Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 14, 1905, Image 7

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    A Valuable Agent ,
Tho glycerine employed In Dr. Pierce's
medicines greatly enhances tho medi
cinal properties which it extracts and
hods in solution much better than alco
hol would. It also possesses medicinal
properties of Its own , being a valuable
demulcent , nutritive , antiseptic and anti-
jerment. It adds greatly to tho efficacy
of the Black Cherry-bark , Golden Seal
root , Stone root and Queen's root , con
tained in "Golden Medical Discovery" in
fiubdulng chronic , or lingering coughs ,
Tjronchial , throat and lung affections ,
lor all of which these agents aro recom
mended by standard medical authorities.
In all cases where there is a wasting
away of IJesh , loss of appetite , with
weak stomach , as In the curly stages of
consumption , there can bo no doubt that
I t t glycerine acts as a valuable nutritive and
\ \ aids the Golden Soal root. Stone root ,
Queen's root and Black Cherrybark in
promoting digestion and building up tho
Ueshand strength , controlling the cough
and bringing about a healthy condition
of the whole system. Of course , it must
toot be expected to work miracles. It will
not euro consumption except in its earlier
fitagcs. It will euro very severe , obstin
ate , chronic coughs , bronchial and laryn-
geaJ troubles , and chronic sore throat
with hoarseness. In acute coughs it is
not so effective. It is in tho Ungering
coughs , or those of long standing , even
Jvhcn accompanied by bleeding from
lungs , that it has performed its most
marvelous cures. Send for and read tho
little book of extracts , treating of tho
( properties and uses of the several med
icinal roots that enter into Dr. Pierco's
Golden Medical Discovery and learn why
( this medicine has such a wide range of
application in the cure of diseases. It is
cent free. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce ,
Buffalo , N. Y. The "Discovery" con
tains no alcohol or harmful , habit-form
ing drug. Ingredients all printed on each
bottle wrapper In plain English.
Sick people , especially those suffering
from diseases of longstanding , are invited
to consult Dr. Picrco by letter , free. All
correspondence is held as strictly private
and sacredly'confidential. Address Dr.
E. V. Pierce , Buffalo , N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser is sent/rec
on .receipt of stamps to pay expense of
mailing only. Sond 21 one-cent stamps
for paper-covered , or 31 stamps for cloth-
bound CODY.
Among the ladies no other medi
cine has ever had so strong a fol
lowing , because , excepting pure
air and exercise , it is ; the source of
more beautiful complexions than
any other agency , as
; the tonic-laxative. It puts pure
blood in the veins , and no woman
can be homely when the rich , red < >
[ blood of health courses in her veins.
Sold by ail dealers at 250. and 500. | j
& & & &
troubled with ills peculiar to " > SKS . _
their Bei , used as a doucho ia rnanrefoasly suc
cessful. Thoroughly cleanses , kills disease germs ,
tops discharges , heals inflammation and local
Faxtloe It ia powder form to be dissolved in pure
water , and it fir more cleansing , healing , cermicidal
and economical than liquid antiseptics for all
For sale at druggists , 50 cents a b'or.
Trial Box and Book of Instructions Free.
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. USB
In time. Sold by dmsci&fs.
Keep Cnttlnff the Dirt Off.
The members of the family were
camping out south of town for the day
and little Georgie had been assigned
the work of peeling the potatoes for
dinner. After laboring for half an
hour he hunted up his mother.
"Mom , " he said , "I gotta have some
more potatoes. "
"Why , I gave you enough for two
families like ours , " she replied , in sur
prise. "What did you do with them ? "
"I forgot to wash my hands , " said
Georgie , "and by the time I got all
the dirt cut off the potatoes they was
too small to eat. I throwed 'em away. "
Kansas City Times.
With Luxuriant Hair and Scaly-
Scalps Cleansed and I'urlflcd by
Cutleuru. Soap ,
Assisted by dressings of Cuticura , the
great skin cure. This treatment at once
stops falling hair , removes crusts ,
scales and dandruff , destroys hair par
asites , soothes irritated , Itching sur
faces , stimulates the hair follicles ,
loosens the scalp skin , supplies the
roots with energy and nourishment ,
and makes the hair grow upon a sweet ,
wholesome , healthy scalp , when nil
else fails. Complete external and In
ternal treatment for every humor , from
pimples to scrofula , from infancy to
age , consisting of Cuticura Soap , Oint
ment and Pills , price $1.00. A single
set is often sufficient to cure.
Plausible Theory.
The great detective had been sum
moned to the plumber's office.
"I can't understand it , " said the
plumber. "The young man has been in
my employ for the last three years
and I have always found him honest
and trustworthy. But three days ago
I sent him to collect a bill in the sub
urbs and he has failed to show up
since. Now , what do you think of it ? "
"Oh , " replied the g. d.f "I don't
think you have any cause for alarm ,
lie was probably paid in small bills
and is still counting the money to
make sure that the amount is correct. "
How's This ?
Vfc offer One Hundred Dollars * Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , 0.
We , the undersigned , have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years , and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by his flnn.
Wholesale Druggists. Toledo , O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally ,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the sj'stem. Testimonials sent
free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all
Druggist ? .
Take Hall's Family IMlis for constipation.
A. Strenuous AVcaltn Seeker.
In the desert of southern Arizona ,
with an Indian , two centipedes , and a
Gila monster as his companions , Profes
sor W. .T. McGee of Parley , Iowa , suf
fering from lost health , slept for four
' months without bed or covers upon the
j hot sands of the desert and regained all
his former vigor.
j Itching , Blind , Bleeding 1'rotrudlng Piles.
Druggists are author/An ! to refund money il
i VAZO OINTMENT fails to cure In G to U
; days. 50c.
In Tlicir Proper Order.
t Mrs. Muclnveddc I saw Mrs. Friv-
| vies to-day and she had a new bonnot.
Mrs. Tenth time So ?
' Yes ; and a now fall coat. "
'Indeed ? "
"Yes ; and a lovely new husband. "
Philadelphia Post.
It is wrong for you to suffer from Constipation ,
Bowel and Stomach Trouble when there is a positive ,
natural and harmless cure MULL'S GRAPE Toxic.
Have you noticed the large number of Typhoid Fever cases lately ? Typhoid
Fever , Malarial Fever , Appendicitis , Impure Blood , Pimples , Sick Headache ,
Skin Disease , Piles , Female Troubles , Stomach Troubles , Heart Troubles , etc. ,
are the result of Constipation.
There is a remedy now to be had that cures these troubles absolutely.
A full sized bottle is furnished you free to prove it.
Remember we give only one bottle to each family. If your druggist fails to
supply you with Mull's Grape Tonic send us this coupon together with name and
address of the druggist and we will mail you a bottle.
Try all the druggists before you write us as the bottle ha is authorized to give
you for this coupon is three times as large as the one we are allowed to send by mail.
The following coupon will not be honored unless it is cut out of the paper in
one piece including the Patient's coupon , Retail Druggist's coupon and Wholesale
or Jobber's coupon , they must not be separated.
I hereby certify that I have never taken Mull's Grape Tonic , that I will apply for only one
free bottle , that I will not sell or cive it away and that I will take it myself for Constipation ,
Bowel and Stomach Trouble as soon as 1 obtain it.
Patient iiun your lutne here very plainly.
Write your lull address here very plainly.
TO THE RETAIL DRUGGIST : This coupon void nnlcss you sijn your name and
address on the line below. Send this full coupon to the jobber of whom you purchabed this
remedy , and he will give you 35 cents in cash or trade forcach _ coupon , uroperly sicned.
which you send him. All jobbers have the 350 , 500 and $1.00 sizes. The Si.oo bottle contains
nearly 6 times the 350 size and 3 times tho 500 tize. Druceist. sign four name here.
Your address here.
TO THE JOBBER : You will please accept this coupon if tho sama is properly sicned.
and cive to the retailer buying the remedy from you. 35 cents in cash or trade for same. This
coupon void unless you sicn your firm name and address. Forward all coupons to us , and we
will remit you 35 cents for exch coupon properly sicned by the consunar , retailer and yourself.
Jobber , sign your name here.
Address here.
Cut out the above three coupons in one piece. Do not separate.
MULL'S GRAPE TONIC CO. , Makers , No. 21 Third Ave. , Rock Island , 111. M
I -won't cell A.atI-Grplne to adeiler who won't Guarantee It.
Jft W.&ietner,31. & . , Manufacturer , Springfieldt
01,226 A MINUTE.
7/IoMt of Thin Com CM from CnMtoma
Service Expenses , However , Ex
ceed Receipt * Money in Circula
tion $31. . ' ! ! ) for I2aeU Person.
The revenues of the government in
the fiscal year 1005 aggregated $097-
101,209. This was an income of $1,909-
SGG a day , or $1,320 a minute night and
day throughout the year. Tho total ex
penditures , hem-ever , were $23,004,228 in
excess of the receipts , the expenditures
being $720,105/198. Secretary Shaw
gives the figures in his annual report for
the Treasury Department , submitted to
The largest sources of revenue were
as follows :
Customs $ 201,798,830
Internal revenue 1231,003,740
Ilevenues of the District of Co-
lura 5,043,237
Sales of public lands 4,859,249
Profits on coinage , bullion de
posits , etc 4,419,393
Reimbursement of loan to
Louisiana Purchase Exposi
tion Company 4,404,942
Fees Consular , letters patent ,
and lands 4,087,501
Sales of Indian lands , proceeds
of Indian labor , etc 3,903,087
Part payment Central Pacific
railroad Indebtedness o,74J,3S.
Postal revenues 15:2,820,383
The expenditures were :
For civil establishment. Includ
ing foreign Intercourse , public
buildings , Panama canal , col
lecting revenues. District of
Columbia , and other miscella
neous expenses $131,887,291
For the military establishment ,
including rivers and harbors ,
forts , arsenals , seacoast de
fenses , and expenses of the
war with Spain and In the
Philippines 122,173,074
For the naval establishment ,
Including construction of new
vessels , machinery , armament ,
equipment , improvement at
navy yards , and expenses of
the war with Spain and in
the Philippines 117,330,303
For Indian service 14,230,073
For pensions 141,773,904
For Interest on tho public debt 24,590.944
For deficiency in postal revenues 13,063,257
For postal service 132.S20.3S3
Compared with 1904 the revenues in
creased $12,880.890 and the expendi
tures decreased $5.870,447. In the two
years expenses have been more than
$64,000,000 in excess of receipts.
Money in Circulation tiroir * .
During 1905 $08.739,793 was added to
the money in circulation. The per cap
ita circulation advanced from $30.77
July 1 , 1904 , to $31.38 Nov. 1. 1901 ; then
declined to $30.80 April 1. 1905. and at
the close of the year , June 30 , 1905 ,
stood at $31.08. By Oct. 1 , 1905 , the
total money in circulation had advanced
to $2,024,230.391. a per capita circula
tion of $31.39 , 42.8 per cent of which
was gold.
At the close of the year ended Sept.
30 , 1905 , 0.831 national banks , with au
thorized capital stock of $810,054,075 ,
were in active operation. Since the na
tional banking system was first author
ized there have been 438 failures and
1,001 voluntary liquidations of national
In these national banks the deposits to
the credit of individuals are $3,820,081-
713 and to the credit of banks $1,024-
877,581. The aggregate liabilities are
$7,472,350,878. In the year ended Sept.
30 , 1905 , 513 banks were chartered , with
a capital of $34,705,500.
"Would Jlecoiix Alirudcd Silver.
Mr. Shaw cites tho great demand for
subsidiary silver coins and recommends
"that the Secretary of the Treasury be
authorized to cause the recoinage of
abraded and uucurrent silver dollars , in
amounts not exceeding $5,000,000 per
year , into the several denominations of
subsidiary coins as they are required. "
The production of gold in the United
States for the calendar year 1904 is esti
mated at $80,404.700 , and the industrial
consumption at $28,055,903. of which
$22.930,030 was of new material. The
original deposits of gold at the several
mints and assay oflices aggregated $143-
The interest-bearing debt of the Unit
ed Stites outstanding Nov. 1 , 1905 , was
$895,158,940. Of this amount , bonds of
the face value of $549,599,590 were held
by the treasurer of the United States in
trust for national banks as security for
circulating notes and deposits , leaving
$345,559,300 in the hands of other in
To Make Currency Elastic.
' 'The necessity for an elastic curren
cy , " continues Mr. Shaw , "has received
fresh emphasis in the financial conditions
of the last few months. Millions were
loaned , approximately at 1 per cent in
midsummer , and call money reached 25
per cent in November. The exceedingly
low rate was about as dangerous as tho
high rate , for the latter was the logical
result of the former. Such extremes can
and should be rendered impossible.
"As a. means to this end , I suggest the
advisability of permitting national banks
to issue a volume of additional govern
ment guaranteed currency. equal iu
amount to 50 per cent of the bond-se
cured currency maintained by them , but
subject to a tax of 5 or G per cent un
til redeemed by the deposit of a like
amount in the treasury. By eliminating
the words 'secured by United States
bonds deposited with the treasurer of
the United States' from national bank
notes now authorized , the additional cur
rency would be identical in form with
that based upon a deposit of bonds , and
its presence would not alarm , for it
would not be known. "
Mr. Shaw favors a revision of the cus
toms administrative act , the extension
of the "drawback" in tariff on exports
and the encouragement of an American
merchant marinelie. says tho aggre
gate deaths from yellow fever in New
Orleans numbered 455 , and the number
of cases 0,385.
During the past year the usual facili
ties have been extended to aid in the
movement of the crops. The deposits
I'or transfer in the New York and Chi
cago subtrcasuries were $30,093,034 , for
which payments by telegraph were made
at other points in the denominations re
quired to meet the demands of the lo
cality in which the funds were to ba
Told ia a Few lanes.
A line of French tramp steamers from
Havre is about to run along the Pacific
coast , falling in at San Francisco ,
TnfreqneHt Occasion * .
"You must try to love your papa a
much as he loves you , " said the vis
"Oh , I love him more , " replied Tom
"Indeed ? Doesn't your papa love
you very much ? "
"Not much. He says he only loves
me when I'm good. " Philadelphia
Take LAXATIVE BKOMO Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund money if It fails to cure.
E.V. . Grove's signature is on each box. 23c.
Out of the Lonsr Ago.
Venus had just turned Adonis into the
"I hope that horrid Mary McLane
won't mention this flower in her book. "
But , alas only too well do we know
that anemones and tooth brushes are
choice morsels to roll under the literary
tongue. Milwaukee Sentinel.
I can recommend Piao'a Cure for Con
sumption for Asthma. It has given me
great relief. W. L. Wood , Fannersburg ,
Ind. , Sept. 8 , 1901.
Ecla In Scotland.
Although eels abound in Scotch waters
and are caught in great quantities , they
are not considered lit food there. No
matter how plentiful and how very fine
and large they may be in any district
of Scotland , no native will eat one. The
objection to the eel is said to be based
on its seipentlike appearance and the
fact that it is not overfastidious as to
what it feeds on.
laundering tlie Baby's Clothes.
Many mothers are not aw&re that
chafing and much discomfort may be
caused tho baby by the strong alkalies
in tho soap with which the little gar
ments are washed. Ilence the work
should be done at home under the moth
er's directions and only Ivory Soap used.
The Wasteful Captain.
She was a fair passenger in search
of information and the captain was ,
naturally , only too willing to gratify
her. He had explained that the action
of the propeller forced the ship
through the water and added , as a
further item of information :
"We made twenty knots an hour
last night , miss. "
"Did you really ? " said the sweet
girl. "And whatever did you do with
them all ? "
The captain went red and his eyes
"Threw them overboard , " he said , '
"Fancy ! " she said. Tit-Bits.
Keep ilie Kidneys "Well ami the
Kidneys Will Keep You Well. |
Sick , suffering , languid women aro i
learning the true cause of bad backs
and how to euro
them. Mrs. YV. G.
Davis , of Groesbeck ,
Texas , says : "Back
aches hurt me so I
could hardly stand.
Spells of dizziness
and sick headaches
were frequent and
it the action of the kid
neys was irregular.
1 Soon after I began
taking Doan's Kidney Pills I passed
several gravel stones. I got well and
the trouble has not returned. My back
Is good and strong and my general
health better. "
Sold by all dealers , 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
A log raft 735 feet long , 55 feet wido
and 28 feet deep , and containing 10,000-
000 feet of lumber , was towed into San
Francisco bay recently. It was five and j
one-half days from the Columbia river , j
Of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , the
Great Woman's Remedy for Woman's Ills.
Xo other female medicine in the world has received such widespread and
unqualified endorsement.
No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles or sucb
hosts of grateful friends as has
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
It will entirely cure the worst forms of Female Complaints , all Ovarian
Troubles , Inflammation and Ulccration. Fallingand Displacement of tho
Womb , and consequent Spinal Weakness , and is peculiarly adapted to thu
Change of Life.
It has cured more cases of Backache and Leucorrhcea than any other rem
edy the world has ever known. It is almost infallible in such cases. It
dissolves and expels tumors from the Uterus in an early stage of de
stan'Jy relieved and permanently cured by its use. Under all circumstances it
invigorates the female system , and is as harmless as water.
It quickly removes that Bearing-down Feeling , extreme lassitude , "don't
ness ,
rangement of the Uterus , which this medicine always cures. KidnejComplaint *
and Backache , of either sex , the Vegetable Compound always cures.
Those women who refuse to accept anything else are rewarded a hundred
thousand times , for they get what they want a , cure. Sold by Druggists
everywhere. Refuse all substitutes.
Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year
* $
United States S. C. N. U. No. 5C 19O5
Senator-cloct George S.
Xixon of Nevada , now many times a
millionaire , was a telegraph operator
twenty-six yt-ars ago. sore Eyes , uss *
The Genuine is Manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup
e lull name of the company , California Rig : Syrup Co * ,
printed on the front of every package of the genuine.
The GenuineSyrup of Figsis for Sale , in Original
Packages Only , by Reliable Druggists Everywhere
Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita
tions made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable
dealers. The imitations are known to act injuriously and should
therefore be declined.
Buy the genuine always if you wish to get its beneficial effects.
It cleanses the system gently yet effectually , dispels colds and headaches
when bilious or constipated , prevents fevers and acts best on the
kidneys , liver , stomach and bowels , when a laxative remedy is needed
by men , women or children. Many millions know of its beneficial
effects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge. It is the
laxative remedy of the well-informed.
Always buy the Genuine Syrup of Figs