Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 02, 1905, Image 8

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    ' * - ' - -
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MoHttily Meteorological Summary ,
Valentine , Nebr. MONTH : September , 1905.
NOTB : "T" Indicates trace o precipitation ; " " below zero ; "PC" partly clrudy.
JOHN J. McLEAN , Observer Weatber Bureau.
Mutual companies pay lssea in full ,
discount I. M. Ky'K.
Absolutely Pure
A Cream of Tartar Powder ,
free from alum or phos-
phatic acid
Down The River.
Mr. Shelbourn went to town with
hogs Monday.
Mrs. Grooms and son were in
town Saturday.
Potato digging is the chief occu
pation in these parts of late.
Mrs. Burner has been in poor
health the past week but is better.
The social at Harmony was well
attended and a fine time reported.
Mrs. Jelty spent Sunday at Mrs.
Shelbourn's and also called on Mrs.
School opened Monday morning
in Kewanee in charge of Miss G.
Mrs. Nollett is still very sick , the
doctor being called out again last
Miss Kortz , the county superin
tendent , visited the Prairie View
school last week.
Messrs. McKenna and Newman
were in these parts recently after
cattle for Mr. Eornby.
Frank Grooms and John Shel
bourn , Jr. , expect to attend Grand
Island college this winter.
As this is the time of year that
cattle herds break up , all those who
have herds are pleased.
The oft repeated statement that
a Jap will fight for 24 hours on a
ration of two or three beans and a
sip of tea has been explained by the
statement that the bean is not one
of the common variety but a veg
etable often a yarJ in length and
large enough to fill a quart measure.
A single bean makes a meal for a
hungry ploughman.
Penbrook .
Qnills. r
We usually have six weeks of
flood weather After the first cold
* .
Squaw winter comes earlies than
common this year.
Potato crop is short in this vi
cinity , although * almost everyone
has euougb for his own use.
These snows are hustling the
people to get their cattle home
from the herds. Messrs. Tillson
and Sorby brought theirs in the
first of the week.
Geo. Davis and Will Seaman
were stuck with heavy loads of
lumber on a down hill pull on the
hill south of the Kake ranch bridge
over the Niobrara.
D. A. Hancock returned from
his trip on the reservation Satur
day. He was rounding up and
hunting stray cattle. We under
stand Mr. Hancock has near a 100
head of cattle missing.
Miss Olive Bliss will have a box
social in district No. 28 on Friday
night , Nov. 3. A good program
is promised. Instead of selling
the boxes , the young ladies will be
shrouded in sheets and pillow cases
and sold for supper partners. The
proceeds will be used to purchase
a teacher's desk.
The weather is "agin" the young
folks dancing in the new school
house in the Hutchison district , as
it has snowed on each night ap
pointed for the dance. Despite
the storm there were ten couple
out and danced until midnight and
then went to B. L. Graddy's and
had an oyster supper last Friday
I feel constrained to ask what
girls wear gold rings with their
hands grimy with dirt and finger
nails in deep mourning ? Or rib
bons and laces around their necks
and their ears rimmed with black ?
Or swear about their teacher and
make dirty rhymes about her if
offended at her ? Take a look at
yourselves girls and remember
others see and hear too. And Oh
girls I S.hame ! Shame !
Last Saturday Will Graddy met
with a serious and very painful
accident. While out coyote hunt
ing with a party of friends , the
dogs overhauled a coyote and in
the fight the wolf seized a dog by
the leg. Graddy ran up to kick
the coyote loose , and at the same
instant Dave Archer shot at the
coyote. The ball passed entirely
through Graddy's foot , lodging in
the shoe sole. Mr. Archer took
him immediately to Ffc. Niobrara
to have the wound properly
dressed. EAGLE.
Contractor and Build-
er in Brick or Stone
Valentine , - Nebr.
For Sale Good 6 room house
and lot on Hall street , good stable.
Inquire at this office.
, .
Land Office. Valentine. ,
> ept-mber22 1905 f
Notice ihereby giwn that the following
named .seitler has filed notice of her intention
o'niake llsial proof la support of ) ier claim. a > i < i
hat said proot will he made r-efore the JKe-ister
ndKeceiverat Valentine , Nebraska , ou No
vember 9.1905 , viz :
Dora May Rice.
formerly Dora May Davis. H. E 14.916 for the
H' NKJi , Sec. 8 , and W&NWjf Sec 9 , Tp 29n.
It. 27w.
Shu names the following witnesses to prove
: er fontluuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land , viz : Nell Hanna.Bernie linkbam.
b'rel ( 'umbew of Woodlake , and Charles Peddl-
cord of Simeon.
376 Register.
_ _ _
Order of Hearing and Notice on Pe
tition for Settlement of Account.
To the lehs and to all person * interested in
the tst t ot Peter W. Frudt-n. deceased :
un reading the petition of George B. Pruden
praying a flnal s-ettiement and allowance of his
account filed in this court ou the 23th day of Oc
tober. 1U05.
It is hereby o dered that vou. and all
persons interested in said matter , may , and
do , appear at the County Court to be held in and
for satd county , o. ; the llth day of November ,
A.D. 11)03 at 10 o'clock a in , to show cause , if
any there be , why the prayer ot the petitioner
should not be gran'ed , and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and that ; the hearing
thereof be given to all persons interested in said
matter by publishing ; ! , copy of ihis order in the
Valentine Democrat A weekly newspaper print
ed in said county , for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
) OB. * r ' 21 3 W. B. TOWNE ,
1SEALf County judge.
Order of Hearing and Notice of
Probate of Will.
In the County Court of Cherry County , Ne
To the heirs and tc all persons interested in
the estate of .Tared Farnham , deceased : un
readiig the petition of EratJ Fan.ham , pray
ing that the instrument iilea in tin * Court on the
17th day of Oitobwr , 1905 , and purporting to be
the last will and testament ot the said deceased ,
may be proven and allowed , and recorded as the
last will and testament of Jared Farnham ,
deceased ; that said instrument be adiuitted 10
probate , and the administration of said esta'e
bo granted tMary M. Aspmall and Era Farn
ham as executors.
It is hereby ordered that y > a and all persons
interested in said matter. HI ay , and do appear
at the county court to be held in and for said
county on ihellth day of NovemberA.D 1903. bt
lo o'clock a , m. , to show cause , if any there be ,
whv the prayer of the petitioner should not be
grantedami that notice of the pendency of said
petition and that the bearing thereof be given
to all persons interested i-i said nutter by puo-
lishing a copy of this or i T in the Vilentiue
Democrat a weekly newspaper printed in said
county , for three successive weeks prior to said
iay of hearing.
Witness my hand and the seal of said court
ibis 18th day of October. A D 1903 ,
v 41 3 County Judge.
OnlyDouble Track
Jtailroml Itvt.ireeti Jflintttntri Iticer
antl C/iicnr/o.
Direct line to St Panl-Jlinneap-
Direct line to Black Hills.
jto itearfttt agent for rate *
and time cards.
Great Northern Line
at O'neill , Nebr.
Going East , Going West.
Leaves 10:10 a. m. Arrives 9:50 p. m
Passenger , daily except Sunday.
Connections with Elkhoru trains east and
west-bound from all points west of O'Neill
Shortest route to Sioux City and beyond ,
Through connections fr Sioux Falls , MInne
apolis , St , Paul and all points north and west
Huy local 0 kets to O'Neill.
Sioux City .Iowa
PerCwt. Per Ton.
Bran , sacked § 85 § 1600
Shorts , sacked 95 18 00
Screenings , sacked 60 11 0 (
Chop Feed , sacked 1 50 20 00
Corn , sacked 90 . 17 00
Chop Corn , sacked 95 18 00
Oats , sacked 1 40 25 00
The Great Want Ad Paper.
If you want to sell your farm ;
horses or business ; or buy some
thing or you want help of any
kind ; put a "want-ad" in the Oma
ha World-Herald ,
This paper is known as the great
"want-ad" paper of Nebraska ,
publishing almost as many paid
"want-ads" as any three other
Nebraska papers combined.
The World-Herald gives splen
did returns to its "want-ads , " and
its rates are low.
For one day only , the charge is
li cents a word. For two or more
consecutive days , a cent a word
per day. For one month § 1.60 a
line of 6 words. All "want-ads"
cash in advance. Have your an
swers come to the World-Herald
if you like ; no extra charge.
The orld-Herald's net circula
tion is 35,500. 396
K-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription ,
Tor mankind
The 5-cent package s enough for usual occas-
sinns. Tbe family bottle ( GO cents ) contains a
supply for a year. All drugtfiJts ell tbwa.
Postofflce address
Cody , Nebraska
On left
side. Hor
ses left
Range north
Cutcomb Lake
Garner Brothers.
Cody , Nebr.
Anywhere on cat
tle. !
Horses on left
Ran yeNortb
F. T. Brackett
RIege , Nebr.
Brand Registered
0 1490
" Brand right side
Horses same oc
right shoulder
Range , Niobrara
6 miles south of
J. W. Stetter ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Otherbrands :
Horses branded :
, < or + on
lelt shoulder ; E-O left thlcb. Range on
Boardman , Gordon. Snake and Sand Creek.
Sawyer Bros.
Postofflce address.
Oasis , Nebr.
G. K. Sawyer has
charge of these cat
tle Horses DjJ } on
left shoulder. Some
stock 0V1 leftside
left igeon Snake
Roan Brothers
Woodlake Neb
John Roan's
pi ivate mark. slit ,
in left ear
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
* tirtlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P
Clias 0 Jdinison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part of anima !
also the following
brands :
horses branded th *
Range betweet
Gordon on the F.E
&M. V.R. R. atic
dyaunis on B , & M. R. K. in Northwcsterr
Nebraska. Address , BARTLKTT RKJHABDH
Ellsworth , Nebraska.
R M Faddis& Co.
Postofflce address Valentine or Kennedy.
Some brandet
left tbigl
Horses on
left shonl- |
Som < on richt thigh or shoulder.
Gordon , Nebr.
Cattle branded
same as cut on
Horses .
branded ?
on left '
, Range < 5 miles
south of Irwin.
P H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
* > Cattk branded
as cut on lef c side
" " "on left Jaw of
V horses.
Range on Gordoa Creek north of Simeon ,
Sandy Williams.
Merriman , Nebr.
Mostly on left
side. Some on
right side.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Lake
Creek , S. D.
0. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , SD
Horses and cattle
same as cut ; also
CJ BE JJ OB right
Rane on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
bearing any of these brands.
A , Benson
Address Arabia
Range North of
Niobrara river.
I have buyer for Nebraska farms.
If you want to sell , list with me or
write for particulars. 47
Heist Bldg. Kansas City , Mo.
Cody. Nebr.
Cattle branded
on left side.
Horses J3 on
left Jaw.
Range Between
the Niobrara and
Medicine Lake.
N. S. .Rowley
Kennedy , - Nebraska.
Same as cut on lei * .
3ide and hip , and on
left shoulder of hor
ses. AlsoBSSSi on
left uide
F -L on left si < ie
i cat
tle brand-
fd husk-UHHflU ng peg ( either side up ) on
left side or hip. p on left Jaw and left shoulder
of horses , yj
yjQ on left hip of horses.
on left Jaw of horses
Chi Psi Cattle Co.
Edward Lewis , foreman.
Wood Lake , Nebr.
Cattle branded a
in cut on right side.
Range ; 6 miles east
of Simeon on'Cronin
C. W. Bennett
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
with 7 on left hip
also same as cut
Range between
Gordon and Snake
creeks and on the
Niobrara river
Postofflce address
Cody , Nebraska
On left side of cat
tle ; horses O right
Rango , north and
south of Niobrara
verl2-miles south
est of Cody
George Heyne
Cody , Neb
Brand registered
No 1027
Horses branded on
left shoulder
Ranee north and
south of Cutcomb
Lake in Cherry Co
Albert Whipple & Sons
Rosebud , S , I ) .
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on riehtside
Some cattle also
have a - fon neck
Some with A on
left shonlder and
some branded
with two bars
across bind quar
ters. Som ? Texas
cattie branded S O on left side and somej
on left side.
Horses branded SOS on left bin. Some cattit >
branded AW bar connected on both sides and
l ft bin of
Postofflce address
King , Neb ;
Cattle branaed as on
cut ; horses branded
same as cattle except
reversed S.
See block
Range Steve
and Stephenson
Lakes and South
3300 reward will be paid to any person for in.
formation leading to the arrest and convict-
of any person or persons itpalinir oattl wltb p
D. A. Hancock
Marshall , Mo. or
Simeon , Nebraska
Cattle branded on
leftside asoacut ;
also 16 on left side
with on left hip of
some cattle ; also S46
on right side. Horse
brand , rake aud 16
on left shoulder or
hip. Z on left Jaw
Home ranch on
Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east of
Fort Niobrara ; all In Cherry County. Nebraska.
Postofflce address
Hyanms , Neb
On right side
on left
also cattle
on right side
Range 16 miles
north of
C. H. Little.
Merriman , Nebr.
On either side
Horses same on
hip. Also
Range Lake Creek
G.H. Seagcr
Postofflce address
Codv , Neoraska
Cattle branded as on
cut on left side , hip
and shoulder ; horses
Range , Snake Creek
Pat Peiper
Simeon Nebr.
F.V. . Jersig
Valentine , Nebr
Cattle branded ? s
shown { in cut on
left side , loin or
R-znge between the Gordon and Snake
ourh of the Niobrara river
Cattle braadeiJ
on leftslie-a.i-
out , 8-lnch boi
and2 < 4-lnchclrel
Brand registered
left ahc
der. _ , _ -
Incbc circle. lin
box. Registered 876. Bange--6 alles south
Irwin on Niobrara river.
Kobert Qaisenbery
Postofflce address
Simeon , Nebr.
'A left hip on
Y cattle.
Horses same on
right shoulder.
Range on Snake
Postofflce address
Cody. Nebraska
On either side cattle
herdmark loft ear
clipped and rteht ear
split ; harses o.-anded
isame on left shoulder
mge on Niob-ar
d Medicine Canyon
D. Stinard.
Valentine , Nebr.
State Brand reg
istered 1554.
Cattle and horses
branded same as
cut on left hip.
Range 2 miles
east of Ft. Nio
brara ,
Parmelee Cattle Co.
Ro ebud.S , D ,
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
with stripe under
Horses branded
; lelt thigh ,
Range on Soldier creek.
Metzger Bros. ,
King Neb
Cherry Co
Branded on left
side and thigh.
Earmark , square
crop right ear
Horses have
same brand on
left thigh.
Range on Gor
don and Snake ,
A. Rc.trard of $ 5O will be paid to any
nrson for information leading to the arrest and
final conviction of any person or persons steal
ing catlle with above brand.
Jos. Bristol
Valentine , Nebr.
Range on Nio
brara river four
miles east of Ft.
Horsos and
cattto branded
nB connected oil
left hip or side as
shown in cut
Postofflce address
Hyannis * Neb
Branded on lelt ilda
Range eighteen miles
north of Rvannis
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on right side
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any Information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
J.F. Swain
Sparks , Nebr.
Cattle bran ded on
ft side as shown
n cut.
Range South
of Sparks o a Nio
brara river ,
C. E. Wright.
Valentine Nebr.
Brand registered
No. 374.
Brand anywhere
on right aide.
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Catlle branded
asoncutleft side
dome oa left hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Square
W. E. Haley
Valentine Neb *
Brand registered
No 200
Range in Sharps
Ranch and German
precincts 6 miles
south ofKlIgore
J. B. Lord
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
same as cut back 9f
right shoulder and
on right hip
Range on the