Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 23, 1905, Image 7

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Mothers Should Watch the Development of Their Daughters-
Interesting Experiences of kisses Gorman and
Every mother possesses information
is of vital interest to her young
| Too often this is never imparted or is
. 'Withheld ' until serious harm has result"
ied to the growing girl through her
ignorance of nature's mysterious and
rwouclerful laws and penalties.
I Girls' over-sensitiveness and modesty
often puzzle their mothers and baffle
( physicians , as they so often withhold
.their confidence from their mothers
and conceal the symptoms which ought
to be told to their physician at this
'critical period.
j When a girl's thougnts become slug
gish , with/headache , dizziness or a dis
position to sleep , pains in backer lower
limbs , eyes dim , desire for solitude ;
> 7hcu she is a mystery to herself and
Iriends , her mother should come to her
.aid , and remember that L 'tlia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound will at
'this time prepare the system for the
doming change , and start the menstrual
iperiod in a young girl's life without
tpain or irregularities.
Hundreds of letters from young girls
'and ' from mothers , expressing their
gratitude for what Lydia E. Pinkham's
vegetable Compound has accomplished
Jfor them , have been received by the
'Ijydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. , at
Xynn , Mass.
: MissMills has written the two ol-
llowingr letters to Mrs. Pinkham , which
! will be read with interest :
I Dear Mrs. Pinkham : ( First Letter. )
I 4'Iam but fifteen years of ago , am depressed ,
. have dizzy spells , chills , headache and back-
E , Finliham's Vegetable Compound Mafces Sick Women
is the amount that many
farmers will realize from
their wheat crop this year
will be the average yield cS whea !
The land that this was grown en cost many of
the farmers absolutely nothing , while those who
wished to add to the 160 acres the Government
grants , can buy land adjoining at FROM S8
TO SIO AN ACRE. Climate splendid , schools
convenient , railways close at hand , taxes low.
For " 2OttB Cerstui y Canada" pam
phlet and fall particulars regarding rates , etc.
Pjilvfo info inntion'intvnd ntof IraniIg a-
tion , O tnwn , Canada , or to K. T. Holme816 Jackson
Kt. . Sl.Paul.M'im. . nnd , T. 31. McLachJun , Box 116 ,
M'utertovrn , So.Dakotu , Authorized G overnmeat Agouti
P.3CE9 say where you eavr this advertisement.
W. L. Douglas $4.00 Gilt Edgo Line
cannot be equalled at any price.
REWASD to snycno who can
disprove this statement.
W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes have by their ex
cellent style , easy fitting , nnd sapcrior\vcarinn
qualities , achieved the largest talc of any $3.50
hoe In the world. They are just as good a3
those that cost j-ou $5.00 to 57.00 the only
difference is the price. If I could take you into
my factory at Brockton , IMnss. , the largest in
the world under one roof making men's fir.o
hoes , and show you the care with which every
pair of Douglas shoes is mads , j'ou would realize
why W. L. Douglas S3.50 shoes ore the best
hocs produced In the world.
If I could show you the difference between the
hoes made in my factory and those of other
makes , you would understand why Douglas
$3.50 shoes cost more to make , why they hold
their shape , fit faettsr , wear longer , nnd ere of
greater Intrinsic value than any other $3.50
shoe on the market to-day.
W. L. Douglas Ste-ang Waz/o Shoca for
Man , $ S.SO , $2.&O. Boys' Schv.'Off &
Dress Shoes$2.5O , $2 , $1.7G$1. O
CAUTION. Insist upon havinc ; W.L.Doug
las shoes. Tako no substitute. Xono genuine
without his name and prico stamped on bottom.
"WANTED. A shoe dealer in every townwhere
W. L. Douglas Shoes arc not sold. " Full lino of
amples sent free for Inspection upon request.
fast Color Eyelets used ; they will not wear brassy.
Write for Illustrated Catalog of Fall Styles.
IV. JL. DOUGH&S , Brockton ,
* UT
,6 GO
QM tha Great English Remedy1) )
Safe , Sure , Effective. 50c. & SI. ,
DnUQGISTB , or S3 Ileary St. , B.-ooklyn , N. Y.
, B.C.
utes Claims.
* r D.B. reunion Bureau.
HEXTlO-Tltl3 WKU wnmr * TO
ache. And as I have heard that you can gir
helpful advice to girls in my condition , 'I ain
writing you. " Myrtlo Mills , Oquawka , 111.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham : ( Second Lottpr. )
44 It is with fiie feeling of utmost gratitude
that I write to you to tell youRhat your
valuable medicine has done for me. When I
wrote you in regard to my condition I had
consulted several doctors , but they failed to
understand my casp and I did not receive
any benefit from their treatment. I followed
your advice , and took Lydia E. Pinkbam's
Vegetable Compound and am now healthy
and well , and all the distressing symptoms
which I had at that time have disappeared. "
Myrtle Mills , Oquawka , HI.
Miss Matilda Borman writes Mrs.
Pinkham as follows :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham :
" Before taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound my monthlies were irregu
lar and painful , and I always had such
dreadful headaches.
" But since taking : the Compound my head
aches have entirely left me , my monthlies are
regular , and I am getting strong and well. 1
am telling nil ray girl friends what Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has dono foi
me. " Matilda Boraian , Farmingfcon , Iowa.
If you know of any younggirl wha
is sick an'ci needs motherly "advice , ask
her to address Mrs. Pinlcham at Lynn ,
Mass. , arid telllier every detail of-her
symptoms , and to keep nothingback. .
She will receive advice absolutely free ,
from a source that has no rival in the
experience of woman's ills , and it will , if
followed. prt her on the right road to a
strong1 , healthy and. happy womanhood.
Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound holds the record for the greatest
number of cures of female ills of any
medicine that the world has ever
known. Why don t you try it ?
A Valublc
"Peter , " said u grocer to his clerk , "I
o\ve about § U,500.
"Yes , sir. "
"I have about $4,000 in the safe , but
the shop is empty. I think it is the
right time to fail. "
"Yes , sir , " said the courteous clerk.
"But I want a plausible pretext for
my creditors. You have brains , and I
wish you'd think the matter over to
night. "
The clerk promised to think it over
carefulljOn entering the shop next
morning , the grocer found the safe open ,
the money gone , and in its place a note
which ran as follows : "I have taken the
$ -1,000 and am off to South America. It
is the best excuse you can give your cred
itors. "
Bat Found n Cure After Fifteen
Years of Suffering ; .
A. II. Stotts , messenger at the State
Capitol , Columbus , O. , says :
"For fi teenyears _ _ I had kidney trou- "
bles , and though .1
doctored faithfully ,
could .not find a
cure. I had heavy
backaches , dizzy
l iclaches and ter-
nole urinary dis
orders. One day I
collapsed , fell in
sensible on the
sidewalk , and then
wasted away in
bed for ten weeks.
\fter being given up , I began using
loan's Kidney Pills. In a couple of
months I regained my old health , and
now weigh 1SS pounds. Twelve boxes
did it , and I have been well two
years. "
Sold by all dealers. S50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co. Buffalo , y. Y.
Both Expired.
The charge was one of keeping a dog
without a license , and the defendant
evinced a tendency to interrupt the evi
dence. He was sternly hushed , but
eventually his turn came. The c erk of
the court turned to him :
"Do you wish the court to understand
that you refuse to renew your dog li
cense ? "
"Yes , but "
"We want no buts. You must renew
the license , or you will be Cued. You
know it expired on Jan. 1. "
"Yes , but so did the dog. Do I have
to renew hiait too ? "
Mr * . "Wbwlow's Boonnia BTmcp for GUlarsa
teething ; loftcnt th ffnnu , rwdneta in&amaition , V
Uji pain , corea wind colic. S3 cents a bottli.
Thought It Blackmail.
The Bibliomaniac ( showing his
treasures ) Here is a book that cost
inc $15,000.
The Society Man You're an easy
mark , I must say.
The Bibliomaniac ( warmly ) Easy ?
Why , I was ready to pay twice that
sum for it.
The Society Man Great cats ; what
sort of a past have you , anyway ?
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
. / * / ; ,
* - ' ' . ' . _
> -u > J.i > * ; -J& - v-
f _ > _ * . . , .wv ? ; & ; rj ? , j& . - , , wvft %
Hyde Say * Trust Company Paid
Ex-Gov. Udell $73OOO.
.Tames H. Hyde in his testimony be
fore the' insurance Investigating com
mittee in New York Tuesday practic
ally charged cx-
Gov. B. 13. Odell
with having black
mailed the Mer
cantile Trust Com
pany out of $75-
000 in settlement
of his suit to re
cover losses grow
ing out of the
shipbuilding com
bine tangle. Mr.
' " ' "
"TuTnViiyDr' Ode11 b5ld 5nvcsted
rather heavily in
the shipbuilding bonds. Mr. Hyde ac
cused Edward H. Harriman , Mr.
Odell's friend , with having advised the
payment of this mone } ' . He testified
further that Mr. Harrimau bad used
the Equitable's money in the notorious '
$50,000,000 Union Pacific blind pool tor
the purpose of facilitating bis control
of that road , and that the railroad
magnate , together with Henry C.
Frick , conspired , by means of the
report of the Equitable'sselfinvesti
gating committee , to obtain control of
the Hyde majority stock.
Mr. Hyde also said that the society
contributed $50,000 to the Repub- i
lican national committee in the last '
campaign $25,000
through the solici
tation of Mr. Frick
and that during
the year Mr. Frick ,
Mr. Harriman , Ja
cob H. Scbilf , Sen
ator Depew and
others used their
influence to have
him appointed Am
bassador to France
and thus get him B. u. ODELT. .
out of the country.
Edward II. Ilurriman , appearing as
a witness before the Armstrong legis
lative committee , flatly contradicted all
the sensational accusations made
against him by James Hazeu Hyde.
He denied that he had advised the set
tlement of Gov. Odell's * shipbuilding
suit against the Mercantile Trust
Company for $75,000 ; he denied tiiut
he had ever warned llydc that the
Mereantile's charter might be revoked
through powerful political influence at
Albany ; he denied , in fact , that lie
had ever taken the initiative iii any
way in the negotiations for the set
tlement of the Odell suit.
Ex-Gov. Odell charges .Tames IT.
Hyde with "uttering a base calumny"
on the witness stand. Odell denies iie
forced settlement of his shipbuilding
trust suit by threats to cause repeal of
'Mercantile Trust Company's charter.
He admits , however , he favored a bill
to repeal that charter , because * it form
ed so many corporations that failed.
United States Senator Denew testi
fied that Equitable trustee accounts
were hidden from him. He wants law
to prohibit campaign contributions.
James Hazen Hyde , who was the
chief witness Tuesday before the in
surance investigating committee , is the
son of the founder of the Equitable ,
Henry B. Hyde , and was born in Xew
York City June G , 1S7G. He was bred
at Harvard , whence he graduated in
1SOS , and in November of the same
year entered the service of the Equi
table as second vice president. Five
mouths later lie was elected vice pres
ident , and upon the death of his father
became one of the trustees of his es
tate. He is a director in over a score
of corporations and belongs to several
Frank Rockefeller , the youngest and
least known of the oil king's brothers ,
has the hobby of training wild animals
at his home near Cleveland , Wickliffe-
Gen. Booth lias no money and relies
on a small legacy left him a few years
ago. He draws no money from the Sal
vation army and wears one suit of
clothes a whole year.
Ian Maclaren , who is just leaving the
Liverpool church where he has been
minister for a quarter of a century , has
been making a collection of his sermons
as a sort of farewell volume. j
Dr. Marcus Fitsherbert Wheatland , a
colored physician of Newport. R. I. , is '
recognized as New England's leading
specialist in electro therapeutics and the
X-ray. In early life he was a shoe
maker , r
Henry B. F. Macfarland and Henry " .
L. West , two of the three commissionj j
ers of-the District of Columbia , are re- j
spectively sons of editors who went to {
Washington and took positions on For- '
ney's Chronicle , once a leading morning "
paper at the capital.
Thomas A. Edison declaresThat Xe\v
York is too noisy for him and prefers
the seclusion of his New Jersey work
shop. He says : "I can't stand New
York. You are too glaring and noisy
over here , one of the chief reasons be
ing that you are using so many of my
contrivances. "
A grandson of Gen. Shrapnel , who in
vented in 1891 the missile that has cut
such a figure in the Russo-Japanese war ,
is endeavoring to obtain from the Brit
ish government a part of the $30,000
spent by him for the benefit of ] his coun
Joseph Ramsey , Jr. , who is in the pub-
lic eye through his fight for control of
the Wabash , does not look like a fighter
and impresses oneas being much less
aggressive than he is , but on provoca
tion is said to be able to declare his con
victions and opinions , personal and im
personal , in a most euiuhatic manner-
I Colonel Arthur L. Hamilton ,
of the 7th Ohio Volunteers , 259
Goodale street , Columbus , O.f
i writes : "As a remedy for ca
tarrh and stomach trouble I
| can f uUy recommend Poruna. "
Mrs. Hamilton , wife of the
gallant Colonel , is an ardeat
f friend of Poruna also.
' /A
Practical Arithmetic.
A teacher received the following
from a complaining parent a few days
ago , says the New Zealand Graphic-
Sir : Will you please for the futuro
give my boy some eesier somes to do
at nites. This is what lie brought
home two or three nitcs ago : if fore
gallons of bore will fill thirty-to pint
bottles , how many pint aiul half bot
tles-will nine gallius till ? Well , we
tried and could make nothing of it all ,
and my boy cried and sed he wouldn't
go back without doing it. So I had to
go and buy a nine-gallon keg of bore
which I could ill afford to do , and then
we went and borrowed a lot of wine
and brandy bottles , besides a few we
had by us. Well , we emptied the keg
into thebottles _ and ther were nineteen ,
and my boy put that down for an an
swer. I don't know whether it is right
or not , as we spilt some in doing it.
P. S. Please let the next one be
water , as I am not able to. buy any
more bere.
Deafness Cannot be Cured I
by local applications , as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There is
only one way to cure deafness , and that Is
by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is
caused by an inflamed condition of the mu
cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling
eound or Imperfect hearing , nnd when It is
entirely closed , Deafness is the result , and
unless the Inflammation can be taken out
and this tube restored to its normal condi
tion , hearing will be destroyed forever :
nine cases out of ten are caused by Ca
tarrh , which is nothing but an inflamed con
dition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness ( caused by catarrh )
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars , free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O.
Sold by Druggists , 7."e.
, Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
A Mere Supposition.
"Children are a poor man's blessings ,
you know. "
"Yes. I suppose it's because he
doesn't send them to college. "
"Wa'al , " remarked Farmer Korntop ,
just returned from avisit to the me
tropolis , "New York's a big place , but
in one way 'taint so * big as this hj-ar
town of Rub en vi lie. "
"Dew tell ! " exclaimed Jay Peters.
"Ya'as , sir ; why , the place is so
dinged small they hev ter build the
houses rightspang up agin one anoth
er ter git 'em all in. " Philadelphia
For Infttnnt Relief and Speedy Cure
of Raw and Scaly Ilnmor , IJcliiin ?
Day nnd Xljjht for Many Months.
"I do wish you would publish this
letter so that others suffering as I have
may see it and be helped. For many
months awful sores covered my face
and neck , scabs forming , which would
swell and itch terribly day5 and night.
and then break open , running blood
and matter. I had tried many reme
dies , but was growing worse , when I
started with Cuticura. The first appli
cation gave me instant relief , and when
I had used two cakes of Cuticura Soap
and three boxes of Cuticura Ointment ,
I was completely cured. ( Signed ) Miss
Nellie Vander Wiele , Lakeside , N. Y. "
Open to Argument.
Still , it is often impossible to tell
whether the life insurance director or the
life insurance policy holder is the greater
dummy. Atlanta Journal.
Two bottles of Piso's Cure for Con-
wumption cured me of a terrible cough.
Fred Hermann , 209 Box avenuo , Buffalo.
X. Y. , Sept. 24 , 1901. ,
His Busy Season.
The Judge What was your idea for
breaking into the house during the dar ?
The Burglar I had another engage
ment for the evening , your honor.
Ir. Dnvld Tvcnnedj' Fnrorltc Kemcdjthe Grcnt
Klcney and .Liver Cure. U'orld Furaous. U'riife Dr.
Koaaody'B Sons , Rondont. N. Y. . for free sample bottle
Tom ( at the reception ) That young
widow is acting rather kittenish to-night.
Jack No wonder. She spent the sum
mer in the Catskill mountains. Chicago
Many a lonesome nnd expensive
trip to Florida , California or the
Adirondacks has been saved by
the use or
the best cough cure. If this great
remedy will not cure the cough , no
medicine will , and then all hope
rests in a change of climate but
try Kemp's Balsom first.
Sold by all dealers at 25c. and 5oc.
from head to foot ? Can't work
today , but tomorrow you can.
is the Od-Monk-Curc !
will soften and htal the
muscles while you sleep.
Conquers Pain
Price , 25c. czxcl * > Oc.
Midi n bs& ! cr yellow for all kimfc
of vrjt work. On jals everywhere.
Look for the 5in of th : Pish.tnd
UK nune TOWER on Ih : tuttcns.
A J TOWLS ca. : : Tc < .Miny A.
TOW tit CIXOI&X C5.i-I. . T3CHTO.el
troubled with ilia peculiar to 2
their sez , used as 2. dcucbo iz maryelously suc
cessful. Thoroughly cleanses , kills disease germs ,
etops discharges , iisals inflanm.itioa and local' '
Pardne is in powdsr form to be dissolved in pur * ,
trater , and is fir more cleansing , healing , cerciiodaf.
end economical tlan liquid antiseptics for all
For ale at druggists , 50 cents a box. '
Trial Dos and Book of Instructions Free.
6. C. N. U. No. 4.7 i 90S
a ®
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Uso
In time. Sold by druggists.
I-won't soil Anil-Qrlplne to a dealer Tirhowon't Onnrontee Ii
Call for your MONliY BACK 2F IT BOJESN'T
L lY.Diemer.M.D. , Manufacturer ,
fhW ( T1 1 T * 'K FT H8 1 ? " * " 2T
sr Rale 1 en Million Boxes a tf ea
A Full
You have no right to suffer from constipation or any stomach trouble. There is no necessity or excuse for it ,
There is one positive , natural , harmless cure and only one for these troubles and we are going to give you
enough free to prove it.
Cut out tha coupon below and take it to any druggist in the United States and he vrill give you absolutely free of
charge a full sized 35 cent bottle of
the only permanent , natural cure for constipation and all bowel troubles and indigestion and all stomach troubles.
135 . 11255
Take this Coupon to your druggist and he will give you a. regular full size 350. bottle of Mull's Grape Tonic
absolutely free. Remember , we give only one bottle to each family. If you can find a druggist who does not keep
Mull's Grape Tonic , send us this Coupon , together with name and address of the druggist , and we'll see that your wants
are supplied.
I solemnly swear that I have never taken Mull's Grape Tonic , that I will apply for bat one free bottle and that I
will take.this bottle myself for constipation and stomach trouble.
POLL'S OH&PE TG iG CO. , Makers .Patieut. sign jour uaine here.
21 Third Ave. , ROCK ISLAND , ILL. Address , street and number here.
TO . THF RPTflJl 8iKn J"our name and address en TO THF IfJRRFR * . Yon wlh please accept this coupon If tae
tbe line b-lOTr and sead thief nil IU inc-JUUUta.
same Is properly signed , and give : o the re
coupon to thu jobber of whom you purchased this remedy , and tailer buying the remedy from you. 35 cents In cash or trade for
lie mil eive you S > cents In cash or trade for each coupon , prop- came. Sign your firm name and address and forward all coupons
rrlv signed , vrlilch you send him. All Jobbers bare the:5c. : and to us at any time you like , andwo will remityou in full by rturn
U.UCI siios. TUB $1.00 bottlo contains nearly 6 times the SSc. size. mall. 35 cents for each coupon properly signed by tha consumer ,
retailer and yourself.
UoutU Druggist , bign your name hero. Jobber , sign yocr zzumc here.
Tour address here. Address here.
Color nicre coeds bricStcr 2nd fcs'.cr ertors than cny other dye. Oce lOc package colors all fibers. T&eydyete cold water better tlian any other dye. Yco
any oartaeat wlibout rippiofl Write for free Swokkt-How to Dye , Bleach and Mix Cctors. MOWROE "Dli VC CO. , VniomiHlf.