Business Locals ; . 'You will find a hearty welcome | at the Chicago House. 38 Halldorson's photos 1 , 2 , 3 , and 5th of each month. When you come to town , stop at the Chicago House. 38 Comfortable rooms , clean beds - and all you want to eat at the Chi cago House. 38 - The next number of the lucture course will be Franklin Pierce Jolly. The lecture-entertainment combines wit , pathos.and joy and humor of life , humorous recitations and impersonations. At Church's opera house , Dec. 5 , 1905. The Lonp Valley Hereford Eanch. Brownlee , Nebr , Prince Boabdel 131693 and Curly Coat 112261 at bead of berd. Tbe blood of Fowler. Anxiety. Lord Wilton and Sir Gladstone predomi nates in my herd. I can fill orders lot bulls of all ages at any time. Ranch feur miles north-west of Brown- lee , Nebr. O H. HATTTiTlAUKK. H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. Will ' be in Rosebud agency July . 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904. JOHN F. POKATH { liege , Nebr. Tubular wells and windmills. C. 1. MJ SAGESER Barber i First-class Shop in Every Respect- Kau de Quinine Hair Tont . < * < > M utar liu Tonic , Herbicide anil Ook - ' PawJmiT < 'u , Try Pompeian Face Massage C A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Office at Quigley & Chapman's Drug Store. Nights The Don- oher residence. Cherry Street. H. M. CKAMEK , City Deliyeryman , Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and - from the depot and all parts ot the City. Dr ; Q. 0. Sturdevant , ( KK Ii > EXT DKXT1ST. Office over Daveiitort's Store West Entrance tI th Valentine , Nebraska. h b G. H. HALL , M.D. Physician aatd Surgeon. J Office and residence over T. C. Hon- ( by's store. a Valentine , - Nebraska. as ab JOHN M. TUCKER , COUNTY ATTORNEY. Practices in all State Courts. 1 Xmas Gifts ' for | Father and Brother m I A Fountain Pen Razor Strop Shaving Mug Military Set Smoking Set Hair Brush Clothes Brush Cigar or Tobacco Jar W I We have many things suit- for him. Look our stock over. We will help you select if you wish. I S QUIGLEY & CHAPMAN J 1 DRUGGISTS. | More Local.H John West is in town. Thanksgiving ball at Church's hall this evening. Eev. Morgan's daughter is recov ering from typhoid fever. M. F. Harrington was in the city last week during court. Bruce Moore , of Cody , was a Valentine visitor last Friday. S. S. Joice , of Gordon , was in the city last week on business. Miss Inez Pettycrew has been vis iting friends in Ainsworth the past week. B. J. Hoffacker spent several days in town the past week on business. D. A. Hancock was in the city last Saturday from his ranch down the river. C. H. Jacobson , of Enlow pre cinct , was a juror at the last term of court. Fred Cumbow was up from Marsh lake last Friday and re turned Saturday. Prof. Searson's lecture will be given in the opera house Friday night. Admission free. Come , Mrs. A. Husband of .Des Momes , la. , an aunt of Miss Kortz , has been visiting here and at Simeon the past two weeks. O. D. Carey came down from the Rosebud boarding school last week and will take his vacation of a few wejeks as gardener. The Episcopal ladies in their chrysanthemum sale and pumpkin feast report § 13 .57 as the pro ceeds. P. R. Wadsworth , one of the U. S. land office inspectors , and J. B. Leader of Woodlake were the champion high five players last week during Joe's stay in the city as a juror. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Freeman , whe were former residents here in the earlier days but now of Beatrice this state , have been here the past week visiting at the home of Geo. Cyphers in this city. Henry Carter has returned from Cody where he has been spending the past summer with his son , W. H. Carter , and expects to remain here during the winter. His health has been very good recently. Mrs. J. P. Bryan , a sister of James Irwiu , was down here from Casper , Wyo. , visiting her brother and his wife the past week. She had been down in Iowa visiting a sister and stopped here on her re turn. turn.The The regular monthly business meeting of the Ep worth League will be held at the home of Mrs. S. K. Imes next Monday evening , Dec. 4. After the business of the evening is transacted , a social time is planned. All the leaguers and their friends are invited to be present and enjoy a social evening. Come to the supper and bazaar Wednesday evening , Dec. 13 , at Church's hall. There will be chicken pie and all the other good things to eat and you can select your Christmas gifts from the fancy and useful articles to be sold at the booths. A young man who gave his name as J. D. Sharp , came to us last Thursday when we were very busy and got prices for printing 50 or 100 , 7x10 , railroad time table cards with business ads around it and blank space for a few telephone numbers. He accepted our offer verbally and wrote a letter as a statement of the fact to present to the people in soliciting business. It later came to our knowledge that he was showing a larger card to the people and obtaining orders under misrepresentation and we refused to be a party to the scheme and in formed him that he must make his word good with the people by pay ing for the size card he was promising them. Upon tliis he went down to the State Bank where : , he tried to sell his orders , but fail ing to work Mr. Sparks who first j telephoned us , he then went to the Republican ofifce and ordered the ; small cards 'printed there which was done , ( Mr. Barker knowing nothing ; ot his promises to the people ) and , , ; the schemer skipped out. j i DISTRICT COURT DISPOSAL OF GASES State vs Peter Ladeaux and Frank Morrison , Korse stealing former plead guilty , sentenced to three years in the penitentiary. State vs Wm. LeLacheur , cattle stealing dismissed by state. State vs Frank Hoffman et al , selling liquor without license , two cases both dismissed by state at defendant's cost. State vs Louie Wilson and Clar ence Frazier , murder former dis missed , latter found guilty of man slaughter and sentenced to four years in the pen. Walter S. Selby vs Chas. Dot- son et al , foreclosure dismissed. Geo. H. Hornby vs J. L. Ash- burn , foreclosure receiver dis charged. Gardner H. Folsora , adminis trator , application to sell real es tate confirmed. Henry E. Chamberlain vs Cher ry county , petition in equity continued. In the matter of the estate of Titis J. Taylor , deceased , action , tolsell real estate confirmed. Amanda B. Hornback , execu trix , vs C. C. Stinchcomb et al , foreclosure confirmed. Standard Cattle company vs D. C. Sullivan , replevin suit error , dismissed at plaintiff's cost. Elizabeth Brown vs Henry Brown , divorce granted. Hayden Kichards vs Mary Rich ards , divorce continued. John Mclthon vs W. 0. Me- Elroy , action to quiet title strick en from docket. Stcphin Coleman vs Benjamin Pierson. damage suit demur con fessed and plaintiff has leave to file amended petition in 60 days. John Green vs Perry Lawson , damage suit defendant has leave j to withdraw demur and file an swer instanter. Frank Cronin vs Ernest B. Wil son et al , foreclosure defendant defaulted , decree for plaintiff for $ IOJ:1 , interest at 10 per cent. Robert Quisenberry vs Dora Quisenberry , divorcepassed. . " Bank of Monroe vs Zella Blod- gett , foreclosure decree for plain tiff , § 23.25 , tax lien foreclosure. Second case , ditto , decree fon 8121.06. Alfred Stees vs Wm. Erickson et al , application for appointment of receiver defendants have leave to withdraw demur and file motion instanter. Isaac M. Rice vs A. L. Parrott et al , tax lien foreclosure decree for plaintiff for § 189. Valentine Building & Loan As sociation vs Matie Graham et al , foreclosure special appearance , motion to strike petition from files overruled , defendant to answer in 30 days. Benjamin Lansing vs Gottfried Schmitt , foreclosure By agree ment of counsel injunction made perpetual , damages waived , de fendant to pay costs. Chas. W. Lamont vs J. T. Gal loway , foreclosure passed. First National Bank of Valen tine vs Cherry county , appeal motion withdrawn , plaintiff to file petition by 9 a. m. on 2 th. Alfred Lewis vs Cherry county , appeal motion withdrawn , plain tiff to file petition on 24 = th. Tollerton & Stetson vs Harry Godfrey , attachment passed. Grace Bovee vs Fred Bovee and Ed W. Hans 'vs Nora Hans , di vorces both granted. State vs Thomas Nelson et al defendants to answer in 60 days , plaintiff to reply in 30 days there after. Enlow Cattle company vs M. B. Ganow et al application to revive judgment , order of revivor as against M. J. Gates as administra trix. trix.H. H. M. Henley vs Caroline E. Rathburn et al motion special appearance of all defendats sus tained , plaintiff excepts. I Elizabeth J. Monnier vs George \ W. Monnier , divorce decree of ( absolute divorce granted , plaintiff t I to have custody of daughter Carrie and defendant to have custody of all boys .until further order of the court , defendant to pay costs. Soda Crackers and anything you choose milk ior instance or alone. At fevery meal or for a munch between meals , when you feel the need of an appetizing bite to fill up a vacant corner , in the morning when you wake-hungry , or at night just before going to bed. Soda crackers are so light and easily digested that they make a perfect food at times when you could not think of eating anything else. But as in all other things , there is a difference in sod crackers , the superlative being Uneeda Biscuit a soda cracker so scientifically baked that all the nutri tive qualities of the wheat are retained and developed a soda cracker inwhich all the original goodness is preserved for you. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Program for Cherry County An 0fiutl < m of TViiehers. FRIDAY , 2:00 : P. M , HIGBE SCHOOL BLDG. Music . NeKie Easlcy. Invocation . . . .Itev. M. Waterman Quiz on Psychology . Futmaii. , H. D. Heist. Quiz . Methods of Teaching as given by Miss Florence Nelson. Pa er . The Te-vcher as a Citizen i'earle Arnot. FRIDAY , 7:30 : P.M. Music . Orchestra Address of Welcome . Rev. Morgan Response . . . Frank West Lecture . Prof. J. W , Seareon Mu-ic . Nellie JEasley SATURDAY , 9 00 A. M. Opening Exercises . Edythe Klingaman Discussion. Paper . WritingVertical or Slaut-Whi ch ? Discussion . Mrs. Etta Pettycrew Recitation . / . . Aunt Eliza on Boys xizzie Ilohson. Paper . Are our 8th Grade Country Students Ready to Enter 9th. . . . Miss Eva , Walker Discussion. Ta'kon ' Education . Prof. J. W. Searsou Paper . The Country School Its Resources , Educational , Social , Ethical. . . Lillian Nelson Recitation . Alice McLean. S \-TURD A.Y , 2:00 P. M. Song . Four Girls nnder direction of Laura Pcttijohn. Paper . School Discipline Carl Ziuc. Discussion. Paper . Language Methods Florence smith , Discussion. Song . Primary Room Round Table . Joys and Troubles of the New Teacher II w the Joys Miy be Increased and the Troubles Lessened . Mrs. Geiw Mo sman , Reading . ; . . . . Selected Miss Venia Marie Keller. Certillcates Under the New l.a\v. . . .Lulu Kottz Discussion . Poems Suited to Various Grades , CoraThackrey Song . Nellie Easley , with accompanimen All friends of education are urged to lend their presence at these meetings. LULU KORTZ , Co. Sapt. Mrs. P. H. Young , of Simeon , is visiting lier folks at Merriman this week. Mr. Young has been in town several days making windmill tow ers for his ranch. The U. S. weather bureau re port for the week ending Nov. 29 : Daily mean temperature 29 ° was 1 ° below the normal. Highest temperature 57 ° on the 23 , and the lowest2 ° on the 29 , gives a range of 59 ° . We are prepared to make real estate loans on Farm and Ranch properties at a fair and conserva tive valuation. Call and see us. CORNELL & NICHOLSON. 32 At First National Bank. The Keeney Sfcock Co. played afc Church's opera house three nights this week to good audiences , consid ering the extremely severe weather. The performances were very good and especially in the play , "A Man of the People. The specialties be tween acts were new and clever. Statistics prove that the chances of your dying of Throat or Lung Troubles , are 9 to 1. Waste no time , but cure your Disease with FOR coHsoRpnoi , mws AND GOLDS the only strictly scientific LungSpecific in existence. Positively guaranteed to help 'or money refunded. Saved tfae Freaciicr , Rev. 0 , D. Moore of Hapersville , N. Y.s writes : "I had a fearful cough for months , which nothing : would relieve , until I took DP. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It cured my cough and saved my life. " Prices , 5Oc and $ I..OO Trial Bottles Free RECOMMENDED , GUARANTEED AMD SOLD BY Reduced prices on ready-to-wear Hats , commencing Monday , Nov. 27. LOUISA E. MARTIX. 453 Don't forget that Frank Fischer carries the best and most complete line of Heating Stoves and Eanges on the market. Also at the most reasonable prices. 4i Every man owes It to hlmseif and his family to master a trade or profession , iiead tlie dis play advertisement of the six Mo-se Schools of IVIegrapl'y. in this issue and learn liow easily a young man or lady may learn telegraphy acd be assured a posilion. < We are making a specialty of Carbon Platinos. Order the good goods and you get them. .Remem ber that our Photos are guaranteed and that re-sittings are given when necessary. HALLDORSQS. 29 For Sale Good 6 room house and lot on Hall street , good stable , j Inquire at this office. Report of school district No. 20 for month ending Nov. 24. Num- , ber of pupils enrolled 10 , number of days actually taught 20. Those i neither absent nor tardy were Mae" and Charley Spain. Those tardy but not absent were Nels Rowley , Josie Bennett , Loyd and Anna Dotson. Number of visitors 3. EDYTHE KUXGAMAN , Teacher. Catholic Church BIlt ait On Sunday next , mass will be said here at 10:30 : a , , m. Catechism class at three OCOCL in the after- , neen. The next Catholic service I will be held here on the day of Christmas. 3VJEEDED Annually , to fill the new positions created by Railroad and Telegraph Companies. We ivaut Youne Men anu Ladies of good habits to LEARN TEUGRAPHY AND R. R. ACCOUNTING. We furnish 75 per cent of the operators and Station Agents i America. Our six schools ar * * the'Hrtrpst exclusive Telegraph Schools In The World. tablished 20 years aLd en dorsed b > all le dinti hallway Officiate. We execute aS2 > 0 bond to every student to fur-ish Him or her a position paying from ? 40 to SCO a month in .states past of the Rockv Mountains , or from § 75 to SlOOa month in state * wvsr of the Rockies , immediately up on graduation. htudenis c m enter at any time. No vaca tions. For full information regarding any of our Scnotils write direcc to our executive oflice at Cincinnati , u. Catalogue free , The Morse School of Telegraphy , Cincinnati. O Buffalo. Atlanta , Ga. LaCrosse , Wis. Texarkana , Tex. SanFraaciaco.Cal , A friend cf tho hom A Toe of the Trust Complies with the Pure Food Law * of oil States. Frank Fischer's line of Heating Stoves and Ranges is the largest and besb to be found in the city. This line is open for inspection and the prices are most reasonable. For sale Four thoro-brd Ches ter White boars. WM. EPKE , Crookston , Neb ,