Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 21, 1905, Image 5

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    l < * ai.nt < * r
To'xvoi-ii in country St ailv "m-
" '
" Wauwatosa , Wis.
i Dec Feb 1 f. .
\ -
- v t
tCorn fortabl ' rooms , clean beds
.ancl all you ' 'want to eat at the Chi-
, \
' \X
\ one while face , dark red bull ,
> branded CI ? on right side. Suit-
" ' 'able reWard for return to my place
at.moutjiibl Minneohaduza. or for
information leading to his recov
ery. J. G. GASKILL.
4-8 Valentine , Neb.
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch.
Brownlee , Nebr ,
Prince Boabdel
131693 and Curly
Coat 112261 ar bead
of berd The blood
of Fowler. Anxiety ,
Lord Wilton and Sir
Gladstone predomi
nates 10 my herd.
I havi 40 head of Hereford bulls from 6 monlbs
to 2 vfiir * ol < i on ' and for this spring's tride
( } . H. hAUI.HAUBK.
r Dentist.
Office over the grocery deparment
q _ T. G. Hornby's store.
Will b 'iri. Rosebud agency July
3rd'Qct2nd : and Jan. 1 , 190i.
Riege , Nebr.
wells and windmills.
. * .
J. ' : ?
FirstJ ; J Sh ° P u KVCI Kcspcvt
EJOI cle ( jiiitiuir Hair Tonic. < f < il.if.i > Star ! ttir :
Tonic. B Tii1ri < l - ; * > ! ! ' "M * ' Oiis ; ! i iir < 'w -
Try Fompeia Face
' . , . ; ' . / . ' '
I'tfi. : ; ' /-.I >
' . * *
' ! j'
\ ! \ > i : . * * * "JlLr } I <
ii. Mi. RAM kit.
i '
| rrunX niif V ; * nnrt package. * hauled in w-
frohrf nj rtjM''il alt part * of rli - < * it >
G , .0. Sturdevant ,
' ' Entrmioe
k Nebraska.
Office and residence over T. C. Hon-
. 4' " ' " " " - " ' . . I
' ' Practices in .all State Courts. ;
s. r i'-- ' ; . ; ' > : }
' i
- . _
Oursteok4snow practicaly
complete and Embraces :
Tojle ? Gases
Manicure Sets . I
! *
I Candle Sticks
| doth/feair''and Clothes I
Bc&sties in Ebony I
I Stationery in Fancy Boxes
I Inkstands . .
I Kodaks -
Collar and Cuff Boxes I
frdfi&S * ? * . ' I
rf *
N.lBi ' * ' OurCKffstmas Can
dies' "ftitt'arrive ' about the 20th
ft -i1.-1- u
I. _
Stetlor pay * 9 j cents 'forTiides.
' ' *
' : i it ± ' .
C. H. 'Cornell * , went to Omaha
. . * * "
John Pi'JJxmfe&rjvas- low with
typhoid fever , ' the past , week but is
now improving and wifl-soon be up.
Lewis' East Lyjnje played , last
night to a crowded house in our
3 f"t
uity. THd performance was good
and the audience satisfied.
Judge Towne has been confined
to his home the past week with
stomach trouble but is now able
to be and About the house.
C. H. Cornell received a tele
gram f rom'Senator Milliard yester
day that Rev. A. R. Julian and
county judge , E. Olson , of Rock
county , were recommended for the
appoibtments respectively of reg
ister and receiver of the Valentine
We publish some liquor laws
this week which many have perhaps
never read. Study the laws and the.
existing conditions. If our people
are in favor of these laws and want
them enforced it will be done.
There will be no trifling , no half
way ground , unless our town board
weakens. If they refuse , then citi
zens will act and the tovro board
may be sorry. Does Valentine want
a grand jury called ? Or will our
present officers do their duty ?
Wedding Hells.
Maynard Bishop and Miss Bes
sie Thompson were married at
the Bishop residence by Rev.
Holsclaw , Wednesday noon ,
Dec. 20 , 1905. These young peo
ple have grown up in Valentine
arid : ir < i congratulated by numer
ous friends who wish them pros
perity and Uappines.
L. E. Shepard and Mrs. Emma
Deunis were married at the Episeo-
.pal church by the Rev. Wells ,
Wednesday evening Dec. 20 , 1905.
The bride and groom are both well
H V'lleiiune people and have
ht t wihs of r host of friends
h. . . ' Jt''m1 su.'ceas and happi-
'iii : DEMOCRAT wishes to join
with other friends in congratula
Grand Island , Neb. , Dec. 17 , ' 05.
Mr. I. M. Rica ,
Editor Democrat.
Dear Sir :
.1 take pleasure of writing' you a
few Hues for your paper and my
friends. Afte.i spendingrthree weeks
here in the Grand Island Business
College , feel safe in saying
that I feel satisfied with my work
which 1 have taken up.
Sunday , in company with John
Sbelbburn , Jr. , two wheels were
en ja les Soutfli | . . town. The ride
wasijniide : in 35 minutes , and after
| sting 5 minutesivwe started to re
turn but with not quite so much-
speed as the wind was blowing just'
a little. ' On retutining to town , we :
rode but tp the'Gild Soldiers' . Home-
j > . T
where we-were royally entertained1
and shown through the different
apartments by our old townsmen ,
Messrs. Storey and'Hubbard , both
t Valentine. We felt greatly im
pressed with the pleasure these
aged veterans enjoyed by having us
call on them. We were shown
through the different rooms , and at
one place we noticed the different
badges worn by these boys of ' 61.
In some rooms we saw pictures of
the bloody struggles and thought
perhaps each had a picture of his
own favorite battle. In the library
we saw volume upon volume of all
kinds of good books' Some had
gathered collections of fine speci
mens of rocks from Wind Cave ,
while others had brought shells
from tne sea. ) ne had a relic from
the fire m Chicago in the form of a
bunch of tanks , perhaps one-haU
pound , which had melted and run
together and were in one solid mass.
We saw the picture of our county
judge , Uncle Dick Towne , among
the collection of pictures which
makes us feel that when people
leave Cherry county they don't for
get its people. *
Yours respectfully ,
Ttf orffieast
Frank Mumford expects to pud
in a telephone next. „ , _ .
Sam Smalley is helping-Henry
Fowler through husking.
We wish Mary Becker success in
her trial of being a bachelor girl on
her homestead.
Martin Becker sold a fine horse
recently for $125. Who says horse
raising don't pay ?
Daniel Fowler is able to be out
for fresh air on pleasant days. We
hope he gets no back set.
John Granger finished husking
corm Monday. J. Fowler and Bob
Ashburn were helping him.
Dame Rumor says that Christmas
chimes will be intermingled with
wedding bells in these parts.
Mrs. Thos. Fowler spent the day
with her daughter , Leola Granger ,
recently. How nice for mothers
and daughters to be able to visit
each other.
The box social was a perfect suc
cess , that was held at Becker school
house on Saturday of last week.
We hear that some of the boxes
sold as high as $2.50 each.
It certainly could not be finer for
stock-raisers in any part of the
world than just in Cherry county.
The mild weather weare having
will certainly make the feeding of
cattle unnecessary for some time.
. . . . . . , A
Valentine Womans Christian
Temperance Union in a meeting
assembled at Valentine , Nebr. ,
this 16th day of December , 1905 ,
hereby resolve that we will use all
honorable means to have the en
forcement of all liquor laws in our
town. And whereas our present
Town Board and prosecuting at
torney are allowing the saloons to
violate the laws of our state by al
lowing chair * ami screon ih the
saloons , gambling , < virv' rnnMis ,
selling to minor * , tjtc.
Also resolve thatVP , as a union ,
will request the officials to enforce
the laws , and if this is not done ,
we shall report these conditions to
President Roosevelt and forward
him"acopy : of the names of all the
prominent men and others who
signed the petitions for saloons
they know are violating the laws.
And we will ask him whether it
is policy to send govenment money
to build up Ft. Niobrara or other
government property while these
conditions exist.
Adopted and signed by the
Womans Christian" Temperance
Union and many others.
Col. Charles J. Holt caused a
sensation last week when he dis
tributed circulars containing the
names of all. who had signed the
applications for saloon licenses.
And now this has been started , the
Womans .Christian Temperance
Union intend to publish circulars
every year containing the names
of.all . signers to saloon petitions
together .with their , bonds men. *
_ _
* i
Recognizing the" value of the
work that/.has been accomplished
here , seen and unseen , through
the offorts of Col. Holt during his
stay with us , and believing it has
been through the workings of
providence that he came , there
fore be it
RESOLVED , That this people ex
tend to Col. Holt a rising vote , of
thanks and appreciation ; That
these resolutions be printed in the
Valentine papers.
MRS. EASLEY , } Com.
I have purchased all the remain
ing cattle known as the Curry Cat
tle Co. cattle , and anyone who
may have any of them in then
possession are hereby notified tc
winter same and I will pay foi
their care in the spring.
We are making a specialty oj
Carbon Platinos. Order the gooc
goods and you get them. Remem
ber that our Photos are guaranteed
and that re-sittings are given wher
necessary. HALLDORSON. 2
- . _ ,
- - * - * * *
.If you will eat morie
B * . < * >
j -
you can do more work , enabling you to earn
more money , so that you can buy rrjore
do more work and earn still more money. . i > '
/ "v
Half Rate * to Golf Tourna
ment , Mexico City , Mex. ,
Via the North-western Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold at one
fare for the rodnd trip , January 1
to12rinclusive , , with fjworable re-
tutn.limits. . . Apply to agents Chi
cago & North-western E'y. 483
" *
: *
Excursion Rate * for the
Yia the North-western Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold at re-
yuced rates December 22 , 23. 24 , 25 ,
j 80. 81 , 1905 , and January 1 , 1906 ,
good returning until and including
January 4 , 1906 , to points on the
North-western Line , including C.Sfc.
P. M. & 0. R'y. , to points on the
Union Pacific E. B. east of and in
cluding Cheyenne and Denver ,
points on A. T. & S. F. E. E. , Den
ver & Eio Grande E. E. , and Colo
rado Southern , Denver to Trinidad ,
. .inclusive , and Colorado and South
ern pomtd , trm Jet. to Cheyenne ,
inclusive , also to points on D. S. S.
& A. Ey. and Mineral Eange E. E.
Apply to agents Chicago & North
western E'y. 483
Contractor and Build
er in Brick or Stone
Valentine , - Nebr.
K-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
* For mankind ' ! "
The 5-cent package s enough lor usual occas-
sions. the family battle ( O cents ) contains *
SUDPlv for a year. AH drucKista sell them.
An Opportunity
We wanl a man
in this locality to sell
the WHEELER. &
Machine. -
We can offer ex
ceptional induce
ments to someone
who commands a
horse and wagon and
can devote his.time
to advancing the
sales of our product.
Energetic men
find our proposition
a money-maker , ca
pable of development
into a permanent
and profitable
business. -
Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co.
72 and 74 Wabash Avt.
The only [ high grade
Balling Powder sold at a
moderate price. - Com
plies with the pure food
laws of alii states.
Trust Baking Powders sell for 45 or
50 cents per pound and may be i'dcn-
tified by this exorbitant price. . .
They are a menace to public health" * ' '
as food prepared from them con
tains larcQ { Quantities ofRochella
salts , a dangerous cathartic drug.
Statistics prove'that the chances of your dying of
Throat OP Lung Troubles , are 9 to 1. . . .
Waste no time , but cure your Disease with '
'the only strictly scientific Lung Specific in existence.
Positively guaranteed to help or money refunded.
Savedthe ] JPr aclxer. : . . . > ,
Rev. 0. D. Moore of Harpersvjlle , N.-Y. , writes : "I
had a fearful cough for months , which nothing would
relieve , until I look Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption. It cured my cough and saVe'd'my life. "
Prices , 5Oc and $ I .OO Trial Bottles Free
Stettpr pays..9i : cents for hides.
Yotj will-find a hfearty welcome
at the Chicago House. " ' ' 38
Halldorson's photos 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 :
and 5th of each month.
When you come to town , stop
at the Chicago House. 38
Don't forget that .F rank IFischer
carries the best and most complete
line of Heating Stoves and Eanges
on the market. Also at the most
reasonable prices. .
Lost , Strayed or tolen
from my place 4 miles north of Ft.
Niobrarathe following stock :
Two steers branded | uJ left hip.
. ; i , . 'i : S " - -
One steer branded 22'leff sideV
. ,
One cow branded Et > right side
* '
s i. :
Two covs or heifers branded
Jfr on right hip.
So.OO jjsward per head for recov
ery. * T. P. SPRATT ,
I . .48Valentine , Nebr.
' ' "
- * t
4 ' '
Of course , you want to attend school
after the Holidays. Why not let us tell
youwljat we haveto offer in-the way'of
practical education.
Winter Term Begins
JAN. I , 1906
Telephone 2254. 13th & P Sts.
For Sale Good 6 room house
and lot on Hall street , good stable.
Inquire at this office.