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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1905)
ITHEWEEKLY 121o First regular English Parliament assembled at Oxford. 1499 Pyrkiu Warbeck , pretender to the . throne of England , executed at " * * Tybura. 1538 Proclamation issued by Henry" VIII. , declaring Thomas Becket not a saint. J572 First Presbyterian meeting house in England opened. 1021 The little ship Fortune from Eagland'arrived at Plymouth , Mass. 104-1 Henry McMabonc executed at Tyburn for conspiring Irish mas sacre. 1G5G Treaty of Liebati signed by Charles X. and the Great Elector. 1G99 Treaty of alliance signed between Peter of Russia and Augustus II. of Poland. 1712 Duel between Duke of Hamilton nad Lord Mohun. Both killed. 17. > 7 Queen Caroline of England died. 1772 Three hundred chests of tea thrown overboard at Boston be cause of the duty imposed by England. 1777 Articles of Confederation of the United States agreed to. . . .Amer ican Congress recalled Silas Deane t from. Paris and appointed John ' " ; Adams Passage of the Amer ican forts on Delaware river by -the British. Fort Lee , N. J. , on l ; Ihe Hudson , opposite upper New York City , captured by the Brit ish. 785 Sir David Wilkie , English paint er , born ; died 1841. 1789 North Carolina ratified the Con stitution of the United States. 1790 Catherine II. ( the Great ) , em press of Russia , died at St. Pe tersburg ; born 1729. 1797 : Thurlow Weed 'born. 1S05 British said Russian forces land in Nayle-s. 1808 Napoleon issued a decree declar ing tlio British Isles in a state of blockade. 1811 Great riots at Nottingham , Eng land John Bright , great Eng lish statesman , born. IS13 Battle of Leipsic. 3815 Second Peace of Paris. 1810 Bells of Notre Dame , Paris , bap- tised. 1834 Melbourne ministry dissolved. 1S40 Cracow annexed to Austria. 1S4S Assassination of Count Rossi , first minister to Piux IX. at Rome. 1849 Steamer Louisiana exploded at New Orleans. Nearly 100 killed. S.S52 Labas islands difficulty between United States and Peru settled. 1857 Relief of Lucknow. 1802 Gen. Sunnier demanded surren der of Fredcricksburg , Ya. 2.804 Treaty of peace between Den mark , Prussia and Austria rati- iicd Gen. Sherman began his march to the sea. ISOO First G. A. R. post instituted at Dccutur , 111. 1870 Duke of Aosta elected King of Spain. 2S7U Encyclical letter issued by Pius IX. against Old Catholics. 2.SS3 Standard time adopted in States east of the Rocky mountains. Four standards adjusted to be an hour apart and to differ by exact hours from Greenwich were adopted. The divisions arc east ern lime , central time. Rockj mountain time and PaciQc time , being respectively 75 degrees , 90 degrees. 1 < 5 degree * and 32Q de crees west of Greenwich. 1880 Chester Alan Arthur , twenty-first President of the United States , died in New York City ; born 18.,0. aSSS Rear Admiral Charles II. Bald win , Union naval veteran , died in New York City ; born there 1822. 1891 Hx-K ng Milan of Servia re nounced all rights to the throne. 1893 Town of Kuchan. province of KJiarassan , Persia , destroyed by an earthquake ; over 12.000 peo ple killed. 1894 Jose Salvador , anarchist who threw bomb in Barcelona thea ter and killed many persons , par roted. 3897 President McKinley signed the treaty adopted by the Universal Postal Congress. . . .Rev. George Hendricks Hough ton , rector of Ihe Church of the Transfiguration ( the Little Church Around the Corner ) , died in New York , aged 77. 3S9S Michigan State Supreme Court declared boycotting illegal. 1899 Admiral Dewey transferred to bis wife the Washington house given him by the American people Garrctt .A. Ilobart , Vice Pres ident of the United States , died. 3901 Jtniics J. Jeffries defeated Gus Ruhlin in a battle for the world's pugilistic championship at San LYancisco. 390o A. canal treaty with the new re- pablic of Panama signed at Washington. 1904 King Edward VII. of England ar rived in Portugal on a visit to King Carlos. POSTAL DEPARTMENT NEEDS. EutlmntcH Arc Mow Completed for Year Ending June 3O , 1907. Postmaster General Cortelyou re cently completed and forwarded to the Secretary of the Treasury the esti mates for the Postoflice Department for the fiscal year ending June 30 , 1907. They show a reduction of ex penseswherever it is believed it will not impair the service , but provision for development of postal facilities to meet the growing needs of all sections of the country. The amount asked for salaries in the department Is $1,401- 250 , an apparent increase of $01,990 over the current appropriation , but as $58,300 of this is simply a transfer from other appropriations the net in crease is only $3,090. The estimate submitted for next year is $44,020 less than the estimate submitted one year ago. The clerical force of the depart ment , therefore , will remain practical ly as it now is during the next fiscal year. Estimates for the postal service at large the field service aggregate $ lt 3,000,000 , an increase over last year's appropriation of about $12,000- 000. This iuQreajje represents the nor mal growth of" the service based utfon what the postal authorities regard as the most cai eful and conservative esti mates. Each succeeding year sees a large increase in the business of the department. The principal items in the increase are the rural delivery ser vice , railway mail service , compensa tion to postmasters and their clerks and the compensation of letter carri ers. ers.For For the maintenance of the rural de livery service and its proper extension over $29,000,000 will be required. This is an increase of $3,000,000 over the ap propriation for the current year , which in turn is over $5,000,000more than that of last year , so that the present estimate is $1,400,000 less than the in crease pf the present over the preced ing year. The estimates for the railway mail service and railway mail transportation call for an increase of about $3,000,000 over the current appropriation. To provide for the compensation of postmasters and clerks in postoffices an increase of nearly $2,000,000 will be necessary for the coming years , and for the compensation of city letter car riers an increase of more than $900,000 will be needed , which is $140,000 less than the increase of the appropriation for the present year over that for the preceding year. That the extension of 'the pneumatic tube service is contemplated is shown by the fact that the estimate carries $322,000 more than the current appro priation. The deficit for the fiscal year ended June 30 , 1905 , was $14,572,584. "If re cent calculations are as accurate as they have been frequently in the past , " says the Postmaster General , "they afford good reason for believing that the deficit for the year ending June 30 , 1900 , will be considerably less. It is an interesting fact that the total reve nue for the fiscal year 1905 exceeded the total expenditures for the fiscal year 1904 by nearly $500,000. " OVERRUN WITH THIEVES. Battle Royal Between Pickpockets and Police in Xew York. New York City is overrun with pick pockets. According to Captain McCau- ley , of the detective bureau , from fifteen to twenty suspects are arrested daily and a battle royal is going on between the police and the light-fingered gentry. Night and day every part of the city is covered with Commissioner McAdoo's men , and it is an exceptionally alert pick pocket who does not walk into the net. Every car line in the city has its detect ives. They work in pairs covering their section , which varies according to tha district. The preferred field of activity of pro fessional pickpockets is the crowded street cars. Most often the woman with children is the victim of their operations. The pickpocket , who is oftentimes a woman , will play with the children or engage them in conversation , to distract the mother's attention. When she does this successfully her confederates seize the opportunity to "sneak * ' her pocket- Look and make off. Most of the professional pickpockets work in groups , ' and every clique has its specialty. For instance , a pickpock et who would "sneak" a pocketbook would seldom attempt to purloin a watch or a diamond scarfpiu. Some thieves have a mania for diamond scarfpins and would never think of touching anything else. Most thieves prefer the pocket- book , as there is less danger of their theft becoming known. One pickpocket at headquarters explained that he would never run the risk of "lifting" a watch , because , he said , "people make a good deal more fuss about losing their watch than they would a pocketbook or any thing else. Nearly 5,000 photographs in the rogues' gallery at' the detective head quarters , of men and "women who ply the profession of "dipping , " as they themselves term it , testify to the in creasing number of members of the light-fingered gentry. Brief Kewa Items , f One person was killed and nearly 200 were injured by socialist riots in Prague. According to specifications sent to the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce , Manila is to have iifty-tAvo miles of sew ers and ten miles of forty-two-inch water mains. C. D. Crawford , convicted of having murdered Heine Lundin in a box car at Elk River , Minn. , mustdie Dec. 5. Gov. Johnson fixed that date for the hanging. Mrs. Arthur M : ssengil of Oil Valley , Ky.j was burned to death and her hus band and sister-in-law fatally injured in a blaze caused by starting a fire with "kerosene. Raisuli , tho Morocco baadit , has cap tured a wealthy Moor named Abdeslam Akahbon , whom he holds for ransom. Raisula got $70.000 for the release of P.eridcarist The ordinary Cuban bricklayer does well if he can put up 500 bricks a day. The American on rough work can lay 1,800. There are about 34,000 carpenters in Cuba. Good men are paid from $1.50 to $2 a day in the cities ; in the smaller places they work for much less. Thirty-two new cigar factories were started during October in Pennsylva nia , as against 18 in September , 30 in October , 1904 , and 31 in October , 1903. A few days ago James B. and Joseph G. Murphy , merchant tailors' Chicago , were held for the grand jury for misuse of the label of the United Garment Workers. . Nine more companies , employing over 3,000 men , are dismissing their working force and leaving Chicago forever , for the country , on account of the ceaseless labor troubles. I Belgian female workers on hand-made lace earn but from 25 to 30 cents a day of twelve to fifteen hours' work. In eastern Flanders the wages are still lower , ranging from 10 to 20 cents a day. . . The general membership of the Broth- erhcod of Painters , Paperhangers and Decorators by a majority of 19,000 has voted to hold a convention during the coming winter. Memphis , Tenn. , will probably be Ihe place. The union has not held a convention in four years. Boston lodge of machinists has ac cepted the recent wage increase given by the N. . Y. , N. H. & H. R. R. , and which will increase the machinists' pay roll of that system just $17,000 a year. The increase will not interfere with the increase expected May 1 of next year , it is said. The annual report of the New York State Commission on Prisons for 1904 shows that all inmates able to work were employed ; that the sales of manu factured articles for the year amounted to $708,828 , and that not one dollar's worth of prison-made goods was sold in the open market. The United States District Attorney of New York has caused the arrest of elev en heads of manufacturing concerns of that city on warrants charging them with having conspired , through the me dium of an employers' association , to violate the alien contract labor law by the importation of foreign workmen. The printers have adopted the follow ing slogan in the present eight-hour cam paign : "We propose to sell to the em ployer S hours out of 24 , and we will do as we please with the remaining 10. " This is the union printers' answer to the aspersions made upon the union by its opponents in their effort to cast odi um upon the movement of tho men for the shorter workday. A joint convention of the United Mine Workers of the three anthracite dis tricts will be held at Sharnokin , Pa. , beginning Thursday , Dec. 14. This con vention will formulate the demands to be presented to the operators next spring. The chief demands will be as follows : An eight-hour workday ; wage payments according to weight ; uniform wages for all employes ; a uniform scale for rock slate , water and dead work ; an agreement between the United Mine Workers and the operators. At the close of 1904 , England , Scot land and Ireland , with a population of 41,500,000 , had a trade union member ship of 1,902,308. In other words , 1 in ' 22 of the population was a trade union- , ist. In Germany there were 1,270,831 trade unionists in a population of 50i i 400,000 , or 1 in 44. In France , with a ' population of 38,300,000 , there are 715i i 570 trade unionists , or 1 to 53. * Italy , with 32,500,000 population , reports 181- 230 members of trade unions , or 1 to ISO. In Austria the trade unions have 177,592 members in a population of 20- 150,000 , or 1 to 150. Spain has a pop- , ulation of 18,000,000 and a trade union membership of 05,900 , or 1 to 330. Hun gary has 52,140 trade unionists in a pop ulation of 19,500,000 , or 1 to 300. In ( Denmark the ratio is 1 to 28 , and in : New South Wales 1 to 21. MARSHALL FIELD , JR. , SHOT. Son of Chicago Millionaire Mer chant Meet.s with Accident. Marshall Field , Jr. , son of the Chi- ' cago merchant and millionaire , accident ally shot himself while cleaning a re volver at his home , 1919 Prairie ave nue , Wednesday evening. The bullet struck Mr. Field on the left side. Had it been the fraction of an inch lower it wouldhave , passed through the ab domen. As it was it perforated the liver. The course of the bullet was straight and it was recovered near the spinal column. James Lowe , a butler , was the first to reach Mr. Field's side. The bu.tler was on the first floor of the Field residence. He was attending to his duties. Mr. Field was alone in his bedchamber. Mrs. Field was calling upon friends. Mr. Field had gone to his room about 5 o'clock. The butler heard him as he walked about the room fof half an hour. Then came silence. Suddenly there came the sound of a shot. The butler was silent for a moment. Then cries for help came from Mr. Field's room. A second and the butler was up the steps. As he entered the bedchamber he saw the body of the young millionaire lying upon the floor. "What has happened ? " gasped the butler , as Mr. Field groaned in the ef fort to recover himself. "I shot myself , " said Mr. Field , slow ly and with difficulty. "I shot myself with that revolver accidentally. " Miss Helen Gould presided at a special sailors' service held in the naval branch of the Young Men's Christian Associa tion in Brooklyn , and spoke words of welcome from the platform to about 200 blue jackets from the British squad ron. Governor Toole of Montana issued n requisition upon the Governor of North Dakota for the return to Montana of Mayor W. II. Denny of Williston , N. D. , who is accused of having participated in the operations of a band of horse thieves that is said to have stolen 1,000 animals * BURGLAR KILLS A GIRL. Ml us ainuil Reese of Chicago Find * Thief in Her l-'lat uml I.s Shot. Miss Maud Reese , while trying to cap ture a burglar , was murdered by him hi her home in Chicago Tuesday night She fell on the fioor within a few feet of her companion , a woman almost blind. Miss Reese , who was 25 years old and employed as a stenographer in the legal department of the Union Traction Com pany , accompanied by Mrs. M. M. Baumgartner , had been in the flat less than a minute when the murderer fired the fatal shot in the dark. Miss Reese lived in the Oat with her sister , Anna , a nurse. Earlier in the day the sisters had received antelegram from their brother-in-law at Green River , 111. , saying their sister , his wife , was ill. Anna Reese decided to go. Miss Maud Reese , who never had been alone in the fiat at night , telephoned to Mrs. Bauni- gartner , who consented to meet Miss Reese at the Union Traction Company's office. Mrs. Baumgartncr is under treat- ' inent for her eyes and her sight is im paired. The women reached the flat af ter dark , having left the oflice at about 5 p. m. Miss Reese unlocked the door and both stepped in. In a moment Miss Reese her companion , "I believe there is some one in the house. Can'J ; you hear some one moving ? " Noise of feet could be plainly heard ia the kitchen in the rea.v of the flat. J "Be quipt. You stay liere while I go I to see Wiat it is , " whispered Miss Reese. Mrs. Baumgartner heard her friend's firm steps on the bare oak floor of the hallway leading to the kitchen. A mo ment later there was a scream , followed by a man's threatening yeice. "He'lpf Helpr * came from tlio kitch en. Then there were an overturning of chairs and a crashing of dishes. Almost at the same time a man came running toward the front door , talking in a low , gruff voice and evidently struggling to get away. Miss Reese was either hold- I ing on to him or was being dragged by him. Above the noise the man's voice sounded finally : "Let go of me or I'll shoot ! " Mrs. Baumgarlner said she saw the dim outlines of the burglar's back and his hand reaching for a pocket. A shot rang through the flat. Miss Reese fell to the floor with a gasp. Turning an grily and cursing , the man ran toward the kitchen. The sound of crashing glass indicated his escape out of a win dow. People from other flats in the building soon ran to the scene. After the gas was lighted Miss Reese's body was found lying on the floor near the entrance so that the door could not be opened until it was moved. A telephone call was sent to the Sheffield avenue station and fifteen minutes later the po lice began to arrive. FINISH OF KOREA. Hermit Kingdom May Disappear from Family of Natlonx. After having been more or less bullied for centuries by the neighbors , Korea seems about to disappear from the fam ily of nations. The process already has begun and tho next few years may sea one of the oldest of the ancient civiliza tions wiped off the map. The steps leading up to this unique re sult follow logically upon Japan's effort to make the country a colonizing ground for its own surplus population. The Korean emperor and his foreign minister , Pakchisun , have resisted Japanese meth ods of government and publicly denounc ed them as outraging all tho spirits of their noble ancestors , but without avail. Last week Japanese guards surrounded the emperor's palace , made him prisoner and compelled him to sign an agree ment , Japan having previously mollified most of his advisers with substantial sums of money. The agreement provides that a Japanese administrator shall gov ern Korea "under the emperor" and that all Korean treaty ports and diplo matic affairs shall be henceforth in Jap anese hands. This is evidently the beginning of the end for Korea , says the Chicago News. Japanese armies have overrun it in past ages. For centuries it bowed in meek submission to China and regularly sent j its envoys on pilgrimages to inquire tenI I dcrly after the well being of China's rulers , contemporaneous and ancestral. History records occasions when it had to go into public mourning for its failure ' to show proper respect to its suzerain. When , as a result of the war between Japan and China , it gained a measure of independence from this vassalage it found itself on the point of being ab sorbed by Russia.Now it meets mani fest destiny in the form of Japanese am bition , for how the Japanese adminis trator who is to govern "under the em peror" will run things is reasonably clear. It is true that this is all at vari ance "with the Japanese treaty stipula tion , guaranteeing the integrity and au tonomy of Korea. But , as every one knows , treaty agreements are binding only when there are ships and guns to back them up. The cruiser Marblehead was damaged by a collision with the refrigerator ship Celtic at Mare. Island. King Edward's birthday was cele brated at Cornell University by an ad dress to the student body by E. S. Wil- lard , the English actor. James O'Connell , president of the In ternational Machinists' Association , has announced in Pittsburg that he has been re-elected by tho referendum vote of the locals. P. J. Condon is first vice presi dent and George Preston secretary-treas urer. Senator McCandless and others in Honolulu have sent a protest to Presi dent Roosevelt against the territorial loan Secretary Atkinson is seeking ap proval. The Canadian Pacific Railway Com pany is planning new fast steamers that will cut the voj'age between Vancouver and Hongkong to sixteen days instead of twenty-one. Jealous because his sweetheart , Emma Laclair , received attention from another man , Val M. Webster of Enfield , N. H. , shot and killed the young woman and ended his own life. THE FOOTBALL HARVEST. Year's Gridiron Victims 3Tnm- l > er 1 < > A iNt of Dead. Ten deaths from injuries received on the gridiron is the foot-ball harvest to date. Besides tho deaths and the fatally injured there is hardly a team In the country which can boast eleven perfectly sound men. Fifty-nine recorded deaths is the list of foot-ball fatalities so far for the twentieth coutnry. Exclusive of the present season , 539 wearers of the moleskin have received injuries on the field , more or less severe. The fatal ities recorded are those that occurred during the season , but in many in stances death has followed after months of suffering from injuries. The death list for 1905 , with the hard matches yet to come , is as fol lows , in each instance the victims be ing members of high school or small college tpams : Bryant , James Edward , member Canon City , Col. , high school team ; killed in game with Florence , Col. , high school Oct. 19. Decker , Miss Bernadotte. IS years of age ; killed in girls' football game at Cumberland , Md. , Nov. 2. Dondero , John C , , Jewett City , Conn. ; killed in game with Willimatic , Oct. 22. Knight. Horatio T. , member * of 1905 team at Phillips Exeter Academy ; died Nov. 9 from meningitis , superinduced by injui'ies sustained in a game in the in- terclass series , Nov. 4. Norgaard , Herman G. , member Coun cil Bluffs , Iowa , high school team ; died fov. 10 from injuries to the brain re ceived in a game at Harlan , Iowa , Oct. 20. Squires , James , Alton , 111. , high school team ; died Nov. 0 from injuries received in a game with East St. Louis high school Oct. 21. Summergill , John S. , Franklin Col lege , Chester , Pa. ; kicked in stomach [ during football game Oct. 8 , and died soon afterward. Van Bokkalen , Clarence , 17 years old ; member Santa Clara , Cal. , high school , team ; killed Nov. 4 in game with San j Jose high school that was remarkable for its brutality ; several other players were seriously injured. Wise , Leslie ; killed in school game at Milwaukee , Oct. 28. Wise , Vernon , Oak Park , 111. ; died two hours after receiving injuries in a game between Oak Park high school and the : second team of Hyde Park high school Nov. 3. In nearly every instance the deaths have led to the abandonment of foot ball by the high schools and smaller colleges to which the ten victims be longed , and a movement has started for a modification of the rules for use , in the secondary schools where the youth of the teams makes the college game too strong a tax on immature bodies and unseasoned muscles. DOUGHERTY GOES TO PRISON. End of Rcnmrk2.ole Career an Form er and Thief. Newton C. Dougherty , former bank er and superintendent of schools of Peoria. 111. , Friday pleaded guilty to five of the forgery charges against him and was with out delay taken to the Joliet peniten- ! tiary. He appear ed before Judge Worthington , en tered his plea and was given a sen tence of from one to fourteen years N. c. uouGHEKrv. on each of the five counts , the same to be concurrent. Dougherty's action was unexpected , he having pleaded not guilty to the same charges. But the refusal of Judge Worthingtou to quash the in dictments against him and the fact that the grand jury was in session ready to return others that would be free of any of the errors charged in the first so tightened the coils around the prisoner that he could see no way out. He therefore threw himself upon the mercy of the court. This marks the closing scenes of the most astounding school fund robbery ever brought to public notice. For twenty-five years Newton C. Dougher ty as city superintendent and for near- , ly twenty years as secretary of the , [ board , had almost absolute control of ' ! the school funds. He issued scrip and handled notes and checks as it" they were his own property. As president 1 ofthe' Peoria National Bank he was enabled to cover up his peculations in such good shape that from June 30. 1904 , to June 30. 1905 , the school fund ' 1 shortage amounted to ? 94,000. While not all of the books of the board have j j yet been examined by a special auditj j I i ing committee now at work , it us cur- j rently believed that the aggregate amount of money taken will reach $1,000,000. Various methods were taken to cov er up the stealings. Bills were made out to fictitious persons and cashed by herty. School teachers and cashed Dougherty. School teachers long dead or removed were still carried on the rolls. Some of the teachers were car ried under two or three names. Sup plies enough for the schools of Chi cago were paid for by the board and Dougherty got the money. And now the man who was consid- ered the brightest school superintend ent in the country , the trusted friend of college presidents and of school men high up. of church men of all creeds , who was looked up to as a model mah in ev ry particular and R financier of rare ability , is in for a long sojourn in Joliet prison. From Far and Near , The will of Miss Caroline Richmond of Providence , R. I. , gives the American Unitarian Assochtton 318,000. The Mutual Life should be renamed "The McCurdy Living. " Atlanta Journal. All friends of free government should unite to advise and assist tho people of Russia. Dallas News. Making Billy Loeb official purveyor of all government news is rather a late adoption of the Russian method. Pittsburg Post. Our Audubon societies have now succeeded in getting every sort of bird pretty well protected except the stork. New York Mail. President McCall says that there arc two sides to the insurance business , but he seems to hate awfully to show the inside. Atlanta Journal. Now that "Pat" Crowe is safe la jail , there hardly seems to be any rea son for retaining the Omaha police force. Kansas City Times. The Czar is handing out pardons as freely as a candidate gives away elec tion cigars. And his object is the same r-rto win popular favor , Kansas City Journal. _ js As we understand it , the public would have been willing to forgive Pat Crowe if only he had kidnapped Mr. John A. McCall or Mr. Richard A. Mc Curdy. Atlanta Journal. Also it should be borne in mind that 'ft irritated too much McCall , McCurdy et al. may decide next time just to let the blamed old country go to the bow- i.wows. . Indianapolis News. Robert A. McCurdy says a life in surance company is an eleemosynary institution. This intimates that the pol- icy holder will get his dividends In heaven. Des Moines News. Arizona preachers want a clause in the State constitution making prohibi tion perpetual. At that rate the bal ance of Arizona probably won't want statehood. Atlanta Journal. Goldwin Smith , to encourage matrl- mony , believes that two votes should be given to every married man. Now what has the woman suffragist to say , to that ? Houston Chronicle. Minneapolis is a well-advertised town , but the recrudescence of Doc Ames is not one of the advertisements to which the thoughtful citizens point with pride. Duluth News Tribune. It is no doubt interesting to Mr. Bryan to learn that had he been elect ed in 1890 or 1900 it would have been a great joke on the companies in which he was insured. Kansas City Star. The cotton growers have shown the Wall streeters that they can do Borne- thing despite the money they have up there. The South is getting to be fine on "show'ing. " Columbus ( Ga. ) Ledger. It is announced that the cashier of the Enterprise Bank at Pittsburg left a confession , and the depositors will at once proceed to feel glad that some thing is left. Philadelphia Evening Telegraph. A Kansas man who invested § 7,500 in a farm cleared up a net profit of $5,000 in two years. Almost , but not quite , as good as being president of a life insurance company. Colorado Springs Gazette. It is important not to forget that the grafter is a grafter , first , last and al ways , and that , he calls himself a Democrat or a Republican merely as a matter of convenience. Chicago Record-Herald. An exchange remarks that in all his S9 years of successful life Uncle Rus sell Sage has never been accused , of handing out tainted money to churches and charitable organizations. Duluth News and Tribune. Joseph H. Choate tells usthat we are working too hard and too fast and doing too much. He would probably be jogging along at the same clip as the rest of us if he needed the money as badly. Buffalo Times. Maybe Secretary Taft wfll see some things in Panama that need long-dis tance repairs from Washington. If he succeeds in starting the digging in earnest he will do a great service to the nation. Birmingham News. The Rev. Dr. Huntington , of New- York , says that one is not authorized to assume that there are any "female angels , " while the fact is that every man has known one female angel , and. many men have known dozens , while no man has ever come across a male angel. .uouisville Post. Paul Morton contends that publicity is the only certain cure for corpora tion , evils. In a few years the news papers will be printing certificates like this from prominent trust magnates : "The doctors could do nothing for me. I was run down and nearly all in , when chance put me next to a bottle of your celebrated keep-it-before-peo- ple remedy. I do not hesitate to say that it saved my constitution and by laws' " St Louis Globe-DeinocraL Friends of President McCall of the New York Life say he is a poor man and in debt. If that be true , Mr. Mc Call ought to ask those friends to kick him. He was simply a fool to waste all the money he got. Birming ham Ledger. - The story that. Cole Younger , the ex- bandit , had reformed was premature , and now , alas ! is not likely erer to come true. He has secured a street railway franchise and started out to bond and otherwise exploit it Port land Oresonian.