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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1905)
j , JFT - Tnv - ; - --r- . THE CRAT. fVULTJME XX VALHNTINE. NEBRASKA. . IsTOVBMBER-80 , 1905 , NUMBER 46 49 49 , November and December 4 ? wb can expect cold weatherand 49' , 'for cold weather you must have 49 49 49 49 V Warm Furs 49 49 49 And Warm I * 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 In Furs we have a complete line of 49 49 Scarfs and Muffs. 49 49 49 49 For Men's Ladies' and Children's 49 49 49 UNDERWEAR 49 * % 49 49 " We are Headquarters. 49 49 49 Ladies' and Misses' 49 49 * ' ( * Dress Skirts 49 * -J of the latest styles and patterns , and at jj " * - fV , . - all prices. 49 / # * z . Our line of 2 > 49 S Coats and Cravanetts 49 5 ; & : " Is.still ' complete and prices are right. JJ " " " " o > ; \Vehave : a full line of Knitted Goods , If Jj . such as IScarfs ! , Shawls , Fasinators , Hoods & V ? H L ' ' for Ladies and Children. jj IRED FRONT MERC , co I > * . F H and Winter . " .School Suits for Boys , i : * ' : > ' ' and Shoes for Boys and Girls. The best for wear in the town for the money. Suits made to order. Cleaning , pressing and repairing. D CLOTHIER. - Coal HEATING , COOKING and EANGES. Good , reliable and serviceable. ' Your own selection in Cooking Utensils. - . The BIGGEST and BEST HAEDWAEE and FURNITUKE STOCK in Western Nebraska. 1 FRANK FISCHER BHSSSSSia . i. i . . - ' Oharte'red as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank . June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1002 , " 'FIRST ' NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) , : > A , General Banking ' Exchange and Collection Busiriess , 0. H. CORNEA , President. J. T. MAI , Vice-President. M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. TALK OF THE TOWN JUDGE WESTOVER HAD BUSY TIME LAST WEEK Dispenses Justice with A Sure and Unerring : Hand. Qherry county occupied a : conspicuo'us place in the daily papers last Sunday in quite a lengthy account of the criminal cases and the order issued by Judge Westover at the close of court to the sheriff and county at torney which has caused much favorable comment in our city. The criminal docket was large and speedy work disposed of it in one week most creditably. Peter La- deaux was tried for stealing horses some two years ago and found guilty. The case was reversed by the supreme court on the insuffic iency of the evidebc'e. When ar raigned this time he plead guilty , which reverses the supreme court and sustains Judge Westover and the jury that found him guilty. The judge gave him three years. Henry Pretty Eagle also plead guilty to stealing a horse and was given two years. Thomas Fielding and Charles Conner plead guilty to the charge of larceny and were each sentenced to one year in the pen. Thorne colored ex-sol Harry , a - ' dier , plead guilty to shooting with attempt to kill and also got 1 year. Wm. Craig and Wm. Rash , col ored , were found guilty of mur dering Elijah Custard , M Co. 25th Inf. , on the 17th of Sept. It was on Sunday afternoon when Craig and Custard became engaged in a quarrel in a house of prostitution run by the former and with little ceremony Craig rushed behind the bar and picked up a big six-shooter with which he struck Custard over the head , partially stunning him. Some other soldiers caught hold of the revolver to stop his further action and Craig finding the weap on securely held'took a second revolver which Bash handed him after being told to "shoot the S of a B " and deliberatly shot Custard in the top of the head , who at the time was sinking to the floor from the blow he had receiv ed from the other revolver. A complete report olj.this case would fill the paper. Enough to say that they were found guilty of murder t in the second degree and Craig sentenced to the pen for life and Bash was given ten years. : Clarence Frazier was 'tried for the murder of David Harris , a ' ' companion , at tlie same resort Frazier had tried to get a gup away from Loycl Wilson to shoot a girl who had shot at him because he demand 50c which he complain ed that she took from him. In the struggle for this gun it was discharged , shooting one man thro the arm and another bystander , Davjd Harris , in the groin and through the liver , lodging near the backbone from which he died a 'few days later. Frazier was found guilty of manslaughter and sent to the pen for four years. During these trials it developed that the keepers df these resorts were engaged in the selling of liquor and that they conducted gambling in violation of the law. Accordingly at the close of the last case Judge Westover issued an order to Sheriff Layport to make a raid on all the sporting houses , to collect and take cjiarge of all gambling devices and para phernalia which he may find. Howard Layport and H. S. Sav age were sent out in a wagon and soon returned with a wagon load from the two houses south of town. At Stratton's place another haul was made. At Price's place they arrived too late to make a haul. Someone in the meantime had giv en them a-tip and everything was cleared out before the deputies ar rived there. The order from Judge Westover also directed the county attorney to issue warrants for the arrest of violators of the law and * to prosecute them , which will be done at once , and proceed to prosecute until the violations cease to exist. It will mean a constant recurrence of prosecutions if gamb ling is not abated and if liquors are continuously sold. The duties in part of the county attoney as ' defined by the general statutes of Nebraska are hereby set forth and he should have proceeded upon this course without awating an or der from the court to perform his duty. Tlie County Attwney' * Daty. ( General Statutes of Nebraska. ) ART. 692 , SEC. 16. ( DUTIES. It shall be the duty of the coun ty attorney-when in possession of sufficient evidence to warrant the belief that a person is guilty and can be convicted of a crime , to file the proper complaint against such person , to appear in the several courts of their respective-counties and prosecute and defend , on be half of the.state ; and : county , all suits , applications or motions , civil 'OK criminal , arising under the name of. the state , in which the state or the county is a party or * * * interested. THAHKS ARE DUE JUDGE WEST9YER The tax" payers of Cherry coun ty owe Judge Westover a debt of gratitude for the way in which he presided at the term of court held last weeiv. There was a long list of criminal cases , which if pro longed , would have cost the county two or three thousand dollars , but by his prompt and wise rulings the judge disposed of them in a single week. The people of Cherry county also owe. him a.debt of gratitude for ordering the raiding of the dives in this vicinity and con- fiiscating the gambling devices and vile picture mrojuines. It is said that.many .of these devices are owned by saloon-keepers in this town. Jb is appalling that men who run these vile dens in town are not satisfied with that , but musb reach out for what money they can make and have their vile- ness spread over the county. Also for his orders to the county attorney to do his duty and see that the laws.are , enforced. It would also be a blessing if the judge would give a similar order to our county commissioners and the town board and have them do some cleaning up. When we see loads of liquor leaving town to be sold at the dives , and with the large amount that is sold throughout the county illegally , it is time that.our officials were coming to action. Yesterday I was talking with a little girl eight years old and she told me that a certain woman in this town was not a nice woman because she allowed saloon-keeper to come to her house. When things in our town become so vile that school children eight years old notice them , is it not time that our officials are waking up and do ing their duty ? The town board was elected to stop gambling , have the saloons closc.d o'n Sunday , etc. , and yet' two or three professional gamblers live here , who are said to make their living that way. It is surely time we are having a cleaning up. A TAXPAYER. We are making a little special 43 43 effort along this line. Have you 43 43 taken notice ? If not , drop in 43 43 and take a glance at our assort 43 43 ment of Novelty Stuff. * 9 49 t 49 9 Hand Bags and Pocketbooks , ft .49 49 * . ' . i ftft 49 9 Lace Collars ' .Belts ftft < 9 ftft 9 Fancy Lace Embroideries ftft 49 ft 49 49 9 Novelty Caps ftft ftft ftft 9 ftft 49 & We are also showing a nice new ftft ftft liue of Shirt Waists for winter wear. ftft 40 ftft 49 ftft 49 49 < 9 Davenport & Co. ftft ftft ftft 49 49 General Merchants. 49 TER GOODS Everything in Clothing , Drygoods , Hats and Caps , Boots and Shoes. Come and give us a chance to prove that we are selling good goods of all kinds cheaper than anybody in this party of the country. Yo tint for Goud n find C/ietip Price * , MAX E. V1B.R TEL Dealer in Everyf.hiitty. ' i A JL J 9JLa & J ? ; . ' . .j . * | * * You don't have to wait B for us to flag a delivery. WQ have our own aindf MAKE PROMPT DELIVERIES' " W.A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. FRED WIIITTEMORE , Pres. CHARLES SPARKS , 'Cashier. J. TV. STETTER , Vice 'Pres. ORAH L. BRITTOX , ' Ass't Cash. . * § Valentine State Bank , no CD o 2 Valentine , Nebraska. . . - O s s Capital Surplus 0 $25,000 , $2000. ; - , H 3 * Persons seeking a place of safety for their 'money' , will profit by investigating the methods employed ih our businesls. CONFECTIONERY . Suited to your taste. Canned Goods. Lunch Counter. § Are now at their best and All youwant to 'eat at our we handle , the best grade. . t . . .Lunch Counter- . . . . Home Bakery