if V ri"1 " SocietT % . < J f THE VALENTINE DEMOCR M 1 * XX VALENTINE. NEBRASKA , DECEMBER 7 , 1905. 0 With November and December w6 can expect cold weatherand & lor cold weather you must have & fWarm Fursf * 40 1 And Warm I Clothing. | Ig t * ? In Furs we have a complete line of & | Scarfs and Muffs. | 4 * - \ : Jj For Men's Ladies' and Children's * i UNDERWEAR .8 49 & f We are Headquarters. 5 _ 43 & 4 ? A Ladies' and Misses' II I Dress Skirts i 4 ? X * "i 2 # * * - of : ibne latest styles and patterns , and at gj all prices. _ Our line of . * if > Goats and Cravanetts 49 < , * Jj Is Still complete and prices are right. 5 49LoiXJ - o We ? ; have a f ulUine of Knitted Goods , U Jj such as SScafrfs , Shawls , Fasinators , Hoods & S v 1 / J' * for Ladies and Children. % llRfeb FRONT MERC. CO 1 4 ? 2' Fall and Winter Scirool Suits for Boys , . - . . : ? . L and Shoes for Boys and Qirls. The best for wear in the town for the money. Suits made to order. Cleaning , pressing and repairing. STINARD , CLOTHIER Stoves - Coal HEATING , COOKING and RANGES. i.v. : . , r- Good , reliable and serviceable. ; Vtrur own selection in Cooking Utensils. - ; rThe BIGGEST and BEST HARDWARE and " " : FURNITURE STOCK in Western Nebraska. 1 FRANK FISCHER. / Chartered jTs a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank e 1 , : 188(4. ( August 12 , 1902 , TIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Succespor to ) alls , of ' ' : A General Banking , HOD . < * Exchange and . Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. SIGNS OF GRAFT Nebraska , Land Offices Under Investigation. MORE WORK FOR GRAND JURY Secretary Hitchcock Has Ili Snickersnee Beady. MEN AT VALENTINE INVOLVED Charges Made AgainMt Regis ter Petti John. Accused of Illegally Acquiring Government Property Com plaint of Inattention to Duty by Receiver Towle. Washington , Dec. 2. Special agents of the interior department have unearthed a mass of evidence of a startling character in relation to fraudulent appropriations of public land in Nebraska by perjury and subornation of perjury. The secretary of the interior is deter mined to let no guilty man escape , and it is believed there will be a rattling of dry bones when the facts already discovered are brought before the grand jury at Omaha. Many thousands of acres in the state , it is said , will be thrown open again for homesteaders when the investigations are completed. Even the officials of the seven land offices in Nebraska are under ser ious investigation. Valentine Officials Involved. A sensation was sprung today when the story leaked out at the interior department that the two officials of the landoffice at Valen tine were declared involved. It is charged that Register James C. Pefetijonn has made himself liable by illegally acquiring a lot of government land in his district. Evidence submitted against Re ceiver Albert L. Towle is intended to show that he has not only been inactive in the discharge of the | duties of his office , but that he has failed to take official cognizance of certain irregularities passing thro the hands of the register and him- self as receiver. The report of the investigation I of these two officials are now in i the hands of Secretary Hitchcock , and as soon as he finds time to give t the matter his personal attention , definite action will be taken. It was stated upon high authority that both Petti John and Towle would be dismissed from the service. The secretary has not reached a decis ion as to whether or not Register Pettijohn will be prosecuted for his . alleged irregularities in office. State Journal. 1 GODY A GAMBLING RESORT Open Violations of the Law for Years. The gambling proposition is be ing agitate at Cody , Neb. , by the better class of citizens. Numer ous attempts have been made to put a stop to the wholesale rob bery of people who are enticed in to games while under the influence of drink and lose heavily. Cody has long run wide-open every day in the week , and every effort has failed to stop the gambling , rou lette wheels , slot machines and other nefarious schemes to get money from the people who are conjured into believing that they can win a stake. Many people have spent their hard earned cash in these dives , that should have gone towards buying clothing , food and fuel for their families. It is time some thing was done to stop it. The keepers of these dives should be made to return every dollar ex tracted from people on a gambling scheme. Under recent decisions of the supreme courts , a man los ing money at a gambling place can recover from the owner of the property where such money was lost. lost.The The county attorney's attention is hereby called to the violations of the law at Cody , and it is his duty to proceed to prosecute the violators. JUDGE WESTOVER'S ORDER Issued at Last Term of the District Court. It having come to my knowledge during the trial of criminal cases at this term of court that some four or five houses of prostitution are and have been time for a long time maintained within the ricinity of Valentine , but outside the cor porate limits thereof , at which re sorts intoxicating liquors are kept for sale , and are sold without the proprietors of said houses having obtained a license therefor as re quired by law , and also that var ious gambling tables and devices have been set up and maintained and are now set up and being main tained at said houses in violation of the laws of this state , and it further appearing to me that much of the crime which has been com mitted as shown by the evidence during this term of court , is chargeable directly or indirectly to the gambling and sale of liquor at these resorts. Now , therefore it is ordered and directed by the court , that the county attorney of Cherry county proceed without delay to file com plaints against the proprietors , owners and managers of these var ious resorts , charging them with the violation of Section 215 of the Criminal Code of Nebraska , and also Section 11 of Chapter 50 of the statutes of Nebraska , with the view of binding said violators of law over to the district court for trial and proper punishment. And the county attorney is further di rected that whenever information is received by him that either of these sections is being violated at any of these houses , or other houses of similar character , that he shall immediately file complaint and prosecute them to the full ex tent of the law. It is further ordered and direct ed by the court that th sheriff of said county proceed without delay to take possession of all gambling devices , tables , wheels , and other paraphernalia which may be found by him in any of these before- mentioned resorts , and that he safely keep all such tables , wheels , and other gambling devices so taken by him until the further or der of this court. Dated this 25th day of Novem ber , 1905. , ? Judge of the District Court. Editors of country papers have been surprised lately at receiving from some source a proposition to furnish them supplements of good reading matter free of charge , they only agree to run a supple ment as a part of their papers. A few accepted the offer. The first supplement contained hidden in the reading matter an attack on the parcels post , which the express companies are fighting with might and main. The second contains a veiled attack on President Koose- velt's railroad policy. Hawarden ( Iowa ) Chronicle. But few of the "Nebraska editors were chumps enough to bite on these hand-me-down "Magazine Supplements. " Bancroft ( Neb. ) News. When you come to town , stop at the Chicago House. 38 4 ? We are making a little sj : effort along this line. Have taken notice ? If no'fc , drop 4 49 ? and take a glance" our ass | 49 49 ment of Novelty Stuff. 19 49 * * - - 1 49 Hand Bags and Pocketjbopks , 4 ? ' * 4 ? ? Lace Collars x Belts t 4 ? 4 W ? Fancy Lace x Embroideries 4 49 ? Novelty Caps f ? 4 ? t & * We are also showing a nice new S9 line of Shirt Waists for winter wear. General Merchants. FALL WIHTE -V * -A.rri-vin.gr IDctily Everything in Clothing , Drygoocls , Hats and Caps , Boots and Shoes. Come and give us a chance to prove that we are selling good goods of all kinds cheaper than anybody in this party of the country. for Good Goods and Cheap Prices , MAX E. VIBRTBL Dealer in Everything. QUICK DELIVERY You don't have to wait for us to flag , : a delivery. We have our own .and t-i : MAKE PROMPT < DELIVERIES : ; W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. | ' ' reyiriTiiriryres'reres'ir . . ' * * ' 'taCS-8. Sl- > FRED WmrTEMORE , Pres. CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier. J. W. STETTER , Vice Pres. ORAII L. BRITTOX , Ass't Cash. i Valentine State Bank , i Valentine , Nebraska. li 0 2 o- 0 Capital .Surplus- r ยง $25.000 , $2,000 , Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , , will profit by investigating the methods employed in our .business. , . . KiCONFECTIONERY Suited to your taste. Canned Goods Lunch Counter. Are now at their best and All you want to eat at our we handle the best grade. . : . . .Lunch Counter. ' . . . . Home Bakery