r pusiness Locals You will find a hruj-t\ . ' - ! c < it a the Chicago House. 38 Strayed one black Poland Chin male stock hpg , weight abuot 30 to 850 when last seen. $500 n < ward. forreo0 ry. 472 T / J. A. Ho6T * N , Valentine , Net " ' STRAYED one white face , dark red bull /branded / CJ ? on right side. Suit able reward for return to my plac at'taoufth 'of Minnechaduza. or fo information leading to his recov ery. J. G. GASKILL. 48 Valentine , Neb. Httref'M-d Ranch PrimKnabti 131693 and Curl OcKit 1 1 J61 at ht-H of lu-rd Th" bJor. of Fowler A.nx ot ; Lord Wilton ami - > ' Gladstone j'reij-'n nates m my herd I can fill "friers l i bulls of all HKL-S at an time. Ranrb fir mile north-west of Urowr C H. PAUI.IIAUKU. , ilP.XiLKY , " ' Dentist. Office over the grcjcery deparmen of T. C. Hornby's store. Will be in Rosebud agency Jul : 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1,1904. JOHN F. PORATH Riege , Xebr , , * 0' " * Tubular wells and windmills. C. M. SAGESER - Barber FirBt-ctais''Shop in Every Respec Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Bai Tonic. Herplcide an l Cokn's Dandruff Cure Try Pompeian Face Massage Crean * . * A. N/COMPTON Physician and Surgeoi Office ait ' "Q'jigley & Chapman'i Drug Store. Nights The Don oherresidence , Cherry Street * H. M CRAMER. ; 'GiTDeliveryman ; , Trunks , valises "and packages hauled to an < from the depot and all parts of the City. . Sturdevant , T DKST1ST. Office < fter"DaVentort'3 . . -v. . . , . , toreWest Entrance y ilentijie , Nebraska. rM.D. ; Physiciau aaid'Snrgeon. Offlce mci"residence over T. C. Hon- by's store. Talentiiie , Nebraska . < tf > . - . . JOHN M. TUCKEE , COIJXTYATrORNEY. . State Courts. r i - # T 1 GOODS I * * Our stock is now practicaly xomplete. ; > and embraces : - Toilet Cases I'H Sets MiliVair Brushes Candle Sticks Fancy Clocks _ Mirrors i- ClothivHair and Clothes | ? Itx Brushes Ebony J'j Stationery in Fancy Boxes Inkstands * j * - * - * * Kodaks . , . . , § f \ * * I Collar and Cu&Boxes I _ Pictures I/I - -MP- IIf f N. B' .pw Christmas Can- w dies will arrive.about the 20th i QUIGLEY & CHAPMAN ; " DRUQGISTS. # for hides. Su-iu-r paly * i cants Judge Towuc is siciv today with -J-oHiaeii trouble , * * * ' y t C.V. . Ueimett' of'Simeon came up to town yesterday to do some trading. Nellie Fr'ancke Jijg been do'wE with the typhoid fever but is re ' ' " covering. ' ' . Harry Neal has returned to Val entine after several months visil back home. Mrs. Hattie Reece returned yes terday moining from a visit of several weeks at Manhattan , Kan. with her mother. Al Thacker and Mr. Gheans were in town last Friday aftei freight for A. Peyton for whom they are working. The decorations in the stores for Clmstma.s arc beautiful. New de signs and new goods greet youi f.ves as you enter the stores thai arc now filled with holiday goods. Frank Fischer's line of Heating Stoves and Ranges is the largest and best to be found in th city. This line is open for inspection and tho prices are most reasonable. Dr. J. S. Anderson , of Seward , and O. Hull , a farmer of Alma , were the speakers at the farmers meeting held here yesterday. Both made splendid , interesting talks. Come out and hear Col. Holt lecture on temperance. He is a good speaker and you will be in terested with his discussion of a subject that he has studied for years. The ladies of the M. E. church took in 8127 last night at a sup per and bazaar given in the opera house for the benefit of the church. A jolly good crowd spent the eve ning there in social conversation. U. S. weather bureau report for week ending Dec. 13. The daily mean temperature exceeded the normal 3 ° . The highest temper ature was 56 ° and the lowest was 14 ° , a range of 42 ° . No pre cipitationgiving ideal winter weather. The winds have been very gentle comparatively speak- ing. Miss Sadie Thackrey had the misfortune last Saturday evening to be thrown from her pony , that she was riding , at the the railroad crossing on Cherry street , fractur ing her. , collar bone. 'Dr. Comp- ton attended her , and though she did not complain much "then nor since , the doctor pronounced her collar bone broken. Miss Thack rey has been teaching school at Thacher and had to dismiss school this : w. ek. . , . - 1 l im m J M - U. I Wajiiteil jj ! "Farmer Agent ? * * * * To work in . country. . . Steady em- * * , * i. 4r.- " ploym'enfc ; good pay weeidy. 'fiiE HAWKS"NURSERY COMPANY , I Wauwatosa , Wis. i Dec Fob 1 Lincoln , Dec. 6 , 1905 I. ] M. Rice- : Valentine , Neb. Dear Sir : It is probable that this will be the last letter and' statement you will receive this year. I take pleasure in handing to you state ment of the business done by the agents for 11 months of the year 1905. It has been a very satisfac tory and profitable year through out. While our losses have been extremely heavy during the latter half of the year , yet I feel that we have not had any more than our share , and we have no complaint to make. We have adjusted and paid o > : r losses promptly. Prac tically every loss of which we have had notice is adjusted and paid in full. This should be a source oi great congratulation to every ag ent of the company , because it is the promptness and fairness oi the company that bears out your recommendation and makes you friends. No one realizes more than the agents that represent a company that does not fulfill its - i pledges , is what causes them trouble with their neighbors. * * * Very truly yours , FARMERS MUTUAL INSC. Co. W. B. Linch , Sec , . Down the River. Mr. Hale was in town last week. Ben Polen is working for John Shelbourn. Dave Archer branded and dehorn ed cattle Sunday. Messrs. Savage and Waicott were in this vicinity recently. The sick at Mr. Bryant's arc im proving and able to be up agaia. A play has been organized at Crookston by the young people. They play at the Fairview school house Saturday night. The name of the play is , "The Danger Signal. " The basket social at the Becker school house was largely attended. A fine program was rendered and the baskets sold well. § 43.75 was the amount made , and which will be used to get an organ for th ) school and Sunday school. YOUXGSTER. SCHOOL NOTES. I Margarete Quigley. By i Clara Dunham. Mamie Newan and Guy Mun- son entered the 8th grade this week. Frankie Austin and Louie Birch are in school again after being ab sent on account of sickness. The following language work done by two of the 5th grade pu pils is printed without corrections and shows what the pupils of this ? rade are capable of doing : A NOBLE DEED. Once in Iowa there was a building sailed the Drill Factory. One d ay it was burning down and there were fifteen or twenty men that worked there that did not know it was burn ing. ing.One One of the young men went and told all the hands. The owner of she building was not there and the Dne that told the hands risked his life and went in to get all the use- ; ul papers and account books that ihe man that owned thebuilding fvould want. There was another man that went ; vith him and helped him some. rhis man went out of the building just avlittle before he did and they Doth got out alive and he got the papers and account books out too. The building fell in about five or six minutes after the last man got DUt. MINNIE HOLSCLAW. A NOBLE DEED. t One summer afternoon , in the pear of 1898 a party of boys went lown the creek to take a swim. It ivas a warm day and the boys were enjoying themselves , when three nen came down to have a swim too. They stood on the bank watching ihe boys playing in the water when 3ne boy bolder than the others swam out into the deeper water and svas showing off how good he could swim. The reason of his good swimming was that he had a life preserver on. He hadn't baen out very long when the string which were holding the life preserver in place broke and it slipped down to his feet. As he could not swim without it in place his head went down and his feet stayed on top of the water. His playmates could not rescue him , because they could not swim. One of the men hurriedly took off his coat and shoes. He then jump ed into the water , and swam out and carried him to the shore , where he soon came to. AT.DIE HARVEY. Stetter pays 9 cents for hides. Davenport & Co. have a change of ad this week. Notice to Creditors. THE STATK OF NKBRASKA i In the County CHEKIIY COUNTY . ) 'BS Court. In the matter of the estate of Adelia A. Petty- crew .deceased : To the Creditors of said Estate : You are hereby notified , That I will sit at the Coi nty Court Room in Valentine in said counry on the fith day ot January , 1900. Pt 10 o'clock a. in. to receive and examine all claims against said estate , with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for ine pres-nta- tion of claims against said estate is the 6th day of Jannarv , A.D. 1906 and the time limited for payment of drbts is one year from said 30th day ot February 1905 , Witness my hand and seal of said county court this 12th day of December. A. . D , 1905. SEAL W.E TOWNR. 48 4 County Judge , ML - * "Wl A Food to Work On Work ! Work ! ! Work ! ! ! Lots of energy is needed to keep up the pace. In the struggle , the man with the strong body and clear brain wins out every time. The man of to-day needs something more than mere food ; he needs a food that makes energy a food to work on , Although some people may not realize it , yet it is a fact , proved and established beyond doubt , that soda crackers and this means Ufieeda Biscuit are richer in muscle and ht-making elements and have a much higher per cent , of tissue-building properties than any other article of food made from flour. That this is becoming known more and more every day is attested by the sale of nearly 400,000,000 pack ages of Uneedd BiSCUit , the finest soda cracker ever baked. An energy-giving food of surpassing value sold in a package which brings it to you with all the original flavor and nutriment perfectly pre served. Truly the food to Ivork on. Whoever you are whatever you are wherever you work U need a Biscuit. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Cherry County School Notes. State examination for profess ional certificates at county super intendent's office Friday and Sat urday , Dec. 15-16 th. 20 per cent perfect attendance certificates were issued from this office this week , with many schools yet to hear from. Let Cherry county be the banner county in Nebraska for perfect attendance. State teachers' association meets at Lincoln Dec. 27 , 28 and 29th. The program contains a splendid array of talent of such a practical and inspiring nature as to arouse the enthusiastic anticipation of ev ery teacher in the state. Pro grams later. READING CHICLE QUESTIONS. Louisiana Purchase. 1. Louisiana Purchase : When made , by whom , consideration , territory acquired. ' 2. Discuss the successive ow nership by Spain , France and England. By what right did each nation gain its title ? How did each dispose of it ? 3. Why was France willing to/ sell the Louisiana territory to U.S ? 4. Why was possession of the Mississippi important to any na tion ? 5. What was accomplished by Lewis & Clark ? Putman's Psychology. 1. What is psychology ? 2. What are the phenomena of the mind ? 3. State the differences between physiological and empirical psy chology. 4. What is mind ? 5. How does mind differ from matter ? Teachers desiring credit for reading circle work should send in their wiitten answers to the ques tions as they are printed each week. Attendance at associations and reading circle credits counts for credits on examination for certifi cates. LULU KORTZ , Co. Supt. Stetter pays 9 cents for hides. 482 Hallclorson's photos 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and 5th of each month. Don't forget that Frank Fischer carries the best and most complete line of Heating Stoves and Ranges on the market. Also at the most reasonable prices. 44 We are making a specialty of Carbon Platinos. Order the good goods and you get them. Reraena- ber that ourPhotos are guaranteed and that re-sittings are given when necessary. HALLDORSON. 29 stop your Lung Irritation , relieve your Sore Throat and drive out your Chronic Cold , with thexmly cer- tain , and strictly scientific , Cure fo ? Coughs.and Colds : * > Almost in Bespair. "Our little daughter was given up by two physicians with consumption of the throat , and we were almost in despair , when our druggist recommended Dr. King's Now Discovery. After taking four bottles she was perfectly eured'and has had no throat trouble since. " GEO. A. EYLER , Cumberland , Md. Price , soc and $1.00 TRIAL BOTTLES FREE RECOMMENDED , GUARANTEED AND SOLD BY ley < & m BBB- LI BUSINESS COLLCE BUSINESS , TELEGRAPBY. ENGLISH SHORTHAND and TYPEWRITING COURSES. r Of course you want to attend school after the holidays. Why not let u * * 'tell you what we have to offerin , the way .of practical education. CATALOG FREE , Winter Term Begins JAN. I , 1906 LINCOLN , NEBRASKA Telephone 2254. 13th & P Sts. Perfect In quality. HrJodorato In price * For Sale Good 6 room house and lot on Hall street , good stable. Inquire at this office. . : l v- An Opportiinity We want' a , man in this.locality to sell the WHEELER & WILSON Sewing'-- Machine. We can offer ex ceptional induce ments to someone" who commands a horse and wagon and can devote his time ' " ! to .advancing the sales of qur product. Energetic' * * find our proppsition a money-maker , car. ' } : ' * v pable of development into , a permanent- and profitable business. " ' WRITE AT ONCE Wheeler&WiisonMfg.Co. 72 and 74 Wabash Ave. CHICAGO * Comfortable rooms , clean beds and all you wan to eat at the Chi cago House. 38