Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 30, 1905, Image 7

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fclrs. Potts Tails How Women Should
Prepare for Motherhood
The darkest days of husband and
Wife are when they come to look for-
'ward to childless and lonely old age.
Many a wife has found herself inca-
pab'le of motherhood owing to a dis-
iplacement of the womb or lack of
strength in the generative organs.
JMrs. AhnTf'Potts
Frequent backache and distressing
pains , accompanied by offensive dis
charges and generally by irregular
And scanty menstruation indicate a dis
placement or nerve degeneration of
the womb and surroundingorgans. .
kThe question tnat troubles women
s how can a woman who has , some fe-
inale trouble bear Wealthy children ?
.Mrs. Anna Potts , of 510 Park Avenue ,
iHot Springs , Ark. , writes :
My Dear ilrs. Pinkham :
u During the early part of my married lif e I
was delic to in health ; both my husband and
1 were vcrv anxious for a child to bless our
home , but I ha'd two miscarriages , and could
'not ' carry a child to maturity. A neighbor
who had been cared by Lydia E. Piiihham'a
jVegetable Compound advised , me to try it. I
did so and soon felt that I was growing
stronger , my headaches and backaches left
me , I had no more bearing-down pains , and
felt like a new woman. Within a year I
became the mother of a strong , healthy
child , the joy of our home. Lydia E. Pink-
ham's . Vegetable Compound is certainly a
splendid reipedy , and I wish every woman
who wants to become a mothor would trj'it. "
Actual sterility in woman ie very
rare. If any woman thinks she is ster
ile , let her try Lycwa E. Pinkhain's
"Vegetable Compound and write to Mrs.
IPinkham , Lynn , Mass. HCK. advice is
free to expectant or would-be mothers.
W. L. Douglas $4.OO Gilt Edge Line
cannot be equalled at any price.
C1fi finfl REWARD to anyone who can
$ I UjUUU .disprove this statement. i
W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes havo by their ex-
'cellent style , easy fitting : , and superior/wearing
[ qualities , achieved the largest ecle of any $3.50
* hoe In the world. They arc just as Rood as I
those that cost you $5.00 to $7.OO the only i
'difference Is the price. If I could take'you into 1
my factory at Brockton , Mass. , the Jargest'in
, thc world under one roof making : men's fine
' hoes , nnd show you the care with which" every
pair of Douglas shoes is made , you would realize
why W. L. Douglas S3.50 shoes ere the best
' , hoes produced in the world.
If I could show you the difference between the i
hoes made In my factory and those of other *
makes , you would understand why Douglas i
,13.50 , * shoes cost more to make , why they hold
{ their hape , fit better , wear longer.'and are of j
jCreater Intrinsic value than any other $3.50
' hoe on the market to-day.
I W. L. Douglass Strong Made Shoes for
' Men , $ Z.GO , $2.00. Boy * ' School
Dress Shooa$2.&O , $2 , $1.73$1.BO
CAUTION. Insist upon having"W.L.Doug-
las shoes. Take no substitute. J ono genuine
'without his name and price stamped on bottom.
"WANTED. A shoe dealer in very town where
( W. L. Douglas Shoes are not sold. " Full line of
bamples sent free for inspection upon request.
1 fast Color Eyelets used ; 'they will not wear brassy.
"Write for Illustrated Catalog of Fall Styles.
W. I I3OUGLAS , Brockton ,
Absolutely Free
to Every Settler
One Hundred and Sixly
Acres of Land in
XajuJ aSloiaing this can be purchased from rail-
Vay and land companies at from $6 to $10 per acre.x
On This Land This Ye"ar Has Oeen Produced
Upwards of Twenty-Five
'Bushels pf Wheat to the Acre
It is also the best of grazing land , and for mixed
farming it has no superior on the continent.
Splendid climate , low taxes , railways conveni
ent , schools and churches close at hand. For
Twenlicih Century Canada" and low railway rates
Apply for info * matiou toSupe > Intndpnt of ImroigfO'
tiou. O Una , Canada , or to E. T. Holmes. 815 Jacksou Minn. , and .1. M. McLachlan. Bor 116.
Watortown.So.DaLota , Authorized Government Asenta
1 Please tar where you tern this udvortUeinant. *
with ill * peculiar to
troubled - * * ? * * * & ' -m
their sex. used as a douche is marvelously snc-
eescfal. Thoroucblycleasses , kills disease germs ,
tops discharges , heals inflammation and local
Paxtine * b in powder form to be dissolved in pure
water , and U tur more cleansing , healing , nnicidal
UA economical than liquid antiseptics for all
For sale at druggists , 00 cents a box.
Trial Bos and Book of Instructions Free.
Ventilating Corn Slioct * .
Sometimes a streak of foggy or
: ainy weather will cause the stacks of
corn in the field to mould badly , which
may be overcome if a ventilator is
used. The ventilator racks are made
of rough lumber or , If one has access
to the woods , poles could be cut which
would answer the purpose quite as
This rack is not of necessity used In
the field , but can be used near the barn
after the stacks have been garnered and
in this way a considerable quantity ,
can be stored. It consists of lour up
right pieces each ten feet long , which
are used as corner posts ; cross pieces
are fastened on all sides six or eight
inches from the bottom , these pieces
being three feet long ; a set of shorter
cross pieces is provided for placing at
about the middle of the rack and an
other set near the top , the latter pieces
each being eighteen inches long. The
illustration shows the construction ot
this rack clearly.
Value of Good Roads.
After careful inquiry it has been
found that the average haul of the
American farmer in getting his prod
uct to market or to , the nearest ship
ping station is twelve miles , and the
average cost-of hauling over the com
mon country roads is 23 cents a ton
per mile , or $3 a ton for a twelve-mile
haul , says Portland Oregonian. An
estimate places the total tons hauled
at 300,000,000 a year. On the .estimate
of $3 a ton for twelve miles this would
make the total cost of getting the sur
plus products of the farm to the local
market or to the railroad no less than
$900,000 a figure greater than the
operating-expenses of all the railroads
of the United States. If anything could
make an argument for good wagon
roads this statement surely may.
Floor for
When one has a number of hogs to
feed the trough is not always the best
thing to use for the purpose , for the
swine are apt to break it down or else
are unable to get the food fast enough
to suit them , and so get to quarreling.
One of the best methods of feeding is
a large pan or floor made of cement
audrough * logs ; this may be of any
dimensions desired , although it is best
made'just wide enough so that the ani-
infUs can feed from both sides , which
will accomplish much in the way of
keeping them out of it with their feet.
Make the frame of rough lumber or of
logs cut in half and some six or eight
inches high.
Fasten this frame securely at the
corners and also fasten securely to the
floor so that the swine will not root it
up. Then make a floor'inside of ce-
rnent , not making it very thick , but of
about the same grain as would be
used for a stable floor. If desired the
frame may include a board floor over
which the cement floor is laid. The
edge will prevent the corn from being
pushed aside and trampled upon. It is
not intended to use this feeding floor
for slop or for soft food of any kind ,
but only for grain , roots and roughage.
The illustration shows the plan clearly
and any one can easily build such a
floor , which , if carefully made , will
last for years. I
Qiilck Churning ? . i
A novelty at the large agriculturala
show in London is a churn which is ,
reported to make butter in sixty sec
onds. The cream is placed in the ves
sel so that the "dasher" is in the cen
ter , and about 1 * inches below the
surface. The handle is then turned
slowly for a few seconds , and then at
a good speed , and within one minute
butter is formed. If some fresh cold
water be poured in and the handle
turned slowly two or three times , the ;
butter is ready for washing and mak
ing up.
luereane of En&llMh Frnlt Cultnre.
The total number of acres in Grea *
Britain devoted to small fruit is uov
78,822 , as compared with 77,947 acn sj *
in 1904 , ' howing an increase ever tl
latter year of 875 acres , or 1.1 per cer t/
The acreage covered by orchards la
' * fr
* * <
$44,323 , as compared with 243,008 in
1904 , showing an Increase of 1,315 , or
0.5 per cent.
Comfort In the HOK House.
In repairing our hog houses we
found that a roll of building paper and
one of tarred paper were the best in
vestments we had made in some time- ;
the one was used on the walls and the
other on the roof so that much more
expensive repairs were saved. Then
we found it was policy to arrange the
sleeping corner in such a way that it
was impossible for it to get any of the
fllth or the wet which the swine gath
ered during the day. It was placed so
that none of the slop got into it and
about the only way it got soiled was
when the swine trampled through it
with their muddy feet. Everi hen by
taking it out into the sun each day it
made a good bed for a number of
nights. A hog is a strange animal ,
stubborn , of course , but it will not long
muss its bed if the latter is clean and
comfortable. Much of the nastiness of
hogs is due , to the neglect of their
owners. " We also arrange the sleeping
corner so that it is out of the draft ,
although the house is properly venti
lated-as ; a result there are few if any
cases of chills and colds among our
swine. All this extra good care means
healthy swine. It is not well to work
on the plan that if the hogs escape
cholera they are doing' well. Ex
Proper Storujye of Apples
To decide properly to which kind of
storage the grdwer or buyer shall scud
his fruit requires the best of judgment ,
for many factors must be considered in
milking the choice and upon their just
balancing will depend , to quite an ex
tent , the profit or loss in handling the
crop. Growers , generally , are more in
terested in storage this year , probably
than usual. To all growers , to those
who usually hold more or less of their
fruit for winter sale or home use , and
to the buyers who must plan for the
best keeping of the purchased fruit ,
the bulletins of the agricultural experi
ment stations will be of interest and
value. One of these discusses critically
the factors which iniluence the keep
ing quality of apples , as ascertained
through many years' experience at tlie
station or by correspondence and in
terviews with the leading apple hand
lers of the country. It also gives de
tailed results of the storage of 103 va
rieties of apples , in the ordinary tem
perature room of the station fruit stor
age house , or in a cold storage build
ing , with notes upon most of the varie
ties as handled by practical storage
the Ben.n Crop.
Formerly beans Avere pulled by
hand , but now the work is done almost
exclusively by machinery in the main
districts. The bean harvester or cut-
ter , shown here , is a two-wheeled ma
chine , having two long steel blades , so
adjusted that as the machine passes
over the ground they sweep along just
at or below the surface and cut the
bean stalks or pull them up. The
blades are set obliquely , sloping back
ward toward one another.
Wintering Fall Calves.
If the calf is worth carrying through
the winter it is certainly worth caring
for properly and by properly is meant
good food and water nnd proper care.
If the calf is strong and healthy it
ought- pay well for the best atten
tion that can be given it ; first of all it
needs a dry , clean place , not warmed
by artificial heat , but as warm as lack
of draughts in a coinfortabde stable
will make it. The early days of the
calf , just after weaning , are of great
importance to it and too much care
cannot be taken to sec that the milk
given it ( s absolutely fresh and pure
find fed in proper quantities.
As a rule , the calf will properly take
care of eight pounds of milk per day ,
which amount can be gradually in-
creased tlmtil at a month old it is con
suming twelve pounds daily. About
this time it ought also to become in
terested in hay and after a while will
begin chewing its cud. A calf built up
in this itianner during the winter will
be in excellent shape to turn out to
pasture/ / the ' spring and get most of
its livirtg uutl'l fall , when you will have
i splendid animal , one you will bo
proudto 'add to your 'herd.
a Farm by Pictures.
Th6se who are trying to sell their
iarra/s / will find good photographs quite
in afid. A number of these should be
taktp , showing different parts of the
"arm and the buildings and copies left
Eviub the real estate agent. Such pic-
iunes will give intending buyers a bet-
eir idea of the farm than any amount
talk or printed matter.
A good , vigorous colony produces an
.verage of 100 pounds of honey each
rear , besides storing up enough to
ceep themselves during the winter.
An Oregon bee keeper has planted
iiany acres of alfalfa for his bees and
jis 550 colonies last year 'produced
learly 40,000 pounds of honey.
A Natural Remedy.
That the remedy Is sometimes worse
than the disease Is again shown by an
Incident chronicled In the New York
Times. A prominent politician has a
wife who Is a model of domestic care
fulness. She has a talent for making
bread , and takes great pride in having
her loaves turn out well.
One evening she had set the batch of
dough to rise in the kitchen and was
reading in the parlor , when her G-year-
old boy came running to her , crying ,
"Mamma mamma , there's a mouse
Jumped into your bread-pan ! "
The good woman , sprang from her ,
"Did you take'him out ? " she asked ,
"No'm , but I done just as good. I
threw the cat in , and she's digging
after him to beat the band ! "
A Woman Wlfo Ha * Suffered Tell *
How To'Find Relief.
The thousands of women who suffer
backache , languor , urinary disorders
and other kidney
ills , will find com-
fort in the words
of Mrs. Jane Far-
"rell , of 606 Ocean
Ave. , Jersjey City ,
N. J. , who stiys : "I
reiterate all I have
said before Th
praise of , "boan"
Kidnej , Pilla. I
fiaci been having
neavy oacKacnes , ana my general
health was affected when I began us
ing them. My feet were swollen , my
eyes puffed , and dizzy spells were fre
quent. Kidney action was irregular
and the secretions highly colored. To
day , however , I am a wqll woman , and
[ am confident that Down's Kidney
Pills have made me sof and are keep
ing me well. "
Sold by all dealers , 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
Turning the Lauih on Harold.
"Xo , Harold , " said the fair , proud
girl. "I can never be yours. "
"Never ? " he cried , in anguished tones.
"Never , " she answered coldly.
His mood changed.
"Oh , very well , " he sneered. "There
are others. "
"Yes. Harold , I know there are , " sho
said. "And I accepted one of them this
afternoon. " Minneapolis Journal.
There Is more Catarrh In this section of
the country than all other diseases put to
gether , and until the last few years was
supposed to be Incurable. For a many
years doctors pronounced It a local disease j
and prescribed local remedies , and by con
stantly falling to cure with local treatment ,
pronounced it Incurable. Science has prov
en catarrh to be as constitutional disease
and therefore requires constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure , manufactured
by F. J. Cheney & Co. . Toledo. Ohio , Is tho
only constitutional cure on the market , tl
Is taken Internally in doses from 10 drops
to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the
blood and mncous surfaces of the system.
They offer one hundred dollars for any
It falls to cure. Send for circulars and tes
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo. O.
Sold by. Druggists. 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Possible Explanation.
"This train is moving awfully slow ,
conductor , " said the nervous passenger.
"What is the cause of it ? "
"We have a new baggage master on
to-day , " replied the ticket puncher , "and
he has probably checked it by mistake. "
Mrn. "WTnslow'a SOOTSXECQ Brztrp tor OMldren
bins ; ioften th gams , reduces inflammation , aV
pain , cores wind colic. 25 cents a bottl * .
A huge sturgeon was caught in the
River Tay in Scotland recently. It
weighed 375 pounds , was ten feet in
length , and its girth was 4 feet 3 inches.
The fish broke all local records.
* , . ' . * % -
5 It Has Cured More Cases
Than All Others Put Together
"We have never run onto an
article that met with the success of
Moll's Grape Tonic , It has cured more
leases of constipation and stomach
trouble to our certain knowledge , than
all other remedies that we ever sold put
together. *
"Mull's Graps Tonic must possess some
peculiar quality that no other constipa
tion and stomach remedy has. All who use it
say that it adds to the strength and general
health and makes them feel better in every
wav. We all know that ordinary physics and
cathartics have exactly the opposite effect they
have a weakening tendency. They leave the
digestive system xn worse shape to overcome the
trouble than it was before.
"Mull's Grape Tonic is a pleasant , nat
ural , harmless , effective remedy that does the
work and does it well , and the people have
.found it out. " WOLFF & WILSON DRUG CO.
Sixth and Washington Ave. , St. Louis , Mo.
These ore vopy strong wards ccmfry from m
fellahia drug concern * Can you fsotf taho ihmlr vford
snd giro this grand remedy a cp/al ?
Why suffer or tako needless chances TrTtli constipation or stomach
troubles when there is a perfect , harmless , natural , posltlvo canswithin
your reach 1
Constipation and Stemaeti Ireofjle
cause blood poison. Ekln diseases , sick headache , biliousness , typhoid
fever , appendicitis , piles and ovcry kind of female trouble as weil us
many others. Tour own physician will tell yon that all this Is true.
Kut don't drug or physic yourself. Use
Iho natural , strcnctbening , harmless remedj that builds up the tissues
of your digestive organs and puts your wholo Bybtcm in splendid con
dition to overcome all attacks. It Is very pleasant to takoy The children
like It and It does them great good. jf
35 cent , 50 cent and 51.00 hottles at all druggists. "Bhfe 51.00 bottlo contains about
six times as much as tho 5 cent bottle and about thnnat.lrac'3 ou much as the CO cent
bottle. There Is a great saving In buying the 51.00 'tizGf - ' '
E5n ! Upon receipt of your address. yourdrucclst'snamoandlOc.topaypostasro
iDfifct we will mall you a sample Tree , If you hare never used MuirBGrapoTouic ,
and will also send you a certllicato good f orl.00 toward tho puroluiso of more Tonic
Irom your drupgist.
MULL'S GRAPE TONIC CO. , 21 THrd Ave. . Rock Island. IIL
ra CURE ra
I won't sell Antl-d-lplne to a dealerwho won't < 3rsarnnte 2 < X-
Call for your BZOHTJEY itACK. IF 2T 1 > OESX'T
2' * . W.&le3Ker,2L.D. , Manufacturer , S&rinsflcld ,
Sale Ten Million Boxes aYear
His Explanation.
Tho smiling old insurance boss
His wages gave an upward toss ;
"Who cares , " he cried , "for this ex
We're founded on benevolence ! "
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
S. C. N. U. - No. 48 19O5
CUflES .
Best Cough Syrup. Taetca Good. "Doo \
In time. Sold by drussists.
To sweetitf
Genuine kidneys
ucial effects
Louisville /iewYork
druggists The fufl
every pacfc
A . .
> ,
k a V * t t * > n