Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 21, 1905, Image 2
The Valentine Democrat Valentine , Neb. 1. M. Rice. Publisher ; THE S-HOUR TIGHT ( PRINTERS AND TYPOTHETAE PREPARE FOR STRUGGLE. Now York Firms Declare They Have Plenty of Non-Union Men and Un der No Circumstances Will They Grant the Demand. 'Action was taken Friday both by the Chicago Typothetac and the Internation al Typographical Union looking toward 'sin extension after Jan. 1 of the printers' strike , which has been in progress since hist September. At a meeting of the Chi cago Typothetae a conference with the independent employing printers Avas call ed , at Avhich the independents will be asked to join the Typothetae in the strug gle against the eight-hour day by abro gating their present eight-hour contracts and informing their men they will be obliged to work nine hours a day after Jan. 3 , thus forcing a strike of the print ers employed in the independent offices. There are about 700 independent employ ing printers in Chicago , employing about il,700 members of the Typographical Un ion. The International Typographical Union sent out circulars to the officials of the ( international organizations whose mcm- Jbers work in the printing trades request ing them to join the printers in their fight jfor an eight-hour day after Jan. 1. The calling of sympathetic strikes is urged as the best means of aiding the printers , i Announcement that preparations to [ handle a big printers' strike ImA'e been fcompleted by the employing printers of ( New York City was made Friday by the 'employing ' printers of that city. The eight-hour work day , which the Interna tional Typographical Union has decreed shall go into effect on Jan. 1 , 190G , is de- iclared to be the cause for issuing this .statement . , Avhich is in part as follows : "The closed shop and the eight-hour , day demanded by Typographical Union No. G cannot and will not be granted. ! The members of the Typothetae are ( Prepared to install competent non-union machine operators and other printers iu their various composing rooms. There will be no lockout in the printing [ trades. Competent men entering our cm- iploy after Jan. 1 next will be paid full jwages according to the unoin scale , hether they are union men or not. " ; President McCormick , of Typogrpahi- caljUnion No. ( j. . issued a statement Fri- tday night in reply to the Typothetae , in which he says : "The members of Typographical Union Jso. G have recommended a reduction in the hours of their labor. We believe AVC are justified in asking for this reduction. { From assurances we have already receiv ed from emplo3-iug printers not connect- ( ed Avith the Typothetae. Avhich represents but 25 per cent of the book and job printers in this city , we are confident of , the success of this movement. " .INDICTED BY FEDERAL JURY [ Packers , Railroads and Officials ! Are Accused. ' Fourteen indictments were turned by the federal grand jury at Kansas City , [ Mo. , Friday against common carriers , railway officials , shippers and freight agents , charging thegiA-ing of rebates and conspiracy to gain rebates. The indictments were returned as fol- JOAVS : ' George H. Crosby , of Chicago , general traffic manager of the Burlington ; Geo. L. ( Thomas , a broker of New York ; L. B. jTaggart , Crosby's chief clerk ; Chicago .and Alton Railroad Company , John N. 'Faithorn ' and F. A. Wann , formerly vice president and general freight agent re spectively ; Cudahy Packing Company ; 'Armour ' Packing Company ; Swift & Co. ; Chicago , Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail road ; Nelson Morris , Ed\vard Morris and Ira N. Morris , comprising the partnership of Nelson Morris & Co. ; D. IT. Gresky , of Kansas City , a freight broker. Steamer Wrecked on Reef. A Norfolk , Ya. , special says : During a fierce storm early Friday the Belgian steamship Antigoon Averit on a reef six teen , miles bouth of Cape Ilenry. Life saA'ers made heroic efforts to save the 'crew. Three were taken off the ship in a breeches buoy. Fear Anti-Christian Riot. At Alexandria , Egypt , fears are preva- Jent that an anti-Christian demonstra tion will take place soon , but the author ities are confident they will be able to re press any disturbances. Every precau tion has been taken. , * A Cleveland Tragedy. William Guy , just discharged from the jNewberg insane hospital at Cleveland , O. , Friday shot and killed his brother-in- laAv , Harry Flint , aged 15 , and an 18- month old child , and fatally injured Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett. He Avas arrested. Sioux City Stock ; Market. Friday's quotations on the Sioux City , stock market follow : Butcher steers , 4.00. Top hogs , § 4.80. 1 For Dakota Land Frauds. Judge Ainidon and a jury in the United States district court at St. Paul , Minn. , a JFriday took up the trial of William jTliornsnell , of St. Paul , and Royal B. Steams , of Pierre , S. D. , on the charge pf conspiracy to defraud the government out of public lands in South Dakota. Illinois Man Named. * * The president at Washington Friday jnbmiuated William Harrison Bradley , of Illinois , consul general at Manchester , lin fo TORCH FOR WEAPON. Peasants Spread Fire in the Baltic Provinces. The government's advices received at St. Petersburg Thursday from the Bal tic proA-inces , forwarded part of the Avay from Riga by courrier , are of the most alarming character. Bands of thousands of Lcttis are roaming the country in the vicinity of Riga puttiiig the torch to the houses on all streets , and even threaten ing the town of Riga , itself. The districts of Riga and Vendon are entirely in the hands of the insurgents. The reA'olt is spreading to all parts of Courland. All railway communication with Riga is cut. The insurgents .have seized a number of stations on the three railroads lead ing from that city and are advancing against others. According to this information all sail ors from the commercial steamers in the harbor of Riga haA'e joined the strike. The government claims that the troops there are loyal , though inadequate. The' situation is also bad at Mitau , Avhere on Dec. 11 the troops fired on the rioters. The government is sending several col umns of troops to the Baltic provinces of Esthonia and Courland and to Riga. In response to appeals from the German embassy demanding the protection of German subjects , the government has re plied that ample troops Avere on the way to ensure the protection of foreigners. August A'on llcnnings , a prominent member of the Baltic nobility and assist ant chief of his district , Avas atrociously murdered at his residence near Riga by a revolutionary band. Two dragoons , Avho Avere detailed to guard the residence , also Avere killed. A servant Avho walked sixty miles to catch a train brought the details of the horrible event to St. Petersburg. Accord ing to the servant the revolutionaries de manded that You Ilennings give up his sword. On being told that being an offi- cer he could not surrender with honor the revolutionaries shot him. Subsequently his head was hacked off and his body cut to pieces and fed to dogs. According to reports from Tzarkoi Selo the reactionary element , aided by Gen. Count Alexis Igliff and M. Stes- chinsky , formed to effect the downfall of Count Witte and to create a dictatorship , has failed and his majesty is standing firmly by the premier. BIG BROOKLYN FIRE. Loss is Placed at a Quarter of a Million Dollars. The four-story stone building at the cor ner of Fulton Street and Bedford Ave nue , Brooklyn , N. Y. , owned by State Senator Charles Cooper and occupied by business firms , Avas destroyed by fire shortly after 2 o'clock Thursday morning. The grouid floor Avas occupied by the Brooklyn Trust Company , the Hancock Insurance Company , American Harness Company , London Harness Company and WetM Ice Cream Coaipany. This floor also contanied $50,000 worth of oil paint ings , the property of Senator Cooper , which Avere a total loss. The second floor was occupied by the Cleghoru , Bryant & Stratton Business College. The two upper floors were deo voted to business offices. The adjoining . .opeity Avas not seriously damaged. The loss , it is belieA'ed , Avill amount to $250e 000 , covered by insurance. ' ARRESTED FOR ROBBERY. Confidential Clerk of a Chicago Firm is Accused. Charles Burt , a confidential clerk for Lhe brokerage house of Bartlett , Frazier & Carrington , at Chicago. Avas arrested Friday on the charge of being a party to a robbery by Avhich the firm lost $1,700 last July. The robbery Avas committeed Avhen Dunstan Beeney , a messenger employed oy the firm was returning from the bank Avith $1,700 in his possession. Red pep per was thrown into his eyes. Two days ago Beeney and another lad , Joseph B. Jones , Avere arrested for the theft of some jewelry from a business house. Friday both confessed they and Bert were par ties to the robbery of Baillett , Frazier & Carrington. CLEARS RICH MAN. Charles Pflster Found Not Guilty of JLiarceny. Judge Brazee , iu the municipal court at Mihvaukee , Wis. , Friday decided Chas. F. Pfister , a prominent business man , Avas not guilty of the charge of lar ceny as bailee of $14,000 belonging to the Wisconsin Rendering Company. The decision was on a motion to dis miss the defendant 'after the state had rested its case. Mr. Pfister Avas the redpiuiit of many congratulations after the decision had been rendered. u More Hazing at Annapolis. An annapolis special suys : Midshipman Cooper , Avhose rightside and yocal organs were suddenly paralyzed in the class room Wednesday , is in the academy hos- gi pital under treatment. He persists in his statement that he was not hazed , but the academy authorities are iiwestigating the case. ' Hearst Will Appeal. Mr. Hearst's counsel at New York has innounced that an appeal would be made to the legislature during the first Aveek of its meeting in January for a bill pro to viding specifically for a recount of all .of is ' e ballots cast in the recent election. the Sen. Herman Hanpt Dies Suddenly Gen Herman Haupr , of Newark , N. J. , veteran of the civil war , a noted rail road man and engineer , and the oldest graduate of West Point , died suddenly Thursday morning on ji Pennsylvania by railroad train between Jersey City and can Newark. Jreland'c Lord Lieutenant. After an interval of twenty years the Ijarl of Aberdeen was Thursday , at Dub , sworn in as lord lieutenant of Ireland by > - a second time. is 7 ALICE TO WED. Roosevelt's Daughter to be Long- worth's Bride. Miss Alice Roosevelt , eldest daughter of the president , is engaged to be married to Congressman Nicholas LongAvorth , of Ohio. This announcement is made by the usually reliable Washington correspond ent of the NCAV York Herald , and is ac cepted as authentic at New York and at the capital. Formal announcement Avas made at Washington , D. C. , late Wednesday af ternoon by the president and Mrs. Roose velt of the engagement of their daughter , Alice Lee Roosevelt , to Nicholas Long- Avorth , representatiA'e in congress from the First district of Ohio , one of the Cin cinnati districts. Coupled Avith the announcement of the engagement is the additional announce ment that the Avedding will take place about the middle of next February. While arrangements for the Avedding haA'e not been made it is expected that it will occur at the White House. "A love match" is the terse and true comment made upon the engagement by New York friends and relatives of the president. Ever since Miss Roosevelt came to Washington , when her father became vice president , Mr. LongAvorth has sought her hand Avith a quiet manliness that has won him universal sympathy. It is not an easy thing to AVOO a president's daughter in these days of snap shots and unspar ing publicity. It requires tact , self-restraint and un remitting thoughtfulness. All these qual ities the young Ohioan possesses. Congressman Longworth is said to have before him a career that is describ ed as "safe and solid. " His intimates de scribe him as an earnest and almost se rious minded man of great strength of character. From the viewpoint of n ' 'match-maker' * he is " decidedly an "eligi ble party. " He is a Harvard graduate of the class of ' 91 , and is a rich man iu his own right. MISS REESE MURDER CASE. Damaging Testimony is Giver Against James Kendall. James Kendall , Avho Avas arrested some time ' ago on the charge of having mur dered Miss Maud Reese , Avho Avas killed in her apartments at 200 Evanston AA'O- nue , Chicago Nov. 21 by a burglar Avhoiu she discovered in her rooms on her 10- turn home from work , has been identi fied by Mrs. M. M. Bauingartner , of Free port , 111. "I am certain that that is the man , * ' said Mrs. Baumgartner , Avho Avas the guest of the dead girl at the time of hei death. "I am absolutely positive of the . man Avhen I look at his profile. I remem. her the little hump on his back and the Avay he stands. " HEARST IS LOSER. XCAV York Court of Appeals Decide * Against Him. An Albany , N. Y. , special says : The court of appeals , in a decision handed down Wednesday in the New York City ballot box case , sustains the contention of the counsel for Mayor McC'lellan and denies that of the attorneys for Hearst and his colleagues on the Municipal Own ership : League ticket The court holds the coxirts have no power under the election laAV to order by mandamus the opening of the ballot boxes and a recount and recam-ass of the ballots. A TROLLEY WRECK. Runaway Car Dashed DoAvn' Hill. Killing Three Passengers. At McadA-ille. Pa. , Wednesday evening a heavy runaway trolley car dashed down College hill faster than a mile a minute and struck the heavily loaded Cambridge Springs car. killing three pas sengers and injuring a dozen or more. The dead are Mrs. Breed , Avife of Dr. Robert S. Breed , of the Allegheny Col lege faculty ; John Breckman. of north east Pennsylvania , and Dwight Burch- ard. Alton Road is Indicted. The federal grand jury at Chicago Wed nesday returned indictments against the Alton Railroad Company , John M. Fuithorn. former vice president of the company , and J. A. Wann. former gener al freight agent , for alleged granting of rebates to the packing firm of Schwur/s- child & Sulzbcrger. Banker Beckwith Not Alive. A Avild story Avas circulated at Oberlin. . O. , to the effect that G. T. Beckwith. late - president of the failed Oberlin bank , is aliA'e and in Canada. The death of Mr. Beckwith occurred several mouths ago. An investigation of the story has not re vealed the slightest foundation for the ru mors. , ' Four Drowned While Skating. H ( Four .school children. Avere drowned Avhile skating on Kellogg's pond .in Am ' , sterdam , N. Y. A party of tea boys and girls Avere skating , Avhen the leader , a girl ; , broke through the ice. All plunged into the hole. All but four of the children Avere rescued. For Race Swindle. The police raided a. room in the John ston building , at Fifth and Douglas , Streets , Cincinnati , O. , and arrested seven men Avhoui they allege operated a , scheme defraud bettors on horse races by Avhat known in racing circles as "first past post' ' game. For JLand Grant Swindle. Kay McKay. Avanted in LaCrosse , Wis. , on a charge of swindling Hiram1 Goddard out of $1,000,000 in a hind fraud swindle , Avas arrested at Seattle , Wash. , Chief of Police Delaucy. He says he ? easily proA'e his innocence. Powder Plant Wrecked. The plant of the Dupont Powder Com pany , near Boyles , eight miles north of Birmingham , Ala. , vas badly damaged ' ' an explosion Wednesday morning. It tl reported five men were killed. It STATE OF NEBRASKA NEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CON- DENSED FORM. Nebraska Men Fare Well Get Good Committee Places , Though Not Just What They Wanted Trouble Over the 3IarshaIship. ' Nebraska fares Avell in committee as signments of the first or important class in the national houseas committees have IIOAV come to be classed in contrast to those of less or least importance. FolIoAviug are the committee assignh ments for Nebraska : HinshaAv Indian affairs , merchant maA rine , fisheries and patents. Kennedy Irrigation of arid lands , Avar claims. Kinkaid Insular affairs , Pacific railci roads. McCarthy Public lands , expenditure department of justice. Norris Public buildings and grounds , labor , election president , vice president and members of congress. Pollard Industrial arts ; expenditures and accounts. Most generally the Nebraska members are quite satisfied AA-ith the judgment of Speaker Cannon. There are a few little heart-burnings in the delegation , but ' 'by and large" the delegation has come off the committee field Avith honor. The removal of Marshal Mathews has precipitated on Senators Millard and Burkett an unexpected situation in the se lection of his successor. Avhen they had supposed the matter Avas settled for some time to qome Avhen they recommended him for a second term. PROVED AN ALIBI. ttac Proves He Was in Iowa When Wakeiield Saloon Was Robbed. After ono of the hardest fought trials in the history of Ponca , Robert E. Rae Avas acquitted of the charge of burglary. Rae Avas charged Avith being the third man of the trio Avho cracked a safe in a Wakefield saloon on the morning of Nov. 7 , 1)03. ! ) The defense consisted of an alibi. About ten Avitnessos were brought from Charter Oak. la. , Avhere Rao had been .stopping Avith his brother. W. S. Raevlio testified that Rae Avas iu Char ter Oak during the time Avhon the crime Avas committed. Sheriff Maskell Avill take George Parker and Joe Lynch to Lincoln to serve their oight years' sentence in the penitentiary for their share in the crime. They were captured immediately after committing the crime Avith the stolen goods in their possession and entered a plea of guilty. At the same time Raymond Stone Avill begin a live years' sentence for uttering a forgery. Stone , or Surber as he is knoAvn , is the man Avho escaped from jail and afterward returned of his OAVU accord to plead guilty and take his sen- tence. TO TEST ANTI-CIGARETTE LAW Nebraska Ollicers Will Await Final Decision of the Courts. A Lincoln dispatch says : Until a court of competent jurisdiction can interpret the anti-cigarette UIAV of Nebraska no at tempt will be made to literally enforce its iprovisions. Owing to activity on the part of prominent attorneys of Omaha a test case Avill soon be had. Acting on the advice of the county at torney Chief of Police Cooper at Lincoln released three men from the city jail AVIIO .had been arrested for rolling and smoking cigarettes. The question Avhich bothers the local police is Avhether the rolling of a single cigarette transgresses the law Avhich forbids their manufacture. WILL NOT SURRENDER CROWE Gov. Mickey Will Not Honor Re quest of Gov. Cummins. Gov. Mickey announced at Lincoln Thursday evening that he could not honor Ihc requisition of the governor of Iowa for the removal of Pat Crowe to that state. Gov. Mickey gives as a reason the fact that there is still a criminal charge hanging over Crowe in Douglas County , and until that is disposed of he cannot be removed. lie says in conclusion that Avhen justice is satisfied in this statehe Avill honor the Iowa requisition. Lincoln Police Scandal. Chief Cooper , of the Lincolu police , may he relieved from office a.s a result of the graft trial. Wednesday he ndmittcd that he had permitted resort keepers to sell beer during the state fair. It is claimed that for giving this permission he can be removed from office. The state Thursday introduced testimony to prove the visits of Officers Rentley and Rout- zahn to the resorts last fall. The two .latter are accused of extortion and black- -mail. th Sues for Loss of Sealp. The caso of Miss Ollie Ilalbrook against William Liebold is on trial in the district court at Nebraska City. The plaintiff sues for $10,000 damages for the 'loss of her scalp. Miss Hal brook Avorkod in the defendant's bakery and Avhile on duty her hair was caught on a revolving shaft and her entire scalp Avas torn from lier head. Miss Halbrook was about. 18 'years of age when the accident happened two years ago Christmas. Want Roosevelt to Help. A petition has boon quite largely .signed by McCook people and sent to President in Roosevelt asking his good offices in behalf of the Jews of the Russian empire , espe cially praying that efforts be made to protect" the Jews against further slaugh ter and pillage by tho barbarous and sav- Russians. H Postmaster of Osceola. Samuel G. 1'heasant has been appoint- ed rd postmaster at Osceola. Engineer in Seriously Injured. Last Tuesday night at Sanborn siding , about seventy miles of Mi-Cook , Engineer R. K. Tucker , driving a light uugine , ran into the rear of a Avork train ou the siding , and Avas probably fatally injured , his skull being fractured. The fire way car was demolished and a few oars demiled. j Diphtheria at Plainview. A case of diphtheria in the home < > f Vi 'Chris Shaffer at Plaiuview has caused in the grninmir x-hool there to be chxed loir three weeks. ' I BOY HANGS H MSELF IN PLAY Brother Arrives Just in Time to Suve His JLUV. Peter Wijson is a 37-year-old youth who probably comes as near knowing how it feels to be hanged by the neck un tiAV dead as any living person. Peter came within a minute of having the experience. Young Wilson is employed in Charley Bartz's ! chicken store at Kearney , and while he Avas alone another boy happened into the place. After some talk the vis itor ventured that he could hang by th > , neck : longer time than the other boy. Wilson did not think so and proceed ed to give a demonstration. He climbed eiu upon the barrel , fastened one end of u rope < to some object and fixed the other about his neck. In some manner his feet slipped from the top of the barrel about this time and he Avas'hanging for sure. His visitor be came alarmed and left the place and Avhen Pete's younger brother entered the store some time later he was terrified to find the j-outh suspended betAveen the floor and the ceiling , apparently dead. He cut the boy down and he soon regained consciousness. < MURDER ON OMAHA RESEKVE JohnValkcr Kills Nathan Ijyon During a Drunken Quarrel. Nathan Lyon and John Walker , two Omaha Indians , became intoxicated at the home of Ilenry Woods , south of the agency , Monday morning. Lyon accused Walker of stealing his span of horses. Avhen Walker become enraged and. using a club pounced upon Lyon , a much older Indian , pounding him over the head , Avhich caused concussion of the brain , from Avhich he died , after Avhich it is charged that Walker dragged the body from the house and loading it into a wag on : hauled it about 100 yards from the Woods home and dumped the body into the road. Avhere it Avas found early Mon day morning. An inquest Avas held at Avhich evidence adduced the fact that Lyon came to his death at the hands of Walker. A war rant ! was sAvorn out for Walker. AWFUL MISTAKE OF TRAMPS Stole Case ot Mineral Water , Think ing It Was Beer. Sunday evening as the mail and express Avagon Avas going from the Northwestern depot "to the postoflice at Tekamhh , a case of mineral Avater AVIIS stolen from the back part of the Avagon. Upon reach ing the postoflice the driver found the case was missing , so a search Avas be gun. gun.The The case Avas about the sixe of a beer case , and some tramps or toughs , think ing the case contained "booze , " had slyly slipped it from the back of the wagon to the favorite place in the corn cribs near the Northwestern yards , intending to have a good time. But upon discovering what was in the case and Avhat a mistake they had made , left it there and vanished. The case Avas found after some search and returned to the owner. . , NEBRASKA GIRL WINS PRIZE Wrota the Best Essay on the Horse and Got $15. A Norfolk special says : Little Mildred Smith , aged 15. has won a prize of $1 ; " in Rock County for Avriting the best es say on "The Horse. " The reward Avas offered by Col. Terry , a Avealthy ranch man , both for the sake of encouraging lit erary effort and to excite sympathetic interest in his hobby , the horse. Miss Smith Avhen 10 years of age Avrote a fairy story and a poem , both of Avhich won a prize of § 20 from an eastern magazine. She is saving the money for benevolent purposes. She is a niece of Miss Rosa Hudspeth. editor of the Stuart Ledger. The judges Avere all Bassett teachers. Erect Glass Factories. With the cattle kings routed off tho thousands o ; acres of sand hill land in the Avestern part of the state land Avhich have hitherto been considered useless ex cept for the feeding of stock a new industry has sprung up for Nebraska. Glass Avill be made from the sand hills , and plans are now under Avay for the building of an immense glass factory , aw * perhaps a number of them. ' IS The Groom Was Missing. Miss Marie Lindahl IS and Harry Tolfiver Avere not married at Nebraska City as per iiiA-itations sent out to many guests. Miss Lindahl waited in vain for her fiance to 2G arrive from Falls City , but he failed to come. The bride-to-be - - , however , very gracefully told the guests that it Avas also 1C her birthday as Avell as the day for the wedding , and invited her friends to re. main and enjoy the dinner. Arnold's Coming ; Railroad. 10 Surveyors are still at work on the Ar nold and Gaudy extension of the Union Pacific Railroad out of Callaway and are now camped on the Loup River about four miles above Arnold. It is reported that the contract for the grading betAveen Callaway and Arnold has been let to Omaha contractors and thatvork will br commenced within ten dav-j. bii Fire at St. Paul. fa The mill of the St. Paul Mill and fawl Grain Company. St. Paul , burned Satur -n-1 day morning. The origin of the tire is by unknown. Two carloads of machinery car had just been installed. The ! loss has he been estimated at $1(5.000 ( , Avith ! t.000 ; in th' surance. it Medical Society Meeting. lll The Curt County Medical Society met Oakland Wednesday afternoon in Dr. Sward's otlice parlors. A n unifier of in- f 61 tercsting papers were read. * fter tho meeting a banquet was served. ret m.- Head Crushed UnderVlieeIs. . AVi Floyd , the young son of Mrs. and Mrs. eni Harvey Bray , of Burr , Otoe Coi ity. was rai killed by being run over by a waron load no with corn. The wagon passedjover the Th boy's head. Lout Valuable Papers. ' me rai Valuable paper * ami manuKprij\ts , in cluding all of his former sermons rf id the as1 results of many .years of study a id re pn search along A-arious lilies , were list by soc Ilev. A. Morris Abbott , of Elgin , i in the Che that destroyed the city station of the tiu : Northwestern lailroad at Norfolk. to pn Medical Men to Meet in Norfolk. The midwinter meeting of the Elkhorn Valley Medical Society is called tomee < ! Norfolk Jan. ! > . This society nuilihera Hi in'oii1 it < incmhcis aliout ! ( ) < ) phy uilans , vas o-llj. J'V r Uvjtli Nebraska. mSWEEKLY 1154 Landing of Henry II. in. Eng land from France. 1421 King Henry VI. of England born. 14JJ7 Sigismund , Emperor of Germany , died. 1527 Pope Clement VII. escaped in dis guise from prison. 1540 Meeting of the Diet of Worms. 1542 Mary Stuart , daughter of Jauie ? V. , born. 15G5 Pope Pius IV. died. 1594Gustavus Adolphus born. 1GOS John Milton , the poet , born. 1G4S Col. Pride prevented 200 members- of British Parliament from enter ing the House. Called "Pride's- Purge. " KjtJt English Parliament ordered the body of Oliver Cromwell hung at Tyburn. 1GGG Ten Scottish Covenanters execut- e.l in Edinburgh. 2GSS Flight of James II. 1740 Treaty of Moscow between Great Britain and Russia. 1740 Charles Ratcliffe , Earl of Der- Aventwater. executed. 177G British take possession of Rhode- Island. 1777 Suspension of habeas corpus act in Great Britain. 17S7 Delaware by unanimous vote rati fied Constitution of the United States' . 1795 Rowland Hill , "father of the British postal service , " born. 171G Indiana admitted to the Union. 1S35 Ceremonies at Nuremburg mark ing opening of first railway in Germany. 1S42 Samuel Woodworth. author of "The Old Oaken Bucket , " died. 184G Santa Ana proclaimed President of Mexico. 184S David-Carter made the first de posit of California gold in. the- United States mint. 1S54 The Immaculate Conception de clared by the Pope. 185G Father Matthew , apostle of tern- j < p era nee , died at Cork , Ireland. 1SG1 Congress passed bill authorizing : exchange of Union and Confeder ate prisoners. 1SG2 Battle of Prairie Grove , Ark. 1SG4 President Lincoln urged curtail ment of State banks. 1SGS The Gladstone ministry assumed office Paraguayan array de feated and destroyed at Villeta. 1SS1 Many lives lost in the burning of the Ring theater in Vienna. 18S t Washington monument at 'Wash ington , D. C. , completed. 1SS4 Third Plenary Council closed at Baltimore. 1S91 Lord Dufferin succeeded Lord Lyttleton as British ambassador at Paris. * 1895 Great demonstration against mu nicipal abuses in Madrid , Spain. 1897 Attempt on the life of the Sultan of Turkey. 1898 Gen. Calixto Garcia died , aged G2 _ 1899 Certificate of election given to W. S. Taylor as Governor of Ken tucky. 1902 President Castro ordered arrest of foreigners in Venezuela Thomas B..Reed died. 1903 Four killed in railroad wreck at Worcester , Mass Gen. Royes elected President of Colombia . . . .Japanese Diet dissolved. 1904 Labor riots begin in St. Peters burg Mrs. Cassie L. Chad- Avick arrested Three Russian battleships sunk at Port Arthur. PLENTY MAKES A "FAMINE. " Railroads Cannot J2imlle Amount of TraHie Offered Them. The present situation of therailroad business i ; comparable to the case of a farmer who has raised big crops but who has to take them to market in a wheelbarrow instead of iu wagons drawn horseSuch are tin * results of the- famine. One western railroadwith headquarters at Chicago reports that there ' i < not a moment nowadays Avhen could not n.e a thousand more cars than ! it iia . if it possessed them. The managers say that they haA'e given up trying to handle the business that is of fered them. Normally , there is the problem of the return freight to be dealt with in the matter. A million < tarall going east ivith cargoes of grain , but returning mpty. wonld not : iBonl profit to the railroad exci'pt at a high rate. But just low not a ear goes empty either Avay. rhere is business enough for all. Though the congestion is decidedly uconveiiicnt and N driving shippers and railroad men frantic it has itvery re- issurin siile. It is the immediate ex- reK < 5oii of an abumiunce which will oon make itself felt in every home. shunt for "more curs"which folIoAV * trailImanagers ! over the telephone their very beds is really u pueau of prosperity. The country home of Charles James , a vidoAver , aged 05 years , was burned at Jamiltou. Ohii > . James' charred foinu ! I.i tlu ruins i l' , \