Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 30, 1905, Image 4

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1. M. KICK r and Proprietor.
MARK ZARR Foreman.
Entered at the postoffice at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. . a8 Second
Class Matter.
' \ Subscription $1.00 per > ear in advance ; $1.50vuen uot paid iu advance.
Display Advertising 1 inch single column loc per issue or $6.00 a year.
Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue
5c per line pi-i issue.
Brands , H inchesS4.00 per year in advance : additional space $3.00 per
year ; engrav .u blocks extra $1.00 eacn.
10 per cent additional to above rates ii over 6 months in arrears.
Parties living outside Cherry county are requested to pay in advance.
Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers.
A man , who on the election
board as judge , would steal a vote
properly marked , under the pre
text of trying to read the voter's
mind to the contrary , also would
rob others of their vote who had
plainly shown their intentions but
failing to mark properly , is a ras
cal and in secret , we believe , he
would not hesitate at greater
criminal , action.
i The government has been taking
, ' active steps the past few months
in prosecuting what they term
" " "cattle barons"
"cattle kings" or
in Western Nebraska for fencing
government lands in view of mak
ing an example of them as they
claim to stop the practice. Kich-
ards and Comstock are selected as
"the wealthiest cattle barons of
the west and were fined upon their
plea of guilty § 300 each and costs
aggregating § 500. In addition to
this they are kept in the custody
. of the U. S. marshal six hours ,
which Omaha papers try to make
light of , in explanation that it
probably meant a trip to the
theatre or some interesting trip
somewhere. Several other Cherry
| ! county cattlemen were also indict-
f | ed and taken to Omaha before
u"A Hunger of the U.S. federal
court , there to answer to the
charge of fencing government
land which no stockman has denied
nor tried to conceal.
In the case of Richards & Com
stock , Secretary Hitchcock com
plains bitterly of the fine being
wholly inadequate as a punishment
for the offense , stating that he had
spent thousands of dollars in gath
ering information and in investi
gations for the government and
was indignant at , perhaps their
, plea of guilty. Perhaps the secre
tary would have felt better had
the defendants offered some de
fense or denied the charge and
then have been found guilty. This
would have seemingly justified the
secretary in spending thousands of
the government's money. If the
secretary would have issued an
order to these men and others to
take down their fences within a
given an reasonable time , the thous
ands that he is now lamenting as
spent might have been saved. It
has been a common practice of
stockmen , large and small , to
' fence or enclose pastures in the
Sand Hills and no one in recent
years in Cherry county have in
timidated settlers or obstructed
the-settlement or homesteading of
u" lands thus enclosed. " Since our
residence in the county we know
of but few instances where the
fences have not been beneficial to
alt stockmen concerned , and those
having small herds have made no
complaints , excepting in close
competition for some watering
place or where too many stockmen
have tried to occupy the some val
ley , and these differences have
been amicably adjusted with less
than the ordinary strife.
The cattle men of Churr.v coun-
ty have been liberal in their deal-
> H
j' | ings with each other and have
worked harmoniously together.
They have borne the hardships at
tendant upon the settlement of a
new country with good grace and
should not now be jerked up to
appear before the tribunals and
their meagre earnings for years of
toil , perseverance and hardships
be taken from them to pay "the
thousands of dollars spent in in
vestigations" for fencing govern
ment lands. Is there not another
way of dealing with these men
who have spent their money for
fences and improvements upon the
government domain ? Why should
the government direct such an
aggravated attack upon an in
dustry that should be encouraged
more than the raising of sugar
beets or the planting of forests ?
Cherry county Is covered with
rich grasses that grow naturally
and the stockmen are trying to
utilize these grasses by grazing
cattle upon them. Experience has
taught them the valuable lessons as
to the best way to do this. These
grasses are of no benefit to the
government unless used each year ,
as the grow , and become fuel for
destructive prairie fires if not util
ized by the stockmen. Why are
they criminals for making use of
these grasses to feed stock when a
failure to do so might mean the
destruction of the same by prairie
fires that would endanger their
stock , destroy their range , kill off
the wild game and again lay the
country bare to the winds which
would make western Nebraska a
sand desert as it appeared in the
early days.
This blow struck at the stock
men is a blow at the live stock in
dustry and means fewer and infer
ior stock raised. The decrease in
stock will mean much to the west
ern people and more to those who
purchase meat in eastern cities.
The beef trust will be better able
to control the product and their
power will be increased. Secre
tary Hitchcock will have worked
vengeance on a defenseless people
not a wealthy people , but the
producers the backbone of the
live stock industry.
These objects of attack have
been styled "cattlebarons , " cattle
kings" and the wealthiest of the
stockmen. All the stockmen suf
fer from these molestations. The
Standard Cattle company has al
ready gone out of business and
thousands of acres of hay and
range was not utilized the past
season on their lands. Others are
bound to follow in their footsteps
and thousands of cattle are being
rushed to market only partially
Gordon and Greeley.
( H. Gt Lyoa in Gordon Journal. )
Desiring to further the interests
of the Sand Hills potato 'raisrers ,
the Chichgo & North-western rail *
way , through their general agent ,
Geo. G. Dennis of Deadwood , in :
vited a representative from each
of the important potato-shipping
points on their line west of Long
Pine , to join an excursion to the
famous potato district of Greeley ,
Colorado to investigate the methods
and means that have brought
fame and fortune to the potato
raisers of that locality.
J. AI. Curry of Ainsworth , John
Ormesher of Valentine , T. M.
Huntington and the writer of Gor
don joined the party at Chadron
on the morning of October 23rd
and arrived in Greeley on the fol
lowing morning. Rushville and
Hay Springs failed to send repre
Greeley'is ' located on the U. P.
and Colorado Southern railroads
about 50 miles due north of Den-
v - . . . * , . * * .
" ' .
* M . . yarti f > v v > * - .V , ' . , -y ; . . ' - * ; 'J t :
ver , is the county seat of Weld
connt.y and is one of the prettiest ,
oar good fortune to visit. It has
over 6,000 population , is the seat
of the Colorado State Normal
school , has fine public schools , ele
gant churches , costly dwellings ,
beautiful parks , broad paved
streets , electric lights , large mer
cantile and manufacturing inter
ests , cultured and refined society ,
no saloons , and is an ideal place
for one seeking a home. The town
was founded in 1870 and was
named in honoe of our illustrious
namesake , Horace Greeley , its
patron and promoter , who in his
enthusiasm and prophetic zeal pro
claimed , "Go West Young Man , "
no doubt having in view this fav
ored spot , where scores and hun
dreds of young men , peniless , but
with perserverance and pluck ,
have followed the advice of the
sage philosopher and carved their
names high on the scroll of fame
and fortune.
Greeley is the metropolis of the
wealthiest and most successsul
farming district in the state. All the
farm lands are irrigated from
canals and ditches , ' taking the
water from the Cache le Poudre
river , and fine crops of potatoes ,
onions , cabbage , celery , sugar
beets , alfalfa and small grain are
raised. The values of these irri
gated lands run from $150 to § 250
per acre and the crop yields are
enormous. For many years , po
tatoes have been the chief crop
raised on these irrigated lands ,
and the fame of the Greeley spud
has become widespread and it has
commanded ready sales at fancy
prices , in all the leading markets
of the country. The farmers about
Greeley have reduced the raising
of spuds to a systematic , scientific
basis , and their phenomenal suc
cess in this particular line is the
result of their pains-taking care in
selecting seed , keeping varieties
pure , right methods of culture ,
sorting and preparing for market ,
more than in the superior quality
of the tuber raised. It is a well
known fact that a potato raised
under irrigation does not retain
the dry , mealy flavor and is not as
palatable as the sand hills potato ,
raised in sandy soil , without irri
gation , and the Greeley potato is
no exception to the rule. It is a
beauty to behold , and is carefully
sorted and sacked and sent to
market in the most tempting shape
and as compared with the tuber
raised in the heavy black
soils of Iowa , Illinois
and other corn producing states ,
the Greeley spud is par excellence
and cuts a pretty wide swath. But
of late a dangerous rival is spring
ing up in the sand hills spud , a
little browner in complexion on
account of being nursed by the
sun's rays , but with a meat as dry
and white as the finest Pillsbury
product , and wherever it becomes
known is eagerly sought on ac
count of its superior flavor and
fine cooking qualities.
The potato raising district of
Greely , Colorado , comprises a
tract of irrigated lands about 10
miles in width by 15 miles in
length , from which are shipped in
a single season as high as 20,000
car loads of potatoes. The sand
hills district coraprites a territory
30 to 50 miles in width by 2CO
miles in length , with a sandy soil ,
peculiarly adapted for raising ab
solutely the finest potato for table
use and seed that has yet been
produced * The sand hills potato
stands in a class by itself and fears
no rival. Possibly not the finest
looker , but the FINEST COOKER is
the guarantee that goes with every
sack of sand hills spuds.
The leading varieties raised by
the Greeley farmers are Mara moth
Pearls , Rurals , Early and Late
Ohios and Rose Seedings. The
yield per acre is 150 to 300 bush
els. The average price paid for
the last ten years is G5c per hun
dred or 39c per bushel'as compared
with 50c at Gordon. This differ
ence in price may be accounted
for on account of the Greeley spud
not being fit for seed and the price
usually goes down . in-the spring
whije the Sand Hi'ls ' spud , bf ing
unexcelled as a seed potato , al-
U , ' . '
i- :
ing at Groeley is about the same
as in the sand hills. The Aspen-
wall planter is largely used , but
owing to abundant irrigation , the
seed is planted closer in row than
at Gordon. The method of culti
vation differs from ours. No
weeders or harrows are used , but
four horse one row cultivators and
they cultivate deep the first and
second time. About four times
over is the rule and they finish
with old-fashioned single shovel ,
used for opening out the irrigating
ditch. The water is usually turned
on in July and August and they
irrigate four to six times , or when
needed. The work must be done
carefully and just at the proper
time. A n inexperienced hand
would probably fail in his first at
tempt to raise spuds by irrigation.
The fields are absolutely free from
Continued next week.
RV ) Margarete Quigley.
oy I Clara Dunham.
Harry Rector and Willie Stead-
man are absent on account of
The llth grade pupils have tak
en up the work in Solid Geometry
this week.
The children in the 2nd primary
room are writing Thanksgiving
stories and drawing pictures. 1
in perfect attendance in this room.
Two compositions have been se
lected from the 6th grade this
week for publication. One appears
in this paper and one in the Re
publican. We publish them .with
out any correction whatever that
the pupils may learn to prepare
their work just as if it were to be
Tardies for the past month are
as follows : Grammar department
11 , high school 48 , second inter
mediate 1-3 , first intermediate 5
tardies in the 5th grade and 8 in
the 2nd. There were 22 neither
absent nor tardy. Names of those
in perfect attendance during the
month in first primary room are as
follows :
Gertie Ayers Kenvfn Chapman
Alina BradU y JimCanun
Ruth Buche'or ' Eldred Cramer
Grace Clarkson John Duim
[ rene Clarkson Charley reen
AltaE\viug Bryan Q.sigUy
Hazel Fr incke Vern * nvage
Zeta Haley Lee Whipple
Myrtle Lynn Donald McLean
Maud Slouecker Cliadey Hathroot
This is a small town but yet it is
as large a place as there is for a
good ways up or down the rail
road. In this town there is a mill
that grinds and makes flour , gra
ham , corn meal , brand chopcorn
and many other such things. This
mill is run by an engine part of
the time and the rest by the Minne-
chaduza creek. We also have the
court house of Cherry county , a
public school , water tank , electric
lights , telephones , railroad depot ,
park , opera house and four church
es. We also have many things ,
such as to prevent fire from burn
ing houses down. There are many
good stores and men to do any
kind of work. We have livery
stables , blacksmith shops and har
ness shops. Not far from here is
a fort called Fort Niobrara which
helps our town out by buying
things in it. They also help some
by riding to town and back
in the buggies and mail car
riers that employ this job.
To be Held iu Valentine on
December 13 , 19O5.
The farmers and stockmen of
Cherry county are cordially invited
to attend the Farmers' Institute
to be held in the court room in
Valentine on Dec. 13 , 1905.
Dr. J. H. Gaun and Mr. Hull
will speak on the live propositions
of the day that will be of interest i
to all connected with the agricul
tural and stock interests of the
county. Keraember the date , Dec.
13 , 1905.
- v. - . C. S. KEECE , Sec'y. '
Good Service
Good Rooms
'Guests for Trains a Specialty ,
Chicago House ,
Hornback & McBride , Props.
Rates $1.00 and Board and Room
$1,25 Per Day , $6,00 Per Week ,
Underwear , Hosiery and Mittens.
Silk Fascinators and Shawls.
Iforse Shoeing a Specialty.
First class line of Steaks , Roasts ,
Dry Salt Meats Smoke-i
Breakfast Bacon.
Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs.
Cement Building Blocks
for Foundations , Houses , Barns or Chimneys
Easy Running , Easy Washing , Clean Skimming.
The Simplest is the Best.
Nothing to get out of order and will last a life time.
Recommended by all who have used them.
A practical machine sold on easy terms by
16 8 VV. Wr\r\IYIC.n , NBREASKA.
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes.
Valentine , - Nebraska
* 99 Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER
Choicest Wines and Cigars ,
We use the old-fash IS THE BEST MADE
ioned genulae Oak Tan
California leather. Very
best obtainable. Give *
long , faithful service.
Trimmings perfect.
Thread , Irish liaen.
Workmen , master me *
cbanJcs. Made in all \I
51 1 Ask
y e 5. your
dealer he has them.
Stand up for Nebraska.
DucKstaff Bros. Mfg. Co. Lincoln ,
Read the Advertisemehts ,