svety * , . , si. < - ' Sr * ' % - t , ' ! fc * J ? VN- VOLUME XX VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. NOVEMBER 16 , 1905. NUMBER 44 i 43 * ? 4 ? 4 ? 4 ? 43 43 43 43 43Boy 's 2 Piece Suits , Brown , Gray and Blue & Mixtures neatly tailored - $3.50 43 43 Youth's Suits , 43 In Fancy Mixtures 3 piece , 43 the 87.00 , $8.00 and § 9.00 & § 7.00 43 kind at - 43 43 43 43 Men's Suits , toto 43 In Solid Colors ; also Fancy Tan , 43 Blue , Brown and Black Mix 10.00 to 43 tures all wool Prices . 43 ftft 43 ft 43 Our Suits and Overcoats equal Clothes ftft 43 43 made by high priced merchant tailors. ftft ftft 43 Exclusive in style , dressy and becoming ft 43 43 ftto 43 to IRED 43 Fall and Winter of Boys , and Shoes for Boys and Girls The best for wear in the town for the money. Suits made to order. Cleaning , pressing and repairing. CLOTHIER. HEATING , COOKING and RANGES. Good , reliable and serviceable. Your own selection in Cooking Utensils , The BIGGEST and J3EST HARDWARE and FURNITURE STOCK in Western Nebraska. FRAN Chartered as a State Bank Chartered , as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 , SaFIR ! Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID IN A General Banking Exchange and Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NicaoLEON , Cashier. Tji jSEjg TALK tSS District court will be in session next Monday in Valentine. We noticed Geo. D. Huggins of Norden in town yesterday. Cyrus VanMeter called at this oflice yesterday on business. L. K Russell , representing the C. N. U. called on us yesterday. Good music all evening by the Fort orchestra next Thursday at Church's hall. We hear that our friend Lee Shepard has rented the Bowers' residence. Wonder why ? Mrs. Gertrude Brown is here from Garrison , Neb. , visiting her folks , Mr. and Mrs. Moon. Joe Sweeney was down from Enlow precinct last week on busi ness and stayed to see the official count of ballots. We enjoyed a pleasant visit from Easmus Anderson , Rosebud's popular hotel man , last week while he was down here. Notice the official count of votes in this paper and clip it out , past it on a piece of card board and keep for future reference. Frank II. Parks and Miss Grace Z. Wcrdell , both colored , were married in this city Tuesday , the Rev. J. W. Morgan officiating. E. B. Quible came down from Merriman last Friday night and was here Saturday at the official count , as was also Mr. Armstrong ' of Cody. Mr. McLaughlin , a pleasant gentleman representing Miller & [ Paine of Lincoln , had a display of ! furs at Mrs. Elmore's three days ! this week. Win. Lee and wife of Brown- lee visited several days in town last ' .veek. Mrs. Leo is a daugh- tor of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Camp bell of our city. Shepard Bros , have put a big'c sign upon their livery barn which mases an attractive addition to the new front which they have recently built. Lee Shepard , a brother of Jas. F. Shepard' who has been here from Antelope county on a visit the past couple of weeks , has re turned to his home. You will miss a treat if you do not take supper at the lunch coun ter or buy some home made candy or a chrysanthemum. Come and enjoy the music by the Post or chestra. Capt. O'Neill and wife have recently [ returned from a western trip , taking in the Portland fair and visiting many places of inter est on the western coast. They enjoyed their trip. Julius Raurer and wife and boy came down to Valentine Tuesday and the following day Mrs.Raurer and her son , who is M years old , went down to Grand Island where the boy will attend school. Mrs. Shattuck was called to Kentucky about ten days ago to see her daughter and grandson who were vey low with diptheria. In a recent letter Mrs. Shattuck reports them getting better. J. M. Ralya called at our office last Friday while in the city for building material and men. He is making substantial improve ments on his land that he and his family have taken up on the Snake. Mrs. John Dressier came up from O'Neill last Sunday and is visiting her husband who is at work on the new passenger depot which is nearing completion now , the slate roofing being put on and is ready for the finishing work. Chrysanthemum sale and "Feast of Pumpkins" at Church's hall on Nov. 23. U. G. McBride came down from Rushville the first of the month and is helping in the Chicago House. Herman Riege came to town last Saturday with a sore eye which he had examined by the doctor who took a splinter out of it. Mr. Riege stayed in town several idays to doctor and felt much bet ter. Dave Dunn dropped in for a so cial chat Monday morning while ! he j was in town. He tells us that .Mrs. Dunn is able to sit up and is slowly recovering. Mr. Dunn has changed his mail from Britt to Valentine so as to have it carried up and dropped in his box beside the road as the mail goes pa st his lip use and he will thus have the benefit of daily mail from Valen tine. SCHOOL iNOTES. R 1 Marsarete Quigley , Dy I Clara Dunham. I Cecil and Mae Barnes have gone home for a short visit. 'Andrew Galloway was out Mon day on account of sickness. Winifred Keeley has returned to school after a week's absence. The second primary grade is quite interested in the study of the 'town maps. The seventh and eight grades wi-1 soon b gin a special work in 'picture study. School will close on December 22 ; , for the two weeks vacation during holidays. The fifth grade changed from Baldwin's fourth deader to Cyr's fourth , last week. The eleventh grade has taken up Lancelot and Elaine by Tenny son in the Literature class. The tenth grade students are struggling over the originals at the close of the first book ia geom etry. etry.The The children in the second grade are very much interested in the book , "The Garden Behind the Moon" by Howard Pyle. Minnie Hornback has quit school and gone to teaching. She has a school noar Brownlee. We wish her success in her new work. Swiss Savage of the eight grade has been absent some time on ac count of sickness. We hope she will soon be able to be in school again. As Professor says , we derive as much good from a poem or a piece of literature as we put into it. How necessary it is then that we should put our very best into this study. Some of the children in the first primary room were made happy by Miss Kortz sending them certi ficates for punctuality and regular attendance during the months of Sept and Oct. School will close on Wednesday before Thanksgiving and will not begin until the following Monday , on account of General Teachers' Association which is to be held the 1st and 2nd of December. DAYBREAK. , lirst beam of the sun , Said to eicli : iiy : everyone , "Come ! Get uf ! and uie away For tliib is the coming or the t\n \ y. " It touched the woo.lbird ou thevincr. . And snid "uwake. 0 bird sui'l sing " Tt wliispiMpil t > tiie fioMs of com , "Bow dov.'ii and hail the coming morn. " So on it sped and far away And told each one of the coming day , It crossed the churchyard with a sigh , And said "not yet ! in quiet lie. " lie.V. B. I We are making a little special ftto toto effort along this line. Have you toto toto taken notice ? If not , drop in toto and take a glance at our assort toto ment of Novelty Stuff. toto OF Hand Bags and Pocketbooks , | Lace Collars x Belts g Fancy Lace Embroideries Novelty Caps 2 * & A i * We are also showing a nice new c& | line of Shirt Waists for winter wear. & 4 * General Merchants. o L A I I n § 5 5 6 I 2 BaM Everything in Clothing , Drygoods , Hats and Caps , Boots and Shoes- j Come and give us a chance to prove that we are selling good goods 11 of all kinds cheaper than anybody in this party of the country. 5"Kr. . j'sy Goad &oils uaitl Cheap jPi'lcetff TUT A V ! v ? TTT ? * O T ! CT ? T CllOOKSTOJi lfJLf2L & . VlJciXLi.XUij NEBRASKA in JE very thing. 21j S/ C-/ aui1 L ® \ * v You don't have to wait for us to flag a delivery. A\re have our own and MAKE PROMPT DELIVERIES. O5oj 0 ? W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. Y Y3 ry8YSY rYs CHAKIiES. SPAKKS , Cashier. . W. 3P3Ir3 3 Pras. OHAH L. BRITTON , Ass't Cash. Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by investigating the methods employed in our business. r * Suited to your taste. Canned Goods Lunch Counter , Are now at their best and All you want to eat at our we handle the besfe grade. Lunch Counter flome Bakery u _ _ iM