Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 21, 1905, Image 7

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    Is Disease a Crime ?
Not very long ago , a popular magazine
published an editorial article in which
tho writer asserted , in substance , that all
disease should be regarded as criminal.
Certain It is , that much of tho sickness
and suffering of mankind is due to the
violation of certain of Nature's laws.
But to say that all sickness should bo
regarded as criminal , must appeal to
every reasonable individual as radically
It would bo harsh , unsympathetic ,
cruel , yes criminal , to condemn tho poor ,
weak , over-worked housewife who sinks
under the heavy load of household cares
and burdens , and suffers from weak
nesses , various displacements of pelvic
organs and other derangements peculiar
to her sex.
Freauent bearing of childrenwith Its ex
acting demands upon the system , coupled
with tho care , worry and labor of rearing a
large family. Isoften the cause of weak
nesses , derangements and debility which are
aggravated by the many household cares ,
and the Lard , and never-ending work which
the mother Is called upon to perform. Dr.
Pierce , tho maker of that world-famed rem
edy for woman's peculiar weaknesses and
Ills Dr. Pierco's Favorite Prescription says
that one of tho greatest obstacles to the cure
of this class of maladies Is tho fact that the
poor , over-worked housewife can not get the
needed rest from her many household cares
and labor to enable her to secure from tlio
use of his Prescription " Its full benefits. It
Is a matter of freauent experience , he says ,
In Ills extensive practice in theso cases , to
* neet with those in which his treatment fails
by reason of the patient's inability to abstain
from hard work long enough to bo cured.
With tboso suffering from prolapsus , ante-
version and retroverslon of tho uterus or
other displacement of tbo womanly organs ,
It Is very necessary that , in addition to tak
ing bis "Favorite Prescription " they abstain
from being very much , or for long periods , on
their feet All heavy lifting or straining of
any kind should also bo avoided. As much
out-door air as possible , with moderate , light
exercise is also very important. Lst tho
patient observe these rules and tho "Favor
ite Prescription " will do tbo rest.
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser is sent/rcc
on receipt of stamps to pay expense of
mailing only. Send to Dr. K.V. Pierce ,
Buffalo , N. Y. , 21 one-cent stamps for pa
per-covered , or 31 stamps for cloth-bound.
If sick consult the Doctor , free of charge
by letter. All such communications are
held sacredly confidential.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigorate
and regulate stomach , liver and bowels.
Trouble * of tlie Rich.
Jaggles Why does that millionaire
boast of his ancestry ?
Waggles Because he can't very well
boast of his posterity , when his daugh
ter eloped with the coachman and his
two sons are taking the gold cure.
Could Xot Sleep , Spent Hnndredn of
Dollar * on Doctors , but Grew
Worse Cared by Catlcura for ? S.
"Cuticura saved the life of my moth
er , Mrs. Wm. F. Davis , of Stony Creek
Conn. Hers was the worst eczema I
ever saw. She was hardly able to eat
or sleep. Her head and body was a
mass of sores , and she despaired of re
covery. Flually , after spending hun
dreds of dollars on doctors , growing
worse all the time , living in misery
for years , with hair whitened from
suffering and body terribly disfigured ,
she was completely cured by two cakes
of Cuticura Soap , five boxes of Cuti
cura , and three bottles of Cuticura Re-
Bolvent. Geo. C. Davis , 101 W. 3Gtb
Street , New York. "
The way to insure u good appetite in
very hot weather i. . according to a Ger
man hygienic authority , to wear as light
clothing JIB possihle.
Itching : , Blind , Bleeding Protruding Piles.
Druggists are autliorzed-to refund money If
PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure in U to 14
days. 50c.
Kudyard Kipling used to be an expert
at carpentering and has successfully con
structed many miniature ships.
has traveled round the world ,
and everywhere human
Aches and Pains
have welcomed it and blest
it for a cure.
Prico , 25c. ancl 5Oc.
> * §
$16.00 AN ACRE
is the amount that many
farmers will realize from
their wheat crop this year
will be the average yield of wheat
The land that this was tfrown on cost many of
the farmers absolutely nothing , while those who
wished to add to the 160 acre * the Government
crants , can buy land adjoining at FROM 56
TO S I O AN ACRE. Climate splendid , schools
convenient , railways close at hand , taxes low.
For " 2Oth Century Canada" pam
phlet and full particulars regarding rates , etc.
Apply for info'inatiou toSupe'lnUndent of Imruig'-
tl n , O town , Cfttiftda. or to K. T. Hom ! s. 315 Jm.cki.oti
Kt. , St. Paul , Minn. , 6nd J. il. McLachUu. Box 116 ,
WaUrtotrn , So.Dakota , Authorized Gorerzi went AgeuU
Plau * tar whom jou uw thl adYerti em nt.
* *
Spirited debate was occasioned iu the
.Senate by the introduction of a bill by
Mr. Tillrnan authorizing the interstate
commerce commission to fix maximum
rates. Mr. Foraker declared that the
bill proved that its author believed the
present law sulllcient to correct all trans
portation evils except excessive rates.
Mr. Tillman responded 'that he had
thought the present laws adequate until
the investigation begun by Judson and
Harmon into tlie Santa Fe case had
ended in a miserable fiasco. The Pan
ama Canal emergency appropriation bill
was received from the House , and after
considerable discussion , during which the
high salaries paid employes was criti
cised , it was referred to the Appropria
tion Committee by a vote of 40 to 23.
The deatli of the late Senator Mitchell
of Oregon was not mentioned during
the session and the erasure of his name
from the rolls follows. Announcement of
committees was made in the House. A
resolution was passed slightly increasing
the membership in several important
committees , owing to the fact that the
membership of the House lias grown
from ; 55J ( to :580. : Mr. Lamar ( Fla. ) , a
Democrat , who with Mr. Shackleford
( Mo. ) had been left off the Interstate and
Foreign Commerce Committee , was
.stopped from voicing open criticism of
Mr. Williams , the minority leader , only
by the hitter's strong objection. Mr.
Sulscer ( X. Y. ) introduced a resolution
of sympathy for the Russian Jews.
The Senite : on Tuesday passed a bill
authorizing the Rock Island , Arkansas
and Louisville railroad to construct
bridges across the Ounchita and other
streams in Arkansas.
_ * _ r "
In the Senate Wednesday Mr. Allison
presented the report of the committee on
appropriations on tho Panama canal bill ,
giving notice that he would call it up
for consideration Thursday. A commu
nication from Secretary Shaw saying
that only : i few small campaign contri
butions had boon made by national
banks was read. A controversy over
committee appointments in which Mr.
Lninar ( Fla. ) and Mr. Shackleford ( Mo. )
bitterly attacked Mr. Williams ( Miss. )
took up nearly all the time in the House.
The subject under discussion was the
committee distribution of the annual
message of the President , which was not
completed when the House adjourned.
The Senate Thursday discussed the
Panama canal emergency appropriation
bill , but did not come to a vote. A
separate hill regulating the ksuance ; of
bonds for tlie canal and placing them
on the same basi < : m other government
bonds was passed without debate. A
pure-fond hill was reported by Mr. Hey-
burn. Mr. El kins made a statement
from the committee on interstate com
merce expressing the opinion that the
committee would report a rate bill with
in a reasonable time. Debate on the
recommendation in the President's an
nual message regarding insurance regu
lation occupied the House again without
a conclusion. The pending resolution re
fers the question to the ways and means
committee , and in its defense Mr. Payne
argued that the only way Congress could
control insurance was through the taxing
power. After a number uf long speeches
the House adjourned.
Capital Xotes.
Speaker before national conference
said America treats child toilers same
as Russia does.
Charles 15. Morrison will be appointed
district attorney of Chicago for full term
of four yours.
China's American boycott likely to
spread , as Congress shows no disposition
to modify exclusion act.
"lohn Sharp Williams , minority leader
of the House , prevented washing of
Democratic linen anent committee ap
Negro students at Howard university
rebelled against President accused of
race prejudice : riotous scenes marked
exercises in chapel.
Secretary of War in annual report
showed condition of army and recom
mended addition of 5.000 men to sea
coast artillery force.
Commissioner General Sargent of im
migration bureau said in annual report
that influx of aliens into America is na
tion's gravest problem.
Events in tlie W-jt Indies and South
Americ-i are watched with anxiety by
the administration : trouble in Venezuela ,
Santo Domingo and Brazil.
Senator For.ikor's bolt of President
Roosevelt * * rale program and threat to
tie up statehood bills is believed to be
part of his political policy.
A petition from ox-Queen Liliuokalani
asking lor the payment of $10,000,000
to her has been presented to the Senate
by Vice President Fairbanks.
Luke K. Wright , ( J-overnor of the
Philippine Islands , had a conference
with tlie Secretary of War concerning
matters in the archipelago.
The hoard of trustees of the Carnegie
institute has elected Prof. Welch of
Johns Hopkins university. Baltimore , a
member of the board in place of the late
loliu Hay.
Chicago extension of the pneumatic
Lube mail .service to include Lincoln
| ) nrk. Carpenter street. O. D. Pilsen and
park station , and Dearborn
street depot to cost $14.8.S. ! ! is recom-
Attorney ( Icneral Moody instructed
subordinates whenever possible to prose-
Mite railroad otlicials and shippers who
ir-iolate rebate law "for conspiracy and
icnd them to jail.
Postmaster ( Ji'iieral Cortoiyou. in an-
nial report , railed Chicago post office no-
able 'example of lamentable deficiency
n certain essentials ; dclicit held less im-
lorlnnt than eiiloienoy.
The Plrlippincs tariff committee of the
kl > rchaiits' , Association of New York ,
it the War Department made an argu-
neiit for a modification of the Philip-
ilne t.'u-I.T y.i cotrui
Engrasrement of MI * Alice Roosevelt
and Mr. Longrwortb AnnoniicetL
I The President and Mrs. Roosevelt
have made formal announcement of
the engagement of their daughter ,
j MISS p.oossviXT. probable it will oc-
; cur at the White House.
j Miss Roosevelt and Mr. Longworth
hare been the subjects of pleasant and
friendly gossip for several months , es
pecially since the gallant Congress
man's faithful attendauce ou Miss
Roosevelt during the recent journey to
the Orient. Miss Roosevelt will be 2 ; {
next February , speaks nearly all the
European languages fluently , and is
the country's most popular young
woman. Congressman Longworth is
3G years old , was born in Cincinnati ,
and is serving his second term in Con
gress. He is a
graduate of Har
vard , an alumnus
of the Cincinnati
Law School , aud
before going to
Washington served
In both houses of
the Ohio Legisla
ture. He is quitf
wealthy. The fain-
ily fortune came
I '
down from his ] n\
ternal great-grand
father , a pioneei
of Cincinnati.
Alice Lee , to Nich
olas Longworth , of
Cincinnati , Repre
sentative in Con
gress from the
First District of
Ohio. It was an
nounced also that
tlie wedding will
take place about
the middle of Feb
ruary. While ar
rangements for the
wedding have not
been made , it Is
* "
The bridal trip
will be made In June , Mr. and Mrs.
Longworth will go abroad , making
their first stop at London , where they
will be the guests of Ambassador Reid.
Upon their return to this country the
Longworths will make their residence
in Washington. They will live there
as long as President Roosevelt remains
iu the White House , although a later
residence in Cincinnati , Mr. Long-
worth's home , is contemplated.
I Miss Roosevelt's wedding Avill be the
first at the White House since Presi
dent Cleveland was married there.
The last daughter of a President mar
ried'in the White House was Nellie
Grant to Algernon Sartoris.
Personal Characterlntic. * of the Men
i on AVhoin. He Rellen.
Wilson and Hitchcock are tlie chaini
of the cabinet. They often go away
from the cabinet meetings together.
Hitchcock is the most aristocratic-ap
pearing of the secretaries , with a hand
some face , though a strong one , which
iswell set off by his white hair and
mustache. Wilson never smokes and
often carries his hands in his coat pock
ets. Hitchcock generally lights a cigar
as they start out , and they talk quietly
and seemingly without animation , though
evidently interesting each the qther im
Moody is a little shorter than the
President , stocky , looks the athlete , has
a well-knit form , a ruddy face , aud
walks well. He rides th joy and sits
on his horse as i he grew in the sad
dle. He is the only bachelor in the
Root , slender , intense , with keen , in
tellectual face and eyes that sometimes
smolder , sometimes flame , was not popu
lar when he began as Secretary of War.
but as Secretary of State he now knows
better how to get along with the corre
spondents and every one else.
Cortelyou , black-eyed , handsome , neat ,
reserved , but never discourteous , will
always seem the accomplished chief
clerk to some of the old-timers of Wash
ington. He has only one dissipation
Bonaparte always dresses in black.
His big head rolls from side to side
when he walks , and the Bonaparte smile
who hasn't read of it ? is always in
evidence. His walk is long and swing
ing nnd he seems to be nervous when
he sits. He doesn't look like a French
man in fact , the blood he has inherit
ed from the Bonapartes isn't French at
all , but Corsican. He doesn't often talk
of his royal ancestor , nnd is said to be
glad he doesn't resemble him.
Metcalf is so quiet that he is known
as the modest Secretary. He is a good-
looking chap with grayiug hair mid
Brief Ke-wa Items.
The Hamburg Vitrified Brick works
nt West Hamburg , Pa. , were destroyed
by lire , the loss being $30,000.
Five double blocks of houses belong
ing to the Reading Coal and Iron Com
pany were burned at Yatesville , Pa.
Two American young women have
been expelled from Prussia for lese ma
jesty. They talked about the Kaiser.
The Japanese budget estimates the to
tal expenditures at $515,000,000. Of this
$400,000,000 Ls the outcome of the war.
The new statue of Camille Desmou-
lins , recently unveiled in Paris , shows
the orator dressed in garments that did
not come into fashion until after his
head dropped into the basket. It has
been removed for alterations.
Milwaukee leather nieu are stirred up
over the alleged manipulation of the
hide market by the packers and are
demanding relief in the shape of a re-
moral of the duty on hides.
Creditors of tlie Colonial Brass Com
pany of Cleveland , Ohio , petitioned the
United States District Court to have
the roni'orn declared bankrupt. The
liabilities are said to be $85.000.
James S. Hawkins , an insurance mau.
lias beeu arrested at Charlottesville ,
Vn. , charged with blackmailing R. D.
Ballautine , a young millionaire of New
ark _ , N. J , who committed suicide.
- "
The report of the Commissioner of
Pensions shows that during the fiscal
year ended June 30 , 1905 , the total
number of pensioners on the rollwas
1,040,027 , and the number remaining
on the roll at the end of the year was
998,441 , a net gain of 3,070 over the
previous year. The gains to the roll
during tho year were 49,859 new pen
sioners , and 2,000 restorations and re
newals , a total of 51,805 ; of this num
ber 1SS were pensioned by special ucts
of Congress. The losses to the roll
during the same time by death were
43,883 , and from other causes 4,303 , a
total of 48.180 , n net gain for tho year
of 3G79. Tho pension roll at the close
of the year contained the names of
717,158 soldiers and sailors , 2SO.GSO
widows and dependents , and G03 army
nurses. The disbursements for pen
sions by the Tinted States from July 1 ,
1790 , to June 30 , 18G.1 , were $90,445-
444.23. During the year 1G4 indict
ments were found and 113 convictions
secured on account oL' violations of the
pension laws. The report shows that
'of the persons convicted only 1G are be
lieved to have hud any military service.
The names of 5 pensioners of the Revo
lutionary War are still on the roll 1
widow and 4 ( laughters. The only sur
viving pensioned soldier of the War of
1812 died May 13. 3005. but the roll
contains the names of 77(5 widows of
soldiers of that war.
The work of the life-saving service
for the last fiscal year is summed up
in a report of General Superintendent
Kiiuball to the Secretary of ! the Treas
ury. The life-saving crews saved and
assisted in saving 4G4 imperiled ves
sels and their cargoes , beside affording
assistance of more or less importance
to GG7 other vessels , including craft of
all kinds , making a total of 1,141 ves
sels to which aid was furnished. No
less than 3G5 disasters to documented
vessels occurred during the period
stated , involving the lives of 4,089 per
sons , of whom twenty-seven were lost.
The estimated value of vessels and car
goes affected was $10,320,000 , of which
$7,917,385 was saved. Sixty-three ves
sels were totally lost.
The report of the Commissioner of
Education contains much interesting
and valuable statistical information
relative to education in the United
States : "The number of pupils enroll
ed in the common schools during the
yeartlie report says , "was 1G,25G,03S ,
the same being 20.01 per cent of tiie
entire population as estimated by the
census bureau viz. : * 81,241,246. The
average daily attendance for 1904 was
11,318.21)15. the same being G9.G per cent
of the total number enrolled. This is
the largest average attendance iii pro
portion to the number enrolled ever re
ported in the United States. The av
erage monthly wages ot teachers was
§ 50.96 for males ami $41.54 for fe
males. ' '
"If customs receipts continue to
come iu at the rate which has prevail
ed since June 30 , the total for this fis
cal year will be the greatest in the cus
toms business of the country , " de
clares Assistant Secretary Reynolds of
the Treasury Department. "Up to this
time the largest customs returns were
in 1903 more than $284,000,000. " To
'the end of last mouth they were $124-
900,109 , against $110,278,093 on Nov.
30 , 1904. Mr. Reynolds further point
ed out that not only would the present
deflcit be entirely wiped out by the
end of next June , but there would be
a surplus , if customs receipts kept
coming iu at the present rate.
The forestry service of the Depart
ment of Agriculture has begun an in
vestigation of wood distillation as a
method of utilizing woods iu logging
and at the mill. The forestry service
announces that the application of wood
distillation to the utilization of waste
material both from the lumber mills
and from the cut-over coniferous for
ests of the South is beyond question ,
and that any mill waste which is rich
in resinous products can be used. In
many cases even the roots as well as
the stumps may be used for distilla
tion , thus lowering the cost of clearing
land for agricultural purposes.
_ * _ - _ . ! * "
The Keep commission in its investi
gations has reached the crop-reporting
bureau of the Agricultural Depart
ment , of which no new chief has
been appointed since John Hyde's de
parture. The proposal will be urged
that the bureau be done away with ,
its 150 clerks transferred under the
civil service to other bureaus in the
department , and its work assigned to
the weather bureau and census office.
Both of these perform a service now
which , if properly combined , practical
ly would duplicate that of the crop-
reporting bureau.
Commissioner Warner has made rec
ommendations to Secretary Hitchcock
for the promotion of about 100 clerks
in the pension bureau and the reductiou
in salary of about twenty-five others.
The employes who are to be reduced
tire generally old persons , who are
churned to bo not so efficient as for
merly and yet who have rendered such
faithful service that it is not consider-
od just to separate them from the ser
I have seen something of legal prac
tice on both sides of the Atlantic , and
my opinion is that our profession
would gain immenely by combining
the two branches pretty much as they
are combined in tlie United States and
Canada , says a writer in the London
Saturday Review. It is obvious that
the solicitors would profit by such an
agreement They would have the right
of audience in ah courts and the op-
portunity to qualif } * themselves for
promotion to tlie bench.
In America the young lawyer goes
into an office , where he makes his
merit known by steady attention to
business. .There will always be two
kinds of lawyers those who stay in
their offices , dealing directly with cli
ents and attending to matters of rou
tine , and those who advise on points
of law and argue cases in court.
These two orders of men are clearly
distiguished in America , but they
work together as partners to the great
advantage of the client.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications , as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There Is
only one way to cure deafness , and that Is
by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is
caused by an Inflamed condition of the mu
cous lining of the Eustachlan Tube. When
this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling
sound or Imperfect hearing , nnd when It Is
entirely closed. Deafness Is the result , and
unless the Inflammation can be taken out
and this tube restored to Its normal condi
tion , bearing will be destroyed forever ;
nine cases out of ten are caused by Ca
tarrh , which Is nothing but an Inflamed con- ,
dltlon of the mucous surfaces.
We will Ive One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness ( caused by catarrh )
that cannot be cured by llall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars , free.
F. J. CIIENKY & CO. , Toledo , O. '
Sold by Druggists. 7oc.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Senator Clark's Pipe.
This story is told about ex-Senator
J. S. Clark , of Calais , Me. : One day ,
while awaiting his turn in a barber
shop in Calais , he was talking with a
friend , and was so deeply interested
in the conversation that he allowed his
pipe to go out several times. Each
time he would ask Melvia Noble , a lo
cal practical joker , for a match.
About the time he wanted the fifth
match Xoble said : "I don't begrudge
you the matches , Jed , but I think It
would be cheaper for you to put a
grate in your pipe aud burn coal. "
Boston Herald.
A Fairly Good Man.
"Brother Spoteash , " said his pastor ,
"what would you do if an injunction
cuine to you. 'sell all them hast aud give
to the poor ? " '
"I should obey it. of course , " answer
ed the great merchant , "as I have al
ways done. Everything I have in stock
is for sale , aud I give more to the poor
than any two men in this block. " Chi
cago Tribune.
A Iloelieater Chemist Found , a. Singu
larly Effective Medicine.
William A. Franklin , of the Frank
lin & Palmer Chemical Co. , Rochester ,
X. Y. , writes :
"Seven years
ago I was suffer
ing very much
through the failure
of the kidneys to i
eliminate the uric ;
acid from my sys
tem. My back was
very lame and
ached if I overex
erted myself in the least degree. At
times I was weighed down with a
feeling of languor and depression and
suffered continually from annoying ir
regularities of the kidrrey secretions.
1 procured a bore of Doan's Kidney
Pills and began using them. I found
prompt relief from tho aching and
lameness in my back , and by the time
I had taken three boxes I was cured
of all irregularities/ '
Sold by all dealers , f 0 cents a box.
Foster-Milburu Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
Masculine Perversity.
Men are funny creatures to cater for.
A woman will buy the things she wants ,
but a man will only buy the things he
ueeds. Tailor and Cutter.
Take LAXATIVE BKOMO Quinine Tablets.
Druirgists refund money If It fails to .cure.
E. \ \ \ Grove's signature Is on each box. 23c.
Maxim ( Jorky. who wa < : irreste l .
St. Petersburg a a revolutionist , owe
his liberty to Count Witte.
Mr * . Window's Boomaa Bntrr Tor
teathlnc ; loftens th garni , minces Inflammation ,
UJB vain , cure * Triad colic. 25 cents bottl * .
llcnrik. the Kugii 4i-l.orii I'.islup o
Upsahi , is Finland's patron saiiit anc.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Unqualified Success of Lydia E. Pink ,
ham's Vegetable Compound in 'the
Case or Mrs. Fannie D. For.
One of the greatest triumphs of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is'
tho conquering of woman's dread en
emy , Tumor.
The growth , of a tumor is so sly that
frequently its presence is not suspected
until it is far advanced.
JMrs. Fannie D.
So-called "wandering pains" may
come from its early stages , or the
presence of danger may be made mani
fest by profuse menstruation , accom
panied by unusual paifl , from tho
ovaries down the groin and thighs.
If you have mysterious pains , ff there
are indications of inflammation or dis
placement , don't wait for time to con-
iirm your fears and go through tho
horrors of a hospital operation ; secure
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound right away and begin its use.
Mrs. Piukham , of Lynn , Mass. , will
give you her advice free of all charge-
if you will write fier about yourself.
Your letter will be seen by women only.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham ;
" I take the liberty to congratulate you on
the success I have hadwith your wonderful
medicine. Eighteen months ago my month
lies stopped , bhortly after I felt so badly that
I submitted to a thorough examination by a
physician and was told that I had a tumor
on the uterus and would have to undergo an
" Soon after I read one of your advertise
ments and decided to give Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound a trial. After
trying five bottles a directed the tumor is
entirely gone. I have been examined by a
physician and ho says I havo no signs of a
tumor now. Ifhns also brought my month
lies around once more , and I am entirely
well. " Fannie D. Fox , 7 Chestnut Street.
Bradford. Pa.
No cough is too trifling or too
serious to be treated by the right
method , and the right method is
the use of the best cough cure ,
which is
Kemp's Balsam
This famous preparation cures
coughs , colds , bronchitis , grip and
consumption in its first stages.
Irritation of the throat and bron
chial tubes is immediately removed
by the use of Kemp's Balsam.
Sold by all dealers at 250. and 500.
In all its stages.
Ely 's Cream Balm
cleanses , soothes and heals
the diseased membrane.
It cares catarrh and drives
away a cold in the head
Cream Balm is placed into tho nostrils.spreads
over the membrano nnd is absorbed. Relief is ? im
mediate and a cure follows. It is not drylcg docs
not produce sneezing. Larjje Size , 50 cents at Drug
gists or by mail ; Trial Size , 10 cents.
ELY BROTHERS , CG Warren Street , New York.
troubled with 1113 peculiar to
-T -
their sex. used as a douche is roarvelonsly cuc-
cesslnl. Thoroughly cleanse J , kills disease germ %
tops discharges , heals inflammation and IOL..I
oreneis. .
Pax line it In powder form to be dissolved in purs
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