ranch on ige on Niobrara River."asat "of Fort Niobrara : all in Chero Count } . Nabrjisku. * i * * * . . . . , . AT Postofflce address : Hyanms , Neb On right side horses on left shoulder also cattle on right side Range 16 mlled north of C. H Little. Mernman , N br. On either side Horses samo on hip Also Range Lake Creek SD PostotHcr addrfSR Codv , Neoraska Cattle branded as on cut on left side , hip aqd , shoulder , ; horses lame , Ratige. "haV Creek F.W.Jersig t , , . Valentine , Nebr , Cattle tirandfd a < shown in cut on left side , loin or hip. tht4urdon inrt onth o th rlvpr der. Sj4 ( nch < - clrcV Ma box. Registered 878. Rangealle Irwin on Niobrara river. Robert Quisanbery t Poatofflce addrets Simeon. Nebr. A3 left-hip oa . Y cattle. Horses same OB righisfcoulder. Ranee on Snake , ver. * MOGME Postofflce Cody. Nebraska On either aide cattle hBrdraark left MI clipped and ritrbt * ' splitbenes ' andeJ - aine on c ? M di lne r nyon D. Stinard. Valentine , Nebr. State Brand reg istered 1554. ri rattle and horses nranded cut on left hip. ' Bange 2 miles east of Ft. Nio- , orara. Par melee Cattle Co. Bo etmd.H. D , Cattle branded as cut on left side with stripe under tail. , Horse's branded left thigh , Range on Soldier creek. Metzger Bros. , King Nefc Cherry Co Branded on left aide and thigh. Earmark , square crop right ear Horses have same brand on left thigh. Range on Gor don and Snake , Creeks , 4 Reward of $ V5O will be paid to anv nerson for information leading to the arrest and HUH ! conviction of any nerson or persons steal * ing catlle with above brand. Jos. Bristol , Valentine , Nebr. > Range on Nlo brara river four "mile * east of. Ft. -Niobrara. Hors s and cattlflbranded rtB connected on left hip oriside as hown 10 cut HA BUCK PostofflcB address Hyannis * Neb Branded7 on left rid * Range eighteen mile * north of Hval&la J. A. YABYAN . . Pullman , Nebr Cattle brandedJT on right shoulder Reasonable reward 'for any Information leading to the re covery oJ' * cattl * strayed from" my . . . range. * * * * T. ' l ? J.F Swain- Sparks , Nebr. Cattle branded on w It side as shown n out. . Bange South of Sparks oaHIo- brara river. Vatsnttne.Nebt ; Biaaa reglfcterti No.374. - , : Brand anywhere onrlKhtalde D. MSears - Kennedy , Nebr Cattle branded as on cut.left side f Some OB left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Kange Square Lake. J-r. ' . E. Haley . * - t X * * * i ' ' Vftlentfne'Neb _ Knge-fn 8. Ranch and 6 . wrath bf Kilxor * t. - * ' -y . * : r 'r ' Simeon Neb : : : right shoulder and en right hip Range on the Niobrar I J ndBl