Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 23, 1905, Image 1

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    * V.
. .
' * .
W f 49 49 With November and December
49 49 we can expect cold weatherand ft
49 49 for col d weather you must have
49 49 49 49 49 Furs !
49 49 And Warm
& *
m43 k. . In Furs we have a complete line of
43 Scarfs and Muffs.
4 ?
ft *
43 43 For Men's Ladies' and Children's
43 43 UNDERWEAR ft ft * *
43 43 We are Headquarters. ft ft * *
43 ft *
43 ft *
43 43 Ladies' and Misses'
ft *
43 43 43 Dress Skirts ft ft * *
S of the latest styles and patterns , and at
49 * all . w
prices. ft *
4 ?
ft *
49 49 , Our line of ft *
49 49 Coats and Cravanetts ft&
| Is still complete and prices are right.
? We have a full line of Knitted Goods ,
* j such as
Scarfs , Shawls , Fasinators , Hoods
J | for Ladies and Children :
Fall and Winter
School Suits for Boys ,
Shoes for Boys and Girls.
The best for wear in the town for the money.
Suits made to order. ' ; Cleaning , pressing and repairing.
Good , reliable and serviceable.
Your own selection in Cooking Utensils.
FURNITURE STOCK in Western Nebraska.
Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank
June.l , 1884. August 12 , 1902 ,
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
OABITAL PAID IN . > / " ' A General Banking
Exchange and
Collection Business.
' C. H. COBNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President.
M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. *
V-i > i
) it
Wm. Morrissey was in town
Tuesday. 4
Mrs. C. Berryman has been on ;
a visit at Garner , Iowa , with B.
Don't fail to hear Prof. Searson
lecture Friday evening , Dec. 1st ,
at the M. E. church.
Mrs. Catherine Callen has gone
to Rutland , 111. , to spend the win
ter visiting relatives.
Eugene Fry and Wm. En low
are in town this week from the
west end of the county.
A. J. Wolfenbarger , a promi
nent attorney of Lincoln , was in
town Monday on business.
Wm. Brown , Sr. , has been very
sicK at the Union hotel the past
two weeks. His son , William , of
Crookston was down to see. him
Monday. N
Mr. and Mrs. Thaddus Jelly
came up from Sparks yesterday ,
staying night in town. Last
night Mrs. Jelly joined the Royal
W. E. Case , of Pullman , was in
the city Monday. He expected to
be a witness in a case which was
dismissed but had business here
and came just the same.
It is impossible to mention all
the people who are in town this
week attending court and other
business , but suffice it to say that
the town is pretty well filled up
and the court room has been well
filled .
Sttrs. "Louise Eansbottom of
Lima , Ohio , arrived here Thurs
day to visit her brother , C. W.
Cramer and family , a part of whom
she has not seen for 28 years , but
md seen Mr. Cramer once during1
ihat time.
Quite a number of Valentine
people spent Tuesday evening of
ast week at Ft. Niobrara as guests
of the Niobrara Social Club at
their initial function , held at Gor
don hall. Dancing was indulged
in , an excellent program being
rendered by the 25th Infantry
C. R. Theunert and wife arrived
n our city last Thursday night
and are visiting with his half
jrother , Webb Hilsinger , and
family. Their home is in St. Louis
and they are spending a few weeks
visiting , having stopped for a time
with another brother down at Her
man in Burt county.
Lem. B. Parker's scenic sur
prise , "The Hand of Man" is the
offering at Valentine Opera House ,
Tuesday , Nov. 28. It is said that
thrilling climaxes and sensational
scenes abound , which keep the
audience in a state of excitement
from the rise to the fall of the last
curtain. The play deals with the
many incidents of life in the great
metropolis , and Mr. Parker has
woven an interesting storyaround
the many characters which make
New York the most cosmopolitan
city in the world.
Al Thacker and family returned
from their visit in Missouri last
Friday morning. His brother-in-
law , Lines Gheens , and daughter ,
Miss Birdie , came with them and
may decide to stay in this country.
Al expects to go to work for Mr.
Peyton and drove out a team from
town with a load of coal and grain
which Mr. Peyton was expecting
a hired hand to attend to , but hav
ing been trusted with § 30 by Mr.
Peyton to purchase a load of grain
the young fellow put the team in
the Club feed stables and pulled
out of town , presumably , as lie
had not been heard from since.
Born , to Capt.Shaw and wife ,
Tuesday , Nov. 21 , 1905 , a girl.
A Bazaar and Chicken Pie Sup
per will be given in Church's hall
Dec. 13th by the Ladies' Aid So
ciety and Epworth League of the
M. E. church. Further announce
ments will be made later.
M. N. Allen and wife came up
from their home near Norden last
Friday and visited a couple of
days with "W. T. Bishop and fami
ly. Mr. Allen is thinking of sell
ing off some of his stock and make
preparations to spend next sum
mer in the west with his father
and mother and a brother who
, lives in Boise City , Idaho.
A W. C. T. U. social was held
in Bethel hall Tuesday evening
which was well attended , there
being such a crowd as to make it
hard to get around. One of the
prominent * features was a baby
show. A dozen babies were on
exhibiton and the whole crowd
voted their choice for the prettiest
and the most popular bady. The
votes were pretty well scattered
but Mrs. Mai Jeffers' baby was
declared the prettiest and John
Simpson's baby , which is being
cared for by Mrs. Bivens , the most
popular. It was a. jolly crowd and
the social was in the nature of a
fair or rummage sale in booths , al
so candy , popcorn , coffee and eat
ables at a lunch counter. Mrs.
Moon was in charge of the baby
SIFrs. Dora Yiola Pcttycrew
! > 3 ? s of Typhoid Fever.
Dora Viola Fowler Pettycrew
was born in Calhoun county , la. ,
Sept. 24 , 1886 , came to Cherry
county with her parents , Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Fowler , three years
Liter , and , when almost a young
lady , the family moved to Great
Falls , Mont. , returning a year
ago last spring and again took up
their residence in Cherry county.
During the time the family lived
in Great Falls , Mont. , Miss Dora
improved the opportunity of at
tending school and secured a good
education and took up stenographic
work in which she became an ef
ficient operator , and , upon her re
turn to Valentine , worked in W.
E. Haley's office for several
months previous to her marriage
to Clyde R. Pettycrew , which oc
curred Sept. 7 , 1905. Her subse
quent death on Nov. 15 , 1905 , was
due to typhoid fever after a short
illness , though-she had not been
feeling well the past summer and
only took to her bed the last two
weeks of her illness.
A large crowd collected on short
notice to pay their last tribute of
respect to the little girl that we
knew in childhood and was ever as
a ray of sunshine , a flower in
youth and beauty , plucked by the
cruel hand of death. Why should
it be ?
She leaves a husband , her father
and mother , brothers and sisters
and a hundred relatives , alt of
whom loved this little girl almost
as their own lives. They weep
for her and mourn her departure
from their midst. There are no
comforting words in occasions like
this. A father's .joy , a mother's
pride , a husband's companion has
been rudely taken away from them.
Let us hope that some time we
may understand God's ways and
be prepared to meet our loved
The f uiicral was held at the
house of R. F. Pettycrew where
the young couple made their home
and interment was made in the
cemetery a mile north of this home.
Rev. Parsons conducting the ser
< N We are making a little special
effort along this line. Have you
taken notice ? IE not , drop in ft *
4 ? and take a glance at our assort
ment of Novelty Stuff. ft *
ft *
ft *
ft *
| Hand Bags and Pocketfoooks , ft ft * *
Lace Collars x Belts ft *
? ft
Fancy Lace x Embroideries ft ft * *
ft *
| Novelty Caps ft ft ft * * *
ft *
A * * < * & < * *
- - -
We are also showing a nice new
line of Shirt Waists for winter wear.
ft *
ft *
ft *
4 ? ft *
ft *
ft *
49 General Merchants. ft *
49 ft *
Everything in
Clothing , Drygoods , Hats and Caps ,
Boots and Shoes-
Come and give us a chance to prove that we are selling good goods
of all kinds cheaper than anybody in this party of the country.
Yours for Good Goods and Cheap Prices ,
Dealer in Everything.
yJLfJLSL&J ! SJlJl JlJStfcJlSlfc
i \ s f * f
JlJStfcJlSlfcEi UVER
You don't have to wait for us to flag
a delivery. We have our own and
a 3 > w i cr 5 ? 3 > .t ii , P.M CHABLES. SPAKKS , Cashier.
. W SDJErcSS. Vica Pres. OKAH Ii. BHITT03ST , Ass't Cash.
Persons seeking a place of safety for their moneyvill profit by
investigating the methods employed in our business.
Suited to your taste.
Canned Goods Lunch Counter.
Are now at their best and All you want to eat at our
we handle the best grade. Lunch Counter
Home Bakery