Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 07, 1905, Image 7

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Rheumatism and Other Blood Dis
eases arc Cured by Dr. Williams'
Pfnk PlUs.
"In the lead mines I was at work on my
knees with my olbdws pressed against
rock wall.s , in dampness and extremes of
cold , " said Mr. , T. G. Meulcel , of 2975
Jackson avenue , Dubuque , Iowa , in de
scribing his experieube to a reporter ,
"and it is not surprising that I con
tracted rheumatism. For throe year.s I
had attacks affecting the joints of my
ankles , knees and elbows. My ankles
and knees became so swollen I could
scarcely walk on uneven ground and a
little pressure from a stono under my
feet would cause me so much pain that I
would nearly sink down. I was ofcen
obliged to lie in bed for several days at a
time. My friends who were similarly
troubled were getting no relief from
doctors and I did not feel encouraged to
throw money away for nothing. By
chance I read the story of Robert Yatef ,
of the Khmer Manufacturing Co. . of
Dubuqne , who had a very bad case of
rheumatism. I decided to try Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People , the
remedy he had used. In three or four
weeks after beginning to use the pills , I
was much better and in three mouths I
was well. The swelling of the joints
and the tenderness disappeared , I could
work steadily and for-eight years I have
had no return of the trouble. My whole
family believe iu Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. Both my sons use them. Wo
consider them a household remedy that
we are sure about. "
What Dr.Williams Pink Pills did for
Mr. Meukel they are doing for hundreds
of others. Every dose sends galloping
through the veins , pure , strong , rich , red
blood that strikes straight at the cause of
all ill health. The new blood restores
regularity , aud braces all the organs for
thoir special taste. Get the genuine Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills at your druggists'
or direct from the Dr. Williams Medi
cine Go. , Scheuectady , N.Y.
. o Anuclea Proposes to Go 240 Miles
Away for Supply.
A notable waterworks project is
proposed by Los Angeles , Cal. , for a
better supply of water. Never before
so far as we know , has an American
city proposed to go so far afield (24Q (
miles ) for water , and with the excep
tion of the pipe line for the supply oi
the Coolgardie gold fields of western
Australia we do not know of so long
a water supply conduit anywhere in
the world. The Coolgardit pipe line is
only thirty inches in diameter , but it
Ss about 330 miles in length. Instead of
being a gravity line water is pumped
through it to an elevation of 1,313 feet.
This lift is distributed between nino
pumping stations , and the nominal
daily capacity of the conduit and
pumps is 0,000,000 gallons.
The causes for going so far for
water In western Australia aud in Cal
ifornia are in some respects similar ,
but differ materially in that at Log
Angeles there is a highly developed
and prosperous community instead oi
a series of gold-mining camps. Foi
years Los Angeles has obtained close
at hand water enough to supply ita
most pressing needs at least , but ita
future and that of both town , and coun
try around it depend upon a large in
crease in the water supply. The no
by sources are not sufficient for me
prospective wants of the city and its
suburbs , and are more than needed for
irrigation. If the future of the city
will warant so large an outlay , and
that future certainly looks bright , then
Los Angeles is to be congratulated on
having at least solved a water problem
which has been more perplexing and
serious than outsiders have suspected
and than most of its own citizens even
yet fully realize.
j x _ , .
| Another Labor Union.
Ryder I see by the paper this morn-
Ing there was a "tie-up" on one of the
western trunk lines last night.
Walker More labor troubles , eli ?
RyderYes , ia a way. A silly couple
got married on a parlor car.
Discolorations on china baking dishes
tnd custard cups can bo removed with
It la a Danprerous sis the Tobacco
or AVlilsky Heart.
"Coffee heart" is common to many
coffee users and is liable to send the
owner to his or her long home if the
drug Is persisted in. You can run : JO
or 40 yards and find out if your heart
Is troubled. A lady who was once a
victim of the "coffee heart" writes
from Oregon :
"I have been a habitual user of cof
fee all my life and have suffered very
much in recent years from ailments
which I became satis'lied were directly
due to the poison in the beverage , such
as torpid liver and indigestion , whi'-b
In turn made my complexion blotchy
and muddy.
"Then my heart became affected. It
would beat mostN rapidly just after I
drank my coffee , and go below nor
mal as the coffee effect wore off. Some
times my pulse would go as high as
137 beats to the minute. My family
were greatly alarmed at my condition
and at hist mother persuaded me to be
gin the use of Postum Food Coffee.
"I gave up the old coffee entirely
and absolutely , and made Postum my
sole table beverage. This was G months
ngo , and all my ills , the indigestion , in
active liver and rickety heart action ,
have passed away , and my complex-
Ion has become clear and natural. The
Improvement set in very soon after I
made the change , just as soon iis the
coffee poison had time to work out of
my system.
"My husband has also been greatly
benefited by the use of Postum , and
we find that a simple breakfast with
Postum , is as satisfying and more
strengthening than the old heavier
meal we used to have with the other
kind of coffee. " Name given by Pos
tum Co. , Battle Creek , Mich.
There's a reason. Read the little
book , "The Road to Wellville , " in pkgs.
William Henry Moody , who , since
he assumed the duties of Attorney
General , has had charge of what prob-
ably is the'most
lines. Mr. Moody ,
it. who , like President
Roosevelt , is a man of action , gradu-
! ated from Harvard University in 1S7G ,
just four years ahead of the President.
He took a course in the Harvard Law
School and was admitted to the bar '
in 1878. In lS03he , was elected to Con- J
gress , and continued a member of that
body until 1902 , when he was appoint
ed Secretary of the Navy , from which
position he entered the Department of
Sir Frederick Troves , who says that
disease in a measure means the pres
ervation of man , and who offers rea-
sons for maintain
ing that illness
saves lives , is ser
geant surgeon in
ordinary to the
British king and
surgeon in ordin
ary to the Prince
of Wales. He per
formed an opera-
i tion upon King
I Edward in 1002 ,
1 and also upon the "
German emperor
some months ago for an affection of
the throat. Sir Frederick was bora in
18d3. He has been connected with the
Royal College of Surgeons and was
examiner in surgery for the Univer
sity of Cambridge. In the Boer war
he was with the Ladysmith relief col
umn. Three j'ears a o he received his
baronetcy. lie is also a knight com
mander of the Victorian order and a
Compaion of the Bath. He is one of
Europe's most noted surgeons.
Henry M. Whitney , rebuffed in : m
effort to confer with the President re
gard intr the charges made by the hitter
that Whitney had
misquoted him , has
long been a promi
nent figure in the
Massachusetts bus
iness world. Mr.
Whitney has long
been identified with
many of the enter
prises that make
New England fa
mous , being a di-
IIIMI umi.NcA. rector in fifteen
large corporations and president of '
twelve. He is a banker and has been
interested in street railways. Notwith
standing his great business interests.
Mr. Whitney finds time for politics ,
having been at tho last election Demo
cratic candidate for Lieutenant Gov
ernor of Massachusetts.
Right Rev. Arthur Foley Winning-
ton Ingram , who denounces the prev
alence of drunkenness at Oxford Uni
versity and other _
English colleges ,
has been Bishop
of London since
1901 , and is one of
the distinguished
prelates of the
English Church.
He was born in
1S. > S , and was
educated at Ox
ford , graduating
with high honors.
1JJbU01 > 1SQKMt
For a time he was
chaplain to the Archbishop of York
and the Bishop of St. Albans , and was
raised to the episcopate in 1S97 , serv
ing for four years as Bishop of Step
ney. Bishop Ingram has published sev
eral volumes of a religious character.
_ r _ ,
Mrs. John F. Quiun , who at Wash
ington presented to Cardinal Gibbons
the sum of $10.000 to endow a chair
important work
over done by bis
Jcpartinent , bus
uidertaken anoth
er arduous bit of
/itigation in tbe fil
ing of a suit to de
termine whether or
aot theJ51kins law
igaiust rebates ap
plies to private car
in Trinity College
for the higher edu
cation of Irish-
Americau women ,
is a resident of Joli-
et , 111. , and presi
dent of the Nation
al Woman's Auxil
iary of the Ancient
Order of Hiberni
ans , which organi-
zation collected the
MKS. QULXA. f u n ds contributed
to the Washington School. She is con
spicuous In matters affecting the Irish
race and the Roman Catholic church ,
and is exceedingly popular in the cir
cles in which she moves.
Lord Roberts attributes his unvaried
health to a habit of early rising.
Every morning , summer and winter , he
is up punctually at 5oO. However late
he may retire , he always gets up at that
hour. The veteran soldier does not smoke
and touches wine but seldom.
_ * _
Prof. Goldwin Smith , the venerable
Canadian publicist , is fond of children ,
and believes that as an encouragement
to matrimony two votes should be given
to every married man.
Use of Pe-ro-&ia in
His Family For Coids.
= : : = - = < jT3
Peruna is known from the Atlantic to
the Pacific. Letters of congratulation
aud commendation testifying to the
merits of Peruna as a catarrh remedy
are pouring in from every State in the
Union. Dr. Hartman is receiving hun
dreds of such letters daily. All classes
write these letters , from the highest to
the lowest.
The outdoor laborer , the indoor arti
san , the clerk , the editor , the statesman ,
the preacher all agree that Peruna is
the catarrh remedy of the age. The
stage and rostrum , recognizing catarrh
as their greatest enemy , are especially
enthusiastic iii their praise and tes
Any man who wishes perfect health
must be entirely free from catarrh. Ca
tarrh is well-nigh universal. Peruna is
the best safeguard known.
Ask Your Druggist For Free Peruna Almanac for 1906
A Parting Shot.
She had just handed him the frigid
mitt , and as he was about to remove his
hat from the hall rack for the last time ,
previous to meandering out into the dark
and dismal evening , he said :
"Well , perhaps it is better so , and
were it not for one thing I'd thauk you
for your decision. "
"Indeed ! " exclaimed the gelid-hearted
maid in surprise. "And what is that one
thing , pray ? " ,
"Listen , cruel one , and I will enlighten
you , " he answered. "ITad you married
me I should have been spared the ex
pense of buying a refrigerator this sum
mer. "
Natural Dedaction.
"You should stable your cows in wet
weather , " remarked the customer who
never overlooked aii opportunity to regis
ter a kick.
"How do you know but what I do ? "
queried the owner of the village dairy.
"Because your milk has a rain flavor , "
explained the party of the first part.
A Wc ; t Virginian's Arvfnl Distress
Tltrougli Kidney Troubles.
W. L. Jackson , merchant , of Park-
ersburg , W. Va. ,
v says : "Driving about
\ in bad weather
brought kidney
I' ' troubles on me , and
I suffered twenty
/ years withsharp ,
I , cramping pains in
/ the back and urinary
disorders. I often
I had to get up a dozen
times at night to
urinate. Retention
set in , and I was obliged to use the
catheter. I took to my bed , and the
doctors failing to help , began using
Doan's Kidney Pills. The urine soon
came freely again , and the pain grad
ually disappeared. I have been cured
eight years , aud though over 70 , am
as active as a boy. "
Sold by all dealers , 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
The Millcreek Philosopher.
Evasion is the tribute cowardice
pays to direct falsehood.
It would be much more easy to con
quer fate if we but knew what fate
was to be.
Always take the deed for the will
and cheat the lawyers out of a contest.
It is a pity that the wheat , instead
of the speculator , falls into the hopper
and is ground up.
( The bookworm sees but the printed
page. All nature's volume is a stran
ger to him. Cincinnati Commercial.
$100 Reward , $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there is at least oue dreaded
disease that science has ben able to cure iu
all its stages , and that is Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease , requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally , acting directly
upon the blood aud mucous surfaces of the
system , thereby destroying tho foundation
of the disease , and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing Its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its cura-
ti e powers that they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any case that It fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O.
Sold by Druggists , 7oc.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Sure to ISe .Effectual.
"Say , " said Mrs. Nuritch , "your fa
ther's got to stop smokin' his pipe in
the parlor. You'll have to speak to
him ; hewon't mind me. "
"He ain't afraid o' me , neither , " re
plied Nuritch.
"Well , something's got to be done. "
"If I wasn't afraid o' scarin' the
old man too bad I'd get the butler aft
er him. " Philadelphia Press.
Mr * . "WTnslow'n Boomxo BTWI * far
{ ethinc : cofto&B tho cnrni , reduces inflammation , al
lay * pain , cores wind colic. 23 cants a bottl * .
Feminine Diplomacy.
"What is your ago , madam ? " asked
the judge of a female witness.
"Your honor , " replied the lady , "that
is something I will leave to your kind
indulgence. "
A Letter From the Ex-Governor of
The ex-Governor of Oregon is an
ardent admirer'of Peruna. He keeps it
continually in the house. In a letter
to Dr. Hartmnn , he says :
The Perufla Medicine Co. , Columbus , O. :
Dear Sirs / have had occasion to
use your Peruna medicine in my
family for colds , and it proved to i
be an excellent remedy. I have not \
had occasion to use it for other ail- '
ments. Yours very truly , j
W. M. Lord. !
It will be noticed that the Governor
says he has not had occasion to use
Peruna for other ailments. The reason
for this is. most other ailments begin
with a cold.
Ho Matches.
"I don't care for him , " said the
joung woman , snapping her teeth to
gether decidedly. "He's one of those
men that match. "
"Match ? " murmured her friend , who
had just confessed to a certain interest
in an acquaintance.
"Yes ; all the same color , " was the
aiVwer , "shirt , handkerchief , socks
all the same shade. None of that kind
for mine , thanks. Just think how
much time they must take in primping
every morning to get all those things
the same.
Another Speedy Care of an Iteliinjc
Humor tvith JL.OBS of Iluir by the
Cuticnrji Remedies.
"For two years my neck was cov
ered with sores , the humor spreading
to my hair , which fell out , leaving an
unsightly bald spot , and the soreness ,
inflammation , and merciless itching
made me wild. Friends advised Cuti-
cura. Soap and Cuticura Ointment , and
after a few applications the torment
subsided , to my great joy. The sores
soon disappeared , and my hair grew
again , as thick and healthy as ever. I
shall always recommend the Cuticura
Remedies. ( Signed ) Harry J. Spald-
ing , 104 West 104th street , New York
City. "
Dave's Boy.
"Old Dave Westcolt's boy didn't
turn out very well , did he ? Studied
law four years an' failed to get admit
ted to the bar. Failed to pass the
teachers' examinations , too , didn't he ? "
"Yep. "
"Wonder what's become of him ? "
"Dogged it" I know. Believe I did
hear , too , that he's the official advice
giver on a bic newspaper auswers-to-
ccrrespondc .N editor or somethin'
like that. " LH troit Tribune.
Piso's Cure for Consumption cured me
of a and persistent cough.
Wm. H. Harrison , 227 W. 121st street ,
New York , March 23. 1001.
Infant mortality is reported to be
greater in Prussia than in any other
country except Russia. The deaths the
first year are G to 7 per cent in Sweden ,
15 in France and 23.0 in Prussia.
A Vine Worth IJ73,0 O.
Another family treasure of
value which has since passed into
keeping of the nation is tbeJPort
vase , now exhibited in the Brjtlsli ra i
peum the Westminster - *
, says Gsfstjt-
This vase comes from Italy , aml' haS
* *
its age is no man knows , thougl Jth& >
been proved that in 1233 A. 1) . it vms
deposited in u sepuleher under t' p
Monte del Grano , three milefrom
Rome , and is believed to have contain
ed the ashes of the Emperor Severus.
But , whether or no , Pope Urban Vm.
had it dug up ; and for more than two
centuries it reposed in the Barberini
palace at Rome. In 17SG the luk < rt
Portland purchased it from Sir Will
iam Hamilton for 1,020 guineas and de
posited it in the British museum lifloen
years later. The vase is only ten Inch
es high. In 1845 a man named Lloyd ,
employed at the museum , picked ui > ti
stone and hurled it , in a fit of frenzy ,
at the cyse which contained the pro-
clous rolic. The vase was smashed
into hundreds of pfeccs. but with great
Ingenuity they were all put together
again , and as it now stands te si id to
be worth at the very least 15,000
Tho Clever Parson Bird.
Among the feathered Inhabitants
of New Zealand there is a bird called
the parson bird , or "tui. " ' It is about
the size and shape of a blackbird , but
has a pair of delicate white tufts at
its throat , and is a glossy dark green
otherwise , which looks black in the
sunlight. It can be taught to crow ,
to speak , to whistle tunes , and besides
these tricks it has a repertoire which
is not often equaled by any other
feathered songster.
These elegant , stylish and up-to-date
shoes are made of the finest leather.
They are built over "foot form"
lasts that insure a perfect fit and
are guaranteed to wear better than
most shoes sold at higher prices.
Every piece of material used is honest.
The workmanship is perfect ; style correct.
They ero buili on honor.
Let your next pair of shoes be "flocorbill. " Yoar
shoe dealer will supply > on. If be refuses write to ua.
See that the name "Ilonorbllt" and Mayer trade-mark
appear on theisole. II is a guarantee of quality. 1
V/e make the "Western Lady" aad the"Maitha Wathinston
Comfort Shoes. "
I won't sell JmtS-OrlpIne to a d ealer "vrhowon't Guarantee It.
F. IV. Siemcr , 3I.D. , Manufacturer , Springfield , JTo.
J St. Jacobs Oil J
7 i < - 4Vio c > Vinrt ctir V % V V V
Rheumatism and Neuralgia
It penetrates to the seat of torture , and relief promptly follows. Price , 25c. and 50c.
TfSsou Iar d , vhich has ccst trefarmei
nothing but f& & priceof tilling it. telb its
cwn story. TfeeCsaadiai Government give *
Free io Every Scfller
j 180 Acres ci Such isnd
1 Lands adjoining can be jmrcl.avd at Iiom 58 1
fio per acre from railroad and t orr-orationa.
Already 1 75,000 FARMERS from hr tJnlfpd State *
made their homes i'i Can.ida For > > jtnphlef
I-.cajib ! Ccalcry CsneJa" and uli information
rnl/fo info nation to S r < rlnt nrt ntcf Iraolera.
-ii , O t nn , Caumiu. or to K.T ilolmcu , H1& Ja fc rt
t-t. . bt.l'uul. M int. . nuil J. 31 McL-ihmn Hot lit , '
Witertown.So.DiiKota , Anthometl Ootirnsafnt A BLe
PJwj * sy where jou taw thrintlTCrtiwrnonU
In buying a cou h nethune , re
member the best cough cure ,
costs no more than any other Icind.
Remember , too , the kind that
cures is the only kind worth any
Every year thousands are saved
from a consumptive's grave by
taking Kemp's Balsam in time
Is it worth while to experiment
with anything else ?
Sold by all dtealers at 250. and 500.
foil H *
s& OEight
[ able Preparalionfor As
similating UieFoocIandBeguIa-
ting tfieSlcinachs andBowels of
Promotes Digestion.Cheerfur-
nessandltest.Contains neither
Opium.Morpliine nor Miueral.
Aperiecl Remedy forConslipa-
Tion , Sour StoiiiachDiarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions , Fcverish-
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
_ _
M B BB MIV M > -
Facsimile Signature of
jjr '
t * ? ' * * _ -
v sj iractive , LaEtins.Up to Dite
nid Authoritative. * o other gift
will so of'cn to a reminder of tho giver.
2380 pag"s. 5000 illusiratioi j. Rcoestly
enlarged with 23,090 nevvrprda. . a new
Gazetteer , and new Biographical Diction
ary , edited , ty W. T. Harris , Ph-D. , LI/.D. .
U. S. Commissioner of Education. Grand
Prize"World's F irSc.Lo-ji3. Get ths Best.
ATcbstc-'s Colli-sx ,
1UG pare * aail
Writs fcr" Dictionary Wrinkles"- .
, G. : C. MEP.BIA3 ! CO. , Springfield , Mas3. >
troubled with ills peculiar to _ _
tScir sez , used as a douche is marvelbcsly
ceasfol. Thoroughly cleanses , kills disease genas.
stops dischar2 3 , ncals icflasunation aid local'
Pastine if In powder fona to be dbaolrcd in port ,
water , and is far more cleansing , heaiiag , g rcucldil,1
and economical than liquid antiseptics for alT
For sale at druggists , CO cents a box.
Trial Bor and Bool : oi Instructions Frc * .
Cwtha Great English Ramedy
Safe , Sure , Effective. 50c.&St ,
DRUGGISTS.or93Ikary St. . B-ooklya , J .Y.
_ KEVT10V THIS PAPER wu vcmnc TO DTzaiuib.
S. C. X. U. - - No. 4D-1005"