1 Ir i I ' The Valentine Democrat Valentine , Neb. 1. M. Rice. Publisher IN A FIEKCE BATTLE TWO GUARDS AND A CONVICT KILLED AT JEFFERSON CITY. /Four / Convicts , Armed with Guns and Nitroglyoerin , Make a Break : for Liberty Running Fight in the Street Presence of Guns u Mj'atery A Jefferson City , Mo. , special says : A- jdesperate attempt to escape from the jstate penitentiary was made by four con- Ivicts at 3:35 Friday , resulting in a terrific battle with Aveapons and nitroglycerin at the prison gate , a running fight through the streets of Jefferson City and the final capture of the four convicts , tAvo of Avhom were shot , one being killed. TAVO prison officers Avere shot dead and a third Avas severely Avounded. The dead are JohnClay , a gatekeeper ; A. Allison , officer of the commissary de partment , and CoiiA'ict Hiram Blake. The AA'ounded are Deputy Warden R. tB. See , shot in the arm and hip , and Har ry Vaughn , convict , St. Louis , shot in arm. 1 Mutineers captured xinhurt : George Hyan , from St. Louis and Charles Ray- piond. AVarden Matt Hall , Yardmaster Porter Gilvin and five prison guards departed Friday morning for Fort LeaA'enworth , 'Kan. , on a special train conveying seven ty-one federal prisoners , who were being .transferred from the Missouri state peni- tiary to the government prison at Fort iLeavenAA'orth. It is believed that this fact had much to do with the outbreak Friday , as it is asserted that the'couvicts ! had counted on Warden Hall's absence in their premeditated attempt to escape. There Avas not the slightest premoni tion of any trouble within the prison -walls. Suddenly Com'icts Harry Vaughn. jCharles Raymond , Hiram Blake , George jRyan and Eli Zeigler , Avho Avere working tin close proximity to the prison gate , in side the inclosure , as if by giA'en signal , linado a rush for the gate. From their' pockets they dreAV pistols and it is pre- jsumed that at least one of them carried ! a bottle of nitroglycerin. Where these jweapons and explosive were obtained has mot yet been ascertained. I Rushing past the gate they entered jDeputy Warden See's office and shot him 4is he sat in his chair. The shooting of kjateman Clay and Guard Allison fol lowed. Placing the nitroglycerin under the gate they blew an opening through the assive dOOrs'-Rud befo e th smoke clear- led away they had dashed past a number of "trusty" convicts working in the ( street and ran madly for twelve blocks , i Jumping into a wagon they seized the driver , OrA'ille Lane , and held him to act as a shield from the bullets of their pur- puers. One of the convicts lashed the iiorse into a run. i Then followed one of the most desper ate street battles that ever took place in 4lie : annals of escaping convicts in Jeffer son City. The policemen jumped behind trees and shot with telling effect , splinter ing the wagon and finally putting a bullet through one of the convicts , who felLto ; the ground. Thereupon , seeing that death was inevitable and further resistance use less , the conA'icts surrendered. BODY FOUND IN TRUNK. Horrible Murder Discovered at Albany , N. Y. What appears to be a murder commit ted nearly two weeks ago , and peculiarly ghostly in its details , Avas _ discovered at Albany , N. Y. , when the badly decom posed body of Mrs. John Hammon Avas found Avedged in a trunk in a second story roomof her home. The trunk stood in the fireplace and the AA'ithiu body was cov ered with quicklime , AA'hich was scattered about the three rooms comprising the.flat . , and the cover of the trunk Avas propped open with the eA'ident idea of having the pdors of decomposition escape up the chimney. , John Hammon , the Avoman's husband , has not been seen for nearly two weeks. He is 25 years of age and a cabinetmak er. The dead Avoman Avas 57 years old. Explosion in Tunnel. Seventeen men at work in the tunnel .which the Long Island road is excavating from Long Island City to the foot of For- jty-second Street , NCAV York , were injured Friday morning by the explosion of a stick of dynamite at the foot of a seventy- foot shaft. Six of the men Avere removed * to a hospital. Cabinet Will Not Resign. It is understood the result of Friday's cabinet council at London , ' which Avas , in session two hours , was the rejection of proposal for the collective resignation of the cabinet. It Avas decided to be the ; best to dissolve parliament and them- jeelves appeal to the electorate. t _ _ . Sioux City Stock Market. Friday's quotations on the Sioux City stock market folloAv : Stockers and feed I ers , ยง 2.85g3.00. ( Top hogs , $4.70. Fights Anti-Ciff.irette Liuiv. ' Judge W. D. McHugh , of Omaha , has /announced / that he Trill assail the anti- 'cigarette ' law in the supreme court. He jwill appeal the case of "Pat" Raymond , f Lincoln , recently fined $50. The hiAv ( was recently pronounced A'alid by the su- I ipreme court judges. Attack Japanese Government. At Tokio the'agitation against the gOA'- /ernmeut / for its non-abrogation of mar- itial law and its suppression of the liber- jties of the cross , is gaining strength. \ BALFOUR TO QUIT. Early Resignation .Mow Considered Certain. Tremendous activity deA-eloped in polit ical circles in London Thursday conse quent on the circulation of a AA'ell founded report that Premier Balfour had decided to bring his ministry to a close and to di rectly or indirectly appeal to the country. Rumors regarding the resignation of the cabinet and the dissolution of parliament haA'e been thick for three months past , but Avhen two of the leading government organs Thursday , almost in the same terms , suggested the immediate resigna tion of the premier on account of the un- mendable breach in the unionist party over the fiscal question , the "suggestion" Avas looked upon as haA'ing been instigat ed by Mr. Balfour himself. This Avas strengthened by the knowl edge that prior to the publication of the editorials Mr. Balfour met certain influ ential persons at his official residence in Downing Street. These two facts Avhen coupled led to the belief that the pre mier had intimated at the conference his intention to resign , and as he had just re turned from a visit to King Edward at Windsor castle it was believed that his majesty had been informed of Mr. ' Bal- four's intentions. Beyond this there is not the slightest official confirmation of the report. All political interest now centers in the next cabinet meeting , at which it is under stood the situation will be discussed. Should Mr. Balfour resign , the liberals Avill be invited to form a government , parliament AA'ill meet for a feAV days' ses sion , and a general election Avill occur early in the new year. The political sit uation Avas so radically altered during the last week that even the government sup porters no longer argue that Mr. Balfour has a sufficiently united party at his back to again meet parliament Avith the object of initiating any legislation to the public adA-antage. On the stock exchange a definite an nouncement of the icsignation of the cabinet is expected at any time , and the Avhole market Thursday AVJIS flat in con sequence. The liberals are inclined to resent Mr. Balfour's resignation at the present mo ment. They contend that the premier should remain in office a feAV weeks long er and himself dissolve parliament and appeal to the country. The liberals see no reason why the present opposition should put themselves to the inconven ience of forming a government-in the dark. BATTLE IN A SALOON. New York Election Frauds Cause of a Tragedy. Election frauds are believed by the po lice to have caused the murder at New York Wednesday night of W. F. Har rington in the Little Naples dance hall , and also the probably fatal injuries of Abraham Juckerman. From paper found on the dead man , and from information obtained from nine prisoners , the police learned the quarrel started over election matters. One ofthe prisoners had a marked ballot of the last election in his pocket. Harrington was killed in the bar-room of the Little Naples during a revolver battle , Avhich left the floors spotted Avith blood and riddled the pictures on the wall. SULTAN WARNS THE POWERS Danger of Uprising Against Chris tians if Warships Appear. A Paris special says : Turkey's note in reply to the ultimatum of the pOAvers contains a warning that the action of tho powers in resorting to a naA'al demonstra tion may precipitate an internal uprising of Mussulmans against the Christian pop ulation of Turkey. This is considered to be a threat , as it is known no demonstration of Mussul mans against the Christians can occur unless it has the silent acquiescence of the Turkish authorities. The Turkish re ply gives a serious turn to the negotia tions. Report of the Devlin Estate. The report of the C. J. DcA-lin receivers appointed by the United States district court in the bankruptcy proceedings of the Kansas coal magnate was made al Topeka , Kan. , Wednesday , and showed : Tota'l assets , $4,950,948 ; total liabilities , $4,592,208. The contingent liabilities were estimated at $674,639. Stone is Thrown at Ito. A delayed message from Seoul says : While the Marquis Ito Avas in his train ruesdny evening returning from a shoot ing trip with Minister Hayashi and the members of their suites , the window of : he'"car in which he Avas riding was smashed by a stone , and he sustained : hree slight scratches from broken glass. Young Field May Jjivo. The condition of Marshall Field , Jr. , > f Chicago , Avho was accidentally shot Wednesday night while cleaning a gun , vas reported Thursday morning as some- vhat improved. His chances for recov- > ry are slightly better. \ t California Bank Robbed. Robbers broke into a Japanese bank at Anegeles , Gal. , Wednesday night and ook cash amounting to $15,000. A. New Japanese Loan. A neAv Japanese loan of $125,000,000 vill , it is officially announced at London , ie issued Nov. 28. - Murderer Ends Life. The body of William II. Jones , who Vednesday night shot and killed Harry Jritton and Avounded Frank Britton at sid yack , N. Y. , Avas found Thursday inorn- ig near the scene of the murder. He ad shothimself. . b Trains Collide in u FOJJ. Near Albion , Ind. , five men Avere killed nd one fatally injured Thursday in a 13 ead-on collision between work and grav- tc Baltimore and Ohio Rail- ftrains on the - 0 iad. The trains _ col 1 ided hi a dense fog. in TAR BELL TObK ALL. Received Commissions on His Own Insurance. After being on the witness stand before the Armstrong legislative committee on insurance investigation for the' greater part of three days at Now York. Gage E. Tarbell , second A-ice president of the Equitable Life Assurance Society , linis'.i- ed his testimony Wednesday and just be fore adjournment submitted a list of sug gestions for the remedy of existing abuses in the management of insurance compa nies and for legislation designed to give the state proper control over the compa nies and to insure the confidence of the policyholders. Prominent among these suggestions was absolute publicity. While admitting that Avrong had been done by life insurance officials Mr. Tar bell said he had no apologies to make for any of them and that he hoped they Avould be punished. Mr. Tarbell AA'as on the stand the' entire day and Avas questioned as to the system of agencies and the commissions and oili er com * * isations allowed them for get ting business. Just before the recess the fact Ava * . brought out that Mr. Tarbell had taken out insurance on bis life and on members of his family and had received the agent's commission on the premiums as Avell as reneAval commissions. He said that since he became an officer he had taken out $200,000 on his OAVH life in the Equitable. Besides his policies in the Equitable he had taken insurance in the New York Life , the arrangement being made Avith George W. Perkins , and on this , too. he had received the commission on the pre miums. He had also a policy in the Aet na and in the Travelers , on Avhich he col lected the commissions. lie said he car ried100,000 on his OAVH life and ilOO.- 000 on members of his family. Mr. Tarbell AA-as emphatic in denounc ing the system of rebating by agents and stated that any agent of the Equitable Avho rebates to get business Avas dis missed. When he told of getting the commis sions. Assemblyman Cox asked if that was not rebating , and Mr. Tarbell said it Avas not and that he thought he Avas entitled to it. Later Avhen Mr. Hughes took up thi < same subject the Avitness justified the taking of commission as being similai to a merchant Avho purchased goods of a felloAV merchant in the same line perhaps to fill an order and got those goods at cost , or of a professional man treating another and charging less than the regu lar fees. Mr. Tarbell further said that if he had done Avrong he Avas sorry , but that he had acted in good faith. A PERILOUS TRIP. Explorer "Wallace is Successful in Crossing Labrador. A St. Johns , X. F. , dispatch says : Let ters Wednesday from Dillon Wallace , the Labrador explorer and NeAV York lawyer , contained the news that he had successfully crossed Labrador. Wallace is the first Avhite man AVIIO ever crossed Labrador AA'ithout either guides or Indian assistants. With Wal lace was a companion named Easton. The letters said both were Avell and had [ ) lcnty of provisions when they reached the province of Ungava , Oct. 115. In 1904 Wallace Avent with Leonidas dubbard's ill-fated expedition. Hubbard. whose purpose Avas to cross Labrador , ost his life from starA'ation , and Wallace rt-as found by a rescuing party after ho Kid fallen exhausted in the SIIOAV. Although the most perilous part of Wallace's trip has been completed , he jtill has before him Avinter traA'el by snow hoes before he reaches civilization. ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. Partner of the L/ate C. J. Devlin Swallowed Poison. W. E. Thomas , associate of the late C. F. Devlin at Leavenworth , Kan. , sAval- owcd carbolic acid Tuesday night. lie las a fair chance for recovery. Thomas , besides being associated Avith ? . J. Devlin in coal mine operations. Avas me of the principal stockholders in the lefunct First National bank , of Topeka. \lr. \ Thomas had been in ill health since he failure of the Topeka bank and the ailure of Devlin interests , as he was icavily iin-olved , his liabilities being ibout $480,000 and his assets about 1175,000. Courtniartial Begun. The courtmartial proceedings 'in the rial of Midshipman Miner Meriwether , r. , on three charges connected with the ; eath of Midshipman .Tames II. Branch , j nth Avhom he engaged in a fist fight at Lnnapolis , Md. , began Wednesday morn- ig at the naval academy. Lynching in Mississippi. Dave Sim ? , a negro , Avho shot and kill- il R. E. Jones Sunday night at Coahoma. liss. , was lynched by an armed mob at : ie scene of the crime shortly after mid- ight. Sims confessed the crime. May be Miss Reese's Slayer. Frank Yochla was arrested at Chicago Wednesday morning on suspicion of being ie murderer of Miss Maude Reese , the : enographer AA'ho Avas killed Tuesday ight by a burglar. Cresceus Sold for $21OOO. Cresceus , the Avorld's champion trotting : allion , Avith n record of 2:02Vi , Avas > ld at auction at New York Wednesday > r $21,000 to M. W. Savage , of Miniie- [ ) o5s. ! Lhool Girls Have Narrow Escape At LaAvreuce , Mass. , four hundred Ii : hool girls ha < LJi narrow escape Wednes- Iitl iy from fiixUWhieh broke o'ut in the isa rench parochial school. Twenty-five a ; rls dropped from the third story and all \v it one were caught Avithout injury. Ammonia iipe Explodes. An ammonia , pipe at the plant of the incc oustoii Packing Company , near Hous- cc n , Tex. , exploded "Wednesday morning. , ne negro was killed and seven others teas jurcd , somcfatally. STATE OP NEBRASKA NEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CON- DENSED FORM. Buys Poison and Disappears Old Resident of luung Pine Believed to Have Taken His Life Thought to be Mentally Unbalanced. T'tterly disheartened over a little do mestic quarrel John Kurtz , night fore man at the Nortlnvestern shops and an old resident of Long Pine. Saturday night disappeared from home and had in his possession tAventy grains of strychnine capsules purchased previous to his disap pearance. With these , it is thought , he has ere this ended his life. Saturday afternoon Kurtz returned home completely exhausted from over- Avork and the loss of two nights' sleep. Finding that one of his sons had failed during his absence from home to carry out some instructions Avith reference to some chores about the house , Kurtz un dertook to punish the boy and met with resistance. Seizing a stick from a nearby Avoodpile Kurtz Avas on the verge of strik ing when the mother intervened. Kurtz then turned upon his Avife and might have dealt summarily AA'ith her only for the arrival and intervention of some neigh bors. Kurtz then Avent up town , pur chased the strychnine and no cleAv to his whereabouts has since ben learned. Business men and many others haA'e formed search parties and the town has been almost deA-oid of male inhabitants. A large party Avas formed , and , AvitU the assistance of bloodhounds , the entire countyvas searched. It is thought tho missing man has hidden himself in some remote place prior to ending his career. Others believe he has lost his mind and is aimlessly Avandering about the country. He is 47 years old , sober and industrious and the father of five children. The Kurtz j family is prostrated with grief. NEWS AT DAKOTA CITY. Work Has Been Commenced on the Great Northern Depot. Work has been commenced on the Great Northern depot on the Sioux City- Ashland connection at Dakota City. C. W. Kerrick & Co. , of Minneapolis , are j the contractors for depot buildings , as Avell as thp fence along the right of way. A gang of nineteen arrived Wednesday from Minneapolis , and Avork on the depot building was commenced at once. The depot at Dakota City Avill be the iir. t to be constructed along the new line. The fencing gang is now within two miles of Homer , and has removed its headquarters to that point. I GAGE ACCEPTS PART PAYMENT County Attorney Takes Issue with Attorney General Brown. It. J. Clancy of Omaha , tax commis sioner for the Union Pacific road , paid in to the Gage County treasury $0,381.50 as part payment of the taxes due the county "mm the.company. The total amount due I Although the attorney general made a ruling to the effect that to accept a pa it of the taxesill jeopardi/.e the interests of the county in collecting the rmainder due. County Attorney Killen advised the ! treasurer to accept the amount tendered j by Air. Clancy. A Costly Cigarette. "Pat" Raymond , a Lincoln youth scarcely more than 18 years of age. was lined $50 on the charge of lolling a cigar ette. Police Judge Cosgiwe , Avho assess ed the penalty , declared that under the recent decision of the supreme court sus taining the law. no lesser penalty could ! ) ( assessed for a violation of the statute- Uaymond did not have the money to pay ; he line and the co ts of the prosecution ud he was committed to the county jail. Gets a New Trial. The life sentence of John R. Lncas , of Phelps County , is reversed by the su- ireni" court and the case remanded for a ie\v trial on the ground that there Avas Midi prejudice in the minds of certain iurors that he should haA'e been granted he change of A'enue for Avhich he asked. \bout a year ago Lucas shot and killed , 'Iyde Lester , a man Avho had been in hN mploy. in a dispute over wages. Randolph Bond Plan Liost. At the special election held hf" Ran- lolph to vote $9UOO lighting bonds the imposition Avas lost. The vote was 114 or and Hi ) against , failing to carry by the lecessary two-thirds majority of the elec- urs. On July 11 the proposition carried , j ut some changes made it necessary to I lold another election , fudecision as to j he kind of a plant caused apathy in the movement. Indian Accidentally Shot While iu a drunken condition near the > maha agency Samuel White , 19 years Id , accidentally shot William Walker , n aged Indian , with a rcA'oh'er. the ball enetrating below the collar bone and oming out on fhe opposite side between lie second and third ribs. Walker is in a i ritical condition. . . , Good Yield of Corn. 1 ( Corn husking in Cedar County is pro- ressing rapidly , and ten days more of ne Avealher will * ee most of the corn in ie cribs , and the yield will come up to spectations. The acreage for Cedar bunty is something over 118,000. and ie average yield Avill be fully 40 bush- ti s to the acre. Paid S1OO an Geo. Carmack bought the Shafenberir venty acres of land adjoining Ilartinir- m , paying $3.200 , of $1(50 ( per acer. This the highest price known to have been a lid for land in that part of the county. ci Pounder of Fremont Dying. Edwin H. Barnard , one of the men who id out the town of Fremont and made V ie first settlement there in August , 1856. very IOAV Avith paralysis of the brain id his recovery is doubtful. He has al- \l \ ays been prominent in business affairs.s ti The Minister Was Egged. lo Sunday Rev. J. B. Wilson , a Methodist inister at Bladf , scored several of his ngregation Avho became intoxicated at wedding. Tuesday night he was "rot- tl ! n egged while returning home. His n < sailanis are unknoAvn. nk : SUICIDE AT PAPILLION. John P. Rademan Sends Bullnt Through His Head and Heart , John P. Rademan , business manager of the Papillion Times , took his life in a room at the Arcade Hotel at Omaha some time betAveen 8 o'clock Tuesday morning and the same hour Wednesday morning by shooting himself twice with a . ' ! 2-cali- ber revolver. The indications arc the man killed himself Tuesday , as when the door of the man's room Avas broken open the body Avas quite rigid. Letters left by Rademan indicated ill health prompted his action. Rademan made careful preparations for the fatal moment by Avriting letters , one to the public , one to his Avife at Papillion and a thiid to George I * . Miller , one of the proprietors of the Papillion Times. Rademan left his home Monday to visit his sick mother at Manning. la. , return ing by Avay of Omaha Tuesday morning. Rademan was 23 years old. and had been married one year to Miss Accia Whitted , of Papillion. NEBRASKANS IN TROUBLE. Mr. and Mrs George Schmidt , of Lincoln , Detrined in Russia. Mr. and Mrs. George Schmidt , two wealthy citizens of Lincoln , are detained , in Russia and the authorities refuse to al- IOAV them to return or even live together. They went to Russia to visit. As soon as they landed their papers Avere seized their marriage certificate destroyed am Schmidt was sent to one colony and hi Avife to another. They are both naturalized. They havi three children at McCook. The friends o the couple have requested Senator Bur kett to acquaint the Russian embassy a AVashington with the facts. FOUND TO BE INSANE. Ttlan Who Attacked Pierce Marsha Will be Sent .to Hospital. Authorities : at ihe Nebraska insane bos pital at Norfolk have received Avord from Pierce that Carl Liesncr , the man AA'ho pierced the body of Town Marshal Crip pen , at Plainview a couple of Aveeks ago to u depth of ten inches with an old Ger man saber , and from the effects of Avhicl it Avas expected for a time that the officer count not lecovcr. has been declared in sane and will be taken to Norfolk as ai inmate 01' the hospital. He is said to have gone insane over religion. Crippen. the marshal , is getting a Ion 7 in fine s-hape and Avil ! recover. SHOT DIVORCED WIFE. Nebraska : : Then Fled and Killed .Himself When Cornered. At Aurora "Tobe" Dance the other night , after a quarrel Avith his divorced Avit'o. shot her three times and left her supposedly dying at the home of her pa rents. He iied to the country and Sheriff Keumb later discovered him hiding in a corn field. Dunce , Avheii the sheriff ap proached , shot himself tAvice , dying in a few moments. Doctors have succeeded iu removing tAvo of the bullet icceived by Mrs. Dance and it is said slit inajrecover. . Alda Post office Robbed. An Aid ; : special says : Thursday night the postollice and-store of J. W. Modes- itt were lobht-d. The robbers entered the store thiough a back Avindow and broke the safe open , securing about $ ? 00. Stamps to the value of $29 Avere dropped near a back window in the hurry to get aAvay. About $ ( ! GO in notes were found in a corn crib belonging to the Omaha Elevator Company in the morning. There is no clue to the robbers. Beet Growers Dissatisfied. A McCook special says : The dissatis faction among raisers of beets in this section isuch as to make it quite proba- Me that tlie industry will receive an ugly setback another year , unless better terms in several respects are secured from the factories , especially more liberality in the natter of receiving heets at the factory. Delay in taking them at the factory at > rcsent isu great annoyance , inconven- ence and loss to the producers. Tragic Death of a Child. The tragic. lulling of a happy little boy , ) layinir Avith his father and mother iu a 'orn field near Dorsey , is reported. Ro am ! Dean Pickering Avas his name. His 'ather and mother , because of the scarci- y of corn buskers. Avere plucking corn. L'he little fellow hid under the Avagon ind Avas caught by the wheel and mashed o death. , Sad News for Tecumsch People. Robert Smiley and Mrs. Frank LaAV- } ence , living near Tecumseh. haA'e receiv- d woid that their brother. George Smi- i y. and his Avifo were instantly killed .nd their daughter terribly injured in a ailroad accident at a little town near De voit. Micii. Fell from His Wagon. A workman in the quarries at Ilolmes- ille fell from hir Avagon seven miles east f Beatrice and was found by Dr. Doran 11 an unconsciouscondition as he was be- ig drained along the road by his mule , 'lie lines had become fancied in such a laniur as to bind tiis feet. Assault. Marion Van Camp. 14 years old. Avas rought io Beatrice from Wymore by n officer , chargedvith assaulting an 8- ear-old girl named Trowning. He was : \igod in jail aiui a complaint charging im with criminal asault was filed. ln Woman Found Dead. ella E. Dnffy. a laundress 28 years old. i the employ of Yule Bros. . Avas found ead in her room at Lincoln. She was sit- ng in : s chair Avhen found. There was > evidence of tlie use of poison. New Mcthodiflt Chnctch. A new Methodist church society has" 'en organized at Crofton. Avith a mem- jrsbip of forty-three , and preparations : e being made for ihe 'building of a new lurch : tt once. Artesia'n Flow Near Huron. At the new Great. Northern town of 1 : "iiuiebago. eight miles south of Homer , o iiitractorsvho are boring a AA'cll for the 't ' ilroad struck what apparently is a rong flow of artesian water at a depth 6c 6s . ' ( X > feet. The Avater is now flowing s the surface at the rate of twenty gai s ns a minute. C Brakemaa Killed. f II. H. PefTer. n raihvay brakeman on e NorthAvestern , was killed by the cars t ] ar Crawford. His people live at Man- . .tlg to , Minn. , and have been .tlC The problem of safekeeping publia funds in Lincoln has reached an acute stage through the introduction in the cityj council of a resolution culling upon th > treasurer to designate the banks in which ) 'he keeps the $75,000 of city funds. ' Soj far he has failed to take any action in r H spouse to the resolution , but a considers able element among the taxpayers is de-j manding that he folloAV in th'e footstep of Treasurer Mortensen by publishing monthly statement-of the depositor banks with the balance in each. The ci treasurer says that he is personalyy r g 'sponsible for the public funds , because the absence of any law authorizing use of depositories , and he does not lieve it incumbent to disclose the wh abouts of the funds , because his personal bond protects the city against loss , also turns over the interest , about $2 , having been ordered into the treasury a that account during the current year. Il is claimed that the designation of deposji tories and the requirement of a boriq would cause the banks fb refuse to interest. In answer to this reply is that the several banks in Lincoln are ( nishing big bonds to the state , and. afc present , have an average of less tha i $10,000 state money , Avhile the.y pay 2' per cent on monthly balances. * * * Assistant Superintendent Dr. H. W | Orr , of the new State Orthopedic host pital stated Saturday that there'are uo j tAvelve inmates , with many application to be passed upon. A large amount of apparatus has been secured and two ojf the rooms in the east building at tti home for the friendless have been fitted up as Avards. Several nurses are employe One day each week is deA'oted to operas lions. Two of the patients are children under the age of 2 years , each of Avhottj is being treated for club feet. They nr $ attended by their mothers , AVIO are re quired to accompany children under the- age of 2 years. One of the patients is $ 17-year-old girl. The age limit is 18 years , because of the impracticability or treating older persons for deformities ! Three applicants for. admission were frowi one family and their ages were weft 'aboA'e oO years. * * * GOAMickey has sent the following dis ; patch to Sampel Gompers , president oiT the American Federation of Labor , at Pittsburg , Pa. : ' "I cordially invite the American Feder ation of Labor to hold its next annual convention in Lincoln , Xeb. The stat'd and city will extend a hearty greeting and do all possible to mak'e the meeting here both pleasant and profitable. " The Lincoln boomers are hopeful thejr may be able to land several national con > A'entions next year. Among other gathe'r- ings Avhich are being sought for is tni National Guard Association. It is urged that Lincoln could secure the latter meet * ing if it had a suitable armory in whicb to hold the session. * * * A mild kind of oil boom is stirring the circles of business men , who are planning ; to bore in the neighborhood of the insane hospital , southwest of the city. S. Wi | Burnh'am , of Yankee Hill , a suburb oi Lincoln , has organized the Yankee Hill DcA-elopment Company , Avhich .is now seeking to induce land owners to grant options on small tracts. If this is done , Mr. Burnham promises to have machint cry on the ground within sixty days tl out doAvn a 4,000-foot well. * * # A gang of convicts in charge of a civil ian foreman from the state penitentiary is emploj'ed in constructing a cement driveway at the executive mansion. There * are six men in the gang and they Avorlc with the material as though accustomed ; to it. The old driveway was badly worn and GOAMickey was determined to have a IIOAV one A\-ithout paying the price de- manded by private contractors. * s * The vacancy on the supreme court com mission AA'hich will occur when Judge Let * ton assumes the place of Chief Justice Holcomb on the supreme bench is HOAV bo- ing sought for by several candidates , the- chief of whom are RepreseutatiA'e E. B. Perry of Cambridge , and Judge Epper son , of Clay Center , both of the Fifth congressional district , which is insisting : that the appointment ought to go to that section. * * * The authorities of the Lincoln hospital for the insane haA'e made arrangements to transfer at an early date sixty patients to the Hastings asylum. This AA'ill re lieve the congestion , which has been q serious factor in the proper management' > f the Lincoln institution , and will ma 6 : t possible to give the remaining patients- : he proper care. Of those removed twen * : y of the twenty-nYe will be AA'omeu. * $ * The state board of education will . neet at York Thursday evening , NOA23 , Fiie board Avill then accept the new Avest- ; rn normal building at Kearney , the new : hapel at the Peru normal and AA'ill prob * " ibly turn over to the contractors the Avar- -ants for the balance of the work. Th warrants had been held up by the auditos intil the buildings could be completed. * * * Gov. Mickey , who inspected the instftur. ion for deaf and dumb at Omaha , said hat he found it in good condition. H vill make , a tour of other state institu-j ions during the fall. It is his policy to isit them at intervals in order to con * er with their officials and see that They .re properly conducted. * * * The friends of James Dillon , a Sarpf Jounty man convicted of burglary io ) ctober , 1904 , and sent to the peniterii iary for three years , have applied to Jov. Mickey for a pardon. It is asserted bat Dillon has conducted himself pron * rly and has earned a pardon. * * * Members of the state board of public rads and buildings that say the inmate * C most of the state institutions will have irkey and cranberry cause on Thanks * ivmg day , despite the high price de- landed for the fowl. At some of the in- atutions the whole , or at least a partial ipply of turkeys is produced. The pnr- iases are made under special permits > r fresh meat and do not specify tb.4 tnd to be bought. Warden Beemer of ie state penitentiary has already 'en , ired into a tentative contract for enouch sese to supply the ilOO prisoners ihi , . . , . . "is iar0e wit.i Ihan - . - .Saprovendtt ,